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Amelia and the Secret of Stoney Manor (Amelia Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Michelle Bradshaw

  She took his hand in hers and patted it. “I promise I do not think anything of the sort. I am quite honored that you would think of me so highly. You can call me Grandma if you wish to,” she said with a wink.

  “I think I’ll stick with Ms. Matilda for now, if that’s okay,” he remarked smiling.

  “Whatever you feel comfortable with,” she responded patting his hand one more time before she let it go.

  “Well, I guess I better be getting home then. Goodnight, Ms. Matilda. Night, Luna,” he announced rubbing her head a little rougher than she liked, making her growl.

  “Oh” he laughed. “Maybe you’ll like me one day.”

  I knew she already liked him better, but I wasn’t about to say how I knew that. “I’ll walk you to the door,” I said walking out of the room.

  “If you need anything Ms. Matilda,” he said with a wave. She nodded with a smile.

  He took my hand in his and kissed it as we walked hand in hand down the hallway to the front door. “I really love your family,” he smiled, looking me in the eyes.

  You won’t love all of them, I thought to myself.

  “I especially love you,” he proclaimed as he passionately kissed me for a minute in the doorway.

  “I love you.” I sighed, making his smile grow larger.

  “Goodnight,” he uttered kissing me on my forehead. “You know where I am if you need me,” he added, pointing to me as he walked backwards to his truck, almost tripping. “You didn’t see that,” he joked.

  “See what?” I winked, making him smile again as he got in his truck. I waved as he backed out and stood in the doorway until I could no longer see his taillights and shut the door and locked it.




  Still concerned for Grandmother, I briskly walked back to the sitting room to find her sitting in the chair by the window, basking in the glow of the moon. “Are you feeling completely better now?” I asked.

  “I am all right,” she replied, turning to look at me for a moment and then back at the moon. “The moon’s glow is helping, but we do not know the magnitude of that hex or what its purpose was.”

  “I assumed he wanted to kill you,” I remarked.

  “If he would have wanted to, he could have very easily done it then. I did not feel like myself today, so my guard was down.” She paused, tapping her fingers against her chin. “What happened while I was out?” she asked, looking at me again.

  “Well, we heard you scream and found you. Right after, Matthew left to find a broom, which worked out so that I could try to heal you.”

  “Oh, did you?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I replied. “Luna said that you were hexed and that it was draining your magic. At that moment she told me to use my gift.”

  “And you did?” she probed. “Hmmm, maybe that is why I did not die then, because it sounded like he was trying to drain me of my powers.”

  “I figured he would have had to be here in person to do that,” I said, thinking back to my training.

  “Dark ways, remember?” she clarified, shooting me a disgusted look.

  “So, did I completely heal you? Is the moon helping?” I asked still concerned.

  “Only time will tell. If he weakened my magic to any degree, at my age, it will take time to build my strength back up.”

  “I imagined witches lived a long time. I believed our family was strong. I thought … I thought.” She grabbed my hands in hers before I could say anymore.

  “Calm down, sweetheart.” She never called me that. She must really mean it. “I am not going to die. I am too stubborn and I will not let myself. We do live a long time and our family is strong, but that was a powerful hex. You are going to have to trust that it is going to be okay.”

  I wasn’t really content with this “wait and see” kind of approach, but I knew that’s what we were left with for the moment. “Okay.” I murmured quietly.

  “That is my Amelia,” she said pulling me into a hug. “I am tired, as you can imagine. I think we need to call it a night and go on to bed.” We said good night and each went off to our rooms.

  As I lay in bed, I couldn’t keep thoughts of concern for Grandmother out of my mind. I wanted so badly to just turn my mind off and go to sleep, but that clearly wasn’t going to happen. I decided to take a walk outside to clear my head. Luna was asleep and sleeping so soundly that I didn’t want to wake her up and chose to go alone.

  “Brrr,” I exclaimed once outside. Should have grabbed my jacket, I reflected as I walked to the back yard, hoping the moon in some way would make me feel better. As I sat down on the cold grass, basking in the light of the moon, I saw movement at the forest’s edge. “What was that?” I uttered in a hushed tone. “Maybe it was the white wolf I’ve seen before.” I knew it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to go venturing into the woods this late at night all alone, but curiosity got the best of me and I went anyway. It didn’t take long to reach the end of the yard. I guess I was anxious to find out what I had seen that I almost ran the whole way. I started to get a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that something wasn’t right and that I should turn back, but I silenced it and entered the woods anyway.

  “Nothing so far,” I mumbled as I ventured deeper and deeper into the woods.

  Whooo, hoooo, hoooo, hooted an owl on a nearby branch.

  “Hello there,” I said giggling, because it made me jump. Little creatures of the night scampered and scurried all around me as crickets chirped their merry little symphony. Having been here earlier today with Matthew, I sort of knew where I was going and didn’t think I would have any problems finding my way out. “Oh, there are those pretty wildflowers,” I said, remembering finding them with Matthew. I decided to sit down amongst them, taking in the beauty of the forest at night, almost forgetting the reason I had begun to explore. All of a sudden, everything around me grew eerily quiet. “I guess they got tired,” I murmured to myself to keep fear at bay. “Maybe I should head back though.” The clouds danced across the moon, making it harder to see at times.

