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Kate (Safe Haven Wolves Book 3)

Page 11

by Sherry Foster

"But I don't even know your name. Please, open your eyes, talk to me."

  I waited my entire life for a true-mate, ok, not my entire life, just the last year or so, but still, it can wait. Neither of us is going anywhere anytime soon. At least, I don't think we are. They are waiting until Craig is well enough to make the trip back home. They have crews coming later today, crews? Maybe they said teams? Doesn't matter, they have people coming to tear this prison apart looking for clues, but I just want to sleep.

  "Please beautiful, look at me."

  I open my eyes, this waking me up early will have to stop. Before I get the chance to tell him so he yelps and scrambles off the bed. I rub my forehead, it is too early for this shit.

  I hear Casey laughing. She stayed the night with us on a couch on the other side of the room. She missed out on the mental conversation a couple of hours ago when Craig woke up, but Jaden filled her in. She gave my mate a new nick-name, box-man. I don't know him yet, but I can't see him liking it very much. Has to be better than Fido though. I met him last night. His mate told me it was perfectly acceptable to call Jaden Fido. He had just rolled his eyes at her. I have the feeling they will be calling Craig box-man no matter how he feels about it.

  Hearing scuffling noises I ask Casey what is going on. I would have to get up and lean over the bed to see Craig whereas she has a perfect line of sight.

  "Oh, nothing much, he seems to be making his escape. This is why witches shouldn't mate with wolves. He is a prime example. This is the third time he has tried to escape you. Are you starting to feel a little insecure yet?" I can barely understand her through her giggles. Making his escape?

  I get up and lean over the bed to see, nothing, I follow the sounds to see Craig crawling toward the door. This mating is not going at all like I thought it would. I don't know whether to wake up Marcus or what to do. He strictly forbid me to wake him for anything but an emergency and he did not consider Craig waking me up to be an emergency. Sighing deeply I look at the blood on the floor, I would consider that an emergency. I guess Craig tore something again falling out of bed. Casey is right though, I am starting to feel a bit insecure.

  I start to call out to Marcus through the bond then remember, my parents are here so I call them instead. They can meet Craig and help me get him back in the bed and maybe someone can go get Doc.

  Craig had made it to the door and had just worked it open when my mother stepped over him and rushed over the the bed. My dad stopped to talk to his new son-in-law by mating. Dad can feel the hurt radiating from me so things are probably about to get ugly in the room. Maybe I should have called for Marcus. It did not help when I heard Casey exclaim, "Damn, wish I had the popcorn. Wonder who I could get to bring me some. Shoot, I forgot we have no cell phones here."

  I did not have to call anyone. Turns out Craig called for help. I heard him through the pack bond. I added my voice to his and told Doc Craig was bleeding again. By the time Doc and some of the others reached the room my dad was ripping up one side and down the other. Just chewing him out good. I felt the desire to defend my mate, I really wanted to, but this last time hurt. He did not have to hurt himself trying to get away from me. He called me beautiful, but only until I opened my eyes. If he would have just let me sleep, like I begged him, we would not be in this mess. I would not have gotten upset at being woken up too early again, my eyes would not have been filled with flames, and everything would be just roses. I would be asleep.

  As the guys tried to help him back to the bed I gave up and just rolled over and faced the other way. This mating was not going well at all. But, just then mum's voice whispered through my head, Have patience luv, he will heal, he will learn, and he will love you greater than you have ever known.

  By the time they got Craig settled back on the bed I had calmed down. When I turned to face him the flames were gone from my eyes. I watched him eye me warily before carefully reaching out his hand to stroke my hair. His voice was a caress when it whispered through my head.

  Ah sweetheart, I am so sorry. I am the worst mate ever. I don't remember anything see, and the drugs keep pulling at me. I open my eyes and see monsters and teeth and I hear the flesh tearing from my body. Then I see you, and you are the most beautiful treasure in all the world. I just want to hold you in my arms and protect you from the world. Then you do the whole fire flashing eyes and I don't know where I am all over again. I don't know what is real and what isn't. My soul tears at me to protect my mate, but my mind tries to trick me into believing I don't have a mate. I am just really confused. Please, don't cry. I can't handle that. I swear I never meant to hurt you. Will you tell me your name. I know your dad just told me your name is Kate, but I just want, I don't know what I want. I don't know what is up and what is down. Don't let go. Never let go.

