FILTHY ENGLISH: Romantic Tryst - BOOK 1

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FILTHY ENGLISH: Romantic Tryst - BOOK 1 Page 3

by Danielle Greyson

  "I can’t believe a matchmaker wants to match us :)"

  She let her phone slip between her fingers after reading JP’s message and dropped on the ground.

  She picked up the phone slowly making sure it was in one piece.

  What does he want now?

  Trying not to think about what had happened during the day, but not possible, every second she set her mind free, her already thoughts fled toward the recent events.

  She was so disappointed and angry with him, she didn’t know what to answer or if she should answer him at all.

  Speaking with him is not an option anymore because he doesn’t deserve a second of her attention any longer.

  Carolina managed to hold on for five days without a reply to JP, finally, after her irritation calmed down and with a cool head she sent him a message saying:

  "Imagine she wanted to introduce me to someone I already knew."

  As soon he got Carolina’s message he replied immediately:

  "Ah ah I need you, I want you in my bed again shall we meet again? I am home by 4pm."

  There it was, the message Carolina wanted to receive for so long, for a moment she was tempted to say yes, but she held back, recalling everything Tess had told her, the way he acted with her and why.

  Tess was absolutely right, all the messages JP sent Carolina were only to confirm if she was still available for him, she couldn’t continue acting the same way as before.

  It is over.

  She wanted to move on with her life, she wanted to forget him, and she chose to ignore him.

  The next day she received another message from JP:

  "I thought that you also wanted to see me"

  When Carolina saw the message, she smiled and thought.

  You have no idea how much I want you, how much I want to see and feel the urge to smell you, but you will never touch me again.

  She decided to reply hours later:

  "Hi, I'm very busy, but we can meet to catch up someday."

  She waited days for a reply and a call that never came.

  Again he made the vanishing act which only proves that Tess’ theory was right. He began by patrolling her and when he was sure she is still available for him, he would ignore her completely.

  Carolina decided to end this bad joke once and for all.

  Carolina had to strip him off her head once and for all and it would be today.


  She sent a message to an ex-boyfriend, Nils, asking how he was and if he was still in London.

  After a few minutes Carolina received a message from Nils saying:

  "Hello, I have been thinking of contacting you for some time now, but didn’t know if I should.

  I was pleasantly surprised to see your message, it seems that was an exchange of thoughts. Hey, do you want to have dinner with me this week?"

  When she saw Nils message, Carolina was satisfied that he is not upset with her anymore and above of all, they might be able to stay as friends or even return to dating again. They could start where they stop from the last time.

  Carolina beat up herself mentally, how was it possible that she couldn’t love Nils who was so lovely and caring and a real gentleman to her, why was she in love with a man who doesn’t deserve her and treated her like rubbish.

  She made up her mind to stop any contact with JP and sends him the last text message:

  “Hi. I have a boyfriend from now on I am not available anymore. Please don’t contact me anymore. Goodbye.”

  However, instead of JP to say, okay or not reply at all, he started seeking for advice from Carolina regarding the woman he was in love with, who still didn’t come back to him.

  JP didn’t realize how much he was hurting Carolina’s heart, not only did JP open up to Carolina, but also asked about Nils. He asked if Nils behaves like a man or if he behaves like a boy, showing his concern about her and her boyfriend, he wants to know if Nils treats her well.

  Sometimes Carolina had the impression of some jealousy when JP spoke or asked questions about Nils.

  Now that she is back with Nils, although she isn’t in love, she wouldn’t let JP have fun with her feelings anymore.

  She was treated with respect by Nils and that’s all she needed right now.

  It was not fair to Nils giving her time even to think for a moment about JP, she has decided to forget about JP at any cost and with Nils’ help, Carolina will be able too.

  Months had gone by, and her relationship with Nils was growing stronger than ever.

  JP was now in the past, they stopped all contact completely.

  Tonight, is the night were Carolina and Nils would appear as a couple in public, many of their friends knew they were already together, but Carolina and Nils took it slow this time and every occasion they were together they would stay at home, rather than go out to public events.

  As Nils was a public figure in the fashion industry, he needed to be careful with his image and with what he was putting out there of himself, especially regarding his private life.

  When Nils saw Carolina so enthusiastic in helping to organize a gala ball for a charity committee, he knew he needed to be there and support her work. So he offered to go with her, she was very happy that he was a man who would be there for her when she needed him.

  Some friends and the London society, in general, would be at the ball, she knew it was time to make their relationship public, and the press always loved gossip about one of the owners of the UK’s largest fashions company with his new girlfriend.

  Nils was a man with excellent taste in clothes, it didn’t matter what he was wearing, he always looked very fashionable and everything fit him as costume made, probably they are, but Carolina never asked.

  Getting a little nervous about tonight’s event, she knew it was time to let the relationship with Nils move forward, it was the right thing to do, for her, and for Nils.

  He was the man who loved and respected her as a woman, hoping she could love him back the same way he loves her, one day.

