The Secret Ingredient (A Place to Call Home Book 2)
Page 7
Laughter returned as they hurried to dry each other off. When Eli threatened her with his rolled up towel, she retaliated by aiming the blow dryer at him. They were still laughing as they pounded down the stairs like a couple of kids, only to come to a skidding halt when she spied Luke and Jared standing at the door.
Her nephew’s eyes widened, but Luke scowled ferociously from behind his son.
Eli’s hands squeezed Becca’s shoulders gently, reassuringly.
“You want me to handle this?”
Becca looked at him over her shoulder and smiled. “No. I’m a big girl.”
“I’ll stay.”
She squeezed his hand and moved over to turn the deadbolt.
“Good morning.”
Jared’s eyes skittered from Eli then back to her. “Um. Hi. I’ll...uh...just head on back to the kitchen and get started.”
Becca smiled. “Great idea, Jared. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” When her nephew disappeared, she turned back to face her eldest brother. With twelve years separating them, Luke often seemed more like a parent figure, and now she realized how much she resented that. With her chin jutting, she walked up to him and poked him in the chest. “You can get that look off your face, Luke Allred. You are not my parent.”
His greenish gray eyes shifted from her to Eli and back again. “Becca...”
“No. I will not be lectured to. I am an adult. What I choose to do on my time is my business.”
“Honey, you’re in a small town...People talk.”
“Then let them. I have work to do.”
After she stomped through the restaurant and back to the kitchen, Luke and Eli stared, silently sizing each other up.
“Didn’t waste any time, did you Mercer?”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Crawling into bed with the competition. Just never thought it would be literally.”
“Fuck you.”
“No. that appears to be what you’re doing with my sister. If you hurt her...”
“Fuck. You. And all your brothers. All y’all’ve ever done is put up no trespassing signs around her. Well, we’re not kids. And I’ll tell you straight up, Becca can trespass on my territory any time she pleases.”
Luke, the town’s veterinarian, was a little thinner than Eli, but with the heavy shoulders and arm muscles of a man used to maneuvering farm animals when and where he needed them to be. Eli knew if the guy decided to punch him, they would both go at each other full out. Hell, every single one of the Allred boys was built as sturdy as an oak tree.
Eli huffed out a sigh and tugged his pony tail. “Look. I’m not planning to hurt your sister. But this is between Becca and me, and it’s not some spur of the moment thing, despite what you might think.”
Luke jammed his hands into his jeans pockets, his posture relaxing just enough that Eli also loosened his stance. The older man sighed. “Just be careful, okay? Both of you have been away from here for a long time. You’re used to big cities and resort areas where folks are a lot more relaxed about...well about sex.”
“Are you getting ready to give me the birds and the bees talk? Because I’ve already been there. Got the kid to prove it.”
Luke’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Don’t be an asshole. People talk. I don’t want them talking about my sister. If you think I’m joking, you go talk to Joe and Tabby, or even Rachel and me. We’ve been through it, and without nearly as much concrete ammunition as you two traipsing down the stairs just provided.”
“Point taken, Luke. I’ll catch you later.”
Eli stalked out, taking a right that would take him home. He was too old and too independent for Luke’s tone to set well, even if he had to grudgingly admit that the guy might have a point. This wasn’t Washington or the coast. People gossiped.
He looked at his watch and speeded up. He need to hurry if he was going to change clothes and get back in time for Mercer’s breakfast crowd.
* * * *
Becca looked up as Luke pushed through the door into the kitchen. She frowned at him and went back to work, measuring and setting out the ingredients Jared was using to mix the dough for the fresh loaves. They had some they had baked yesterday afternoon to get them started, but these new loaves would be available to the crowd she figured would come in either right before church or right after.
What she really didn’t have time for at the moment was a lecture from her eldest brother. She meant exactly what she’d told him earlier. She was an adult and responsible for her own actions. She certainly didn’t need any more help from her big brothers. From everything she’d learned last night, she had to conclude they’d already screwed her out of enough dates. No way were they going to step in between her and Eli.
