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Turning up the Heat

Page 20

by Erika Wilde

  She closed the distance between them. No lies. No excuses. There was no reason for either after everything else they’d shared. “Would you believe I use them to come up with hot, sexy topics for the show?”

  He lifted a dark brow. “Really?”

  She drew a deep breath, exhaled slowly. “I’m not the sex expert I come across as on Heat Waves,” she admitted.

  “No?” Mock disbelief laced his tone.

  She frowned. “You’re making fun of me.”

  “Yeah, I’m teasing you.” He winked at her, and she automatically forgave him. “Actually, you sound pretty convincing on the air, but that night when we were discussing orgasms in the stairwell was a dead giveaway that you weren’t the vixen you wanted everyone to think you were.”

  She ducked her head in embarrassment. “Well, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention the sex manuals to anyone, especially my listeners.”

  Tucking a finger beneath her chin, he raised her gaze back to his. “My lips are sealed,” he promised, his eyes glimmering with sincerity. “Besides, you won’t be needing these books anymore.”

  She strolled to the bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress, not certain what he meant. “No?”

  “Nope.” He looked all confidence, all male. “Now you’ve got me and I’ll teach you anything and everything you need to know about sex.”

  She laughed lightly. “Oh, and aren’t you the know-it-all?”

  “Any complaints so far?” he challenged, approaching her, the book he’d been looking at still clutched in his hand.

  She saw the intent in his gaze, and heat and quivering excitement blossomed within her. “No, no complaints.”

  “I didn’t think so.” He grinned cockily, then opened the Kama Sutra to a two-page spread of color photographs of lovers engaged in different sexual acts. “There’s a few positions in this book that look interesting. And since I only have a few hours to take advantage of the wager I won, I want to make sure I get my time’s worth.”

  She scooted back on the bed. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yep.” He tugged the towel around his hips loose, let it drop to the carpet and joined her. “Starting with this one,” he said, pointing to a photo of a woman sitting astride a man who was kneeling on the bed, his thighs spread to afford a deeper penetration into his partner. “I want you on top like that.”

  Already, he was completely aroused and ready for her, and it was a heady sensation to know she affected him that powerfully. He pushed the open book aside and stripped off her robe, then easily maneuvered her into that provocative position, and she gave herself over to him and his insatiable desires, knowing the pleasure would be completely mutual.

  They tried many new positions, some lusty and adventurous, and others so impossible and silly that they’d laughed over the twisted, awkward positions they’d gotten themselves into. But during it all, she felt the closeness between them grow, felt the trust between them become so intertwined with her body and soul.

  After all their attempts and a few orgasms for her, they ended up face-to-face, embraced in an intimate missionary position with her calves draped over the back of his thighs and him buried deep inside her. Fun and games aside, he made love to her slowly this time. And with each heavy glide of his body into hers he filled her so wholly, moved her so intensely and made her feel cherished, yet so incredibly vulnerable, too.

  He framed her face in his hands, and their gazes locked as tightly as their bodies. And there in his caring green eyes she saw raw honesty, a wealth of promises and a tenderness she’d never before known.

  Then, in the barest of whispers he told her, “I love you.”

  She trembled and found herself tumbling, drowning, and tried to claw her way back to the surface. He must have seen or sensed her alarm, because he immediately attempted to soothe her fears.

  “You don’t need to say anything in return, Kerri,” he murmured in the velvet darkness surrounding them. “I don’t expect anything in return. The timing felt right and I just wanted you to know.”

  But it was too late. His declaration changed so much. It shifted the tenor of their lovemaking, the gentleness of his long, slow kisses, and the emotional intensity of her climax. Tears gathered in her eyes in the aftermath of her release.

  But most of all, his love unlocked a part of her heart that had remained closed off for far too long.


  “It’s nice to finally meet the woman who’s not only fascinated a good part of Chicago with her sultry talk show, but has also captured Ian’s attention, as well.”