  Genuinely, appreciating everything about Nils she started to like him, and every time she was with him, it was with joy. Carolina didn’t love Nils as much as she loved JP, but with time she would get there, and be happy because she stopped thinking of JP on a daily basis.

  And tonight everything would change forever, it would be a special night for Carolina, her life would be the beginning of a new phase with Nils and a future together.

  The occasion deserved an expensive dress for the ball, she wants to look good and wants Nils to be proud of her.

  When she has finished dressing up, Nils rang the door right on time. She showed up at the door with a long and tight dress-shaped dark blue mermaid, with a heart-shaped strapless neckline and embroidered on the edges with bright Swarovski beads with open back. Silver-heeled Jimmy Choo sandals, but because of the length of the dress, they were not always visible and a silver clutch to match.

  It wasn’t usual for Carolina to dress expensive labels, but she likes to have a few pieces for special occasions, like tonight.

  With London’s weather there is always the need for some extra clothes, hence the need for a short fur coat in white and grey.

  Looking so elegantly tight up, she was really surprised with herself and how amazing she looked tonight.

  As soon as Nils sets eyes on Carolina and all her dazzled elegance, he was astonished at how beautiful and over the top she looked. In his eyes, she looked like a movie star ready for a premiere. He smiled at her, approached close enough to kiss her tenderly.

  Without warning, Nils knelt at Carolina’s feet, it took a moment for Carolina to understand what’s going on and why Nils was kneeling. He looked at her lovingly and pulled out of her tuxedo trousers a small box, at the same time he opened the small box and looked in her eyes, he pops out the question:

  “Carolina, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met, would you like to be my wife, and take me as your husband for the rest of your life?�

  She was already expecting this night to be an amazing night, but she wasn’t counting having so many things going on in just one night. When he asked her to marry him, offering her a beautiful diamond ring, her heart froze and all her blood seems to stop pumping in her body.

  She is completely paralysed, in shock and full of doubts.

  Caught completely out off guard, she didn’t feel quite ready to move for something so definitive like marriage.

  Instead of giving him all the excited obvious answer, and yet again that filthy English clouded her thoughts with mixed signals, she felt numb, not knowing what to answer. But she knew what the right answer was.

  Nils waited patiently, kneeling for few seconds, what seem to be an eternity for both to get an answer.

  The only thing Carolina was able to do, was to hug Nils tenderly, she couldn't let a word out of her mouth, either yes nor no.

  She couldn’t open her mouth.

  She was terrified.

  Recovering slowly, she holds Nils hands to raise him from the ground. He got up slowly and looks at her confused.

  "I thought this is what you want too"

  "Yes, I want to get married, but you caught me completely off guard and I am still in shock, I’m sorry"

  They sat for a moment in Carolina’s coach, without saying another word, he puts the ring inside the box, she stretched the finger and Nils put the diamond in Carolina’s finger.

  However, she is not sure she was ready to take the next step, but still thought it would take some time to plan the wedding which would give her time to get used to the idea.

  She knows this is the right decision.


  After putting the beautiful ring on Carolina’s finger, she looked at the ring and to Nils, she knew he was expecting a comment:

  “It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen, thank you so much”.

  Genuinely, saying that because she was hugging and giving him a long kiss.

  They left Carolina’s flat engaged.

  When they finally arrived at the hotel for the gala ball, they were escorted by a hostess from the hotel entrance to the hall before the venue room, where they were served a flute of champagne.

  Waiters were very busy handing out the champagne, making all guests welcomed and happy, it was a good start for the evening.

  The hall was filled with guests while they took a sip of champagne they could appreciate pieces of art displayed all around, for the silent auction. Since the auction would follow throughout dinner and only at the end of the dinner would it be closed and the winner will be known, everyone could see the name on the IPad who bids what and for how much.

  As Carolina and Nils had only bought two places at the table for dinner, they would stay with four more couples, who they didn’t know who they were.

  It took them a few minutes to discover their table, and with great surprise, they had as table mates one of the greatest writers of England with his wife, a very friendly couple with a huge age gap, the wife was definitely a wife-trophy. The other two couples were Carolina and Nils’s social friends, they meet before in several events when they were together for the first time, both couples were pleasantly surprised to see them together.

  Dinner was going well with all the guests at the table having a great time, all guests were delighted with the wonderful dinner, and a well-known band was playing in the background. Carolina saw in guest’s faces how delighted they were, making her feel very happy to be part of the organization of the event.

  After dinner, some were ready to dance, while others were curious about the ongoing auction and following their chosen pieces, they took the last moments to bid in the silent auction spending millions to help the cause.

  Carolina and Nils bid on a painting both liked, it was an artwork from a well-known modern art painter and both were hoping to get their first acquisition for a future together.

  Sitting back in her chair, watching all the guests having fun and Nils, life was starting to make sense to Carolina, starting to be free with Nils and seeing him as the man for the rest of her life.