“Don’t start, Luke.”
He stopped near the door. “I put some coffee on.”
“Look, Becca, I’m not trying to tell you what to do. Okay? I’ll just tell you the same thing I did Eli. We aren’t inside the Beltway here. Like it or not, you’re in a fishbowl. What you do will get noticed both because it’s a small town and it’s us. You can fight it all you want, but that’s the reality. And let’s face it, neither one of you are exactly easy to overlook.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re nearly six feet tall and built like a roman goddess, and he’s sporting earrings and a mane of hair down past his shoulders. Not exactly inconspicuous.”
Becca decided she probably shouldn’t mention the interesting tattoo just above his... Well, hopefully no one besides her would see that.
“Okay. I get your point. We’ll try to keep it low key. Now, why are you here?”
“Oh. I had an emergency overnight. Since I’d just gotten home, I gave Jared a ride and figured I’d pick up some fresh bread to take home to Rachel.”
“I can fix you up.”
She saw Luke’s eyes zero in on the apple cinnamon walnut loaves rising on a tray. “Any chance I could score some of that fresh from the oven?”
“Only if you want to wait around an hour. Otherwise I have some Jared baked yesterday afternoon.”
“That’ll work. I’m feeling the need to get back to my wife and my bed.”
Becca arched a brow. “In that order?”
Luke just laughed.
* * * *
It was turning into a bitch of a day. Eli took a ten second breather in his office in back. For reasons he couldn’t even begin to imagine, they’d gotten more than the usual number of after-church lunch crowd. It seemed to him that every person in Mountain Meadow had decided to eat out. What he couldn’t figure out, though, were the weird looks he kept getting from the church lady contingent in the corner. Every single one of them looked as if they’d sucked on lemons whenever he tried to speak to them or walked nearby, and then he’d catch a few of them looking when they thought he wasn’t.
Damn. If they weren’t staring at his crotch, then his name wasn’t Eli Michael Mercer. As he stepped into his office again, he partially shut the door and looked down. No. No woody. Not even close. And from what he could see, nothing spilled on him anywhere. So what the fuck? Hell. He knew he was big, but he camouflaged that pretty well unless he got a boner like when he was thinking about Bec...
Oh God. Don’t even go there. Next thing he knew he’d be hard as a wedding dick and as horny as a two-peckered billy goat.
He stepped out of his office and caught Ruthie on her way out front to top off tea.
“Ruthie.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. “Don’t look at ‘em, but see what you can overhear. All the church ladies there in the corner keep staring at me... at my...”
Ruthie’s eyes dropped to his crotch. “Well now, I’m sure it’s nice and all...”
“Cut it out! I’m serious. See if you can hear what they’re saying.”
Ruthie rolled her eyes. “All right, sugar. I’ll see what I can find out. Do I get a spy badge when this is over?�
“Bite. Me.”
“Oh sugar, you do say the sweetest things. I am all aflutter.”
He went back to the kitchen to help wash dishes. With the crowd they had today, they were starting to run low on glasses. Ten minutes later, Ruthie was poking her head into the kitchen.
“Boss man. You got a second? I need to speak with you in your office.”
Eli dried his hands and followed her out. When they reached his cubicle, she shut the door and smacked her hands onto her hips.
“Just exactly what were you doing with Rebecca Allred at the back of her place last night?”
He felt his ears go hot as firecrackers. He swallowed as he remembered exactly what they had done while they’d been feeding each other dessert.
“Somebody saw?” When his voice cracked, he flushed even more.
Ruthie pursed her lips and arched an eyebrow. “Seems so. And the debate now seems to be whether you’re a sex maniac taking advantage of that poor girl or if she’s a gutter slut spreading her legs to corrupt a poor lonely, single dad. Oh, and by the way, the debate’s taking place on the town’s Facebook page.”
