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It Goes On

Page 13

by Ashley Claudy

  “We will be done here shortly, then I’ll come to your desk on my way out.” Connor nodded his head in dismissal.

  Carly turned and walked out of the room, using all her effort not to slam the door.

  Chapter Thirteen

  What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing.

  C.S. Lewis

  He was waiting for me in the lobby.

  “Good morning, beauty,” Ethan said.

  I cringed, I’ve always hated terms of endearment, especially early on. It comes across false, and in my experience, those people are usually full of it. Except for the elderly, they can call me whatever they want.

  I pasted on a smile and slid sunglasses on. “Good morning, I hope you don’t mind my disguise today. It seems I have become a celebrity overnight.”

  Ethan looked me over, confused. My disguise consisted of large sunglasses only. Otherwise, I was in my usual workout gear, capri leggings and a tank top.

  “You are strange, you know that?” he commented as he followed me out of the lobby. “I pulled the car up front already. I thought we could trail run today.”

  “Sounds fun,” I said as he opened the door to a familiar corvette. When he was secured in the driver’s seat, I asked, “Is this Liam’s car?”

  “Yeah, I don’t have my own car yet. It seemed pointless to buy one when Liam always has multiple cars.” His eyes dropped with a tight shrug, but then he changed the subject. “So why are you a celebrity?”

  “I’m not really, I was just teasing.” I laughed. “There was a picture of me on some local internet tabloid. My mother found it this morning.”

  “Why were you in the tabloids? Some wild night out?”

  “No. It wasn’t really about me. I was just a picture in Liam’s love life.”

  He gave me a sidelong look as he pulled into traffic. “Oh, it was one of those articles.”

  He turned up the radio to a Blake Shelton song.

  “Do you like this song?” he asked. I guess he noticed my silly smile.

  “I love it.” I sat back and let the good vibes of the music envelop me.

  The run was a hilly five miles in the heart of the city that somehow seemed remote. One minute we were running across a bridge over the freeway, and the next we were surrounded by vegetation. When we reached the car, we spent a couple of minutes stretching.

  I leaned forward to touch the pavement, feeling the stretch in my legs.

  Ethan cleared his throat as he pulled his foot behind him. “What are your plans for tonight?”

  I stood up and pulled my arms behind my back. “Sonja’s leaving to Italy with Sebastian next week, so she said I have to go out with her tonight. She hasn’t decided where yet.” I was wary of his question. I may not have feelings for Liam, but I didn’t want to be in the same place as him either. I’d successfully avoided him since Sunday. But if Ethan joined us, Liam probably would too.

  He dropped his leg and pulled the other one behind him. “Would you go to dinner with me first?”

  My heart sunk, and I dropped my arms. I fortified myself to reject him. “I can’t. Sorry.”

  He opened the door to the car for me and leveled me with his gaze. “Why?”

  His closeness and direct stare made it difficult to keep saying no. It made it difficult to say anything, but I forced myself to speak. “I’m not dating for now.”

  He closed the door on me after I sat in the passenger seat, and then he jogged to the driver’s side. Opening his door, he continued his questioning, “So it’s not me. You’re just not dating anyone?”

  I knew I had to be careful how I answered. Did I want to let him think we could date in the future? Those numerous red flags I had on him waved in my mind, but a stupid part of me wanted him to have hope. Especially when his bright green eyes were focused on me and his thick dark hair was spiked with sweat. But it was something more than his looks, I felt drawn to him, and I wasn’t sure why.

  I wish I could strangle that part of me.

  “I’m not dating anyone.”

  He turned the key and smiled at me. “For how long?”

  I leaned my head back on the seat and stared straight ahead to avoid looking at him. “I don’t know. Remember the other night on the beach? I complained that all I do is react. Well, that’s true about my relationships too. Every guy that has expressed interest in me, I’ve dated. And when they decided to end it, we ended it. Well, I’m going to practice saying no for a while. My next relationship will be my choice.” I paused and reprimanded myself for being so open, but he had a way of making me say more than I had intended.