  Oh Craig, that is so sweet. Do you know when you were unconscious and barely clinging to life those last few words were all you could say. You repeated them time after time. And I held you, I lent you my strength, because I waited too long, and I dreamed too many time of having a true-mate rescue me to ever let you go. I am sorry if my flame filled eyes make you uncomfortable. My mum gave them to me. All witches get them when we get upset. I am only one half wolf-shifter you know, and one half witch. I hoped, I mean, I wanted it to not matter to you. But you get so upset every time. The magic is never wrong you know. We could not true mate if you were not my true-mate. You will grow to love me for me and not the bond. Mum says so and dad agrees, this is the way it happens. But, it is kind of funny to see your face when you try to escape. Dad says it is very human of you.

  I did not get much else said, the very human comment had stopped him from stroking my hair. He had the most marvelous dumb-struck look on his face.

  Human, I am far from human baby.

  I know, but really, we are mated, and it is not bad being mated to a witch. Dad told you so himself.

  When Doc showed up he proceeded to rip into everyone in the room, even though it was not anyone's fault. Not even Craig's, not really. With what he had been through, and the amount of drugs pumping though his system it was no wonder he could not tell up from down. I scooted out of the bed, moving still hurt but every bit Craig healed, helped me hurt less. I let the others change the bedding, it was covered with a fair bit of blood. Soon Craig, new bandages on the worst of the wounds, bandages removed from the ones newly healed, eased back onto the bed beside me. Everyone had left the room this time, including Casey. Craig was over the worst of it, healing far better than anyone had even hoped for, and for the first time since it happened, he was in far better command of his mental facilities.

  "Do you think they might bring us some food soon? I am starving Feel like I haven't eaten in days."

  "Yeah, I think so. I think Casey went to get some real sleep. And Trina said something about finding us food. Marcus said the team was getting up and about. Doc said we can go home to your community today. He thought, with how you were healing, it would be days before you were ready to be moved. But now he thinks today would be ok. Later today. I can't stop flames in my eyes, you realize that right? Do you think you can get use to it?

  "Oh sweetheart, if I have you in my life I can get use to everything. So tell me, do you have a good sense of humor? Because, maybe they warned you? I have a very twisted sense of humor."

  I smiled, "Oh no, they told me about your sense of humor. I think we are going to get along just fine."

  Before we could discuss anything more Trina came into the room, followed by Jaden, both loaded down with plates of food. Salivating I reached for a plate. So intent on my food, and filling my belly, using your strength to keep your mate alive takes a lot of energy, I heard Craig apologizing to Jaden.

  "Man, I really do owe you an apology. I never understood, none of us could. Until it happened. One minute I am just rambling along in my wolf, the next minute we feel our mate and then nothing. I mean, plenty happened, but my mind was a blank. All I could think about was getting to her. Seventy years of tra
ining out the window. I never smelled them, I never saw them, I never heard them. All I could see, or feel was finding Kate and protecting her from the world. I would have watched the world burn to save her. That almost cost me my life. Which brings up another thing, it almost cost me my life, do you see the difference? Your mate is not suppose to almost cost me my life, only mine."

  "Yeah, I know, I went a little insane that day. Well, you understand now. I am sorry man. I would never have hurt you or Krys for the world. You are family. When I thought we had lost you, I went a little crazy that day. I don't think I am allowed back in that airport anymore. We barely made it out without a major incident. Don't ever do that again. I have almost lost you twice in the last two months. I think that is you limit. You have reached your limit of near-death experiences. No more."

  "What the hell Jaden, you ass, the first time was your fault. Not mine. I was just minding my own business when you decided to go nuts."

  "Yeah, I know, I said I am sorry. I did say that right?"

  I just listened to the two men. Jaden had sat up with us last night for awhile and told me all about almost killing Craig a few weeks ago. I will admit, it was funny to see how fast he moved when my wolf rose. He was back tracking and trying to apologize, I ended up laughing at him after the initial surprise at seeing the golden wolf.

