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Page 6

by T. L. Reeve

  “Oh, I implemented some new rules. One, to keep PBH off the radar, is no unsanctioned missions. If I find out there are, well... You’ll have to wait and see what happens.”

  The evil grin on the boy’s face chilled the rage burning in Jefferson’s gut. In the year since he first met the last remaining Geithner, beside Bodhi and Hayden, Adrian had grown into his own. Though he still appeared naive about a few things, he had a ruthlessness to him. In the long run, without someone guiding him, it could backfire on all of them.

  “I don’t need to hear about it. The less I know, the better off I am.”

  Keeley grabbed the tablet she gave Jefferson then sighed. “I swear, all of the men in this pack/pride are going to kill my electronics budget.”

  "Sorry." Jefferson winced. "I didn't realize I'd done it until it was too late."

  “I’ll let it slide this time,” she teased.

  Jerome headed for the door. “I’ll do some digging as well. Call in a few favors.”

  “I suppose we should go find Charisma and Penelope. I’m more than sure they’ve seen the reports.”

  “Don’t,” Kalkin said. “Let them process it then talk to them. If I’m learning anything with my kids as they’re all getting older, it’s the ability to realize on their own, their parents have sex.”

  Rapier nodded. “Nothing like them asking about cats yowling in the middle of the night or other things. Like why daddy is in his big cat form in bed with mommy.”

  “TMI, asshole,” Kalkin muttered.

  "At least we didn't put locks on our doors." Rapier gave Kalkin a droll stare.

  Kalkin flipped him off. “Hayden had no boundaries. And... there were extenuating circumstances we’re only finding out about now. So, shut it.”

  Rapier held up his hands. “I’m just pointing out we’ve all been there. Shit happens and parents fuck.”

  "Now that the birds and bee's conversation is over," Jochi said. "I think we should be getting back to our house. I am sure any minute Jefferson will be receiving phone calls from other members of Congress wanting to confirm or deny the photograph in that paper."

  Kalkin stopped them by the door as they started for the exit. “I’ll keep you posted. I know this sucks, but you’re with us now. Those fuckers are in for a world of hurt. Just give us time.”

  “I will.” For now. Later, when Jefferson went back to D.C., he’d unleash hell upon all those who thought they could mess with his mate and their family.

  “Deny it,” Adrian said. “It’ll fit the narrative I’m going to build. When the retraction comes out, you’ll be the injured party. It might even save you a trip for the hearing as well.”

  “See,” Kalkin said. “Told you the kid was worth it.”

  Chapter Five

  Like Jochi predicted, Jefferson’s phone blew up by the time they started back to their new home. While Jochi drove, his mate fielded calls from friends and foes looking for some kind of answer to what they were seeing plastered all over the internet. None of them cared about Jefferson being single or a widower. None of them cared if it was consensual. They were only concerned about how it would affect their reputation, not his.

  With each passing call Jefferson fielded, the man sank lower into his seat. Jochi realized the minute they became mates, their life would be changed forever. However, he hadn't expected this and maybe, because of where they were, he should have. People, humans, in particular, were such picky, prudish beings. Sex was meant to be done behind closed doors and not talked about. Add in it was two men and oh boy... Some people lost their ability to reason, even though homosexuality had been around for a millennium or more.

  As they pulled into the driveway, Jefferson threw his phone into the cup holder beside him. He rubbed his eyes and turned his head. All of the age regression Jochi witnessed over the last several months since they’d been mates, disappeared. Jefferson was haggard—beat down by those stupid enough to latch onto some grainy photograph taken through nefarious ways by people who’d want to hurt Jefferson, instead of getting to the truth.

  “Come on, old man,” Jochi said, shutting off the vehicle. “Let’s go inside and wait this out.”

  “I should have prepared better. I’ve been so caught up in you and the idea we finally won, I left us vulnerable.”

  Jochi held up his hand before getting out of the car. “Not here.” He didn’t want to have the coming conversation outside in the open. They were safer in their house. Jefferson followed behind him. His steps were slow and despondent. The weight the world thrown from his shoulders only twenty-four hours ago, landed squarely back on them the minute the article went live.

