The Daring Assignment

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The Daring Assignment Page 18

by Victoria Bright

  “Is that you, little Donatelli?” he asked, taking off his glasses. I gave him a small smile.

  “It is, sir.”

  “What can I help you with, dear? Are you here for your father?”

  “No, for myself.”

  “Okay, then. How can I help you?” he asked. I placed the slip of paper with Zane’s business address on his desk.

  “I need to pay the remainder owed on this property,” I said confidently. Mr. Cauldwell gave me a suspicious look before turning to his computer to look up the address. He stared at the screen for a few minutes before turning back to me.

  “You’re prepared to pay the 300 grand that is owed?” he asked, looking over his glasses. I hadn’t had the chance check my personal account to see if I even had the money to do so.

  “Yes,” I simply said. With a few clicks of the mouse, he requested the account and routing number of the account that I was planning to use to pay. I gave him the information and waited while he ran the numbers. He nodded in approval after a few moments.

  “I see you’ve followed that savings plan I gave you a while back. Your saving of your royalties from books and allowance from your parents has left you with close to $3 million over the last 4 years,” he explained. My eyes widened. Three million? Not only was I going to be able to help Zane, I would be okay financially until I was able to figure something out.

  Excitement coursed through me when the transaction was complete. He pulled out the deed, signed and stamped it as Paid in Full, and handed it to me. I looked over the paperwork. Foreman’s Catering officially belonged to Zane. It was the least I could do for nearly ruining his life. “Thank you so much, Mr. Cauldwell,” I said walking to the door.

  “Anytime, dear. Say hello to your parents for me,” he called. I stopped and turned around.

  “Mr. Cauldwell, if my father calls you tomorrow regarding this property, tell him that little Donatelli bought it,” I said with a smile and walked out.


  “Wow. I just … wow,” Gia finally said once I filled her in. I leaned back on the couch with a sigh. After hearing myself tell the story again, even I couldn’t believe it. My mind was still reeling from all the events during the last few weeks, and it was finally dawning on me that I was free. I knew I still had to face my parents, but once that was over, I was on my own.

  “I’m going to mail the deed to him tomorrow. I’m just glad that I was at least able to stop my father,” I said. Gia looked puzzled.

  “Mail it? Why can’t you just give it to him in person? Your dad can’t do anything to him now.”

  “He doesn’t want to see me anymore,” I said quietly. Gia sighed softly and put her arm around my shoulders.

  “I’m sorry this happened. I’m so proud of you for taking control of your life, but I’m sorry about Zane,” she said. I gave her a small smile and thanked her. At least I still had someone in my corner.

  Gia figured it was best that I stayed with her that night to give everyone a chance to cool off before going home. My mother and Julius had been calling me so much that I eventually turned off my phone. I sat at Gia’s kitchen table with the deed, a few sheets of paper, and a pen to figure out what I was going to write to Zane. Upon giving him the deed to his building, I was also penning him my final goodbye. A tear plopped onto the paper as my mind replayed everything that I’d been through the last couple of months. Who would’ve known that a simple research project could turn into a full-blown relationship and end in complete heartbreak?

  There was so much I wanted to say in this letter, but it would all be pointless. It no longer mattered how I felt. Thinking about my feelings got me into this situation in the first place. I would respect his wishes and not see him from this point on. As long as he knew how I truly felt, I could live with that. I wiped my eyes, picked up the pen, and tried to arrange my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I began to write my final words.


  I’m sure I’m the last person you want to hear from right now, and that’s understandable. I figured it would be best to write to you instead of showing up where I’m not wanted. Well, I should start from the beginning. Because I chose to become an author instead of doing something that my parents considered successful, I was told that I had to marry rich. I was forced to be in a relationship with a man who doesn’t even want to be with me for the sake of my family’s name. I’ve been so unhappy with him for years and being with you finally made me realize what I was missing out on, which is happiness. When I got this book assignment from my literary agent, I never thought any of this would happen. I didn’t plan to cheat on my boyfriend or lie to you. I could have ended things and told you the truth. I SHOULD have done that, but I was too busy think about my own wants and needs.

  For what it’s worth, I do love you, Zane. That was always real. I never lied about how I felt about you. I’m still the same woman that was with you all this time, but I can understand if you don’t see it that way. My father told me weeks ago that I had a decision to make and I finally made one that was best for me.

  Anyway, because I created this mess, I went ahead and paid the money that was owed on your building. It’s yours now. Please don’t consider this a handout or feel as if you have to pay me back. I’m very sorry about how things turned out. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for your help with my book. You’ve helped me realize that I can be happy if I truly wanted to and you gave me the courage to finally stand up to my parents and take control of my life. I will forever cherish the memories I created with you. Whether you believe it or not, I will always love you. Take care of yourself and good luck with your future catering endeavors.

  Love always,

  A. Donatelli

  I brushed away a couple of tears as I stuffed the letter and deed inside an envelope. As I licked the seal and pressed it closed, I felt as if I were sealing my happiness with it. I never thought saying goodbye would hurt as much as it did. I was confused as to how Zane could easily push me away and be so cold when he once loved me. Did he ever love me?

