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Turning up the Heat

Page 6

by Erika Wilde

  “Why don’t you two wait out here, and I’ll go and check on the reservations I made earlier today and see if Ian has checked in with the hostess,” Dan said, then left Carly and Kerri standing out front while he went into the busy establishment.

  The evening was warm and sultry, making Kerri’s skin shimmer from the humidity. Nervously, her fingers fluttered through her hair to push it away from her face, which she’d left down and slightly curled at the ends so it brushed her shoulders.

  Antsy from the anticipation of waiting, Kerri shifted on her sandaled feet and glanced at the people around her. Her perusal came to a skidding halt when she met the striking green-eyed gaze of a man standing by himself about ten feet away. Awareness filled her and her pulse quickened. He was gorgeous—from his thick black hair that was cut in a neat executive style, to his broad shoulders encased in a blue knit collared shirt and jeans that molded to an athletic body made for sin. Everything about him was pure, unadulterated male, and he took her breath away.

  He was, most definitely, a hottie.

  He hooked his thumbs in the front pocket of his jeans, his sensual mouth curving upward in the kind of lazy smile she’d imagined a hundred times in her head. A delicious warmth settled low, arousing her as if he’d caressed her with more than just his heated gaze.

  She swallowed hard. Unable to look away, she willed him to move toward her and introduce himself as Ian Carlisle…until her attention was pulled away from him by Carly’s startled gasp.

  Her friend clutched her arm as a choked sound escaped her. “Oh, God, Kerri, I’m sorry,” she whispered frantically. “Please forgive me for talking you into doing this.”

  Kerri frowned in confusion, having no idea what Carly was talking about until she glanced up again and spotted a portly man who looked old enough to be her father approaching her with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He stopped directly in front of her, his eyes shining with excitement and awe.

  Every fantasy Kerri had ever had about Ian withered away in that moment. Her comment to Carly about a guy having a voice as incredible as Ian’s had to have been shortchanged in the looks department came back to haunt her. Her prediction had come true.

  She gulped, her chest tightening with disappointment—not that she’d let this man in front of her see her shock. She forced a polite smile, even as she wondered how she was going to survive the next few hours. “Ian?”

  The man’s bushy brows rose high over his whiskey-colored eyes. “Uh, no. My name is Barry, and I’m the manager here. My wife and I listen to your show, Heat Waves, all the time and I’m a huge fan. I was talking to that gentleman back there who’s here for your date, and told him how much I’d love to meet you and get your autograph, and he said I could do the honors and present you with these flowers while I was at it.”

  He brandished the bouquet with a flourish, and she took the floral display from him. “Thank you,” she murmured, the scent of roses filling her senses. Still uncertain about who her actual date was, and not willing to assume anything at this point, she asked, “What guy are you talking about, Barry?”

  “Ian,” he said, as if she should have known. “Your nightly caller. He’s right over there.” He pointed to the man lounging against the metal railing circling the outdoor seating area.

  She heard Carly’s breath rush out of her lungs in a grateful sigh, which matched Kerri’s own relief.

  As soon as their gazes meet again, Ian grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously. The man most definitely had a sense of humor to go with all that devastating sex appeal.

  She turned back to the manager of Pizzeria Uno and shook his hand warmly. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Barry. If you have a business card, I’d be happy to send you an autographed publicity photo and other promotional items.”

  As Barry dug a card from his wallet, a woman standing to her left tapped her on the shoulder. “Excuse me, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but are you Kerri McCree?” she asked while the rest of the people in her party stared expectantly.

  Kerri smiled and nodded. “Yes, I am.”

  The other woman’s face lit up. “Oh, wow, this is so cool! You’re here for your date with Ian, aren’t you?”

  And that’s all it took for word to spread. Kerri had never considered herself famous before, or even a highly recognizable name, but in the blink of an eye her status as a radio talk-show host had been elevated. And for those who’d never heard of her name and her show, they were quickly filled in on the details of Heat Waves and the much anticipated date with Ian.

