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Hot SEAL, Australian Nights: SEALs in Paradise

Page 2

by Jameson, Becca

  When the door to the bathroom opened and Justus stepped back into the room in a fog of steam, she jumped in her seat. For one thing, he’d been very fast. For another thing, he wore nothing more than a towel around his hips.


  His broad shoulders made her mouth water. His skin was sun-kissed and flawless. Tattoos extended down both biceps. The towel slipped lower on his hips, making her wish it would fall to the ground so she could see his fine ass.

  She held her breath while he tugged a few items from his suitcase and then turned around, gracing her with a view of another tattoo between his shoulder blades. He didn’t make eye contact as he returned to the bathroom, so she let her gaze roam to the front of his towel, her thoughts shifting to what lay beneath. The bathroom door shut again, and Arianna finally exhaled. She needed to get a grip or she was going to make a fool of herself before the end of one hour with this man.

  Five minutes later, he returned, clean jeans, another tight T-shirt—this one navy with no logo—and bare feet. He sat on the edge of the bed and put on socks and then tennis shoes. Finally, he stood. “I think I’m half alive now. No promises.” He gave her a half grin that only lifted one corner of his mouth and made her insides melt. His eyes twinkled at the same time, making her wonder if he looked at all women like that.

  She pushed to standing, hoping she could avoid tripping over her own feet or falling on her face. “It’s warm out this afternoon. I thought we might take the ferry up and down the harbour so you can get an overview. We’ll start at Circular Quay and head toward Watsons Bay and then we can wander around for a while. There is an amazing view of the ocean from Gap Bluff. Then we can jump back on the ferry and take it to Darling Harbour. We can eat dinner someplace there.”

  His smile spread.

  “What?” she asked self-consciously.

  “Do you always talk so fast?”

  She swallowed. “Maybe.” Or maybe just when I’m in a small room with a man who looks good enough to eat but is totally off limits.

  Not for the first time, she worried about the prudence of her decision to play tour guide to this man. What the hell had she been thinking? He was going to leave her tongue-tied and nervous every day. She doubted anything she’d said made sense. Something about him made her feel like the teenage girl who’d crushed on him.

  Arianna lifted her jacket and shrugged into it. At least it gave her something to do. She concentrated on zipping the front a few inches in order to avoid staring at him, and then she swung her purse over her shoulder. “You might want something with sleeves. It’s nice out now, but this is winter here. It will be chilly later.”

  “How chilly?” he asked, lifting a brow.

  “Forty-five at night.”

  He chuckled. “That sounds like heaven. I’ve been hot for six straight months with no air conditioning. While most of the guys on my team chose to vacation in summer locations, I chose winter.”

  “It’s not much of a winter here. We’re too close to the equator.”

  “Yeah, but temperatures between forty-five and sixty-five are my kind of weather.” He opened the door to the room and swept out a hand. “After you.”

  They walked to the elevator in silence. An awkward silence. Arianna felt like a miniature human next to Justus. She may have graduated college and spent the last nine months working and traveling in Australia, but she knew she wasn’t half as worldly as him. What would they discuss?

  After they stepped into the lobby and then outside, she finally felt like she might be able to breathe. At least she knew this city and all its secrets. She could busy herself playing tour guide and ignore the way her body reacted to the proximity of her childhood crush.

  She was honestly stunned by her physical reaction. She’d envisioned thinking he would be attractive, not at all hard on the eyes, but she hadn’t been prepared for the way her breath had left her body the moment she hugged him. The way her breath continued to stutter out of her as they strolled toward Circular Quay. As a kid she’d lusted after him for his looks. She’d been too young to grasp this physical awareness she felt now in every inch of her body.

  “Thank you for getting me oriented. It’s kind of you,” Justus stated as he tucked the tips of his fingers in his jeans. He walked alongside her, keeping the same pace while leaving about a foot of space between them.

  She shrugged. “It’s my job. It’s what I’m good at. I enjoy helping people plan their stay in Australia.”

  “Yeah, but taking the rest of the day off is above and beyond. You didn’t have to do that.”

  They stopped at a corner because the light was red. She turned toward him and lifted her gaze, her heart beating faster. Now. For sure now. “I took the entire ten days off to travel with you, Justus.”

  His eyes grew huge, his mouth falling open. “Seriously?”

  She shrugged again. “I haven’t taken any time off in a while. I thought it would be fun. This way you won’t miss anything.” She forced a smile, waiting for his reaction.

  He licked his lips and swallowed hard. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but I did.”

  “That’s a lot of time off. How can you afford that?”

  “I’m here on a work-and-holiday visa. The object is to see the country while earning enough money to live off. I’m ahead of the game mostly because I enjoy my job.”

  His gaze was narrowed. She couldn’t read his expression. Was he disappointed? She hadn’t considered that possibility for some reason.

  When the light turned green, they started walking again, and Justus changed the subject. “Tony says you have a degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management.”

  “Yep. I’m hoping to eventually manage a hotel somewhere.”

  “You planning to return to New York?”