  Snap! came the sound of a twig breaking. “Who, who’s out there?” I called out, looking around but seeing nothing. A low growling sound erupted as a wolf as black as the night stepped out into the light rays of moon that now surrounded me. My heart began to beat rapidly as I tried to remain calm. I was afraid to move … afraid to speak … for fear if I did, it would surely attack me. Its eyes flickered green as it began to inch its way toward me. I knew I had to move, but fear seemed to hold me captive where I sat. “Hello there?” I said, slowly trying to rise on my feet without scaring it. It snorted. I took one step back as it inched one step forward as fear slowly began to encompass my body. “My name is Amelia. I mean you no harm,” I squeaked out and, with what seemed to be the very mention of my name, it lunged at me …. snapping and growling as its eyes went from black to a shade of red like that of embers, causing me to gasp.

  “Amelia,” she hissed.

  “You-you can talk?” I stammered as my body began to tremble.

  “He sent me to find you. I was only supposed to locate you, but I am so hungry. I haven’t eaten in days, and you look so appetizing,” she informed me with a growl as her mouth began to salivate and inched closer.

  “No, no. I’m sure I don’t taste good. You might want to just go find a rabbit or something.”

  She scoffed at me and said, “A rabbit would not fill my belly as a young girl like you would. Now, just hold still.”

  “B-b-b-but, he will surely kill you if you do this,” I stuttered.

  “I will die anyway if I don’t eat,” she responded, taking another step closer.

  Okay, Amelia, you are going to die if you don’t run, I concluded, and in a panic, I began to run as fast I could, trying not to trip on the fallen limbs. Not wanting to turn around, I could hear the sound of paws hitting the ground as well as feel her hot breath on my back. Not really pay
ing attention to the tree roots, I tripped and fell to the ground. I turned to face the wolf, shielding my face and trying to brace for impact.

  “Now, don’t go doing that again,” she growled as she hunched back to jump on me.

  “Aaaahhh!” I screamed as she sailed through the air.

  When out of nowhere, the white wolf appeared, jumping her in midair knocking her away from me. It was a blur of colors as they rolled around on the ground, biting and nipping at each other. I just sat there, frozen, not knowing what to do, until the white wolf turned his head and barked, “Go,” to me. I didn’t question him, I got up and ran, without looking back.

  “Thank you!" I shouted, not knowing if he heard me, but grateful to be alive. I didn’t stop running until I had crossed the backyard and reached the porch, threw open the door, and slammed it closed. “Whew!” I said as I locked the door. I turned around and I was face-to-face with Luna and Grandmother.




  “What do you think you were doing?” she asked angrily. “If Luna had not woken up to find you were not in your bed and come and woke me up …” She paused. “Well, I …” She put her hand to her forehead as if to think and calm herself. “Go to the sitting room and wait for me. I need a minute to clear my head. If I speak to you right now, I will say something I will regret.”

  “But Grandmother …”

  “Go, Amelia!” she commanded, pointing in the direction of the sitting room. I had seen her mad, but never this mad. I walked slowly to the room where my punishment was soon to ensue and tried to listen to the conversation at hand.

  “I just do not know what to do, Luna.” Said Grandmother in a low voice. “She is strong-willed like her father and myself, but I do not think either of us would have ever—”

  Luna interrupted, “Now, don’t finish that statement, Matilda,” she said soothingly. “When you were her age, remember the time you …”

  “Oh, yes, yes I do. Mother nearly killed me for it. Let us not bring that up,” she advised waving her hand. “Frogs,” she laughed.

  “Yep,” agreed Luna with a giggle.

  “Maybe I was being too harsh with her. As long as she did not get into danger …” she mumbled and I couldn’t hear anymore.

  Oh no, I panicked, thinking of the wolf incident. Do I tell her or not? I pondered to myself. “If I don’t and she found out from someone else, then I would probably be in even more trouble. I just hope she doesn’t keep me from seeing Matthew,” I whispered. Then it dawned on me, “Oh, how stupid I was to risk not being able to see him anymore,” I exclaimed.

  “There is something greater at risk,” clarified Grandmother, walking into the room, calmer now. “Please sit down, Amelia.” She gestured to the chair. Taking a breath before she continued, “You are dealing with a greater danger than you seem to realize.”

  “The Darkness,” I muttered.

  “Yes,” she confirmed as she smoothed the skirt of her dress down, as if to keep herself calm. I could tell she didn’t like the way I spoke his name. “He does not think twice before he kills someone, Amelia. If anything ever happened to you …” She paused as she took a lacey handkerchief out of her pocket and dabbed her eyes with it. “It was different before. You did not know any better. Luna and I protected you to the best of our ability. Things are different now because you know what is going on, to a degree. Your actions could, very well, lead to deadly consequences. For instance, you would not want anything to happen to Matthew, I am sure …”

  “Matthew, what does he have to do with this?”