  “You must have dated a lot of guys then if you dated everyone who was interested.”

  I barked a short laugh. “No, not really. Before I came here, I only had two boyfriends. I dated a boy, Matt, when I was fifteen for like two weeks, and then in Georgia, I dated Mark for about six months. Then I moved here.”

  “Was this your first time saying no? You did a good job.”

  I laughed and nodded my head.

  “How about we get drive through for breakfast then? Not a date,” he was quick to clarify. “But a reward for this week’s workout.”

  “Sure. I could use some coffee. Do you always work out this much?”

  “Usually just Monday through Friday, and I rest on the weekends. But now that I start work next week…” He shrugged his shoulders as he slowed to stop at a red light. “I’ll have to come up with a new routine.”

  “Oh.” I’d forgotten that today was our last day working out together, and my spirits deflated a little. He told me before that he graduated from Cornell with a degree in Architecture and was now going to start an internship with my father’s company. I wonder if my mother knew that.

  “We’ll have to arrange a schedule that works for both of us,” he added.

  The light turned green, and the car accelerated along with my spirits.

  “Will Chase be here tonight?” I asked Lexi.

  We stood around a tall cocktail table in the middle of a garden, a net of little white lights overhead. It was a launch event for a new jewelry line, and everything twinkled: the trees, the flowers, the walkways, tables, even the drinks had some sort of illumination in them.

  Lexi smiled. “He just texted that he is on his way.”

  Sonja and Sebastian returned to the table, and Sonja leaned back against him. “Everything is so pretty, isn’t it?”

  He wrapped one arm around her. “It is.”

  Sebastian noticed Lexi and extended his free hand. “Hello, I’m Sebastian De Luca.”

  Lexi shook his hand. “Lexi Ortiz.”

  “Oh my God, look at this table of beautiful people.” A tall man clapped his hands in joy as he stood next to Lexi and me.

  Sonja smiled and blew air kisses at him. “Hello, Pierre.”

  He turned towards Lexi. “Who is this tall, fabulous, Goddess, and why am I not dressing you?”

  With her hands on her hip, Lexi challenged him, “I’m Lexi Ortiz, and why should you be dressing me?”

  Sonja spoke up, “She’s a model, so I don’t know why you haven’t seen her before. Shame on you, Pierre. You must be slacking.” She winked at Lexi. “This is Pierre, stylist extraordinaire.”

  “Whatever the reason, I need you in my closet. Like, yesterday. Come with me. I need to introduce you to my partner.” He grabbed her hands and ushered a more than willing Lexi away.

  She peeked over her shoulder and waved to us with a giggle.

  “Uh oh, Pierre’s found a new pet,” Sebastian said, leaning one arm on the table.

  Sonja slapped his chest. “She should be so lucky. That man can do great things for her career.”

  “Hey party people,” Sydney greeted with a little wiggle. She narrowed her eyes at Sonja. “Why do you not have a drink in your hand?”

  Sebastian spoke up, “Sonja’s drinking light tonight.”

  Sydney shook her head. “No. This is our last weekend together fo
r, like, three whole weeks. Save your light drinking for Italy.”

  Sebastian glared at Sydney as she grabbed a champagne glass from a passing tray and handed it to Sonja.

  “I’ll only have a few, I promise,” Sonja said as she patted Sebastian’s jacket in assurance.

  “Fine.” He looked past her. “I see some people I need to talk to. I’ll be back.”

  We watched him as he weaved between tables.

  Sonja brightened and pulled her phone from her clutch, smiling at me. “Ethan’s here. He just texted.”

  “So?” I tried to act indifferent.

  “Why should she care?” Sydney asked. “It’s Liam that would be an issue.”

  Sonja shook her head. “I don’t think Liam will be here tonight. Chelsea said her and Taylor were going to Elton’s birthday.”

