It Goes On

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It Goes On Page 18

by Ashley Claudy

  My mother walked around the table that separated us. “I’m sorry I had to tell you like this.” She hugged my rigid form. “I hadn’t thought you needed to know before, but you are putting your loyalty in the wrong person. You need to think about yourself.”

  “You’re right.” I struggled for the air necessary to form words, and I pushed off the chair, stepping out of my mother’s reach. “I need to look out for me.” I went to my room to pack a bag of clothes.

  As I zipped up my overfilled bag, my mother stood in the doorway, phone in hand. “So what are you going to tell him, he wants an answer?”

  I looked up from my bag. “Is he on the phone?”

  “No, but he wants me to call him.” She walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry. You may not believe me, but I am. I’ve only wanted the best for you. And this is it. Take it,” she urged.

  I felt nothing when I looked at her. “Fine, tell him I’ll do it.”

  I picked up the case and walked out of the room.

  I awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee, surprised that it was already 11:30. I’d slept for over twelve hours and still felt exhausted. I trudged out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom for a shower, hoping to wash the sleep off me.

  “Get out here. Quick,” Lexi called when I turned the water off.

  After I dressed, I walked to the kitchen, still brushing my hair.

  She pointed to a chair with her spatula. “Sit. I’ve been cooking. You’re going to want a good breakfast to face the day.”

  “Can I have the good breakfast but not the day?” I pouted as I flopped onto the chair.

  She gave me a sympathetic smile as she carried two plates full of eggs and bacon over to our seats. “Well, the day won’t be that bad.” After setting down the plates, she walked back to the counter and picked up a manila envelope. “This was delivered earlier. I had to sign for it and everything.”

  I took the envelope from her and studied it as she sat across from me. The return address was to a law office. Setting it down, I stood up. “I don’t want to deal with any of this before coffee.”

  Kate rolled her eyes and picked up the letter. “You mean you don’t want to deal with it ever; might as well get it out of the way. Can I open it?”

  I stood on tiptoe to reach the top shelf for the largest coffee cup and then turned back towards her. “That’s a great idea. Open it, and then just let me know if it’s anything I need to do.”

  I somehow managed to fill my cup without spilling it. My nerves were firing so hard I was shocked I wasn’t a useless, twitching mess.

  My father had texted me last night for my answer and to tell me to meet at his house at 6:30 for a family dinner. The idea of dinner with them put me over the edge.

  “Wow, Fuckin’ A that man works fast,” Lexi declared. She curled one long leg under her as she slid a white sheet of paper back into the envelope and then extended a blue piece of cardstock towards me.

  I reached for the paper as she explained what I’d already guessed.

  “It’s your social security card with your new name.”

  Sitting in the chair, I inspected the card. Kate Elyse Baycroft was printed on it.

  “No way could he have gotten this already if they just did the name change this morning. What did the other paper say?” I asked.

  Lexi handed me the envelope. “Some legal document with your name change. There’s also a letter from the attorney, something about privacy due to the high profile of the family.”

  I pulled out the papers, scanning for dates. The Decree Changing Name document was signed by a judge two weeks ago.

  My name had been changed two weeks ago—before anyone even asked me.

  The form didn’t even have a place where I had to sign.

  How could someone change my name without me?

  “My father and Mother acted like it was my decision, but the paperwork was started before they even asked me.” I sat stunned as my words sunk in. The numbness was back. What I wanted had never mattered; I was just a game piece to move around in their life, at their will.

  “That’s shitty, not to mention obnoxious. I think your mom is right though. Stop worrying about them and take what you can. They obviously only care about how you reflect on them. You have to be the one who takes care of you.”

  A harsh laughed escaped me. “I just don’t understand why I always expect more from any of them. My mother’s never up front and honest, but I’m surprised every time I’m reminded that’s the case. Every. Time.”

  Perhaps she’d been lying about my dad just to convince me. I’d spent most of the night Googling him and reading the same articles I’d read hundreds of times, all touting his dedication to the force and his heroism in cleaning up the city that killed him. I stared at the pictures of him, hoping for the truth but never knowing. It was impossible to tell what had happened over the internet. I only had my mother’s words, and they couldn’t be trusted.

  “Do you want to go to the DMV and get your license? I can go with. I’ve got some time before work.”

  I took a bite of bacon and chewed over my options. “Eh, I don’t really want to go.”

  Lexi put her coffee cup down. “Play this game with them, Kate. Get this mess out of the way, and then do what you want.”

  I took a fortifying sip of coffee. “You’re right. Let’s go and get this over with.”

  “Reporters may try to contact you, but leave all the statements to our PR team.” Connor coached me as we walked into the dining room.

  The large table was set for five, and I wondered who the additional guest would be. My stomach was in knots, anticipating my mother’s arrival.

  My father explained, “Chelsea will be joining us, as well as Natasha and my mother, your grandmother.”

  The knot in my stomach twisted even tighter, and I took a seat. “My mother’s not coming?”

  He cleared his throat. “No, that would not be prudent at this time. Which is another thing I needed to speak to you about. You have not been staying at the condo I bought for you.”