  Ian had known this conversation was coming from the moment he and Kerri had arrived at the Winslows’ more than an hour ago, and he’d seen Gayle’s eyes light up with interest and curiosity. He was more surprised that Gayle had held off as long as she had in directly mentioning his relationship with Kerri when he knew how straightforward the other woman could be.

  “I do have to say the feeling is mutual,” Kerri replied smoothly, sincerely, then took a sip of her raspberry iced tea. They were all relaxing out on the terrace after a light lunch of croissant sandwiches and fresh fruit. “Now I see why Ian thinks of all of you as family.”

  “We can’t imagine our lives without Ian in it.” Eve Winslow beamed with pride, as if Ian was truly a blood relation. “Both Ian and Adam are like sons to us,” she said of Gayle’s husband, too. “Once you’re a part of the Winslow family, there’s no getting rid of us.”

  David echoed his wife’s sentiment. “Besides, I need someone to golf with on Sundays, and these boys keep me young on the golf course,” he joked.

  “Don’t let the old guy fool you, Kerri,” Ian added wryly. “David takes great pleasure in beating the pants off me and Adam.”

  Kerri laughed, seemingly enjoying the easy camaraderie within the family.

  David winked at her. “Like I said, it keeps me young.”

  Gayle’s five-year-old daughter, Shelly, came up to Ian and without preamble climbed up onto his lap and settled in to feed a bottle to her doll. The little girl was shy and quiet and a treasure. Ian cuddled her close, inhaling her soft, powdery scent, enjoying his role as uncle. He caught Kerri watching him, and smiled at her.

  “You seem to have a way with little girls,” she commented.

  He knew she was referring to Janet, and the way the two of them had bonded so easily. “I have a soft spot for kids in general.” And he couldn’t wait to have a family of his own one day. While it was on the tip of his tongue to tell her that, he caught himself, knowing it was an insinuation Kerri didn’t need on top of everything else that had transpired between them in the past twenty-four hours.

  After his spontaneous “I love you” last night she’d been more quiet than usual, but she hadn’t withdrawn, and he took that as a positive sign. Today their time with the Winslows was going well, despite how nervous she’d been about meeting everyone. Seeing her interact with them and witnessing the undeniable approval from his surrogate family merely confirmed what he already knew…Kerri was a perfect fit for him. Like him, she needed a family in her life, and he was more than willing to share his.

  “So, what’s next for you and Ian after this sexy city nights campaign the two of you are doing?” Gayle asked, her eyes bright and eager for more details.

  “I don’t think Ian and I have thought that far ahead,” Kerri replied, choosing her explanation carefully. She was keeping the sale of the station in mind, which could mean the end to their on-the-air association if WTLK was bought out by the new heavy-metal group.

  They spent the next hour talking about Heat Waves and the success of their campaign, and how amused family and friends were to see Ian’s picture on billboard ads. Kerri never mentioned the fate of WTLK, but Ian knew it was a constant concern for her, as it was for him, especially since the possibility existed that she could leave Chicago to find another job that suited her goals and purpose.

  Gayle cast a quick glance at her watch, then looked back at Ker
ri. “The guys are going to head out for their golf game pretty soon. Would you like to join my mom and me for our Sunday afternoon ritual of shopping?”

  Kerri’s gaze automatically sought his, and Ian gave her a smile that conveyed the choice was hers. If the idea appealed and she was comfortable with Eve and Gayle, then go. If she’d rather not, he’d take her back home.

  He saw the uncertainties in her eyes turn to longing, and then Kerri smiled at the two women who were waiting anxiously for her response. “Sure, I’d love to go.”

  Eve stood, warmth and caring etching her features. “I was hoping you’d say yes. We’ll have such fun. It’ll be just like when Gayle and Audrey and I used to go shopping and talk girl stuff.”

  With Eve’s comment, Ian realized that the Winslows had wholeheartedly embraced Kerri into the family. And by them accepting her so openly, he felt a sense of peace settle within him. The Winslows had always been genuine in their approval of him, but a part of him had wondered if that approval had hinged on his relationship with their daughter, who was now gone. As if his presence was their way of holding tight to Audrey’s memory.

