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Angel's Halo: Entangled

Page 4

by Terri Anne Browning

  Her tits raked across my chest, her long hair caressing my overheated skin. Her moans filled my room and I wondered for a fleeting moment if the door was locked. But then her nails scraped across my scalp and all thoughts were lost except for how much I wanted her. I grabbed the end of the nightgown and ripped until the material fell away, leaving her in only a pair of little white panties that reminded me how innocent my female was.

  Panting, I cupped her damp mound through her panties. So hot, so wet. Two more rips and she was completely naked in my arms. Grasping her arms I pulled her back until I could see all of her. Shit. Oh, shit. I had never set eyes on a more perfect pair of tits. Large enough to fill my big hands with tight tipped nipples the color and size of cherries. I pulled one into my mouth, sucking until she cried out with pleasure. She tasted of honey, sweet and sinful. Releasing her nipple with a smacking pop I turned and took her other nipple deep into my mouth, wanting to give it equal attention.

  My hands couldn’t remain still. My left hand tortured her free nipple, pinching and tugging while she threw her head back. Her hands held onto my head, keeping me firmly against her as I sucked harder. My right hand trailed lower, spreading the lips of her pussy and discovering the desire-hardened nub of her clit. She jerked at the first touch of my thumb over her swollen flesh.

  “James…” She sobbed my name as a gush of her liquid desire flooded ever my fingers. Damn, she smelled good. Pulling back from her breast, I sucked her essence off my drenched fingers, groaning as her taste burst on my tongue. There was nothing sweeter than the taste of her pussy.

  Willa grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my lips. Her gray eyes had darkened to gun metal with desire. “Kiss me,” she commanded. “I’ve been slowly going crazy wondering what it will feel like for you to kiss me.”

  I had been avoiding her lips at all costs. I still wasn’t completely sure if this was a dream induced by all the pent up need I had for Willa or if it was real. As good as she felt right now, the heat from her pussy scalding on the head of my dick, told me that it was real. But I was still skeptical. My brain had been known to play cruel jokes on me. If I kissed her, something I had only done with very few women even if I had fucked more than my fair share, I would know if this was real or just a very wet dream.

  When she saw the hesitation in my eyes some of the desire in hers lifted. “Don’t…” She bit her full bottom lip that she wanted me to kiss so badly and looked away. “Don’t you want to kiss me, James?”

  I grasped her hair with both hands, tightening until her head was pulled back and I forced her to meet my eyes. “Why are you calling me James?” I demanded quietly.

  Pink filled her cheeks, spreading down her neck and across her chest. So. Damn. Sexy. My dick jumped in reaction to how much I liked her blush, skimming across her wet folds. We both hissed at the contact but I wasn’t about to let my dick take over right this second. “Willa?” I urged, needing to know the answer.

  “I’ll stop if you want me to…”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t say I don’t like it, Willa. I just want to know why.”

  “Because I can’t make love with you and call you Spider. It just feels wrong to me. I love your real name.” Willa sighed. “It’s okay, Spider. I won’t call you James again… and… And you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to.”

  Cursing under my breath I pulled her in close. The heat from her mouth was nearly as hot as that from her pussy. It felt like it would blister my lips. The scent of minty toothpaste and sweet nectar filled my nose right before I devoured her mouth. Her nails bit into my triceps as she held on. I had suspected that Willa was a virgin from day one with the way she turned pink at just the sight of me without a shirt on most days, but she was no novice when it came to kissing. Jealousy washed over me like an acid bath. I wanted to kill every fucker who had ever had his lips on my female. The kiss became more aggressive as my blood boiled with a mixture of need and rage. Shit, I’d never been jealous a day in my life.

  Willa moaned and pulled back just enough to suck in a few deep breaths. “Are you mad at me?” Her lips were swollen, maybe even bruised. I wasn’t sorry, though. It was proof that she was mine.

