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Something Different

Page 8

by Allegra Johnson

  Pulling back from the kiss, he gazed into her eyes and whispered, “You’re right, you’re not like them. You, my love, are so much more than they will ever be. You are beautiful, smart, sassy, sexy, and so easy to love.” Shit. Did I just say love? The thought didn’t leave him paralyzed in fear; in fact, it left a warm feeling in what he’d thought was his cold, dead heart.

  Yes, love. I could love her.

  Not giving her another chance to argue, he reclaimed her lips. Easing her back onto the couch, he deepened the kiss, letting his hands begin their own exploration. He found the button and zipper to her jeans, roughly working them open, then tugging them down over her hips. MacKenzie lifted her lower half to assist him with the removal, working his button and zipper as well. Sebastian broke the kiss to stand up and shed his clothes, watching as MacKenzie tore away her own. Pulling out the drawer in the end table, he grabbed a condom, tossing it onto the couch next to them. Returning to the couch with her, Sebastian again captured her lips, easing his tongue into her mouth and capturing her little sigh along the way.

  Sebastian could feel the length of his hard shaft slide along her leg as he trailed kisses lower until he reached her breasts. Sebastian covered one nipple with his hot mouth, flicking it with his tongue to the same beat as the grind of his cock against her thigh. MacKenzie released a low groan, arching her hips silently, begging to be filled.

  A slight laugh escaped Sebastian as he began kissing his way lower still, pausing at her navel to tease her a bit more before inching his way to her pussy. Using his thumbs to part her lips, his tongue did a slow dance around her clit, spiking her arousal higher. Her legs began to shake as she inched closer to the edge of bliss. God, he was so good at this.

  Two of his thick fingers teased the opening of her cunt, dipping in and out in quick motion, pulling a long groan from MacKenzie. With his fingers fully inside, he curled them up to hit her sweet bundle of nerves that would send over the edge. Sebastian sucked her clit while using a come-hither movement against her G-spot. MacKenzie was lost in a world of bliss, her breathing rapid, mouth opened in a silent scream. Sparks of light flashed along her closed eyelids. She choked out one last whimpering moan before her orgasm crashed in on her and everything went silent.

  Sebastian rose up to his knees and stretched to pick up the condom. MacKenzie slowly opened her eyes, giving him a half-drunk smile and murmuring words he couldn’t understand. God, she was beautiful. With the condom in place, he pulled her onto his lap, guiding his cock inside her. Neither of them made a move, they just stared into each other’s eyes. Caressing her cheek, he whispered the words “beautiful” and “mine” before kissing her lips.

  MacKenzie returned his kiss with equal passion. Slowly raising and lowering her hips, she wrapped her arms around his neck, picking up speed. The sound of her ass slapping his thighs echoed in the room around them. Sebastian took hold of her ass with both hands, squeezing and urging her into a fast, hard pace. His lips found her neck, nibbling and sucking, leaving a few small marks behind. His hips arched to meet hers as he felt his balls tightening. He was close, so close. With one last firm thrust, he held himself inside her and spilled his release.

  MacKenzie collapsed against his chest, hugging him tightly as her body released a few shivering aftershocks. Sebastian shifted slightly underneath her, disposing of the condom and settling her back in place. He reached behind them for the faux-fur blanket and covered them both with it.

  “And this.” Sebastian spoke up after a few minutes, placing a kiss to her temple and hugging her tighter to his body.

  “Hmm?” MacKenzie’s voice was sleepy, her eyes closed.

  “You, snuggled in my arms. This is why you should stay.”

  “For snuggling?”

  “Yes, exactly that.” He smiled to himself when he heard as well as felt her content sigh follow by a yawn. Within a few moments, her breathing was slow and steady. Sebastian closed his eyes and followed her lead.


  The airport was crowded with people coming and going. Sebastian and MacKenzie stood off to the side just before the entrance to the security checkpoint; it was as far as one could go without a ticket. Ella had already entered the area and was proceeding through as the couple said their goodbyes.

  Sebastian cupped her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. His kissed her again, then murmured against her lips, “Stay, please.”

  MacKenzie shook her head slightly and kissed him back.

  “We'll work it out. We just need time to think of something. I don’t want you to go.” His voice broke on the last word.

  Her tears fell, as she knew they would.

  “There was no plumbing problem yesterday. I just made it look that way because I didn’t want to share you with anyone else. I’m sorry. I wanted to keep you with me, only me. I’m sorry.” He kissed her deeply for a brief moment.

  “I knew.” She kissed him back hard. “You’re forgiven.”

  “You’re too good to be true. Why can’t you just—”

  She cut his words off with another kiss. “Bas, please, I can’t. You know I can’t. I want to. I do, but . . .”

