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Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)

Page 18

by Sibylla Matilde

● In the Air Tonight ~ Kelly Sweet

  ● Carnivore ~ Carnivore

  ● Smoke and Mirrors ~ Imagine Dragons

  ● The Heart Wants What It Wants ~ The Animal In Me

  ● November Rain ~ Guns N’ Roses

  ● Scum ~ Peta & The Wolves

  ● Hater ~ Korn

  ● Take Back The Power ~ The Interrupters

  ● The Mission ~ Thirty Seconds to Mars

  ● Rock of Ages ~ Def Leppard

  ● Search and Destroy ~ Thirty Seconds to Mars

  ● No Rain ~ Blind Melon

  ● Rain - Breaking Benjamin

  ● I’m A Mess ~ Ed Sheeran

  ● I Had This Thing ~ Röyksopp

  ● Til It Happens To You ~ Lady Gaga

  ● Your Soul ~ RHODES

  ● Rubik’s Cube ~ Athlete

  ● Nightmare ~ Arshad

  ● A Real Life ~ Greek Fire

  ● Apocalypse ~ Sleeperstar

  ● The Only Way Out ~ Bush

  ● I’ll Be Good ~ Jaymes Young

  ● Seven Nation Army ~ The White Stripes

  ● Bitter Pill ~ Gavin James

  ● Poison ~ Rita Ora

  ● Hymn For the Weekend ~ Coldplay

  ● Look What We’ve Become ~ Grace Potter

  ● Wild Ones ~ Five Knives

  ● Rocket ~ Def Leppard

  ● Light It Up ~ Roméo Testa

  ● Under the Lights ~ Cassio Monroe

  Finishing this book is bittersweet. It’s my 10th book since my first was published in September 2013 (if I count my novella which I do because that fucker was a bitch to write - I’m sticking to full length novels from now on). That’s double digits. So weird. I’m completely blown away and thankful that enough people appreciate my dirty mind and romantic heart enough to help me reach this point. I can’t even really say how much that means to me.

  And as Book 5 of the Copperline, it's the end of my Mofos (well, they may still pop up from time to time) which kinda makes me sad. I have loved writing these guys. I honestly never intended it to go past the first book. Post Breakup Sex came to me as I listened to a song by the same name. It grew, and these guys took shape. Their camaraderie and interaction and Bangin’ Mofoness just overwhelmed my thoughts. At this point, they have fueled my passion and enticed my imagination for almost two years. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to move on without “You’re fired” or “Speak English, you fucker” or "jaysus bleedin' ting" or “I don’t fuck students.”

  Thank you to everyone out there who has fallen in love with them like me. Thanks to all the private messages and Facebook posts, the Amazon reviews and the tweets. The fan pics and the constant “OMG, I love him!” type shit. I’m so glad you don’t think my stories suck. Special shout out to my Flannel Squad girls around the world. You guys are the shit! I know I don’t tell you nearly often enough, but I appreciate you guys so very much every day.

  Thanks to Mr. Siby and my offspring (and I’d like to clarify for Mr. Siby’s sake that NONE of the man-love in Justin’s book is in any way inspired by him - you’re welcome honey). Thanks to my mom and dad and aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters and my very very VERY extended family (we are a bit complicated on paper, but it all works somehow) who give me an incredible amount of support in so many ways.

  Thanks to my amazing editors Nicole (who has totally laid claim to Justin, btw) and Diane (and even Keriann who found a few sneaky little typos) for reading and rereading and rerereading to look for shit like “is is” and “the the” and all those things that I just flat don’t even see after a while. You guys do a TON to help make my stuff look good, and I appreciate you way more than I can ever say.

  Thanks to my beta readers Tara, Zolie, and Erica and my alpha readers Shell, Beth, Terri, and Cyndi. You guys helped me form this story when I was seriously fucking terrified. I knew Justin had to be on point, and I could have never in a million years done this without you. And, oh em gee - Terri told me to add sex. I’m still shocked by this. Not so shocking that Cyndi did, though. LOL.