  “How many guys have you kissed?” I demanded, my voice rough with the mixture of emotions racing through me, making my tone almost harsh.

  “Two,” she answered without flinching. Her chin came up, not backing down from me. In those eyes—those freaking storm cloud gray eyes that I suddenly realized I loved—I saw the amusement. She thought it was funny that I was jealous?

  “You are to never speak to them again.” I was such a barbarian.

  “Cave man.” She laughed when I just continued to glare at her. “I haven’t spoken to either guy since the night I made out with them. The only guy who I want near my lips right now is you.” She lowered my head and softly brushed her lips over mine. “Now kiss me right or don’t kiss me at all.”

  There was no way I could keep from kiss her now. There was something in the way her mouth tasted—something drug-like that had invaded my body and was twisting me up inside. One kiss and I was a goner. There was no longer any doubt as to whether this was a dream or reality. Reality was so much better. Sweeter. Hotter.

  She consumed me with her kiss, making me mindless. I flipped her onto her back, our legs half on and half off the bed. Her thighs opened and my dick, as if knowing that he belonged there, pushed into her opening. Her whimper had me rocking forward until the head was completely in.

  So. Tight.

  My eyes nearly rolled back at how tight she was. Squeezing the tip of my dick like a silky, wet vice. Gritting my teeth to keep from yelling out from the ecstasy of it, I looked down at her to see if she was okay. I wasn’t in far enough to have breached her virginity yet, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t be hurting her.

  There was no sign of pain on her face when she smiled up at me. For a second I was struck dumb by the sheer beauty of the female lying under me. All of that long, glossy dark hair spread like a fan over the sheets. Her breasts lifting and jiggling with each panted breath she took. Her eyes a gun metal color once more from the suppressed desire banked in their depths. Lips swollen from my kisses.


  “You feel so good, Spider.” She arched her hips just a little and I pushed in just a little more.

  “James,” I corrected her and thrust deep.

  I saw the pain flash across her face. Her lips puckered, her forehead wrinkled, and her eyes filled instantly with tears. Her chin started to tremble and I was lost. I couldn’t handle the sight of her about to cry. She was so small and I was not the average man in the dick department. Lowering my head I brushed my lips over her damp eyes, whispering to her how sorry I was for hurting her. I should have prepared her better. Should have done a million things differently. I’d never been with a virgin until now. This was just as new to me as it was to her.

  Willa didn’t speak and I tried not to move until she was able to handle me without pain. To distract her—and myself—I let my hands wonder over her body while I continued to kiss her face. “Don’t hate me.”

  She gasped as I cupped her full breasts in my hands, her hardened nipples scraping over the palms of my hands. “It’s not your fault,” she murmured. “I was a virgin. I knew it was going to hurt.”

  Trailing soft, biting kisses down her neck, I felt her growing damper around my dick still buried balls deep inside of her. It took every ounce of strength I had not to move, to not start thrusting my way to heaven. I kissed across her collarbone and down her left breast. Teasing the nipple with my tongue, I was rewarded with her pussy walls clenching around me. Sucking it deep into my mouth, she whimpered and her long nails scraped down my back, breaking skin.

  “Touch me…”

  The hesitant command made me grin against her flesh. Pulling back I pushed my hand between us and flicked my thumb over her clit. The quiver of her inner walls made my balls tighten. Shit. I wasn’t going to last
long if she kept that up.

  “J-J-James-s-s,” she cried. I buried my face in her chest, kissing and nibbling while I continued to rub in tight little circles at her clit. I didn’t move, didn’t even try. There was no need. The way her tight pussy was contracting around me was getting me there faster than anything I had ever done before.

  Willa traced her nails over my bald head, making me growl with pleasure. If I’d known it would feel this good to have a female’s hands on my bare head I would have shaved it long before now.

  “Is it supposed…to feel this good…after hurting…so damn bad?” she asked, panting harder as I increased the suction on her nipple. “Fuck! That feels good.”