  “Not sure yet. Maybe. I love it there, but I’ve lived there my entire life. It’s expensive. I might be open to other possibilities. I’ll probably move back in with Mom and Pop until I find a job offer that intrigues me.” The thought of moving in with her parents again after being away at college and then abroad made her cringe, but it was expected. In her large Italian family, women didn’t just move out for no reason. It wasn’t seemly.

  “I’m sure you’ll find the perfect job quickly.”

  “What about you? How long are you planning to stay with the SEALs?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure yet. I have to be back in two weeks, but I haven’t decided if I want to keep going until I retire or bail at some point and do something else. It’s a grueling job that takes its toll on the mind and the body.”

  “Yeah. I’ve noticed that with my brothers and cousins.” So many of her family members were in the military that she had always been exposed to the less glamorous side of things. That’s why she’d sworn herself off military men from the moment she’d been old enough to be attracted to them.

  Sure, they were sexy. The buff muscles, cropped haircuts, tattoos, uniforms. All of it made her swoon. But with that superficial stuff came long deployments, intermittent contact, and the constant threat of death.

  Even Justus had been relegated to the look-but-don’t-touch compartment in her brain when he left for the navy with her brother. He might be sexy with a smile that melted her insides, but no way was she going to permit herself to fall for a man in uniform.

  She’d watched two of her aunts and several cousins and wives wring their hands together and shed innumerable tears over the years. Only one uncle had been killed in battle, but the entire family stressed all the time.

  It was heartbreaking watching a woman cry herself to sleep because she didn’t have any idea where her husband or boyfriend was when she needed him. Arianna had watched pregnancies, miscarriages, first birthday parties, anniversaries, and countless other milestones go by while husbands remained absent.

  It was not a life she wanted for herself. No way. Not a chance in hell. Flirting with Justus for a few days was the most she could endure, and only b
ecause he’d been her first real crush almost nine years ago. If nothing else, she could burn him out of her system and hopefully stop dreaming about him as if he were some sort of god.

  They reached the dock. Arianna had purchased an Opal card for Justus earlier in the week, so they didn’t need to stop at the kiosk to get him a ferry ticket. She led him to the ferry, handed him his card, and they boarded.

  “Let’s go upstairs. It might be cold in the open air, but the view will be amazing.” She jogged up the stairs to the upper deck and headed through the crowd of people to the rear.

  Justus stepped up next to her. “Wow. I’ve seen pictures, but nothing does this justice.” He smiled as she watched him scan the surroundings, remembering exactly how she felt the first time she stood in this exact spot. Next to them was an enormous cruise ship that would leave the dock that evening. Behind the ship was the Harbour Bridge. When they turned to face the other way, they could see the Sydney Opera House.

  “It’s truly breathtaking. My favorite place on earth so far.” She leaned her butt against the railing as the ferry pulled away from the dock. “Not that I’ve been many places, but I suspect I’m ruined for most others.”

  “You are,” he breathed out as he leaned against the railing next to her. Only a few inches separated them, and his fingers touched her hip when he gripped the railing at his sides. “So gorgeous. How can you stand to work all day?” he teased.

  “I’ve gotten used to it, but I do come out here often just to stand and spin around slowly and take in the view.” She pointed across from the opera house as the ferry headed that direction. “The outdoor theater is across from the opera house. I’ve gone to two different performances there. Both times I arrived two hours early and spent that time drinking wine and watching the sunset with the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House as my backdrop. It’s breathtaking.”

  “I bet it is.”

  They rode in silence for a while, during which time Arianna stole glances at Justus, often staring at him for long seconds while he took in the scenery. At the second stop, she grabbed his arm and nodded toward the stairs. “We’re getting off here.”

  She led him to the exit and then down the long pier where they tapped their Opal cards to pay for their trip.

  Chapter 3

  Justus was wide awake now. The fresh air and gorgeous woman at his side perked him up quickly. He probably wouldn’t be able to sleep again until about four in the morning, but it would be worth it. Thank God Arianna had woken him up when she did, or else he would have slept far too long and been even more fucked up.

  He was both concerned and elated that she’d taken time off work to accompany him on this vacation. The mixed emotions were probably causing him to send her mixed signals that he couldn’t avoid.

  On the one hand, she was gorgeous and fun and full of information. The slender teenager who’d shot coy glances at him and giggled too much was gone. This grown-up version was stunning in every way. He wondered if she had a boyfriend, and then decided it was unlikely since she’d taken time off to spend with him.

  On the other hand, she was off limits. Totally off limits. She was Tony’s little sister, not some girl in a port he could fuck and walk away from. Tony had asked him to check up on her, make sure she was safe, not sleep with her. Did he have any idea Arianna had arranged to play tour guide for the week? Probably not.

  And what about the rest of her large family? How much did they know about Justus’s trip to Australia? Enzo and Maryanne Gallo were currently in Rome for their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. That’s also where Tony had gone on his leave. Arianna was the only member of the family who hadn’t been able to join since she was in Australia for the year.