  It sounded like a statement, but the way he paused made me answer, “No, I haven’t.”

  “Reporters, or more correctly vultures, will be all over our family for a short time. They will question all our actions and it would appear I have bought your mother a condo if you are not there. That will not reflect well on any of us, especially Natasha.”

  “Okay.” It wasn’t an agreement, but I didn’t want to talk to this frustrating man anymore. How much control was I going to allow him to have? I needed to get through dinner and then separate myself to think everything over.

  “Are you going to fire my mother?” I asked out of concern, a bad habit really.

  He gripped the back of one of the chairs. “No, but I have assigned her to another position. For the same pay of course,” he added as if that was my concern the entire time.

  I couldn’t contain my next comment no matter how disastrous it might be. “And what about your Sunday dinners? And sleepovers?”

  His knuckles whitened as he tightened his grip on the back of a chair. “I’m going to limit my interactions to necessary communication about you. Since you are an adult, I expect that need to be very minimal. Although with your behaviors I may be wrong.” He loosened his hands from the chair. “Look at me and listen carefully. I can control my actions for the good of our family; I expect you to do the same.”

  I had looked up when he requested and maintained eye contact now. His dark eyes were exactly like mine, but I doubted mine could contain the fire that was in his now. He won the staring contest; I averted my gaze and looked back down at my gold-rimmed plate.

  The house man, Manuel, arrived at the entrance to the dining room. “Mrs. Baycroft and Ms. Lyons have arrived, sir.”

  “Can you tell my daughter to join us for dinner?” My father ordered and then turned to me. “Stand up Kate and greet your grandmother.”

  I rose from my chair and t
ook a deep, bracing breath as I turned and stepped forward. Natasha walked through the large doorway first, straight into Connor’s arms.

  “Natasha, you look lovely as always,” he complimented her. She wore a tight green silk sheath dress that ended at her knees. It seemed overly formal compared to my cotton dress. Or maybe I was underdressed.

  “And mother, how have you been?” Connor separated from Natasha to kiss his mother on the cheek. She was tall, almost as tall as Connor, and had dark auburn hair pulled into a low twist. Smooth skin with barely a sign of aging covered her sharp features. She was striking.

  After she greeted her son, she turned her dark brown eyes on me. “And is this the girl?”

  “Yes mother, this is Kate. Kate, this is your grandmother Jacquelyn.”

  I smiled and took a step towards her as she extended her hand.

  “You may call me Mrs. Baycroft for now.” She barely shook my hand, only allowing the tips of three fingers to touch me, and even that seemed too much for her.

  I took a step back to distance myself from the grandmother who was already disgusted by me.

  After watching her greet Chelsea, I decided not to take our introduction too personally. She barely allowed Chelsea to touch her either.

  Dinner was painfully long and awkward, and I didn’t say one word the entire time.

  After Mrs. Baycroft left with a farewell as aloof as her greeting, Chelsea excused herself.

  “Chelsea, wait,” Connor demanded. “Take Kate out with you tonight.”

  “That’s okay. She doesn’t—”

  Connor cut off my words, “The media is curious about everyone’s reactions, we need to write the story and give them photos before they make up one. You two will go out together tonight.”

  “We’re going to a movie premiere. There’ll be a lot of photo ops.” Chelsea eyed me and sighed. “You can’t wear that. I’ll call my stylist to bring extra people.”

  “That’s perfect.” Our father nodded. “Do whatever you have to do, but be sure to stay close to each other, and smile for the camera.” He walked down the hall without another word. Natasha followed.

  “Took you long enough,” Chelsea complained as Taylor stepped into our limo.

  “What? I had to get ready.” She shrugged, and her boobs bounced in her filmy white and blue dress. She adjusted the thin straps as she settled into her seat and then smoothed the short hemline.

  “Liam is going to be all over you in that dress,” Chelsea commented.

  The corner of Taylor’s mouth curled into a sultry smile to match her makeup. “That’s the point. But I’m not allowing it tonight; I’m still trying to teach him a lesson.”

  Chelsea ran her hand along her short, purple kimono style dress. “Well, I hope Silas is there to see me in this.”

  “If he’s not there, he’ll at least see pictures of it. You’re guaranteed to be photographed a lot tonight since the news of her paternity went public today.” Taylor nodded at me “Did you think about that when you chose that outfit?”

  I looked down at my black dress. From the front, it did look rather plain with its long sleeves and covered neckline, but it was short and the back scooped down low, almost to the beginning curve of my butt. It hung in a way that accentuated the sweep from my waist to my hip.

  I shrugged off her insult. I had enough to think about without adding Taylor’s opinion to the mix.

  “It’s Tom Ford,” Chelsea defended. “Pose to the side so the cameras can see the back.”

  “I’d like to stand in the middle, but since you two probably need to be together, let me stand first.” Taylor nodded to herself.

  Chelsea’s lips pressed into a smile. “She’s afraid they’ll cut her out of the photos.”

  Taylor’s eyes rolled to the ceiling. “Of course I’ll get cut out of some, it’s inevitable. But they’ll also keep me in some. Sorry Chelsea, Kate is going to be my new best friend tonight.” She nudged my leg with the tip of her heeled toe. “Just follow my lead. Pose like I pose, and you’ll look good.”