  Her question barely registered and I couldn’t have answered it even if I had the sense to understand it. Honestly, I couldn’t remember sex ever feeling this good. It had only ever been about the release that came with sex, not the way it made me feel during it. In the past it was about blowing off steam so that I didn’t knock someone’s head off, so this really was new territory for me. I wasn’t racing to get off, instead I was making sure that this felt just as ground-shaking good for her as it did for me.

  Her body started to tense and I knew she was close. I raised my head and sealed our lips to drown out the scream that I could feel already beginning to build deep inside of her. Her entire body clenched and it was like having a velvet glove grip my dick and not let go. I rocked back, away from the heat and nearly painful grip of her pussy only to slam back into her again and again while my fingers continued to rub her clit, working her orgasm out. Two more thrusts inside of that tight paradise and I was pushing my own shout of release into her mouth.

  Chapter 5


  “Are you sure about this? Once I start I can’t stop.”

  I grinned, hiding my nervousness as I lay on Spider’s bed. He had all of his tattoo supplies laid out ready to begin on the tattoo I had finally worn him down to ink onto me. The stencil was already in place across my left rib cage and just waiting for him to work his magic. “Don’t pussy out now, James,” I teased, seeing the indecision in his black eyes. “The sooner you get started the sooner it will be over and we can make love.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Willa. The spot you want this tattoo is going to hurt bad. Let me do it on your back.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and turned so that I was able to watch The Beatnicks that was playing in the DVD player. “I want it here. Don’t worry about the pain. I have a high threshold for it.”

  After a full minute filled with his inner struggle with himself, which only made me feel all kind of melted inside at how concerned he was, he finally turned on the tattoo gun and got to work on the tree of life I had watched him create for me over the previous few days. It was going to be in shades of black, gray, and some earthy browns.

  The first sting of the needle made me grimace but I clenched my jaw and forced my eyes to stay focused on the flat screen hanging on the wall. For the next three hours he worked as if he had gone into some kind of trance, completely focused on the task at hand instead of who he was tattooing. His hand was steady and worked with obvious skill and talent. My body was torn between the sting of the pain and the burning of his hands on me.

  I wanted him so badly, so obsessively. The room was full of our sexual tension because I could feel the same need that was raging inside of me pouring off of him, too. The way he kept sneaking me little looks under those long eyelashes. The erratic beat of the pulse at the base of his throat. But he kept his attention on what he was doing and I attempted to block out my pain and need.

  I tried not to make a sound, but when he got to a particularly sensitive spot just under my left breast I couldn’t hold in the small whimper. He showed no signs of hearing it except for pausing long enough to give me a moment to take a few deep breaths while he added more ink.

  By the time he was done I was in some serious pain. He had been right. The ribs were no laughing matter when it came to tattoos and I was starting to feel the burn. Badly. He cleaned me up and put some A&D ointment over the tattoo.

  “Take a look before I wrap you up. Don’t let anything rub directly against it for a few days. Try not to do any running because the sweat isn’t going to feel so nice against freshly inked skin.” He was already cleaning up his mess, not looking at me.

  I got slowly out of bed and went into his bathroom to take a look in the mirror. I gasped when I saw how beautiful he had made my body. With a slightly trembling finger I traced the image in the mirror. I loved the tattoo, how the branches spread out like a flower blooming in the sun yet enfolding around me like a hug.

  “Well?” his raspy voice asked behind me and I turned to wrap my arms around his neck. That was when I felt him trembling.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned when his jaw just remained tightly clenched. I cupped his face in my hands. “Talk to me, James.”

  “I don’t like hurting you,” he growled and buried his face in my chest.

  I bit my lip. “You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine.” When he didn’t say anything I tried a different tactic. “Would you rather I have someone else doing my ink from now on?” He tensed even more and I knew that that idea held little appeal for him. “Besides, I thought tattoo artists didn’t consider it hurting people, but helping them with expressing themselves.”