  Soon enough we were done eating. Jaden and Trina had brought so much food so they could eat with us. I think, I hope, Trina and I were going to get along great. All her arrogance and bluster seemed to me to hide some insecurities. I was a bit miffed that Craig kept sniffing in her direction and giving her strange looks. After they left with the plates I saw the door ease back open.

  A man I had not yet met stuck his head in the door and looked around. "Are they gone? What did you think? Did you smell her? Tell me I am not going crazy. Oh hi, you must be Kate. Welcome to the pack. Come on Craig, you smelled her. Did you recognize the scent? Tell me you remember that scent." The guy turned toward me again, "Sorry, name's Jamie."

  "She does smell familiar. Why does she smell so familiar?"

  "Let me give your memory a boost. Two dead shifters, throwing stars, ring a bell?"

  "Holy shit! Are you telling me that the two dead shifters were at her hands. No way. Why hasn't anyone said anything? Surely someone should have said something."

  "Man, I don't think they know. Jaden hasn't said a word. Think about it. We were on the detail that cleaned up that mess. Who handled the bodies? Us. Who was it smelled the throwing stars? Just the two of us. By the time we got all the evidence back, we had handled everything so much no one could get her scent. I am telling you, that little mate of Jaden's is the one who killed them. Everyone thinks she is all bluster and talk when she talks about killing rogues to get them to leave her in peace. Roberts and Daniel hate her. You know how hard killing our own kind is, but there she is, with at least two dead by her hand and she hasn't told a soul. If Jaden knows, he isn't talking. Watch her though, every now and then she gets the same haunted look in her face we see in the mirror. Now, Jaden is, by far, closer to you than anyone else. What do you think we should do? She is going to eventually break from holding that kind of secret, you know she is, and that will destroy Jaden. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel if you did not know until too late what had happed with your mate. I mean, the pack knows, and we have her back, but no one knows about Trina. What do we do?"

  "Wait, the entire pack knows what I did? Why? I mean, that isn't something to brag about. Why would the whole pack know?" the last came out in a wail when I was going for calm and collected.

  Craig turned to me, "Not everyone knows. Jamie exaggerates sometimes. The ones who have been though the fire, they know, they know what to watch for, and how to help you cope with taking the life of another. No one blames you for what your did, every single one of them would have done the same. Well, not exactly the same, they would have wanted him to suffer more. But the fact is, no one blames you and everyone wants to help you. You are family. It is what we do."

  When he turned back to Jamie, after kissing the tip of my nose all he had to say was, "Give me time to think about it. Remember you have known for weeks now, and I just found out. Let me spend some time with them. Now, don't you have a mission a head of you. I need some more sleep, go, go. I will see you later."

  After Jamie left Craig turned to me. "No one blames you sweetheart, but it will eat at your soul. Help me figure out what to do. You heard him. Trina has killed at least two of our kind, that we know of, and apparently she hasn't told a soul. That is going to eat at her. Come, lay back down with me and hold me. I have some thinking to do. Please."

  My mind drifted as we lay back down. When I felt his arms wrap around me I knew I was home. It did not matter where we went, or who was there, as long as we were together, we could get through anything.





  The flight from the prison had happened so fast Dawn did not have time to grab anything. When Allison jumped from the helicopter she tried to follow. Better dead than in the hands of the men who had her. And she had to save Kate and Julie. The monsters, who called themselves their saviors had just left them there. She had kicked and screamed for Allison but the men had held her tight. With Kate and Julie left behind, and Allison gone, Dawn was the only female on the helicopter.

  Her only hope at this point was Kate. Whether it was true or not, Kate had once asked her to share blood with her. Although Dawn thought it sounded like a disgusting practice, Kate had been almost frantic about the ceremony. Dawn had finally agreed to allow Kate to nick her hand so their blood could mingle. Afterward, when the blood had dried, and the nicks had healed, Kate had said the oddest thing. With a smug smile on her face she had told Dawn, "Now I can find you no matter where we end up. Dawn really hoped that was true.




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