  My nerves were only contained by my skin as we pulled up to the crowded theater. Cameras flashed and big lights crisscrossed the night sky, like a lighthouse signaling our location.

  People were everywhere, both on and off the red carpet. I searched for Ethan’s calming presence as I rose out of the limo, but didn’t see him. Taylor and Chelsea linked arms with me and dragged me down the carpet.

  We approached a spot set up for pictures with an advertisement screen as a backdrop. Photographers yelled for Taylor and Chelsea to pose, and they questioned if I was Kate.

  “I’m glad to be out with my sister,” Chelsea said, angling towards me as the cameras flashed.

  I attempted to follow her lead and turn in towards her, but Taylor kept hold of my other arm as she posed with us.

  We walked through three more screens with similar results, just slightly differing poses. Some photographers asked questions about whom we were dating. Most asked Taylor why she hadn’t walked in with Liam.

  I smiled and posed but didn’t respond over the noise of the crowd. Thankfully, we kept moving towards the door, never standing in one spot for too long.

  Ethan was by my side the minute I walked through the doors to the lobby. And I forgot about everything else. He looked amazing but so different than usual, and I couldn’t stop staring.

  “Hello beauty.” He leaned in to kiss my cheek as his hand slid to my bare back and stayed there. “I saw you on the carpet. You did well.”

  “I like your haircut.” I stopped myself just short of reaching my hand out and rubbing his new short style and clean shave that showed off a sharp jawline. “And this suit,” I added, drinking in the way he wore his all black suit with the same ease he wore his workout gear. I didn’t think it was possible for him to look any sexier than he did in the pool, but this might top it. Maybe, it was close. I’m not sure if it was the suit or the hair, but his emerald eyes shone brighter than ever and his smile made my heart stop.

  “Did you see me on the carpet?” Taylor asked as she linked her arm through his other arm.

  “You always do great,” he replied and kissed her cheek as well.

  “The old Ethan is back.” She ran her hand over his hair. “I liked the longer hair, but this looks good too.”

  “Thanks. Had to shape it up for work.”

  “Where’s Liam?” Chelsea asked as she reached up to trade cheek kisses with Ethan.

  He looked around the crowded lobby. “He went off to talk to someone. I’m sure he’ll be back soon, and then we can go into the theater.”

  I looked around at the ornate lobby. An enormous Chinese chandelier hung from the tall ceiling, and we were surrounded by red and gold. Columns and paintings lined the walls as well as statues and other miscellaneous Chinese décor.

  “Will you stop being a tourist for a minute and focus?” Taylor said.

  “This place is crazy,” I said in explanation.

  “Liam’s back,” Chelsea announced. “We can go in now.”

  Liam greeted us girls with a hug and a kiss on the cheek before we walked into the theater. His hug felt stiff and his kiss was cold.

  “Are we going to Eden for the after party?” Liam asked as we left the theater.

  Our driver waited with the door open as Taylor and Chelsea discussed their plans.

  “Let’s do it. I guess we all might as well ride together,” Chelsea offered.

  Once in the limo, Liam immediately went for the mini bar. “Let’s see what refreshments we have.” He ran his fingers across the bottles lining the shelf. “Who wants the classic rum and coke? Or just rum?” He asked, dangling a bottle between two fingers. At everyone’s agreement, he reached for the cups.

  “Drink fast. We’re not far away,” Chelsea advised the group.

  Ethan sat opposite me in the limo and watched me the entire ride. I felt his eyes on me, warming me more than the rum. The distance between us felt wrong. I wanted to be nex
t to him, touching him, and him touching me. This time, I couldn’t blame the alcohol for the strange pull I felt when I was near him. It seemed so much had changed between us in the last two days. And even though all these feelings unnerved me, I couldn’t deny the attraction, and I no longer wanted to just be friends.



  Fucking Prostitute.

  Kate’s words echoed in Carly’s head as strong hands gripped her shoulders. They were supposed to be giving her a massage, but they created the opposite effect. She was tense, and no massage would help. Carly knew she had to end the contact and get away.

  “You worked hard this week, but you know what they say about all work and no play,” her new boss murmured as he squeezed her shoulders. “Maybe you can return the favor for me. I bet you give a great massage. Connor spoke highly of your talents.”

  What did that mean? But the question was pointless, she knew what it meant.

  She’d been a fool and Kate was right. She was just a highly paid prostitute. Was Connor her pimp? Did he really pass her on to someone else for this purpose?

  Had she completely lost him?

  She quickly weighed her options. Mr. Goldstien was wealthy but married.

  No. If she accepted this man’s advances, things would be over between Connor and her. And she wasn’t ready to give up yet.

  “No.” Carly stood up, forcing his hands to drop from her shoulders. “But thank you,” she added to soften her sharp dismissal, and then she turned to leave. “I will see you on Monday.”

  “I need your assistance tomorrow.”

  Carly paused, “I thought Mrs. Simmons was assisting you tomorrow?”

  “These are important clients. You need to meet them.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Carly replied and walked out of the office.

  Chapter Seventeen


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