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Dragon Passions: Three fiery & suspenseful paranormal romances!

Page 58

by Anna Lowe

Nice, those bright eyes said.

  It was nice, the way scratching a cat imparted a heartwarming, he likes it feeling. Growing bolder, she reached along the sharp line of Tristan’s jaw. A wide, blocky jaw, as big as a bull’s, with teeth the size of daggers.

  Moments later, she let out a nervous little laugh. She was petting a dragon — and it wasn’t all that different from petting Bijou. Especially not when the dragon stretched, guiding her to another spot.

  She chuckled. “Bijou does that too.”

  Tristan rolled his oversize dragon eyes.

  Natalie laughed outright. Meeting Tristan in dragon form was a little like seeing her company’s CEO wearing shorts and a T-shirt at the community outreach events she’d organized. The same person with a different look.

  Tristan nudged her lightly, and she hurried back to rubbing his long, pointy ear. Something moved in the shadows behind him — his tail, lashing the air the way Bijou did when she scratched his favorite spot. Natalie shook her head, awed.

  Tristan must have spotted the motion, because he cocked his head.

  “Sometimes, I can’t believe it. Other times, it’s like I always knew,” she whispered.

  He nodded solemnly, and she cupped his muzzle, stroking his nose with her thumbs. It looked as tough as the rest of him, but the front was as soft and velvety as a horse’s nose.

  “Wow,” she whispered, dumbstruck all over again.

  The dragon’s eyes glowed brighter.

  She peeked around the side of his body. “Can I see your wings?”

  Slowly, he unfolded one glider-sized wing — a wing that could shelter a compact Renault. Hell, it was big enough to cover her entire apartment if the wind ever blew the roof off.

  “You really can fly…”

  He snorted. Of course I can fly.

  Funny, how that made something inside her ache. In her dreams, she could fly, but she would never be able to soar through the air the way Tristan did.

  His eyes darkened, and he tilted his head.

  She forced a smile. “I might be slightly jealous. Of the wings, I mean.”

  He grinned. At least, she was pretty sure that was a grin among all those teeth.

  “I might be jealous of that tail too,” she joked.

  He lashed it proudly, then gently rubbed her shoulder with his chin.

  She broke into a smile, getting the gist of his message. Not everyone had a tail, but that was okay. Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his snout and leaned in.

  She only meant to hug him for a moment, but somehow, she couldn’t let go. Her eyes slid closed, and her breath bounced off his cheek. Her pulse slowed, and she found her mind drifting. Boy, was it nice. Warm. Cozy, somehow.

  Then she caught herself. Whoa. She was hugging Tristan. Closely. Intimately. She’d fondled his ears, for goodness’ sake!

  Of course, she’d cuddled lots of dogs and cats in the past — even a few horses. But this was different. Totally different, because within that dragon was a man. And not just any man, but the one she’d spent the past days fantasizing about. Living beside. Seeing almost every hour of every day, and loving it.

  She stepped back, sure Tristan would be as embarrassed as she was. But his eyes were at half-mast, and that edgy aura had eased.

  Eventually, his eyes fluttered, and he blinked back to focus. Yet something about him remained a little forlorn.

  Natalie cleared her throat. “Thanks. It’s… You’re…” She motioned to him, searching for the word. “Amazing.”

  She blushed, because you didn’t just tell a guy he was amazing.

  Then again, he was a dragon.

  His nostrils flared, and she could have sworn she heard, You’re the amazing one whisper through her mind.

  Then he jutted his blocky chin, and she backed up. When the air around him shimmered, she peered around, thinking it was something in the sky. But then it hit her. Tristan was shifting.

  He crossed his wings in front of his body and bowed his head. Everything happened gradually, yet still too fast for her to grasp. His back straightened, and his ears shrank. His tail curled until it was lost from view. His leathery hide paled to his normal skin color, and his wings made a smooth transition to arms.

  Natalie had expected a painful, grotesque process punctuated by moans, but it was perfectly smooth and natural. And when his eyes opened…

  Her breath caught. They were glowing softly — at her.