  Everyone watched in interest and fascination as the gorgeous bystander slowly made his way across the distance separating them, his sole focus on her. For Kerri, everything and everyone around them faded away as he filled her vision.

  “That was a rotten trick,” she said when he finally stood in front of her, larger than life and more seductive than in her dreams. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled a subtle but warm and woodsy scent emanating from him.

  He gave a one-shouldered shrug, and even that nonchalant gesture was overwhelmingly sexy. “You certainly made Barry’s evening.” His voice was familiar and rich, making her burn deep inside.

  This man, without a doubt, was Ian.

  A smile teased her lips. “It made your night, too, judging by that devious pleasure I see twinkling in your eyes.” Incredible bedroom eyes. The kind that could undress a woman in a single, calculated glance.

  He didn’t deny her claim, making it obvious that he’d enjoyed the mix-up.

  “Thank you for the roses,” she said, motioning to the bouquet in her hand. “They’re beautiful. I can’t remember the last time someone gave me flowers.” She licked her bottom lip, feeling another bout of nerves swell within her.

  “You’re welcome.” His gaze dropped to her lips, caressing them as intimately as her tongue had, then slowly lifted back to her eyes. “I can’t remember the last time I gave a woman flowers, and I wanted to make sure I made a good first impression.”

  She laughed softly at that. “Considering who you sent to deliver them, you made an impression I’ll never forget.” She extended her right hand for him to shake. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Ian Carlisle.”

  “Likewise.” He slipped his hand into hers. His palm was large, his fingers long, his grasp engulfing her in startling heat. “Your publicity photo doesn’t do you justice. You’re beyond beautiful.”

  Then he leaned forward and brushed a warm, chaste kiss on her cheek, giving credence to the romance he’d talked about on her show. Oh, and the seduction, too. She was halfway there, melting with every touch and every word he spoke.

  “Oh, wow,” an unfamiliar female voice exclaimed from somewhere behind Kerri, bringing her back to the present with a jolt. “If he’s starting the date with a kiss, I can only imagine how the date will end!”

  “Tune in to tonight’s show on WTLK to find out,” Carly said cheekily, stirring interest for Heat Waves and taking advantage of the free publicity while she could.

  Dan joined them, and introductions were made all around. Barry ushered them inside and away from the eager fans wanting Kerri’s autograph or a glimpse at Ian. The manager insisted on seating them at one of the tables that was tucked into a corner and away from most prying eyes. As they followed Barry through the dim restaurant, Ian rested his fingers at the base of her spine to guide her. The gesture was polite and gentlemanly, without any sexual connotation whatsoever, yet his touch instigated a conflagration of excitement to flow through her veins.

  And that’s when she knew she was in big, big trouble. Could she resist this man who made her crave long pent-up desires? And did she really want to? The feverish question preyed on her mind.

  After sitting down and agreeing on the Chicago classic deep-dish pizza, the four of them eased into a relaxed, casual conversation about the radio station and the hype surrounding tonight’s get-together. The verbal exchange between her and Ian was light and lively, and surprisingly without the reserve or a
wkwardness that normally accompanied a first date. She’d known him for a month, but it felt as if she’d been with him for years. While there was no denying the mutual chemistry they’d both wondered about, there was also a mental connection between them that transcended their physical attraction.

  The arrival of their dinner created a pause in conversation. After a few bites and appreciative murmurs over the delicious flavor, Carly looked across the table at Ian.

  “So, Ian, how long have you lived in Chicago and what do you do for a living?” she asked, her inquiry direct and blunt.

  Kerri nearly choked on the bite of pizza she’d been swallowing, mortified at Carly’s not-so-subtle ploy to pump information out of Ian. “Geez, Carly, Ian’s not here for an interrogation.”

  Dan smothered a grin, used to his girlfriend’s outspoken ways. Carly blinked at her innocently as if to say “what did I do?” but Kerri knew better than to fall for the act. Carly wanted the goods on Ian to size up his suitability.