  He pulled back, giving me a hard glare. “Maybe it is like that with other people, but I can’t handle the fact of you hurting in any way. And no, I don’t want someone else doing your art work. I’d end up killing a man if he touched you. So if you ever want another tattoo, we will discuss it. Okay?”

  Grinning, I wrapped my hands around his neck again, letting my nails trail over the back of his smoothly shaved scalp. I really did love the baldness. “Kiss me, dummy.”


  The sun was shining through the window when I opened my eyes. Moaning at the sight, I turned over in bed. I knew that Spider wasn’t going to be there. I heard him leave me around three that morning.

  I should have gotten up and gone back to my own room then. That was what I had normally been doing for the last two weeks. Make love with Spider until the early hours of the morning, fall asleep for about an hour with him, and then tiptoe my way back to my room. I knew Duke would burst a blood vessel if he found out I was sleeping with Spider. The one time I’d tried to talk to him about it, to see how badly he would react to me being with the Angel’s Halo biker, my father had gone through the roof at the hypothetical question.

  Since then I’d made sure that the thing between me and Spider was completely on the down low. The only person who knew was Bash, who I’d found wasn’t all that scary when he was laughing with Spider. I suspected that Raider knew what was going on too, but wasn’t about to ask for fear of breaking some strange friendship that the two of us had developed. The thing about Raider was he didn’t have friends that were girls, but had plenty of girlfriends. One-night girlfriends.

  This morning I hadn’t been able to find the energy to get out of bed when Spider had woken up to Bash knocking on his door. They had to go take care of some business, or at least that was the excuse Spider had given me as he had kissed me and promised to see me tonight. Even half asleep I’d seen the look on his face and it had scared the hell out of me.

  He was leaving soon.

  Their job was nearly over and he would go back to Creswell Springs, California. I only had two weeks left of my vacation here with Duke but that was going to feel like a lifetime without Spider here with me. I wanted to ask him to stay until I had to go home, but was too scared he would tell me no.

  So I had snuggled up to his pillow and cried myself back to sleep.

  It was a mistake because now I had to sneak my way back to my own room so I could shower and get ready for the day. At this time of day the compound was waking up and moving around downstairs. It wasn’t going to be easy and I had only myself to blame for it if I got caught.

  Crawling out
of bed, I pulled my clothes on: a baggy T-shirt and basketball shorts. I’d stopped wearing sexy nightgowns three nights after I’d started coming to Spider to make love. All he did was rip them off me within five minutes of seeing them on me. The baggy sleep clothes fared better. Mostly because I started taking them off as soon as the door was closed and locked behind me.

  Cracking the door open a little I peeked my head out to glance around. No one was upstairs, but there were six Red Dragons downstairs shooting pool, three sheep in the kitchen cooking and my sister was sitting at the island eating as she glared off into space. She had been moodier than usual and had been sick for the last few mornings. I had my suspicions as to what was wrong with her.

  The only question was… Who was the father?

  I hoped it wasn’t Bash. I kind of liked that beast and didn’t want him to be tied to my batshit crazy sister for the rest of his life because of a kid. He hadn’t been with her since that first day I had arrived—at least not that I knew of. He’d been kind of keeping it in his pants from what I could see, but was constantly going through the pictures on his phone.

  As quickly and quietly as I could I made a run for my room, keeping an eye on the people below to make sure they didn’t look too closely to what direction I had just come from. When I got to my room without so much as a look from anyone I breathed a sigh of relief and jumped into the shower.

  For the rest of the day I tried to keep a low profile. It wasn’t all that hard to do. None of the guys in my father’s MC would look at me let alone talk to me. The club sheep always ignored me, thinking I was the kind of girl that thought I was better than they were. Apparently that had been how my mother had acted when she had lived here at the compound with my father before she had gotten pregnant with Tasha—something that had completely blown my mind when I had heard it from Cletus, the old man who constantly sat at the bar drinking and watching what went on around the compound.


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