  Her chest heated, and her rushing pulse echoed in her ears the way a shell echoed the ocean’s hum. The lights of Paris grew blurry, and her lips moved.

  She was dying to kiss him. To touch him. Absolutely aching to press her body against his and never, ever let him go. When she took a step closer, he did the same. But the door to the stairs creaked in the breeze, and they both spun at the sound. Then Natalie turned back, suddenly self-conscious. Had she really been leaning in that close? She inched back a little, giving Tristan space.

  “That was amazing.”

  He flapped a hand. “Every shifter can do that.”

  She snorted. “Sure. Changing bodies? Flying? I can only do that in my dreams.”

  His eyes went wide. “You fly in your dreams?”

  She winced. That sounded ridiculous, didn’t it? She tried to cover up with a shrug. “Just sometimes. It’s silly, really.”

  He took her hands. “It’s not silly. It’s…it’s…”

  He seemed truly taken aback, as if that were somehow significant. So significant, she was dying to hear what he would say. But then she glanced down, and—

  Oops. Big oops.

  Really big, a dirty corner of her mind said.

  Blood rushed to her face, because Tristan was naked. Totally naked, from his broad chest to his checkerboard abs and a couple of fascinating scars. Or, they would be, if it hadn’t been for his equally powerful lower body, and the cock that stood out like…like…

  Like it did in her dreams right before she kneeled in front of him and—

  She whirled away, turning pink. Make that crimson, judging by the fire in her cheeks.

  “Oh. Sorry. I mean…”

  Oh God. Please, please don’t let him read my mind now.

  “Sorry,” Tristan murmured from behind her. “That’s how shifting goes.”

  “Sure. Of course. Makes sense. Well, I’ll just…uh…go to bed, I guess.” She hurried for the stairs.

  “Natalie…” Tristan called softly, almost imploring her.

  She turned, still crimson. Thank goodness he held up his clothes, covering his groin.


  His chest rose and fell in a tiny sigh. Then he whispered, and his voice floated across the space between them. “Bonne nuit.”

  She warmed all over again then rushed downstairs after a slightly too sultry, “Bonne nuit.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The minute Natalie disappeared down the stairs, Tristan slumped. Dammit. She’d been so close, and a tingling, magical feeling had come over him as it had so often over the past days. A feeling of peace, as if the world weren’t as messed up as he’d assumed it to be, and that life had a happier, richer side than he’d ever known. Natalie had felt it too. He was sure of it. But now…

  He kicked at the safety railing, then cursed. Lashing out in frustration worked better with boots on.

  When he’d first flown in and spotted Natalie, he’d been sure she would scream and run.

  His dragon huffed. Of course our mate didn’t run. She recognized us.

  She had, and it had blown him away. And when she’d come over and touched him…

  Warmth flooded his body as he relived her first trembling touch. Her awestruck expression. The soft, careful strokes along his ears.

  Felt so good, his dragon hummed. So nice.

  He took a deep breath, trying not to admit how much he’d needed it. The downside of being a dragon was not getting petted…well, ever. Dragons might be big and tough on the outside, but every creature needed affection from time
to time. Cats got petted, while dogs got scratched around the ears and told, Good boy! Some lucky horses earned hugs.

  But dragons… It was lonely going at times.

  Doesn’t have to be lonely. His dragon looked in the direction of the stairs. She likes me.

  Tristan snorted. She likes me.

  All right. She likes both of us, his dragon said.

  He gazed up at the stars. It was true. That feeling of connection had remained even after he’d shifted. He’d tried controlling his eyes, but the hot, prickly feeling meant they’d been glowing. Not the ferocious gleam of battle, but the warm, gentle pulse of love. Best of all, Natalie’s eyes had glowed back.

  She’d known. For that brief moment, she’d known how he felt, and she hadn’t shied away. In fact, she’d leaned closer, lips twitching in the prelude to a kiss. But then…

  You ruined everything, his dragon grumbled.

