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A Dragon's Mark

Page 5

by Dahlia Rose

  “Honey I was watching too, it’s called foreplay,” Jeff said with a wink.

  “Okay, ewww to that,” her father said and sat a platter full of sandwiches on the table. “None of that talk at the table. Caye, you’re eating, you skipped breakfast and one of you two go get Aki.”

  “I’m already here.”

  He was standing at the door, his long braid was undone and the dark hair was blowing from the breeze coming inside. He had a towel over a bare shoulder but sweat still glistened on the rippling muscles of his body. Stop oogling him, she chastised herself and looked down as her father put plates on the table.

  “Caye, get the lemonade from the refrigerator. I added fresh mint from the herb garden out back,” he added with pride.

  “You need your own cooking show,” Jeff said with a sigh. “No one cooks like you anymore.”

  “I haven’t eaten like this when I’m in the house, I usually survive on snacks and I buy take-out food,” Aki said.

  “With a full herb garden outside and this kitchen, that’s sacrilege,” her father said, outraged. “Go get cleaned up and come eat.”

  “Cop Cooking, that could be the name of your show, you could wear your gun holster while you make soufflés.” Dale grinned at his idea.

  “Oh geez,” Caye said.

  Aki smiled at her as she got the pitcher of lemonade and her heart skipped a beat. She didn’t return the action and he walked out of the kitchen without another word. He returned a few minutes later, dressed more casually than she was accustomed to. He didn’t wear the high color vest with no sleeves but a T-shirt. The loose Asian-style pants were replaced by blue jeans.

  “You actually own American-style clothing?” Caye asked.

  Aki sat. “I’ve lived all over Asia studying martial arts in my thousand years of life. I find their clothing more comfortable and better suited for fighting but yes, I do have jeans and I even own sneakers.”

  Jeff choked on his drink. “Did you say you’re a thousand years old?”

  “Almost one thousand and one,” Aki grinned.

  Dale whistled. “Put me down for whatever diet you’re on.”

  “He said that Paladin makes the human aging process decrease, you should vacation there,” Caye teased.

  Both Dale and Jeff looked at Aki with hope in their eyes.

  “You are my friends now, I shall show you my home,” Aki said. He raised a finger. “No pictures, no speaking of it, nothing… Orin will be more than surprised when I show up with four humans in tow.”

  “Who’s Orin?” Jeff asked.

  “My king,” Aki said. He took up the stack of pictures from the middle of the large table. “Are these the photos you took?”

  “Yes, I blew up the photos to show as much of the people as possible. We saw two sets of people at two different locations that were allegedly abandoned.” Caye took a bite of her sandwich. As usual her father had done an amazing job with the meal.

  “I’m still mad that you went off half cocked,” her father pointed at her. “I should ground you.”

  “Said no father ever to his thirty-three year old daughter,” Caye snapped. “I’m grown, Dad, and here I was just going to tell you how amazing this panini is. I’m not complimenting you now.”

  “Yeah, whatever kid, those could be transients who are looking for shelter,” her father said. “And I don’t need your compliments, I know I cook like a dream.”

  “These are no homeless people,” Aki said grimly and everyone stared at him. He dropped one photo to show men dressed in black looking a little dirtier than usual. “These are Shen and in this old factory there could be anywhere from fifty to three hundred in the nest.” He dropped another picture. It was of men in red cloaks with hoods. “These are Caretakers of Paladin. They watch the portals and have access to the palace. Why would they be in the earth realm? They are forbidden to travel through from our side to this. To have them here is highly suspicious.”

  “So they could be the traitors,” Caye surmised.

  “Only one way to find out, we have to hit both places simultaneously and see what we dig up.” Her father grinned. “Time for some SWAT tactics, if we do both at the same time they have less chance of destroying evidence and warning anyone else.”

  Aki nodded. “I need to call Hawke and get more of our people here. You guys will stay here…”

  “Oh, the hell we are!”