  But those doubts and insecurities fled, as did the restlessness that had taken residence within him when Audrey had died. Audrey might have been the catalyst that had brought the Winslows into his life, but Kerri was the woman who completed him.

  And in that moment, he knew he’d do whatever it took to keep Kerri in his life permanently.

  * * *

  Kerri arrived at Ghirardelli’s ice cream shop off of Michigan Avenue ten minutes before she was supposed to meet with Carly, who’d called Kerri early that afternoon at home and invited her out for a “celebratory” hot fudge sundae. The excitement in Carly’s voice had been unmistakable, and she’d refused to give Kerri so much as a hint of what they might be celebrating. If it involved chocolate, Kerri figured it was big news. Her first guess was that her friend had finally gotten laid by Dan. And if that was the case, chocolate was definitely the way to honor the occasion.

  Kerri grinned privately to herself as she stepped inside the cool ice cream shop to wait for Carly, thinking of her own torrid affair with Ian, which was gradually taking on subtle but undeniable nuances of a real relationship. A frightening prospect when she took into account Ian’s declaration of love, and how he was slowly integrating her into his life, including making her a part of his relationship with the Winslows. She was surprised to find herself doing the same by openly sharing private bits and pieces of herself. Now there was the future to consider, and that’s where her feelings and emotions became divided.

  She sighed and absently perused the shelves stocked with tempting assortments of chocolate confections and gifts, her mind tumbling with the same doubts and concerns that had plagued her for the past few days. There was a part of her that craved what Ian offered since they were so well matched, while another small voice in her head reminded her how hard she’d worked to claim back her independence after Paul. Was she ready to give up her freedom for a man, especially one with traditional values who was searching for a life mate more than a playmate? Could she risk falling into that dependent cycle her mother was in? Her answer was a resounding, firm no, but she did give serious thought to the possibility of meeting Ian halfway somehow. Of saying yes to something beyond a temporary affair, a promise to date him exclusively, but without pressure or expectations of anything more.

  “I’m glad to see you didn’t start without me.”

  The chipper sound of Carly’s voice pulled Kerri from her thoughts, and she whirled around to find her friend grinning like a Cheshire cat, and her skin literally glowing. “Believe me, I was tempted.” Kerri inhaled deeply. “I think I’ve gained five pounds just by breathing in the rich smell of chocolate in this place.”

  Carly laughed, her eyes sparkling merrily. “And I’m about to add another five with the real thing. Come on, order whatever you’d like. My treat.”

  “Your treat, huh?” Smiling at her friend’s upbeat, buoyant mood, Kerri followed her over to the soda fountain counter. “Wow, whatever news you’ve got to share must be huge.”

  “Oh, it most definitely is.” Carly tossed the words saucily over her shoulder, causing her chin-length bob to brush her chin. “Big enough to order extra hot fudge on my sundae.”

  The young woman behind the counter took their orders and minutes later delivered their double-thick sundaes. The two of them carried their bowls to a vacant table, and as soon as they sat down Kerri found she couldn’t stand the suspense a moment longer.

  “Okay, you have to know that I’m dying here,” she said anxiously. “Tell me what we’re celebrating already!”

  Carly thrust out her left hand, which flashed a gorgeous, glittering diamond solitaire on her ring finger. “I’m officially engaged,” she announced giddily.

  “Ohmigod!” Kerri gaped, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief. “Are you serious?”

  “As serious as this one carat diamond ring Dan slipped on my finger,” she bragged. “He asked me to marry him last night, I said yes, then of course I ripped his clothes off and forced him to finally consummate our relationship.” She dipped her spoon into her ice cream, a soft, dreamy expression flitting across her face. “I have to say, the man is going to keep me plenty satisfied, in bed and out. He was so worth waiting for.”

  Kerri laughed, and was startled by the stab of envy she experienced.

  Reaching across the small table, she gathered her friend into a brief, congratulatory hug. “Oh, Carly, I’m so thrilled for you.” And she truly was.

  “Of course I want you to be my maid of honor when we get married,” Carly said.