  Justus closed his eyes for a few moments, recalling the numerous times he’d spent at the Gallo house in his teens. He and Tony had met their freshman year of high school. In many ways, they were polar opposites. What they had in common was their love for sports. So, they’d become fast friends.

  Tony’s parents had always treated Justus like he was a member of the family. He’d eaten amazing Italian dinners at their house more times than he could count. He’d hung out with Tony at their restaurant. He knew the Gallos loved him. He seriously doubted they would approve of him traveling with their oldest daughter.

  There were a dozen other reasons why Justus needed to keep his eyes and hands off her. For one thing, this was the only time he would probably see her this year. If she were a stranger he hooked up with on vacation, that would be one thing. Someone with whom he had a clear understanding that he would never see them again. But he wouldn’t dare start something with someone he knew. Because this vacation would come to an end, and he wouldn’t risk hurting her.

  Not to mention the fact that he didn’t do relationships. Ever. Many of his fellow SEALs had wives or girlfriends. He watched them deal with the trials of maintaining long-distance relationships and wanted nothing to do with it. Significant others were a distraction. Nothing but frustration that came from trying to keep the flames alive.

  All of that aside, Justus was walking a dangerously thin line so far. He’d only been with Arianna for an hour and already he felt drawn to her. As they strolled past an outdoor fish restaurant headed to an unknown destination, he set a hand on the small of her back.

  It took him several moments to realize how stupid that unintentional display was and remove his fingers to tuck them in his back pocket. She said nothing, but tipped her face back and smiled at him. “This is Robertson Park. We’re heading toward Gap Bluff. You’re going to love this view.” She pointed straight ahead through the park toward a rock wall. From where they walked, he couldn’t imagine what they were going to see, but he trusted her. Already. Implicitly.

  Yes. His initial reaction to her proclamation that she intended to spend the entire vacation with him had been shock and hesitation, but he knew within minutes that it would be no hardship. Still, was it a good idea?

  Why the hell had she given up all this time to spend with a man she’d only known as her brother’s childhood friend? That had been risky. And it still made him nervous. She was going to be a trial to his sanity. Another glance in her direction told him he was going to be taking a lot of cold showers too.

  The woman had a body that made his mouth dry. Perfect curves and amazing tits that drew his attention. He couldn’t shake the desire to run his hands up and down her skin.

  She was also full of life and energy. She nearly bounced on her feet as she led him to a set of stone stairs and then climbed them. He jogged to keep up, smiling at his good fortune, determined to enjoy staring at her fantastic ass while keeping his cock in his pants. He could do that, right?

  His eyes were on her when they reached the top, so it took him a moment to catch the view out of his peripheral vision. Finally, he turned toward the sea and his breath whooshed out. “Damn,” he murmured, grabbing the edge of the stone wall in front of him. They were high above a bay with nothing but ocean for as far as he could see.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” she asked as she stepped closer until her arm pressed against his. Even through the jacket and her sweater, he could feel the heat of her, and it stirred something in him he needed to get a grip on fast.

  “You’re looking at Watsons Bay. You should take pictures,” she pointed out, lifting her face. “It’s a once in a lifetime sight. Do you have your phone?”

  He narrowed his brow. “I’m not much of a pictures kind of guy. Even if I took them, they would forever be stuck in the ether on my phone.”

  She laughed and pulled hers out of her pocket. “Fine. We’ll use mine. I don’t leave my pictures in the ether,” she joked. “My family would have a coronary if they didn’t see at least weekly updates from me on social media.”

  He chuckled, having no doubt she was telling the truth. With two older brothers, two younger siblings, parents who held all their children close, and countless uncles, aunts, and cousins, about a dozen people would lose their
shit in a heartbeat if she didn’t stay in constant contact, especially traveling outside of the country.

  Tony had always been especially protective of everyone in his family as the eldest son. But Arianna was the oldest daughter. Tony had started shooting glares at any boy who looked her way from a young age. Justus had found his friend’s overprotectiveness hilarious back then. Now, he shuddered, wondering what his friend might think of not just boys, but men, ogling his little sister, who was definitely not so little anymore.

  As an only child, Justus had never been able to relate to the tightness of the Gallo family. Justus’s own parents had both worked full-time. His mother as a teacher; his father as an electrician. In contrast to Tony’s house, Justus’s home was quiet and boring.

  Arianna shook him back to the present when she handed him her phone. He spun around, wrapping one arm around her shoulders as she started to step away. “Get in it with me. A selfie.” He lifted the phone and snapped the photo. How many of these would he take in the next ten days?

  She leaned over his shot and nodded. “Better than anything I ever take. Your arms are longer, and you can reach higher.”

  He handed it back to her and then reached a finger up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear without thinking.

  Her breath caught, and she tipped her cheek toward his palm.

  He jerked his hand back and turned to face the water again. Shit. So much trouble.

  * * *

  “You’re not kidding. This is truly one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been in my life,” he stated as they rode the ferry into Darling Harbour. Arianna took about a dozen pictures of them as they glided through the water.


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