“Fuck. Me.” Eli’s gaze skittered around his office without really focusing on anything. “I’d better go warn her.”
Ruthie barred his way. “Oh no you don’t. That will only make it worse. You’d do well to stay away from her for a few days.”
* * * *
“There you are, Mrs. Carter. Will there be anything else?”
“No. Thank you, Rebecca. My neighbor just gushed over how wonderful your bread was.” Joanne Carter’s gaze slid to the cooler where a couple of cakes rested. “Do you do wedding cakes too?”
Becca smiled. “The Secret Ingredient can do any type of baked good or cake you need.”
“Well, I see you’re busy right now, but I’ll stop by this week with my daughter, Ashley. Didn’t y’all go to school together? Anyway, she’s getting married in December and is looking for someone to handle the cake and the food.”
Yes! This was exactly what she was hoping to branch out into. “We’re closed tomorrow, but you and Ashley are welcome to stop by any other time this week.” She’d have Jared handle the customers if they were busy.
After Mrs. Carter picked up her purchases and smilingly headed toward the door, Becca watched four ladies coming in. For some reason, she pictured an entire flotilla of battleships and from what she could see from their expressions, it appeared she was the enemy.
Uh oh.
The lead ship was none other than Betty Gatewood. Jake had told her how the woman had tormented not only Holly and him, but made Joe and Tabitha’s life a living hell. Now she was headed Becca’s way, flanked by a few of her prune-faced friends. Becca smoothed her hands over the apron she wore and pasted on the brightest smile she could manage.
“Good afternoon, ladies. Welcome to The Secret Ingredient. What can I help you with?”
None of them smiled back. Tough crowd.
“We’d just like to look around for a few minutes right now,” Betty Gatewood simpered, if it was remotely possible for a woman of her age and girth to do so. But then Becca supposed if a woman of Mrs. Gatewood’s build was bold enough to wear a dress in a giant daisy print, then she was also entitled to simper.
One of the flanking ships leaned around her leader with narrowed eyes. “Mountain Meadow must be awfully quiet compared to Washington, D.C. It must be a real change of pace for a girl like yourself.”
Becca kept her smile in place, but she now sensed some nasty undercurrents. “I’m keeping busy. Opening the store’s been a lot of work.”
Another face peered around Betty Gatewood, popping up behind a ferociously fuchsia colored daisy at her shoulder. “You mean you’ve had to work late at night?”
From the dampening looks she received from her friends, Becca picked up her next clue as to what was going on. Someone had seen her and Eli.
“No. My time after I close is my own.” She smiled at them, hoping they would take the hint. “Now, can I interest you in a loaf of our apple cinnamon walnut bread? I can promise you it’s absolutely delightful heated up with just a bit of butter and a good cup of coffee.”
They didn’t appear to hear her.
“We missed you in church this morning,” Betty Gatewood stated.
Becca refused to be baited. “Yes. I talked to Pastor Joe and explained it might be a while before the shop was on solid enough footing for me to take off a Sunday morning, especially since my nephew’s the only help I have.”
Betty looked around and seeing no other customers inside, she leaned forward conspiratorially. “There are so many corrupting influences for a young woman these days. With your dear mother living so far away, we feel she would want us to warn you about the importance of protecting your reputation.”
Uh huh. There could be little doubt. Someone had seen something last night. Becca tamped down the temper that made her want to stick her hand on her hip and tell the old biddies to mind their own business. But these were potential customers and catering clients. She had to find some middle ground. Desperately, she thought back to what someone walking by might have seen.
It wasn’t like they’d been naked. Clothing had been loosened, well except for the panties Eli had ripped off her, but they had still basically covered everything. Becca’s eyes narrowed speculatively as she looked at the matrons facing her. Somehow she doubted any of them had screwed anyone other than their husbands, and that no doubt only in the dark in the missionary position.
She smiled at them and opened her eyes wide, batting her lashes innocently. God, it had always worked with her dad and her teachers, just please don’t let them be as bright as her mother. “You know, that is exactly what Mr. Mercer—Mr. Eli Mercer—told me last night when he came over to work out a deal for our two businesses.”