  Misty-eyed, Kerri pressed a hand to her chest, overwhelmed with Carly’s special request. “I would love to be your maid of honor.”

  Carly ate another scoop of ice cream heaped with fudge, whipped cream and nuts, and smiled knowingly. “I’m hoping you’ll be next to get engaged…to Ian.”

  A startling, inexplicable warmth filled Kerri at the thought. Mouth full of decadent chocolate, Kerri shook her head and swallowed. “I’m not looking to get married, Carly.”

  “And you think I was?” She followed that question with amused laughter. “You know how many guys I dated before I finally hooked up with Dan. I was looking for a good time, even with him, but instead I discovered that finding the right person and falling in love can happen when you least expect it.”

  Kerri bit her lower lip, then asked a question that had been hiding somewhere in the back of her mind. “And what do you do when love happens when you least expect it?”

  She shrugged. “You adjust your life accordingly and make it work,” she replied simply.

  That easy. That difficult. Kerri frowned and shoveled another spoonful of the icy treat into her mouth, wondering if she could adjust her life accordingly and make it work with Ian.

  Carly regarded her with concern, seemingly picking up on her shift in mood. “Things are good with Ian, right?”

  Kerri nodded. She wasn’t ready to share the fact that Ian loved her. She was still getting used to that revelation herself. “Yeah, we’re great…”

  A grin quirked the corner of her friend’s mouth. “Why do I hear a ‘but’ in the tone of your voice?”

  Kerri dragged her fingers through her loose hair, suddenly feeling very weary. “Maybe because I’m trying to take things one day at a time with Ian. Maybe because I’m torn and confused.”


  “I care about Ian,” she said, wanting to make that clear so Carly would hopefully understand where she was coming from. “But with the fate of the station so up in the air and all of us on the verge of unemployment, I’ve been thinking about sending résumés out to stations here in Chicago. Possibly to some high-profile stations in Indianapolis, too, just in case I can’t find anything here in the city. I feel like I can’t commit to anything right now.”

  “Indianapolis?” Carly echoed, a genuinely perplexed look transforming
her features. “Ian didn’t tell you he—” She cut off the rest of her comment, her eyes widening in sudden realization. Uncharacteristic to Carly’s outspoken nature, she ducked her head, concentrated on her sundae and filled her mouth with more ice cream.

  An odd sensation pricked the back of Kerri’s neck, and she didn’t like the feeling one bit. “Tell me what, Carly?”

  “Um, if you don’t know, I’m not sure it’s my place to tell you.” Carly absently twisted her new engagement ring on her finger. “Dan mentioned something to me, and I guess I should have kept my big mouth shut until he called a staff meeting,” she said dismissively.

  Kerri pushed her half-eaten sundae aside and pinned her friend with a direct look, determined to get the goods. “If it involves me somehow, or even Ian, then as my friend you should tell me.”

  “It does involve you, and Ian…oh, damn.” She grimaced. “I wish I’d never said anything at all.”

  But she had, and whatever Carly was keeping a secret, it was big and important and Kerri wanted details. “Out with it, Carly,” she demanded.

  “I guess you’re going to find out sooner or later,” she rationalized. “And it is good news.”

  Kerri clenched her jaw with impatience. “Find out what?”

  “Ian bought the station,” she blurted, then grinned as if she’d just bestowed a huge gift upon Kerri. “He contacted Virginia on Monday, offered her exactly what she wanted with a huge cash down payment that she obviously couldn’t resist, and now it’s just a matter of him signing the paperwork and it’s a done deal.”

  Kerri sat back in her chair, stunned to the very tips of her toes and unable to believe it could be true. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

  “Why would I joke about something so important to all of us?” Carly looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. “Kerri, I thought you’d be excited. Thrilled, actually. Especially considering the success of your show.”

  A phenomenal success she owed in part to Ian and his nightly calls and their sexy city nights campaign. And now he was ensuring she didn’t go anywhere by purchasing WTLK. The solution had been that simple for him. Kerri pressed a hand to her belly, feeling as though she’d been delivered a physical blow to her midsection.


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