  Once they were inside, Jochi went straight to their bathroom and started filling the tub. Jefferson needed to take his mind off of everything and allow his family to help him for a change. Maybe with a soak and some relaxation, Jefferson could still his troubled mind. When Jochi returned to the kitchen where he left Jefferson, the man sat at the table with a beer in hand. The Senator loved his hard liquor when he’d been in social situations, seeing him with a beer in the middle of the day, surprised Jochi.

  “What’s this?”

  Jefferson lifted the bottle. “Drowning my sorrows.”

  Jochi narrowed his eyes. “Won’t work.”

  “Nope.” He took a swallow of his beer. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, bèndàn.”

  He blew out a breath. "In for a penny, in for a pound." He took another drink of his beer. "I feel weird." Jefferson frowned. "Not my normal self. Like... something inside of me wants to come out, but doesn't know how maybe? It might be the stress or, Jesus, I sound like a mental case. Pfft. Something trying to come out.”

  Jochi furrowed his brows. “Interesting turn of a conversation.”

  “It’s been bugging me for a long time now. If I keep thinking about those assholes who hacked the security camera and took the picture, I’m liable to kill them,” Jefferson muttered.

  “Come with me.” Jochi held out his hand. “Perhaps with a long soak, your mind will unlock what you’re experiencing.”


  Jochi lead Jefferson to the bath he’d prepared when they arrived. While his mate stripped off his clothes, Jochi added a few drops of lavender extract to help ease Jefferson’s anxiety. His mate slipped into the water and groaned as his eyes fluttered shut. The scent of something dark, potent, and dangerous wafted from his mate. The aroma slammed through Jochi, turning him on while also causing his leopard to roll over in submission. Curious. Jochi inhaled again. In the time it took to process the scent the first time, it was gone, replaced by the lavender and what he’d considered Jefferson’s smell—sandalwood and spice.

  He knelt by the side of the tub and grabbed the sponge sitting on a small shelf ledge. Jochi dunked it into the water and began washing Jefferson’s chest. As he glanced down, Jochi tilted his head. He teased Jefferson about his dad body mercilessly, though he enjoyed it thoroughly. Jefferson wasn’t overweight or too muscular, he just was. Now, staring at him as he sat in the tub, Jochi noticed the subtle changes to his mate’s form. There was more muscle there. His mate was leaner. Tighter. Plus, his dick...

  “See something you like?” Jefferson peered up at him through lust-filled heavy-lidded eyes.

  “This isn’t about me.” Jochi squeezed the sponge out over his mate’s shoulders and watched as it ran down his chest.

  “Why do I smell you? Why do you always smell so good? Why do I want to bury my face in the crook of your neck and breath you in every chance I get?” Jefferson wrapped his hand in Jochi’s braid and pulled him close. “Why do I feel like I’ll go insane if I don’t bite you and mark you.”

  Jochi’s breath came in soft pants. He’d never seen Jefferson like this before. Never smelled anything like him either. It didn’t make sense. Jefferson was human. Not a shifter. Yet, the more they sat nose to nose, Jochi began to wonder, what if. “What does this stirring feel like?”

  “I feel chained.”


  Jefferson nodded. “Held back and if I’d just let go, I’d feel better.”

  “When is it at its worse?”

  Jefferson’s gaze locked with his. “When I’m buried deep inside of you coming so hard, I lose my mind.”

  Jochi gasped. Yes, estrous for mates was bad. More so for the shifters who were with humans. There were some felines, though rare, who could shift into their cat forms and fuck the anxiousness out. Those who could, usually the Alpha, also had the ability to barb their mate, giving complete control over to their animal until the beast was satisfied. But this... What Jefferson was saying... “What do you need from me at this moment?”

  “You, riding my dick, until whatever this is comes out, and I don’t feel so out of control.” Jefferson’s edgy tone denoted just how nervous and worried he’d been, surprising Jochi.

  “Do you think that’ll work?” Jochi stood and stripped off his clothes. “Sex? Or do you feel out of control because you have none right now?” He slipped into the water, groaning as the warmth encapsulated his body.

  “Both,” Jefferson tugged Jochi to him. “I think.”

  “Do you want to bite me, bèndàn?”

  “Yes.” He stroked the area where Jochi’s neck and shoulder met with the pad of his thumb. “I want everyone to see it. It makes my chest ache and my dick so hard and I could pound nails.”