  He sighed. It wasn’t his fault shifting left him naked. But he hadn’t thought ahead, and when Natalie spotted him — worse, sporting a boner he hadn’t even been aware of until that awful moment of realization — well, yeah. He’d ruined everything.

  He ran a hand through his hair. A great night of flying and a spellbinding moment had all come to a crashing end.

  My mate, his dragon sighed. She can even fly in her dreams.

  He mulled that over. That must be a relic of her dragon blood. If so, was that fate’s reminder that she was way, way out of his league? A few minutes earlier, he’d nearly come out and said how he felt about her. But if she was a Fire Maiden, that wouldn’t matter. He couldn’t have her, no matter how he — or she — felt.

  What she wants is not important, Alaric had said. What you think does not matter. What matters is the future of the city and the safety of its citizens.

  Tristan glared at the sky. He’d been out hunting vampires and ended up pursuing a gargoyle instead. The bastards were getting cheeky, that was for sure. He’d nearly incinerated it in full view of every human in Paris — and nearly roared his love for Natalie for everyone in the city to hear. But now, reality came crushing back in.

  He gripped the railing, cursing his fate.

  Everything all right up there? a voice drifted into his mind.

  Tristan grimaced and peered down. Dammit, he’d forgotten about Liam. The lion shifter had been keeping watch over the building while he’d been out flying. Tristan searched the shadows of the sprawling park across the street. Was Liam crouched under the elm trees, or was he standing perfectly still by the statue of Queen Geneviève? Once a lion blended in with his surroundings, there was no spotting him — especially not Liam.

  I’m fine, Tristan grumbled.

  His dragon huffed. Fine?

  Fine, he grunted. Aerial patrols show no signs of vampires causing trouble tonight.

  Liam chuckled. I didn’t mean vampires. Is everything okay with you? Or should I say, with you and Natalie?

  Tristan jutted his chin from side to side. Great. Liam had probably witnessed the whole encounter.

  She had to see me shift sooner or later, he said, trying not to sound too defensive.

  See you shift? Yes. But getting up close and personal? I have the feeling Alaric wouldn’t agree.

  Tristan seriously considered shifting back to dragon form, launching off the terrace, and hunting down that damn lion. Instead, he gripped the railing tighter, trying to control himself.

  Should I remind you she’s off-limits? Liam asked.

  No, you shouldn’t. Tristan turned away.

  That she’s a Fire Maiden, and way, way out of your league?

  Tristan frowned at the stars. No.

  That Alaric will kill you if he catches wind of you messing around with Natalie?

  We were not messing around, Tristan insisted.

  You were thinking about it.

  Tristan gritted his teeth. Yes, he thought about touching…kissing…even making love to Natalie — just about every hour of every day. How could he not? She was perfect in every way.

  His dragon grinned. Me and my mate…

  Tristan found himself drifting away all over again, replaying her soft touch. Her awestruck eyes. Her—

  Not even tempted? Liam teased, ripping him out of his fantasies.

  Shut up, Liam, Tristan roared back.

  For a moment, he had his thoughts to himself, but Liam sighed and butted back in.

  Listen, lust is one thing, but if you’re thinking love, watch out. It’s never as simple as you think.

  Tristan frowned. What the hell did Liam know about love?

  You think it’s all about you and her, but there’s a whole world out there, waiting to judge you. Waiting to tear you apart. To ruin everything — forever. For you. For her. For your kids.

  Whoa. Kids? Who’d said anything about kids? Tristan glanced down at the park. He’d always thought Liam was another happy-go-lucky lion who didn’t believe in long-term relationships. But the sadness in Liam’s voice came from bitter experience. What had happened? When?

  It’s never worth it, Liam finished. Believe me.

  Tristan frowned into the darkness. The words were an echo of the teary breakdowns his mother suffered every time his father came and left.

  Every time he comes home, promising it will be different, I believe him. But then he disappears again, and I wonder what I was thinking. Love isn’t worth it, my son. Nothing is worth this agony.

  A lump formed in his throat. But Natalie was different, right?