  “So what’s the deal with Ethan than?” Sydney looked between Sonja and me for answers.

  I shrugged.

  Sonja laughed. “I think Ethan likes Kate. Don’t give me that look, Sydney. You’ve always said you would never date him.”

  My curiosity was piqued by this new line of conversation, but I was distracted by a tap on my shoulder.

  A guy with long sandy hair extended his hand to me. “Care to dance?” he asked.

  I looked around. No one was dancing, the music was only a faint backdrop to the party. I smiled politely. “No, thank you.”

  The guy disappeared as quickly as he came.

  I turned back to the group.

  “Of course I would never date him. My father would have a heart attack.” Sydney flipped her thin, long blonde strands back. “But he is my friend, and I care for him.” She leveled her gaze on me.

  A bold guy leaned on the table directly in front of me. “Will you go with me to the bar? I’ll buy you a drink.”

  I frowned. This event had an open bar. All the drinks were free. I rearranged my face and gave a polite, but wary, smile. “No, thank you.”

  Sonja giggled as the man walked away.

  Another guy took his place seconds later. “Care to go for a walk with me?” he asked with barely contained laughter.

  I shakily smiled again. “No, thank you.”

  And the man walked away.

  Sonja covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed.

  “What the hell is going on?” Sydney echoed my thoughts.

  Sonja shook her head as she vibrated with mirth.

  When the next guy approached, I didn’t even bother listening to his proposition, something about going to McDonald’s for food. I looked over him and around the party as Sonja dissolved into laughter, bracing herself on the table.

  Then I spotted the other boys who had approached me standing in a group with Ethan. He met my gaze and nodded in my direction. I narrowed my eyes and returned to the person in front of me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He blinked. “I’m trying to ask you out to dinner.”

  “Do you usually ask a girl to McDonald’s for dinner?” I challenged.

  His smile widened. “If they’re lucky.”

  I looked beyond him to Sonja who was struggling to compose herself. Sebastian returned to the table, and she tried to hide her laughter in his chest.

  “How much has she had to drink since I’ve been gone?” he snapped.

  “She’s barely drank a thing.” Sydney shook her head confused. “Something strange is going on though,” she added, staring at the man still waiting for my reply.

  Sebastian looked at him too. “Who are you?” he asked with frustration.

  The boy’s eyes widened, and Sonja pulled away from Sebastian, gasping for air. “He’s just helping.” She swallowed some more laughter. “Ethan sent him.” She pointed to me with a few deep breaths to regain control. “You should see your face.”

  I turned back to the guy and waited for him to speak.

  “Are we going to go or not?” he asked.

  “No.” I shook my head, still confused.

  He walked away and joined the group talking to Ethan.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said to the table.

  Another man tried to approach me, but I shook my head and walked away from him.

  I stopped in front of Ethan with crossed arms. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”

  He smiled his most charming smile. “What are you talking about?”

  I pointedly looked around at the group of guys that had all approached me, and they dispersed with mumbled excuses.

  “You sent them over, didn’t you?” I accused.

  “Did you get enough practice?” he asked.

  I stared at him as realization dawned on me. “What if I hadn’t said no?”

  “One of them would have been very lucky, and you would have gotten a McDonald’s happy meal out of the deal.”

  I wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or flattered at his stunt.

  “So? Did you get enough practice saying no or do I need to send some more pledges over? The frats got plenty of freshmen interested already.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No. No more, please.”

  He smiled and pulled two tickets from his pocket. “Well, in that case, I want to give you something.”

  I eyed him and the tickets in his hand like they might explode.

  “Two tickets to Luke Bryan next Sunday.” He handed them to me.

  I couldn’t contain my smile. “You want to go to a country concert with me?”

  “Well, if you’re asking me to go with you, then yeah, it’s a date,” he clarified.

  I narrowed my eyes and laughed in confusion. “What?”

  “I’m giving you two tickets. Invite who you want. It’s your choice.” The corner of his mouth turned up as he leaned in to add, “Good luck finding someone who likes country music though.”