  “You must be out of your mind.”

  “We’re in this too, buddy.”

  They all spoke simultaneously and glared at Aki for trying to cut them out. Caye could tell by the twitch of his lips he wasn’t worried about their anger. If he wanted them to stay, he could probably force them to.

  “Humans, you have so much bravery in very fragile bodies,” Aki said.

  “We also have guns,” her father said.

  “And we’re all proficient and licensed,” Jeff added. “A sword is good and all but sometimes a bullet works just as well.”

  “The authorities of Seattle will never know of this,” Aki warned. “If you come and you’re hurt, my guilt will be a stone around my neck.”

  “What’s one more stone, right? You wear them so well,” Caye said and he looked at her sharply. She met his gaze with defiance.

  Still looking at her, his eyes dark and stormy with emotion, he spoke. “Very well, you can be there when we go into the nests. After lunch I will go call Hawke and explain what we have found and to put the castle on high alert for caretakers without them knowing. We do not know how many are involved with this. But it explains Maion’s size, if they are stealing our females for breeding, they are making bigger, stronger, more intelligent Shen and that is a very dangerous thing.”

  “How many dragons will arrive?” Caye asked.

  “More than likely five, along with me that makes six, and my band of fearless humans,” Aki said. “It will be a few days before they arrive so we need to keep surveillance on both places.”

  “Dale and I can take one site,” Jeff said.

  “I can go with you and Caye,” her father said.

  “Bradley, how about you come with us? I mean Aki is tactical and all ninja-style-grrr in case something happens and we need you for the same reason,” Dale said. Caye gave him a narrow-eyed look, knowing exactly what he was doing. But he met her gaze innocently. “I mean, you’ve planned more than one sting and if we get into a pinch we’re going to need your input. I’m sure Aki can keep Caye safe.”

  “I can manage to keep her secure,” Aki said.

  “Yeah, you’re right I’m with you guys. Can’t have y’all going in unprepared,” her father said. “Caye, you listen to everything he says and keep your head down, Caye bear.”

  Her dad called her naïve but he fell for Dale’s spiel easily enough. He was trying to get her and Aki alone. Throughout the lunch they talked, making and refining plans, then cleaning up the kitchen after the meal.

  On the way out she poked Dale in the ribs and hissed in his ear. “You’re not fooling anyone, I’m going to get you.”

  “Why Caye, whatever do you mean?” he said innocently and she glared at him. Dale leaned down to her ear. “You’ll be getting something sweetheart, just not from me. That big guy has some baggage. Maybe if you look past your snit and try to learn what it is you’ll understand him better. Plus the sexual heat coming off the both of you could put animals into a mating season. Get some and see where it goes.”

  “I plan on getting nothing,” she said in a low voice. “This is a job and then I’m getting back to my life.”

  “I think she doth protest too much,” Dale sing-songed. Everyone had gone their separate ways and they both watched Aki go upstairs. “Please, you know you want some of that.”

  “I’m going to go get my camera and take some pictures, get your mind out of the gutter,” Caye said.

  “Um, if I don’t put it there how will it get dirty?” Dale walked away and waved his fingers at her airily. “I’m going to go to the sunroo
m with my man, there are bookshelves in there I want to go through.”

  “Enjoy,” she said a little too sweetly.

  “Which also means blow me, best friend.” Dale laughed. “I love you too.”

  She turned back to the kitchen and went looking for her father. She walked out into the sunlight and the sweet smells of the landscaped yard. He was in the large herb garden out back.

  He looked happy, his dark skin soaking up the sun and singing under his breath. Her father had a wonderful voice and she hadn’t heard him sing since her mother passed. She recalled them singing together more than once and when she died it was as if the songs went with her. Unable to resist, she got down in the garden beside him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her head against his back. He stopped for a moment and squeezed her hand, a silent act to let her know he loved her too. She was going to go back to work for a while, but changed her mind. Instead she sat in the garden with her dad, helping him work and talking to him about anything and nothing. When they got back home they planned to put a garden in the yard and build a stone barbeque. She listened, laughed, and enjoyed the sunshine.