  “Well, the Darkness has been known to target those we love most as a way of reminding people who is in charge.”

  “For the moment,” growled Luna.

  Grandmother just nodded before continuing, “Well, just think, if you were to be captured or wounded, do you not think Matthew would do his best to help you or find you?” I didn’t respond as I was in shock to the fact that I had never really considered anything happening to him, and it frightened me immensely. Grandmother continued, “I am not saying to live in fear. I am saying be consciously aware of your actions and the consequences they bring. It is not like the old days. We do not have—”

  “Matilda,” cautioned Luna as if to stop her from finishing the sentence.

  She cleared her throat, “Ahem … do you understand what I am saying, Amelia?” she asked as I shook my head to clear the thoughts of awful things happening to Matthew because of me. I just nodded. “Now, did anything happen to you tonight?”

  “Well, there was this black wolf …” Grandmother’s face grew pale as I told the story of everything that had happened in the woods as she continued to try and smooth the nonexistent wrinkles from her dress.

  “I am glad you are all right,” she remarked when I was finished, taking a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking. Luna darted out of the room, without a word; to check the property I’m sure. “Do you understand better now that we do not have the luxury to, well, um …” I had never seen her lost for words, but I’m sure she was still taking in all that I had told her.

  “Yes, Grandmother. I do.” She feigned a smile and excused herself to go to her room. I don’t know if it was just because she was upset with me, but she did seem slightly weaker than normal. I hoped it had nothing to do with the stone, but banished the idea from my mind as I could not deal with much more tonight and went off to bed.




  Sleep was my enemy tonight. I tossed and turned as nightmares of horrible and vile things happened to Matthew.

  “Matthew, no!!” I shouted as images of the Darkness killing him in cold blood in front of me flashed through my mind.

  “It’s all your fault, Amelia,” said Uncle Bart, Grandmother, and Luna in my dream. Their eyes appeared glazed over, and they seemed to be lost in a daze. Quite frankly, it was terrifying to see them this way.

  “No, no. I didn’t mean for this to happen,” I pleaded, looking down at the dead body of my beloved.

  “Your fault. Your fault,” they chanted and pointed at me as the Darkness killed them, one by one, as he laughed a maniacal laugh.

  “You are next,” he proclaimed pointing to me. I screamed shooting straight up in bed.

  “Are you all right?” asked Luna jumping.

  “Yes. Just a nightmare.”

  “You want to tell me about it?” she asked.

  I just shook my head, not wanting to utter the things that came through my mind, as if it might bring it to pass. “I love you,” I said in tears as I snatched her up to hug her.

  “You’re squeezing me too hard, dear,” she squeaked out.

  “Oh, sorry, I guess I hugged too tight,” I admitted wiping my face.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk?” she asked, nuzzling my hand.

  “Thank you, but I would rather not. Besides, it is morning already and we need to get ready for Matthew.”

  “Okay, I’m here if you need me.” I nodded as I habitually got ready and ran down to breakfast.

  Neither Grandmother nor I seemed to be that hungry this morning. I couldn’t seem to get the images of my dead loved ones out of my head, totally killing my appetite. I gazed at Grandmother, who seemed to have dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  “Oh, sorry, dear. I did not sleep well last night.”

  “You either?”


  “Never mind.” I responded clearing my place as well as hers and taking it to the kitchen to tidy up.

  “She had a nightmare,” Luna said to Grandmother.

  “Oh, did she?” asked Grandmother.

  “Tattle tale,” I grumbled under my breath. Does she have to tell her everything? I could tell this day was not starting out right. I would have to be careful not to take it out on Matthew. I wished it wa
s as easy as going back to bed and starting over, but I knew that wasn’t the case.

  “Amelia!” hollered Luna. “Matthew’s here!”

  “I know that,” I hissed as I heard the knock at the door. Whoa there, Amelia, I thought trying to get my attitude in check. Just because you didn’t sleep well doesn’t mean you can take it out on them.

  “Amelia,” called Grandmother, a little irritated as well. “Are you going to let the poor boy in?”

  Maybe I should tell Matthew to go back home today because the whole house is on the warpath, I contemplated as I hurried to the front door.

  “Morning, sunshine,” exclaimed Matthew in an annoyingly perky mood as I let him in.

  “Morning,” I mumbled, frowning.

  “What’s wrong?” he probed, causing his demeanor to instantly change.

  “Didn’t sleep well,” I answered.

  “You want to talk …”

  “No, I’m not in the mood to talk about it,” I snapped annoyed, turning around to walk back to the sitting room before stopping. “I’m sorry,” I said, realizing my attitude had come out again. “I’m just tired and not feeling like myself today.” He hugged me.

  “We all have our bad days,” he acknowledged as he kissed me gently.

  “Well, you better be on your toes because Grandmother is having one too.”

  He looked a little nervous. “Then I will do my best to remain on her good side today,” he assured me with a wink. “My next project is painting the house, so maybe that will do the trick.”

  “I’m sure she will like that,” I said.


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