  Kerri glanced at the man sitting next to her, who looked more amused than annoyed at Carly’s third degree. “You don’t have to answer those personal questions.”

  “I don’t mind,” he assured her easily, and swiped his napkin across his mouth. He met her gaze and smiled. “A first date is all about getting to know each other, isn’t it?”

  There was something about his statement Kerri wanted to argue. Maybe it was the subtle suggestion that if he shared something, she should offer a bit about herself in return. Intimate details and secrets that would give depth and insight to who she was underneath the radio personality.

  She wasn’t ready or willing to give him a glimpse into her soul, that part of herself she’d kept private and secure for the past three years. “You already know what I do for a living,” she said, keeping things superficial. “And I’ve been in Chicago for three years.”

  He tipped his head curiously as he reached for another slice of pizza, feeding a healthy appetite. “Where did you live before that?”

  Finished with her piece, she pushed her plate aside. “Southern California.”

  His brows rose incredulously as he chewed a bite. “You left year-round warmth and sunshine for freezing cold winters and hot, humid summers?”

  She laughed and stirred her straw in her drink. “You can’t imagine how many times I’ve asked myself the exact same thing when the wind-chill factor has hit below zero. I’m not a winter person at all. But the trade-offs were worth it.”

  What those trade-offs were she wasn’t willing to divulge out loud. She’d been searching for independence and freedom, and a chance to prove herself in her career. Putting miles between the people in her life who didn’t understand her drive and ambition had been one of the first steps in gaining what she’d sought.

  “So, where do you work?” she asked, redirecting the questions back to him.

  “I’m an investment broker and the CEO of Winslow Financial Investment.”

  “That’s impressive,” Carly cut in, sounding suitably wowed, by his profession and his position.

  Kerri silently echoed her friend’s sentiment. Until today, she had no idea what to expect of Ian professionally. An investment broker fit his image. He looked the part with his clean-cut appearance and the aura of self-assurance that surrounded him. There was a keen intelligence and warmth in his eyes as he spoke of his business that no doubt soothed a client’s concerns or fears about parting with their money.

  “It’s a job I enjoy,” he continued, glancing across the table at Carly and Dan, who listened with interest to his story. “I started investing and socking away money when I was a teenager. And when I was old enough I started playing the stock market. I had a knack for hitting when it was hot and making decent money out of a buck, and it all progressed from there.”

  There wasn’t an ounce of conceit or pretentiousness coating his words, but Kerri got the distinct impression that Ian was very wealthy and his business did well. Whether or not he came from money she didn’t know, but there had been something in the depth of Ian’s gaze when he’d mentioned saving money as a teenager that led her to believe there was more struggle to his success tale. And that was something she understood all too well, since she was still struggling to make her mark in broadcasting.

  “Are you from Chicago?” she asked, her fingers playing along the cool condensation on her glass.

  “I’ve lived in Illinois all my life, but moved to Chicago when I was seventeen. I’ve been here ever since.”

  He made no mention of his family, which Kerri found as interesting as her own omission of the mother and sister she’d left behind in California. Had he moved here with or without his family, and where were they now? Curious questions she wondered about but didn’t ask—she wasn’t ready to delve into more personal territory. With Ian, or herself.

  He placed his napkin on his dish and sat back as their waiter cleared their table. His gaze unerringly found Kerri’s again in the dim lighting. “Chicago is a great city. Full of history and life and plenty of sex appeal.”

  Kerri had never considered Chicago as seductive or alluring before and found his comment intriguing. “You really think Chicago is a sexy city?”

  His lashes fell half-mast as a beguiling grin curved his mouth. “I suppose a person’s perception of Chicago being a sexy city has a lot to do with who you’re spending your nights with.”

  Kerri’s heart thumped in her chest as awareness shimmered between the two of them. The meaning behind his words was unmistakable. He was spending his nights with her, on the air with the city of Chicago listening as they debated hot and provocative issues…

  “He does have a point,” Carly chimed in, reflecting Kerri’s private thoughts. “The two of you on Heat Waves have made Chicago a very sexy city.”