  He loved Sienna, not you, a little voice chimed in.

  I sighed and rested my head in my hands. My mind went back to the time we were at the museum. After the encounter with Aaron, I remember Zane telling me that he thought I was beautiful because I was his woman, unlike Arianna. He showed me his answer all along; I just refused to see it. Even when he would tease me about people calling me Arianna, he always made it clear that she wasn’t his. Now those words were haunting me.


  The next day, after putting the letter and deed in Zane’s catering company mailbox, I headed home. I wasn’t prepared for the scene that was about to unfold. Both sets of parents and Julius were gathered in the living room. They all jumped to their feet when I entered the room. Slowly making my way closer to them, I looked at their faces. All four parents appeared angry and disheveled, as if they had spent the entire night waiting for me to return. They were still wearing their attire from the party the night before, so I was sure that they hadn’t made it home after the party.

  “Is this supposed to be some kind of intervention?” I asked sarcastically, narrowing my eyes at my parents.

  My father stepped toward me and shook his head. “How dare you embarrass your family? Do you know the trouble your mother went through to throw this surprise engagement party only for you to ruin it?”

  “How is that my fault? I told you that I wasn’t in love with Julius, and you told me that I needed to make a decision. Just because it wasn’t a business decision you liked doesn’t mean that I ruined everything.”

  “So you’d rather lose everything over a man who no longer wants you?”

  “I’d rather lose everything than spend the rest of my life miserable. My decision had nothing to do with him. Julius and I have just been tolerating each other all this time until we figured what to do. For someone having been publicly rejected, he didn’t seem to be too upset. I was thinking about leaving for a lo
ng time. It wasn’t until I met Zane that I realized what I was missing out on, and it helped me gain the courage to stand up to the people who’ve been draining my life force for all these years,” I countered. He glared at me as his olive skin turned red with anger.

  “I’m very disappointed in you. First you make bad choices and then you defy me by going behind my back to save your lover’s ass. You’re no daughter of mine,” he spat.

  “What kind of father would allow his daughter to be with someone who mistreats her? My relationship with Julius was nothing but a business merger for you and his father. I’m not going to continue being a pawn in your financial game. If that means I’m no daughter of yours, so be it,” I responded, standing my ground.

  My father’s nostrils flared as he glared at me before heading toward the door. My mother followed without even giving me a second look. Julius slowly stood, revealing the suitcases he had packed.

  “Since you don’t plan to marry me, there’s no need for me to stay. I’m leaving,” he said. I laughed and motioned toward the door.

  “Well, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. See ya,” I said, stepping out of his way.

  “Oh, and before I forget,” my father said, stepping back into the house. “You have 1 month to be out of this townhouse. We’re selling it and liquidating all of your accounts. Enjoy your peasant living, or whatever you call it,’ ” he said. I gave them a sarcastic wave as they filed out, leaving me completely alone. Taking a seat on the couch, I surveyed my surroundings. Now what? Despite everything, I still ended up with the short end of the stick. I didn’t have Zane or my happiness; Zane was my happiness. I called Gia, but her phone was going straight to voicemail. Since there was nothing left to do, I figured that I should start packing and start my search for a new place to live.

  All throughout the day, I checked my phone to see if anything from Zane had come through.


  I wasn’t sure whether he hadn’t gotten to my envelope yet or if he just tossed it aside. Perhaps I didn’t deserve to hear anything back. I wasn’t doing him a favor; I was getting him out of the mess that I put him in. I spent the majority of the day lying on my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about what was and what could’ve been. I hugged my pillow tightly as I thought of his dreamy bedroom eyes gazing down at me as a soft smile touched his lips.

  A dull throb started between my legs as our intimate moments flashed before my eyes. The memories were so vivid, it was almost as if I could actually feel him. “Oh Zane,” I whispered sadly as tears rolled onto my pillow. Loneliness crept inside and held me hostage. It was strange being in a house by myself. The townhouse felt empty since Julius’ closet was bare, and his dresser drawers were empty, signaling that he wasn’t coming back.

  This was what I wanted, right? I had waited for this day for so long, and now I was starting to regret my decision. It didn’t matter now. I was officially alone, and now I had to start a new life. There was no turning back.

  The thought of being on my own scared me. I always had the financial security of my family, but it came with a price. Would I be able to survive on my royalties that I received from writing? Would I have to get an actual 9 to 5 job to support myself? With the money I had saved up, I had a little time to think about what I was going to do now that everything was said and done.

  Sitting up on the side of my bed, I gazed out the window. The sky was darkening as the sun set. The darker it became outside, the louder the silence seemed around me. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and opened my messages to see that I still hadn’t received anything from Zane. I sent him a quick text just asking if he’d gotten my letter, but instead was greeted by an error message. I sighed.

  He changed his phone number.

  I walked into my office and curled up next to the bay window, resting my head on the glass. Looking up at the brightest star I could find in the sky, I said a small prayer.

  “Please bring my love back to me. Amen.”


  “I … I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” I exclaimed in excitement as the realization sank in. Allison smiled brightly at me from behind her desk, clasping her hands.