  He didn’t want to hear the end. “This is the part where we say goodbye, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Even if I can’t bear to do it?”

  Another nod, a hiccupped breath, and her tears fell harder.

  “I can’t do that, I can’t say goodbye. Not to you, not ever.”

  “So what, we don’t say anything? We just walk away from each other? How do we do this? Because I don’t want to say it either.” She hiccupped again and tried to step away.

  “No. We don’t walk away from each other. I let you go, and you promise to come back to me someday. That’s what we do. No goodbyes. This can’t be goodbye.” His own tears were falling now.

  “So you let me go and I promise to come back someday. Okay, I can do that. I can promise to come back to you someday,” she said through her tears, hoping she could make true her promise but feeling it very doubtful. “You need to let me go. I have to go.” She kissed him one last time.

  Releasing her from his grasp, Sebastian took a step back. “Go. Now, before I change my mind and carry you away with me. Go, love, and call me the minute you land.” He took another step back.

  With one last look at the man who had wiggled his way into her heart, she lifted a hand to her lips to blow him one last kiss goodbye. She turned on her heel and quickly walked to the checkpoint, not looking back, afraid she’d run straight back into his arms. This sucks, she thought as she wiped her tears and handed her documentation to the agent. She allowed herself a quick glance to the place she’d last seen Bas, only to find it empty.

  Chapter 8

  Six weeks later

  Sebastian sat at the gate, waiting to board his flight. This was insane, but it was the only plan he’d come up with. His carry-on bag sat beside him, the non-stop ticket promising a 6hr 45min flight before landing in Boston. From there, a hired car would take him to Dartmouth. With any luck, he would arrive after the flowers. Checking the time, he opened his text app and began typing out his message to Kenz. Not to let her know he was on his way—no, that was a surprise. He hoped it didn’t backfire in his face.

  Bas: How was the date?

  Kenz: Ugh! Where do I start?

  Bas: The beginning usually helps

  Kenz: haha Well, for starters he’s a Yankees fan.

  Bas: ???

  Kenz: Picture Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur. Red Sox and Yankees... Not friends

  Bas: Ah! So, remind me am I supposed to feel bad that your date didn't go well?

  Kenz: Yes you are but I know you don’t LOL

  Bas: You’re right. I don’t in fact. I take great joy in every unsuccessful date.

  That was no lie. He took great pleasure in hearing about every failed date. They were either assholes, pricks, or, as in the present case, rival sports fans. He didn’t care why they failed,
just that they failed. They agreed that it was a good idea for her to try dating other men. After all, Sebastian was the first person MacKenzie had met since Jason’s death. So, they parted as friends agreed to keep in touch and see where things went from there. And here they were him at the airport and she rejecting another suitor.

  Sebastian’s phone began to sing her ringtone. With a smile, he picked up. “Hello, Beautiful.”

  “Hey, figured it would be easier to just talk rather than text.” She let out a yawn.

  “Sounds like someone is tired.”

  “A bit, but I’ve gotta open the café, even if I didn’t want to leave the warmth of my bed. It’s fucking cold, and there’s snow on the way too. I need to move to a warmer climate, like the sun or something.” She laughed a little.

  “No, you don’t need to move. You just need someone to keep you warm at night.” He stopped himself from saying he’d be willing to fill that role any day of the week.

  “You can see how well that is working out. Here I am, all alone and shivering cold.”

  “He’ll come along.” He smiled to himself. He’d be along in about nine hours, give or take.

  “That’s the problem. I think I might have, but . . .” She paused “I’m sorry, I have to go. Can I call you back in a couple hours?

  “Right. You’re at work. Yes, call me later. Have a nice day, Beautiful.”

  Her light laugh made him smile. “Are you ever going to stop calling me beautiful? Never mind I already know the answer. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

  Of course he would never stop calling her beautiful he smiled to himself. And she is going to call me crazy when I show up on her doorstep.

  At the announcement for first class boarding, he proceeded toward the ticket agent and prepared to board his flight.


  McKenzie worked behind the counter of her café, cleaning up after the mid-afternoon rush, when the bell over the door sounded. She turned to face the next customer only to be greeted by a delivery man with an oversized bouquet of roses. There had to be at least five dozen purple roses beautifully arranged in a crystal vase.

  “MacKenzie Jenkins?” the freckle-faced young man asked.


  “These are for you. Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said with a smile and nod.

  Setting the flowers on the counter, she searched for the card.

  I miss you! was all that was written, aside from a small heart drawn around the letter B. She smiled, knowing exactly who had sent them. She picked up her phone to call Bas.

  “Hello, Beautiful.” He answered on the second ring.

  “Thank you for the flowers. They’re gorgeous!”

  “Flowers? What flowers?” He laughed. “Did the Yankee fan send you flowers?”