  Everything was good now.

  Carolina loved dancing and as soon she heard a song she likes, she was ready for a dance and pulled Nils to dance with her, Nils grabbed her from behind, dancing at the same pace with Carolina.

  While they were dancing, they hugged each other, Carolina closed her eyes and when she opens her eyes, she looked sideways to the exit door and for a second she thought she saw JP.

  Her blood froze in her veins, she looks again, but there was no one there and she thought her mind was playing tricks, maybe she was having an unconscious desire to see JP again. Trying to forget, she continued dancing with Nils and soon she didn’t think about JP anymore.

  But now she hasn’t the same energy to dance as before, she is slightly upset because she is having such a great time with Nils, and there it was JP back in her mind, it was not fair to her and Nils.

  She is completely off suddenly and didn’t feel like going home to Nils place tonight, she needs to be alone, and she needs the comfort and safety of her home.

  She stretched to reach Nils ear and told him she is going to the toilet, she wouldn’t take long.

  While she was walking towards the exit door, she looks back at the busy room filled with happy guests dancing and drinking, everyone seemed to be having fun, she needed to be alone right now.

  While she walked past the huge marble atrium she started to feel more and more relaxed, the anxiety that started minutes ago in the gala room was calming down and she felt more serene.

  The hallway was empty and cold, Carolina felts good and at the same time having a shiver in her body from the fresh air, about 3 meters to the women's toilet she saw the men’s toilet door opening and a man getting out.

  Her eyes almost jumped from her orbits, her jaw dropped without order and her body froze completely, she couldn’t believe who she was seeing, JP is a few meters away and in front of her.

  She is not going crazy after all, and her mind isn’t playing tricks, he is right there in front her.

  Carolina’s body immediately stopped responding to any brain commands at the same time she saw him.

  With, so many emotions trying to come out at any moment, she remained perfectly still in the middle of the hall. She didn’t know what would happen next and in complete shock of seeing him again because she thought he was a closed page in her life.

  But the feelings were still there and inside her a whirlwind of emotions all about to come out at any moment. Still frozen waiting for his reaction unable to produce a sound.

  When JP looked up in her direction, he recognized her immediately despite almost one year had gone by and they never saw each other.

  He stopped like her and stared at her only a few meters away. It had been a long time since the first and only date they had. Looking the same as she remembered him, just awesome and those unforgettable blue eyes giving him that intense and hunter look.

  Carolina wasn’t sure if he stopped because he was trying to remember where he knew her or stopped because he expected her to take the initiative to start any conversation.

  JP looked at her without saying a word.

  She remained frozen and mute.

  Without any doubt, he still has an intoxicating effect on Carolina.

  In silence, JP starts walking towards Carolina, always in a firm walk without taking his eyes from hers, he approached so closely that she felt his breath on her face, his body heat, and his smell.

  "I almost didn’t recognize you, you look stunning tonight. I need to have you again"

  Without a word, she instinctively takes a step back and he takes another step forward, getting too close again.

  She takes another step back and gets stuck between the wall and JP’s body, looking at each other’s eyes for a few moment, and without her permission, JP decides to press his body against hers, kissing her while searching for her hands, holding
them, squeezing her gently against the wall with his body.

  Carolina was so surprised with what is happening, it doesn’t seem to be real, and it feels like she is living a dream, one in which she imagined long ago a perfect reunion with JP.

  But it wasn’t a dream, now it was a nightmare. She was just engaged to Nils, and now she is being kissed by the man who played with her feelings and diminished her as a woman.

  Still, she feels the touch of his lips on her lips, his body against her body, his unique scent and it was enough to make her body shiver in all nerve endings.

  She discovered she is still madly in love with him.

  However, Nils came to her mind and as Carolina regained consciousness of what was happening, coming slowly back to reality, she realizes that none of this makes sense.

  Irritation for JP starts to rise and although she has confused emotions, she realises she wants to go out of there. How does he dare to come near her start kissing her just like that, regardless of whether she wants to be kissed by him or not, or if she's with someone else or not?

  He didn’t care or respect her at all.

  With anger growing inside her, she pushed him, relieving enough pressure from his body, it was enough for her to get rid of him and without saying a word she walked away in a hurry into the ladies toilet.

  JP didn’t give up and pursued her, trying to get inside the ladies toilet after her.

  "I missed you, I only realise that when I saw you now. Please let me inside. Let’s talk."

  He said outside the door, trying to get in, but he couldn’t because she is leaned against the door.

  Finally, he managed to open the door slowly and catches Carolina trying to kiss her again, but Carolina pushed him with both hands away, forcing him to stay away, looking at him at the same time with a wild whirlwind of feelings formed in her mind and heart.

  She decided that the only thing she could do right now is to run out as fast as she could into the room where the party is still going on.

  The dress and high heels didn’t help her taking the speed she needed right now, but she managed to get out of there and ran away, hoping that he would stay behind and give up.


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