  “I told you! You are officially a best-selling author on not only one list, but two!” she beamed. I looked back down at my tablet screen showing the title of my book sitting at number three on The New York Times list. My biggest dream had finally come true, but it didn’t feel as good as I thought it would. Now that I felt accomplished, I had absolutely no one to share it with.

  This was an event that I was hoping to share with Zane, who was a major part in creating this book. Not speaking or seeing him over the last 2 weeks had been tough, but thankfully I managed to keep busy with packing and searching for a new home. Allison’s smile faded when she noticed my enthusiasm disappearing.

  “You don’t look very happy for a person who has just gotten some of the greatest news of her life,” she commented, leaning forward on her elbows.

  “I am happy, I just … a lot of things have been going on lately. I have a lot on my mind.”

  “You wanna talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “Well, I’m sure your parents will finally—”

  “I no longer have parents,” I corrected her bitterly. Looking for clarification, she raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

  My father hadn’t been exaggerating when he said he was liquidating all of my accounts. Any account that they created for me had disappeared, and my townhouse was listed for sale a few days after. It was very hurtful to stand by and watch people tour the place that I had called home for the past 4 years. I could’ve bought it myself, but I figured I needed a clean start and a new place to create fresh memories.

  “Well then. I think we should schedule a book signing for next week at Barnes and Noble. I’ll e-mail you once the details are finalized,” she said, sifting through a few papers on her desk. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and tried to control my breathing.

  “Which Barnes and Noble?” I asked nervously, praying that she wouldn’t say the one in downtown Manhattan.

  “The one a couple blocks from here. It’s downtown, I believe,” she said absently, squinting at the document she now held in her hand. I sighed inwardly. I couldn’t hide from this man for the rest of my life. Did I really want to hide from him? Every part of me wished that he would somehow reappear and everything would be okay, but I knew deep down that it would never be. If he decided to give me another chance, there was no promise that our relationship would be the way it was before. It would take a while to rebuild his trust, and even that wasn’t a guarantee.

  After wrapping up my meeting with Allison, I headed back home to do more packing. Seeing Julius’ black Mercedes parked in front of the townhouse immediately piqued my curiosity. When I walked in, he was hand in hand with a petite, dark-haired woman who was holding an infant. I smirked at him as I shrugged off of my coat.

  “Not yours, huh?” I asked dryly, walking past them to put my coat on the coat rack. The woman looked at Julius with a puzzled gaze that made me chuckle. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but when he was with me, he said that your kid wasn’t his,” I explained before turning to Julius. His face hardened momentarily before it relaxed into a grin.

  “It really doesn’t matter what you say, Arianna, you can’t get to me. This is obviously my son. My parents are quite pleased to know of their grandchild,” he responded smugly. I rolled my eyes.

  “Why are you here? Did you forget something?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest. The woman looked around the foyer with wide eyes before whispering something to Julius.

  “My fiancé thinks that we should buy this place.”

  “Oh, how nice. Allow me to give you a tour,” I said sarcastically, motioning them to follow me. We walked down the hall to the room that used to be my office.

  “This here is a nice office space. I used this room a lot. It’s the perfect place to ignore Julius when
he becomes annoying. The bay window is a bonus, too,” I mentioned. He rolled his eyes and looked uninterested in my words as the woman looked around.

  “Does the furniture and stuff come with it?” she asked, her hazel eyes boring into me. I chuckled and shook my head.

  “No, everything in this house is mine. Julius couldn’t decorate a room if his life depended on it, which is embarrassing, with him being the son of a famous interior decorator and all. Now, let’s move to my favorite part of the house. I’m sure you know what that part is, Julius,” I exclaimed in a singsong tone as I made my way out of the office.

  “What, the kitchen?” he mumbled. I inhaled deeply and ignored his comment, guiding them down the hall and into the bedroom that I used to share with him. Julius looked around and scoffed.

  “This is your favorite part of the house? It’s not like we did anything in it,” he acknowledged, wrapping his arm around the woman’s waist. I waggled my finger disapprovingly at him with a grin.

  “Oh no, it isn’t the bedroom, Julius. It’s the bathroom, you know, the one I beat your ass in before you got on a plane to see her,” I reminded him, opening the door to the master bathroom. I grinned when I heard her fiercely whisper, “You said those welts were from an allergic reaction!”

  Frowning, the woman walked around the bathroom, as I explained in detail my revenge on Julius. “Oh, be careful. There still may be traces of baby oil on the floor. That stuff can be impossible to clean up,” I said smugly. Julius glared at me and left the bathroom, claiming he needed to make a phone call. The woman narrowed her eyes and readjusted the baby in her arms.

  “You know … I’m only with him for his money. He could have stayed with you,” she admitted. I chuckled and leaned against the marble counter.

  “Oh good, you’re not as stupid as I originally thought. The whole trapping-him-with-a-baby tactic was pretty smart. You’ll get paid regardless for the next 18 years. Either way, I don’t want him and am glad to be rid of him. So good luck with that,” I said and walked out, leaving her in the bathroom alone.


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