  “Sebastian! Stop it. I know it was you!” She laughed along with him. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. There’s a difference.” She heard a sharp intake of breath followed by a sigh. “You look pretty today. I like that sweater. Green looks good on you.”

  MacKenzie gasped as she looked up to see him standing on the other side of the glass. “What are you doing here?” She watched him enter through the door, and the bell chimed.

  He walked behind the counter and took her into his arms. “I missed you.” He followed those words with a kiss that showed her exactly how much.

  “But why? I mean how? I . . . I can’t believe you’re here!”

  His kiss cut off her questions. “I boarded a plane, that’s how I got here. As for why, that’s because I needed to be with you. We’ll just have to figure out something, because this time I’m not letting you go.”

  She couldn’t believe it. The one man she’d wanted to see for weeks was actually here. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “I wanted to surprise you.” His lips twitched before a small laugh escaped them. “I was afraid if I told you I was coming, you’d try to talk me out of it or just say ‘no’.”

  Like she would have said no! “That’s crazy. Why would I do that?” MacKenzie turned to face the counter as the bell above the door chimed again. “Hi, what can I get you today?”

  “I’ll have a mocha latte with extra foam,” the customer spoke as she reached into her purse.

  “For here or to go?” MacKenzie asked as she turned toward the coffee machine. Even though she’d done it a hundred times, her hands shook like it was her first day. She was like a teenager mooning over her first boyfriend. She had to get herself together.

  “To go, please. I wish I could hang for a while, but I have errands to get done before the snow hits.”

  MacKenzie pulled levers, pushed buttons, and placed a cup under the spout. Once she added the cover and placed a sleeve over the cup, she turned to face the customer, handing her the coffee in exchange for cash, and bidding her a good day.

  She turned back to Sebastian. “So, why would you think I wouldn’t want you to come here? I mean I would have been glad to pick you up at the airport.” Cold be damned, she would have been there in a miniskirt and fuck-me boots.

  “Truthfully, I only just bought the ticket the night before I flew out. I needed to see you. Phone calls and text just weren’t cutting it anymore.”

  “You’ve seen me. We’ve video chatted a few times.”

  “Right, so I’ve seen you. But I couldn’t touch you, hold you, or kiss you.” Sebastian said as he took a few steps over to her, backing her against the counter.

  Sebastian leaned in to capture her lips again. She had missed this, touching him, kissing him, just being with him. MacKenzie parted her lips on a sigh allowing him the opportunity to deepen the kiss, showing him just how much she had missed him during those six long weeks.

  As Sebastian’s tongue explored every inch of her mouth, his hands began to reacquaint themselves with all her curves. With his hands landing on her ass, he squeezed both cheeks and pulled her in tight. Just as he was about to lift her onto the counter, she heard an exaggerated throat clearing.

  An all-too-familiar voice filled the air. “O.M.G. Get a room. Don’t make me turn the hose on you.”

  They pulled away from each other, turning to face a very smug-looking Ella, holding a large box in front of her. “Oh, it’s you. Hi, Sebastian.”


  MacKenzie walked over to Ella and peeked into the box. “What do you have in there?


  “Is that glitter? On the cupcakes?” MacKenzie took the cupcake from the box and examined it closely. Wrapped in candy heart cellophane tied with pink, red, and white curly ribbons, it was the perfect quick sell at the register.

  “Of course it is. I have another box in my Jeep.” Ella, answered and both women entered the kitchen together, talking in hushed tones.

  Sebastian entered the kitchen behind them as Ella set down the box and started unpacking the cupcakes. Ella turned her head, and asked Sebastian, “Would you mind getting the other box out of my Jeep for me?” She tossed her keys to him. “It’s the pink one out front.”


  “You’ll see!” Both women laughed in unison.

  “White frosting is red velvet. Pink frosting is yellow, and the red frosting is chocolate.” Ella explained as they unpacked the box of cupcakes. “So, when did Sebastian get here?”

  “Not too long ago. Maybe twenty minutes or so.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me he was coming?”

  “I didn’t know he was coming. He surprised me.” MacKenzie’s stomach did a little flip, and an unbidden smile came to her face. “He said he missed me.”

  “That’s sweet, yet kinda creepy. I mean, he just flew across the world because he missed you? Can you say ‘stalker’?” She pinned her mother with a serious look before her lips twitched and a laugh escaped.

  “Stop it!” MacKenzie laughed along with her. “I’m glad he’s here. I missed him too.” And she did miss him. They had talked
every day during the last six weeks. He’d encouraged her to try dating, and he was there to listen when she listed everything that was not right with each date. MacKenzie could not stop comparing her dates with Sebastian and finding some reason to reject every potential suitor.

  “Does Barbie know you stole her Jeep?” Sebastian’s deep voice filled the room.


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