  Then again, that wasn’t the point. His mother hadn’t been warning him about getting his heart broken. She’d been warning him not to do the breaking. All those times she’d sighed and said, You’re just like your father…

  Sometimes, her words had a sentimental ring. But others…not so much.

  Tristan circled his shoulders wearily. Up to that moment, he hadn’t felt the least bit worn out by his patrol. But suddenly, every muscle ached, and his chin dipped. Boy, was he tired.

  Anyway, it’s all been determined now, Liam continued.

  Tristan’s chin snapped up. What has?

  Alaric’s people searched Natalie’s family records. She goes right back to Amelie on her maternal grandmother’s side. That’s only four generations. Close enough to—

  Tristan couldn’t hold back the choking sound that escaped his throat. He’d been hoping Natalie wasn’t the Fire Maiden Alaric sought. But if she was that closely related to Amelie, Alaric would force her to stay in Paris. She’d be a near prisoner. And as for him — if he remained in the city, he would forever be confronted with the woman he couldn’t have.

  Tristan? Liam called.

  Tristan shook his head and moved out of Liam’s line of sight. Thanks for keeping an eye out. Good night.


  Tristan shut his mind off from his friend and bent over the handrail, feeling sick.

  Your job is to protect our Fire Maiden until we find her a suitable mate, Alaric had said.

  Tristan tightened his hands so hard, the iron railing groaned. A multitude of stars winked down from the sky. Were they mocking or cheering for him?

  Mocking, he decided. Then he took a deep breath and forced himself to look over the rooftops. He had come to Paris with one goal — to finally settle down in a nice place. To find a good job and do it well. And that’s what he would do. The mission was straightforward enough — to protect Natalie and the city. That would have to be enough. And if he was ever tempted to give in…

  He scowled, picturing his mother with her face buried in her hands.

  He wouldn’t allow himself to be tempted, and that was that. He would do his duty and stick to what he did best. Fighting, not feeling. Flying. Defending the woman he loved.

  Natalie, his dragon whispered sadly. Natalie…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Another few days passed, and for Tristan, every one was torture. Well, each individual moment was great because he got to watch Natalie — out of the corner of his eye, at least
— as she read, did yoga, or just gazed out the windows, thinking. She had a way of biting her lip and twirling a lock of her hair when deep in thought, and he ached to be the one doing that for her. Even more so, he longed to throw open the windows, grab her hand, and take her flying. Still, he got to talk to her, share meals, and fly home to her after patrolling Paris.

  But then he’d remember he couldn’t have her, and that was when the torture set in. She’d smile, and he would smile back, feeling all lit up inside. Then he’d frown because a smile was all he could ever give her, and a smile was all he would ever get in return.

  So, treasure every one like a jewel, he tried convincing himself.

  That was the thing with dragons — the urge to hoard treasures. He’d never been one to collect gold, silver, or diamonds, what with all the moving around he’d done. So other than the small change he accumulated in a jar and the snack food he impulsively stocked up on — a holdover from his time in the military — he collected memories. Like the one time his dad had taken him fishing, many years ago. That Holy shit, you just saved my life look fellow soldiers had thrown him from time to time. Other treasures in his collection were memories of kids in ragged war zones laughing at the funny faces Liam made, reminding them joy existed, if only for a short time.

  But a single smile from Natalie…

  He found himself grinning like a fool, then frowned.

  Off-limits… Off-limits…

  “Everything okay?” Natalie asked in one of those miserable moments after reality crushed his dreams.

  Not really. You’re a Fire Maiden. I’m a nobody you will never be able to count on, like my mom couldn’t count on my dad. Also, you’re as off-limits as a masterpiece in the goddamn Louvre. You’re the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, the Winged Victory. I can look, but I can’t touch.

  But he didn’t say any of that. Instead, he bluffed. “Everything is great.”

  Then he walked off, making things worse, because she probably assumed he didn’t like her.

  Like? I love her, his dragon declared.

  Meanwhile, Alaric had ordered him to check in daily, and the news was grim.

  “We haven’t been able to locate Olivier,” Morfram reported. “Nor his accomplices.”


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