  Much later, after dinner and more planning for tomorrow’s stake out, everyone went their separate ways for the night. Her dad was tired, but as he said it was a good tired, he worked out in the sun all afternoon cleaning up the garden and tending the plants. Dale and Jeff had found a treasure trove of books and movies in the sunroom and took them back to the guest room upstairs. All through dinner she could feel Aki’s gaze on her and she avoided making eye contact. She hardly spoke throughout dinner and when everyone exited she did as well, not wanting to be caught alone with Aki. She was restless and lying in bed flicking through the television channels was doing nothing for her. Inspired, she took her camera from its case and went out into the night.

  It was the time of year where even though the sun was setting twilight seemed to last longer. She took pictures of the sky and the horizon that could be seen through the trees. She didn’t see Aki and she thought he was in the house. It wasn’t until his dragon form came to focus in her camera lens that she knew he’d left. She took the first picture focusing on him in the sky, zooming in and catching the last of the light glinting off his scales. His wings caught the air and glided on the wind stream he caught. She took pictures in rapid succession and felt excitement at each picture. Aki in dragon form and definitely as a human enthralled her and Caye wished she could just push it aside and not feel anything for him. But it was too late for that. He’d caught sight of her. As his direction turned toward the house, she debated if she should run like a wimp to her bedroom. She stubbornly stood her ground and continued to take pictures of him even as he landed and shimmered while his body went back to his human guise. She was sure those pictures would have a white glare and no clear form would be seen. She’d keep them anyway because she knew it was him, it was magic.

  “Will I have to erase the SD card in your camera?” Aki walked towards her, nude and unashamed.

  “It carries film, I like these better sometimes, they capture things the digital won’t,” Caye replied.

  “They say that to capture a person on film is to take their soul,” Aki commented. “Is that what you’re trying to do, Caye?”

  “I don’t think you have one to take.” She looked away as she answered.

  “You are so very wrong,” Aki murmured and turned her face back to his. “My soul is torn in more ways that you can imagine. But somehow I look at you and it feels as if I’m healed.”

  “Don’t say things like that.” Caye shook her head and stepped away. The heat radiating off his body was making it difficult to think. “Things you don’t mean, in any case.”

  “I don’t lie and I certainly do not say things I don’t mean.” His tone was matter-of-fact.

  “Then you’re cruel,” Caye stated simply. “To make me want something you obviously can’t or won’t give. You said you were broken and I can’t fix you or try to fix you and fail. It will hurt me and if you can’t watch out for my heart I won’t dare to put it out there. My self-preservation has to be first and foremost in my mind.”

  He ran his hand over her shoulder and cupped it behind her neck and she whimpered at his touch. When he spoke his voice was a warm caress. “I would never harm your heart, to make you hurt would be to hurt myself.”

  “Then walk away, turn around and walk away before we both end up shattered,” Caye begged. “I can’t say no to you, please say it for me.”

  He pulled her into his arms and his voice was filled with anguish. “I can’t, don’t you see I’ve tried and failed miserably. I haven’t felt like this, the connection to someone in so long I almost forgot what is was like, and I can’t resist it any longer.”

  He kissed her almost savagely and she moaned under the onslaught. She tore her mouth away and he kissed his way down her neck.

  “Then we’re both going to get burned,” she stated.

  “A dragon’s fire never harms its mate,” Aki bit her bottom lip gently. “When I take you it will be sealed.”

  “Even if you don’t want me to be your mate, if someone else owns that part of your heart?” She moaned as he cupped her hips and she could feel his arousal.

  He didn’t answer and she wondered if the silence was worse than the answer. But at that point his lips were making her body feel such delicious things. She didn’t want to fight anymore and she let his kiss wipe the fear from her mind as she sank into the bliss of pleasure he was creating.