  Sonja stepped beside me and wrinkled her nose. “Even if I was in town, I would not go to that concert with you.”

  “Are you two in on this together?” I questioned, pointing between the two of them.

  “No, but he gave me the details.”

  I tried to process what was happening. Ethan had given me opportunities to practice saying no, and now he wanted me to ask him out? I tried to recall what I had told him earlier that day. ‘I’m going to practice saying no. My next relationship will be my choice.’

  I wasn’t sure I liked this game, but I was sure that I’d love to go to that concert, and I couldn’t take his tickets and invite someone else.

  I turned to Ethan and smiled. “Hey, friend,” I tried to emphasize the word friend. “Would you like to go to a concert with me next Sunday?”

  “Sure. It starts at seven, let’s get dinner before.” If he was disappointed by my choice of words, he didn’t show it.

  “Okay,” I relented.

  His smile told me he considered his plan successful and my use of the word ‘friend’ was nothing more than semantics. I admitted to myself that he was probably right.

  Ethan checked his phone screen. “My work here is done. I have to go, but I’ll call you later, all right?”

  I nodded, stunned as he pulled me in with one hand and kissed the top of my head.

  He pulled Sonja into an embrace and kissed her head as well. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Sydney appeared and kissed Ethan’s cheek. “I’ll call you tomorrow. We can start planning Liam’s party, okay?”

  “That sounds like a plan,” he said and walked away.

  I flung another red flag over my thoughts of dating Ethan. Taylor may or may not be an issue, but Sydney certainly would be. I considered her a friend, and I could tell from the way she watched him as he left that she had feelings for him. I put Ethan firmly in my friend box; he could no longer teeter on the edge.

  Ethan slid into the seat next to me. “Hello, friend.”

  “Hello,” I responded.

  Sydney slid in behind Ethan and leaned across him to kiss my cheek.

  My nerves surfaced as Liam
and Taylor sat across from us. Liam nodded his head in my direction, and I returned the greeting.

  Taylor smiled at me and linked her arm with Liam. She leaned across him to kiss Sebastian, Sonja, and Chelsea’s cheek.

  “How can I serve you?” a scantily clad server asked.

  We were in Eden, a club within a club. The square building had an outdoor courtyard in the center with lush gardens and table seating. Sonja had chosen to start the night here with cocktails and appetizers.

  “We’re waiting for a couple more guests, but we’ll start with three sampler trays, and let’s order the first round of drinks,” Sebastian said.

  After Shane, Brody, and Donavan arrived, the night officially began with shots.

  Sebastian stood to toast, “Thanks for coming out with us tonight and practically every other night. No offense, but I can’t wait to be in Italy and celebrate with just my girl.”

  His toast was met with a mixture of cheers and jeers. But the liquor went down all the same.

  Sonja patted his face and kissed his cheek. “I’ll say the next toast.”

  Ethan stretched his arm on the back of my chair and gave me a teasing smile. “Did you go through swimming withdraws this morning?”

  I gave him a sarcastic laugh. “Yeah, especially since I had to suffer through the spa with my sisters instead.”

  He picked up my hand. “I like the nails. Let me see those feet.” He looked under the table and I giggled. “Your hair looks nice.” He twisted a strand around his finger. “What else did you have done?”

  I blushed recalling the wax and decided to omit that procedure. “A massage and pumpkin facial.”

  Ethan leaned in close and sniffed my face. “Mm, now I want to lick your face.”

  I wrinkled my nose and pushed him away. “Ew.”

  “I missed running, but at least I wasn’t tortured at the spa.”

  Sydney elbowed him and leaned in to join our conversation. “No, you were just tortured with party planning.”

  “Between this one.” He gestured to Sydney. “And Taylor. I didn’t decide anything. I had to be there, but I wasn’t allowed to talk. That was fun.”

  Taylor smirked. “You loved every minute of it.”


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