  Thanks to Olivia for letting me know that even amazing authors like her still have the same fears and worries that I do and for not making me walk to the airport when I accidentally called her Challenger a Charger. As a muscle car lover, I truly realize the extent of that faux pas.

  Thanks to my Brit Ho Bethy Boo for driving during our HPH Leeds adventure to all kinds of scary neighborhoods where my Gramma lived before she emigrated to America as a 3-year-old. Thank you for locking the door when the guy at one place was approaching your car to see if we wanted to go in (we didn’t). I totes wasn’t in Montana anymore, but it’s a little hard to shut that off sometimes. And thankfully Shell was there to drag us away from the guy who told us we’d better get out of there before we got mugged.

  Finally, thank you to my Pimp Shell because (and I’m gonna go all lezzy here, but fuck it) you are 99.9% of what keeps me going. You crack the whip, and I’m masochistic so I’m all like YAY! You think you’re a moody bitch, but you put up with a lot of shit from me. You say you are selfish, but you are one of the most giving people I know. You say you are useless when needed the most, but you are always there for me when I really truly need you. You say you glare at everyone and everything, when… well, okay. I’ll give you that one, but I can’t fucking wait for you to be back in Montana in 36 days (and counting).


  Little Conversations

  Littler Conversations


  In the Firelight

  In the Starlight ((coming Fall 2016)


  Because of Kian

  Always Conall


  Post Breakup Sex

  Wild Irish Envy

  Easy Little Lick

  Evanescent Ink

  Hot Dirty Love

  Sibylla Matilde grew up in the mountain valleys of Southwest Montana, and grew up exploring the alfalfa fields on the back of a horse. She attended a two-room schoolhouse 1st through 6th grade where she had same teacher the whole time. Beginning at about age 12, Sibylla discovered historical romance, feeding off of work of Jude Devereaux, Lisa Kleypas, and Karen Robards. She loves a book that can make the reader run the gamut of emotions, from the sweet glow of new love to gut-wrenching heartache. She always has stories floating around in her head, living in some fantasyland until she writes them down to free them. She is a true romantic, a bit of a Pollyanna, and a deeply emotional soul.

  Music is her emotional trigger. Growing up with a Wagnarian-opera-loving mother, Sibylla grew up with music that digs deep into her soul and pulls out emotion. The soundtrack to her life includes different genres and generations. She looooooooves Thirty Seconds to Mars (rather obsessively, actually) with a little Kings of Leon to mix things up, and pimps them out regularly to all her friends through Spotify. She also enjoys watching Met Opera HD broadcasts at her local movie theater, and hopes (listening Met?) to someday see Diana Damrau reprise her role as Mozart’s Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte—The Magic Flute.

  Sibylla lives with her husband, Mike, a man who she firmly believes saved her from her self-destructive, hot mess self. He makes her laugh every day, even when things seem to be falling apart around them, and has proved to her that love really can heal a shattered soul. In almost 21 years, they have never had a fight, but argue regularly with their two teenage kids who have, unfortunately, inherited their father’s quick wit (unfortunate as it is a quick wit that Sibylla, herself, definitely does not possess—there is a reason she is a writer and not a stand-up comedian), and live a quiet life with their two weird little rescued Chiweenies. Wait… teenagers and little yap-dogs? Okay, maybe not so quiet. :)

  She kinda likes it. ;)




  Friend me

/>   *if I don’t respond right away, message me and be like ‘HEY BITCH, accept my friend request’ and I’ll be all over that.

  Fan page

  Siby’s Flannel Squad:

  A Facebook group where street team members get insider info and help to promote Sibylla Matilde’s books. Plus, we like dirty pictures and stuff. If you are interested in being a part of Siby’s Flannel Squad, please send an email to






  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Songs that inspired Hot Dirty Love


  Other Novels by Siby

  About Siby

  Stalk Siby




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