  “Really?” Jochi wrapped his palm around Jefferson’s cock and groaned. “Must be painful.”

  “It is. Don’t fucking toy with me right now,” Jefferson snarled.

  “But if we’re trying to get whatever it is lurking within you, out, shouldn’t I?” Jochi stroked him. The thick length in his hand twitched hard and Jefferson let out a moan of satisfaction as he began to cum. “So quick, bèndàn.”

  “Don’t want to talk about it,” Jefferson muttered. “Don’t stop though.”

  "Wasn't going to." Jochi climbed into his mate's lap then let the water out a bit—they didn't need a messy floor once they were finished. He positioned his rear at Jefferson's tip then slowly sank down on his mate.

  Jefferson hissed. His head fell back against the tub as he rolled his hips, sinking deeper into Jochi. “This feeling. Right here.” He held onto Jochi while they rocked together. “This... like I need to come so hard I can’t pull out.”

  Jochi stilled. “Say that again, bèndàn.”

  Jefferson’s eyes flashed open. The raw unadulterated hunger and arousal swirling in his mate's grey eyes smacked Jochi in the chest. "Like I need to come so hard, I can't pull out?"

  “Then let’s give it a try, shall we?” Jochi gave him a wicked grin. “Let me guide this.” He wrapped his arms around Jefferson’s neck. “I don’t want you to chase the feeling. Let it hang out in the peripheral. Perhaps if you relax into it...”

  “Okay.” He stared at Jochi for a minute. “What are you thinking?”

  “Well, if this works, you’ll see.” Jochi began to move. He took control of the situation allowing Jefferson to sit back and enjoy.

  He couldn’t say he didn’t see the writing on the wall. Maybe he’d been blinded by the idea of finally claiming his mate. Maybe he wanted to push it aside and not think about it. The signs were there though. The aggressiveness. The way Jefferson kept them connected long after they were spent.

  “Tell me what you feel,” Jochi whispered.

  Jefferson groaned, lifting his hips to chase Jochi’s strokes. “Hot. Tense. I can’t get enough. I can’t feel you enough. I can’t...” He cursed under his breath. “I feel like I am being ripped in two.”

  “Does it feel good?”

  “Yes. So, fucking good.” Jefferson buried his face in Jochi’s neck.

  “Is the sensation there?”

  “God yes. I feel like all of my nerve endings are centered in the head of my dick. Even my sac tingles.” He sucked on the sensitive skin of Jochi’s neck. The desperate sound that fell from his mate, turned Jochi on.

  He lowered his hand into the water and gripped his cock, pumping his fist with each thrust. Jochi shivered. If he was correct in his assessments they were in for a wild time, but he didn't say anything yet. He'd have to talk it over with Kalkin and maybe Danielle since she was the one who had the ability to figure all of this out.

  “Jochi,” Jefferson murmured. “I can feel it. It’s building.”

  “Don’t pay attention to it, bèndàn.” He ran his fingers through Jefferson’s hair. “Stay right here with me. Don’t force it.” Jochi turned his head. “When you’re ready, mark me.”

  Jefferson's fingers dug into Jochi's hips. His thrust became hard and demanding, taking the control out of Jochi's hands. Instead, he clung to Jefferson, trying desperately to keep up with him as they both chased their orgasms. The grunts and groans coming from his mate spurred Jochi on.

  “Now, my mate. Now,” he whimpered, shuddering in Jefferson’s arms.

  Jefferson bit down as he slammed into Jochi one last time. The second the warmth of his mate’s release filled him, he let go, coming just as hard. He tightened around Jefferson and his mate felt bigger inside of him than normal while he continued to throb through his orgasm.

  “There,” he whispered. “I can feel it. This... I can’t describe it.”

  “Does it feel good?” Jochi nuzzled him.

  “So good. But, don’t move.”

  He laughed. “Never, bèndàn.” As he stared down at Jefferson, he realized he’d have to talk to Kalkin sooner rather than later.


  Jefferson stepped into the clinic attached to the orphanage with Jochi by his side. Danielle sat at her desk with a small bundle in her arms. When his phone rang while he and Jochi were still in the tub, he’d been surprised to hear Danielle’s voice. What surprised him more was her need for them to join her at the office.