  Every time before was tame compared to what his mouth was doing to her senses right at that point. With every fierce lick of his tongue past her teeth, the way he pulled her closer until her breasts were pressed up against him, Aki made her want and her body pulse with desire so palpable it was in her every breath.

  Their lips were inches apart and with each word she felt his breath. “I want to fuck you right now, will you let me?”

  She’d never heard him curse, so hearing that coming from his mouth excited her. It told her that Aki would not be one to take her gently. It would be hard, hot, and definitely passionate. He lifted her in his arms and took her into the master bedroom. She looked around at the Asian-inspired room, including the lower bed. Lotus blossoms were etched all over the wall and looked hand-drawn. She wondered if he was the one who spent hours crafting the amazing designs on the wall.

  “It’s exactly how I pictured your room would be,” she whispered and moaned as his lips roamed down her neck.

  “I want you so much,” his voice was deep and filled with promise.

  “Then take me, let’s not worry about tomorrow until it gets here,” she answered.

  He gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. “I plan to, until we share one breath and your body knows me as your mate.”

  His lips descended on hers and she succumbed to the promise of pleasure. She was drowning in his kiss, he never let up just kept her steeped in the heat he created. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and she did the same to him until their lips were dueling and twining together. A moan escaped him and she met it with a soft cry. He touched her and cupped her breasts though her bra. With a growl of frustration at the barrier he used deft fingers to unhook the lacy black piece and filled his hands with her breasts. There was no more hesitation, and he lifted her until her breasts were at his mouth and took one of the nipples between his lips. Caye cried out in pleasure.

  “Oh yes, I like that sound,” he said roughly. “I plan to make you do more than moan.”

  Aki pulled his shirt off in one smooth motion without even touching the buttons of the tunic. She crawled onto the bed and he removed the rest of his clothes and covered her body. He loved one nipple and then the next. The sounds he made were raw and carnal. He touched her body with abandon. Caye wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips to rub against him wantonly. She could feel each muscle of his back contour and bunch under her touch as they strained to get closer

  “Take me, please,” Caye said and bit his shoulder.

  “After I have my fill of you,” he muttered against her skin.

  Aki trailed his hands down the curves of her body and pressed kisses on her stomach and the mound of her sex. He pushed her legs apart and she felt his breath against her pussy, still he didn’t take the first taste. He was teasing her, and himself as well.

  “More,” she said impatiently.

  Caye moaned and clutched the sheets when his fingers trailed between the slit of her sex to rub her clit. Sensations rocketed through her and her head fell back with a soft cry.

  “I want you inside me now,” she begged. She wanted to feel his cock buried within her wet sex until she screamed.

  “Not yet,” Aki gave a soft laugh. “Impatient, sweet Caye, I want to see your eyes as pleasure takes you over.”

  He filled his hands with her breasts. They were hard yet gentle as he touched her. He teased her already aching nipples and then gently took the hard nub between his teeth. She clutched at his head and moaned his name. Finally she felt Aki press a kiss onto her pussy before his tongue probed between the folds of flesh and she almost fainted.

  He growled and raised his head. “Your taste and scent is intoxicating, like I knew it would be.”

  He pressed his mouth against her again, sucking the bud of her clit between his lips before dipping his tongue inside her. She moaned and moved beneath his mouth’s onslaught. He fucked her with his tongue and played with her clit until it was beyond madness. He built the heat inside her until her toes curled and she was writhing in the bed. Caye begged for more, then pleaded for him to stop, she was in the midst of heaven and hell all at once. Burning for more until it was driving her to madness.

  “Please stop—make it… oh god, don’t stop!” she cried out.

  He used his fingers to spread the lips of her sex and plunged two of his long digits into her moist snatch. Caye came apart under the onslaught, the deep persistent movement of his fingers and his mouth sent her over the edge. Caye bucked under his mouth and screamed as an orgasm rocked through her.


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