Betty Gatewood gazed triumphantly over her shoulder at her compatriots. Ah, so she was the voyeur! Becca leaned forward and put her hands on the counter, her eyes getting even wider. “You know I almost killed him last night.”
“No!” The ladies gasped and Becca fought to keep her face straight.
“Yes! We were testing some of the desserts down here in the back, and he started choking on a bite of bread pudding of all things. I had to straddle him and try to do a kind of crazy version of the Heimlich maneuver on him. But you know? It worked. That piece of food came right back out with a big whoosh! I was so relieved. I had been about ready to call Jake for help.”
Becca smiled widely, her gaze noting the slight slump to Betty Gatewood’s shoulders and the smirks of the other women.
“Now, can I get each of you a loaf of that apple cinnamon walnut bread? There are pieces here you can taste test, if you like.”
By the time they left, each lady had at least one loaf of bread. Betty Gatewood also bought bread pudding. As soon as they had gone to their cars and disappeared from the square, Becca stripped off her apron.
“Jared? Keep an eye on the front. I’m going to run over to Mercer’s. You want a cheeseburger?”
“That’d be great Aunt Becca. I’m starving.”
She grinned at him. “Cool. Be right back.”
* * * *
Most of the lunch crowd had dwindled. Ruthie began cleaning up since they only stayed open for breakfast and lunch on Sundays. Eli was checking paper and condiment supplies to prepare an order when he heard Ruthie.
“Uh oh. Someone’s got a bee in her bonnet, and since I saw the church ladies head her way after they left here, you better get ready Eli.”
He looked up to see Becca striding down the sidewalk. Her finely arched brows were drawn together in a scowl. He glanced around at the customers still remaining and realized he needed to get her back to his office as quickly as possible. Eli met her at the door.
“Come back to my office,” he ordered softly. “We’ll talk there.”
She glanced around and let out a heavy sigh. “Yes. That’s a good idea. I’m sor
ry. I should have waited.”
He took her elbow. “No. I’m glad you came.”
And he was. More than the sex, he’d enjoyed her company the previous evening, enjoyed holding her against him during the night. She walked ahead of him into his cubbyhole of an office. He shut the door. As soon as the latch clicked, Becca spun to face him.
“That nosy Mrs. Gatewood. She spied on us! Can you believe that?”
Eli folded his arms across his chest. “Well, Becca you have to admit we did get a little carried away right there in the back of your store.”
“And then she dared to try to lecture me on protecting my reputation, questioning me about why I wasn’t in church. Biddy. No. Make that interfering biddy.”
Eli stepped closer and pulled her into his arms. God she felt good. “Look, I’ll step up and take the blame for everything.”
“Huh?” She leaned back, and then she grinned. “Oh, I don’t think you’ll need to do that. In fact, that’s why I really came over. I just let myself get angry again at those women trying to hold their narrow-minded morals over my head.”
Eli arched a brow. “And why won’t I need to sacrifice myself on the altar of Puritanism?”
“I told them you had already cautioned me about protecting my reputation. Then I told them the nearly tragic tale of how you choked on a bite of bread pudding while we were taste testing desserts and nearly died.”
“Really? I’m assuming you must have saved me?”
“Oh yes. I had to straddle you and perform the Heimlich maneuver. Fortunately, I was successful and here you are alive and well.”
Eli laughed. “I’m so pleased to have survived my near death experience. Did it at least take a bit of the sucking lemons expressions off their faces?”
“Oh yes.”
“Wonderful.” He bent his head. “You know I am feeling just a little weak. I think some mouth to mouth might be in order.”
It was in the nature of a test. He wanted to see if she would taste just as delicious as she had last night and then again this morning. She did. As their mouths opened to each other, he stroked his tongue against hers, felt the instant response of his body to hers. Damn. He was dynamite and she was the match.