  Kerri cast Carly a direct look that relayed the silent message for her to not pursue the issue at hand. She could almost see the wheels in Carly’s mind churning, trying to figure out an angle to capitalize on Ian’s comment and put an “on the air” spin to it.

  Dan cleared his throat, seemingly in tune to Kerri’s wish for someone to change the subject. She certainly couldn’t depend on her friend to look out for her best interests when Carly was so intent on exploiting the situation in any way she could to help out the station’s standing.

  “Dessert anyone?” Dan asked.

  “Not for me.” Kerri quickly jumped on the opportunity to put a damper on any intentions Carly might have had. “I’m stuffed.” She glanced at her watch, shocked to see that two hours had passed and it was a quarter after nine. “In fact, we’d better leave pretty quick so I don’t miss my shift.”

  Dan nodded in agreement and motioned to the waiter for the bill. Carly propped her elbows on the table, rested her chin on her clasped hands and smiled very charmingly at Ian.

  “You know,” Carly said, injecting an appropriate amount of persuasion into her voice, “I think it would be great if you came back to the station and reported live about the date.”

  Kerri exhaled hard. She was going to strangle her friend, no doubt about it. “I’m sure Ian has better things to do than spend his evening down at the station.”

  “Actually, I don’t have anything better to do,” Ian said. “I was just going to head back home and wait for your show to start. I think it would be fun to discuss our date together in the studio. What do you think, Kerri?”

  He’d loaded the simple question with an irresistible challenge, which matched the daring light dancing in his eyes. She looked away and breathed slow and deep. She could hear Carly’s voice chanting in her mind: ratings, ratings, ratings.

  But this wasn’t just about ratings. Not for her. And especially not since she’d met Ian in the flesh and was more attracted to him than ever. There seemed to be something more personal at stake, and she felt threatened by the powerful emotions he evoked after such a short time. Need and desire surged through her and left her feeling too weak and helpless to resist him.

sp; Having him in the studio with her after their date would be a logical progression to their evening together, she told herself. Her listeners would relish their one-on-one interaction. She’d put her own misgivings aside. For tonight. For an hour. No more.

  “All right,” she agreed.

  Carly’s eyes gleamed with excitement as she sent Ian another engaging smile. “And if you could stay late tonight, maybe the two of you could discuss tonight’s topic on the air, too.”

  Which was all about orgasms. Oy.

  Kerri abruptly stood before Carly enlightened Ian on the evening’s subject matter. “While you’re taking care of the bill, Dan, I think Carly and I will visit the ladies’ room.” She grasped Carly’s sleeve and pulled, giving her friend no other choice but to come along or end up with a tear in her outfit. “We’ll meet you out front in a few minutes.”

  Kerri was silent on the way to the restroom. Surprisingly, Carly remained quiet, too, but the surreptitious glances she kept sending Kerri’s way told Kerri that her friend knew what was coming and was awaiting the outburst.

  Kerri washed her hands and waited for Carly to emerge from her stall. Once she did, Kerri got down to business. “What in the hell were you doing out there?”

  Carly soaped up her hands and didn’t meet Kerri’s gaze in the mirror. “Just trying to take advantage of a good thing.”

  Unfortunately, Kerri felt taken advantage of. “This is my show, Carly.”

  “And I’m the program director, and my job is to make sure all the shows on WTLK are as appealing as possible,” she stated simply. After drying her hands on a paper towel, she dug into her purse for her lipstick and applied a slash of red to her mouth. “Imagine the response you’re going to get having Ian live in the studio with you. The two of you are going to literally heat up the airwaves—more than ever before.”

  Kerri was feeling set up with Ian and resented being in such a vulnerable position. “Regardless, I don’t appreciate you interfering in my private life.”

  Carly stopped fluffing her hair and lifted a brow at Kerri. “Who said anything about your private life, sweetie?” Her expression softened, a knowing glimmer in her eyes. “You like him, don’t you? You really, really like him, and that’s what really has you so on edge, isn’t it?”


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