  She glanced up at both of them and grinned. The small grey blanket in her arms had been partially closed, so Jefferson couldn’t see who or what she cared for. “I’m glad you could join us.” Her soft voice had remained husky since the accident over ten years ago. “Like Kalkin told you when you were at the house, I have a unique case.” She opened the blanket and revealed a small clouded leopard. “We’ve tried everything. He won’t shift.”

  Jochi gasped. “How old?”

  “From his size, I believe only a couple of weeks,” she answered. “He was brought to us in a box. I have no clue where he came from or how he got here. He’s underweight and super shy. I've tried to socialize him, but he wants nothing to do with others. I thought maybe because you're a snow leopard, Jochi, you could help him?"

  Jochi sat beside her and held out his hands to her. Danielle placed the small bundle in his arms. “Oh my, he is tiny.” He pulled back the corner of the blanket and two little blue eyes peeked out at them. He stared at Jochi then Jefferson and let loose with the smallest of meows. “Bèndàn...”

  Jefferson chuckled. “He sure is cute. How does Jochi help him?” He looked to Danielle who had a small smile on her lips.

  “You’ll see,” Danielle said.

  Jochi placed his palm to the small kitten's chest then began whispering to the cub. The little bundle began to wiggle then gave a startled cry before a warm, bright white light burst from him. When it dimmed, a baby boy began to kick his legs and shake his fists as his face scrunched up and a sob of fear mixed with anger rang out in the room. Jefferson laughed. Jochi had told the little boy's secret.

  “Well, there you are,” Jochi whispered. “Yes, yes I know. Horribly mean of me to show your true form.” He kissed the baby’s forehead and brushed the tuft of wheat and black colored hair back. “You’re right, he is too small.”

  “I’ve seen small babies before,” Danielle murmured. “Aidan is one and Asher is the other. This little boy is in good company; however, he needs round the clock care.”

  “Why are you telling us this?” Jefferson continued to stare down at the little boy as
he settled into Jochi’s arms.

  “Isn’t it obvious, bèndàn?” Jochi glanced up at him.

  “Wait.” Did she really want them to take the child? “Are you saying...” No. They didn’t have anything. He was too old. He hadn’t cared for a baby since Charisma and Penelope. Then there was the scandal waiting for him back in D.C.. He came up with every excuse he could think of for why it wouldn’t be a good idea to bring a baby into their home. Yet watching Jochi connect with the tiny baby, how could he also say no out loud?

  “I need your help in return, Danielle,” Jochi said, not taking his eyes off the baby.

  “Oh? What can I do for you?” She folded her hands on her desk and leaned forward.

  “It’s not for me.” Jochi stood then pointed to the chair. “Sit, Jefferson. It’s your turn.”

  Jefferson blinked. Confusion filled him. “Uh...”

  “Please, sit. I have a feeling I understand you better now and why some things are more... Intense.”

  Jefferson slipped into the chair and frowned. “I really don’t understand.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Jochi said, not in a mean way, but his tone had been filled with sadness. “Danielle, please do your magic. I want to see if you sense what I do.”

  “Well, I guess if this is going to be the let’s be vague game, I’m in.” She gave Jefferson a reassured smile. “It won’t hurt. You’re really anxious right now, and I understand, just relax. Close your eyes and think of nothing.”

  Easy for her to say. He had too much to think about including a baby he hadn't been prepared for. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. At first, he didn't feel anything, then a deep warmth filled him. It spread through his body and, when it startled him, the shock was soothed away. It was eerie. It left him unsettled but calm. He relaxed when he should have been alert. None of it made sense until he felt—It. The thing inside him. The sensation of whatever brushing against his mind. To him, it was a black ball of electricity. The more he probed it, the farther it retreated into his mind and so, he'd given up on it.

  Now, with Danielle doing whatever Danielle did best, the black ball returned with a vengeance. It pulsed to life deep within him. The blue core brightened as its blackness expanded, melding itself with each limb of his body, coiling its inky tendrils around his bones, and fortifying them along with the tendons. When Jefferson concentrated on what was happening to him, he could visualize it being absorbed into his muscles, his blood, and his organs. He sucked in a breath startled by what he saw, but again, Danielle was there, easing his fear, replacing it with peace and tranquility.


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