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Sticks & Stones, Bullets & Bones (The Devil's Apostles MC)

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by Annie Buff

  Sticks & Stones, Bullets & Bones: The Devil’s Apostles II

  Author: Annie Buff Editor: Chris Cain


  Bones was very near and dear to my heart and so many people made this journey with me, from the amazing authors that inspired me to write, like Brenda Trim and Tami Julka, to my incredible family and friends. I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge a few extremely important people that made Bones’ story possible.

  My PA Natasha Hooks, who fell in love with Bones immediately and dubbed him her boyfriend, and is constantly saying till death do us part Bonsey!

  My editor and dear friend Chris Cain, who makes each book a work of art. I couldn’t do this without you. You mean the world to me.

  Joan Marie Buttigieg; my dearest friend and confidant. You will always be my Mojo Jojo.

  My entire team of readers, pimpers and staff including Renee Scarberry, Kari Hargrave, Belinda Page , and Michelle Thomas for loving the pages I send for criticism.

  Shannon Youngblood for creating such an amazing cover and giving Bones a look all his own.

  My son Tommy, and my stepdaughter Charli for all their encouragement along the way.

  To my own idiots that have graced the pages and finally, to my Mother, whose constant support has been my driving force. Thank you all for helping me along this wild and crazy journey. The best is yet to come.

  Contents: 1: Prologue

  2: Ticket To Ride

  3: With a Little Help From the Queen

  4: Date Night

  5: A Cockroach Problem

  6: Roaches Check In

  7: Bullets And Bones

  8: Dirty Dirty Cops

  9: Clubhouse Saturday Night

  10: Love Shack

  11: Chasing Roaches

  12: Cabin Fever

  13: One Down, Five To Go

  14: Bad To The Bone

  15: Dirt On The Dirty

  16: A Ring And A Sting

  17: Cabin In The Woods

  18: The Last To Go

  19: I Do In The Spring

  20: Moving On


  Zeke Canfield, aka Bones, rode down the highway; wind in his face and loving life. His best friends had just become parents to a beautiful baby girl, the entire MC had been celebrating all day. The beer and bourbon had flowed like rivers and when he got on his bike to go home he thought he was sober enough. The red and blue lights in his rear view said different.

  “Fuck!” Was all he could say. He knew he was busted and there was no way out of it. Hopefully, if he was polite enough he wouldn’t go to jail; just an impounded bike and a shitty phone call to his President.

  As the motorcycle cop pulled up behind his bike he kept his hands on the bars. He had a gun under his cut and even though he had a permit there was no need to get shot tonight. The cop walked up on him and as the helmet came off he almost fainted. It was her! The woman from his dreams. The beautiful redhead he had dreamed about for a year and she was a cop. Nothing would ever be easy for him. His dream girl was a God Damn cop.

  Ticket To Ride

  Wisha Montgomery hated traffic stops. Being put on patrol was punishment for filing a grievance against a fellow officer for harassment. She had been working plain clothes on the vice squad and after one of her colleagues got a little too friendly she filed a complaint, which landed her back in uniform and on traffic patrol. She had just pulled over one of the Devils Apostles club members, this night had gone from bad to worse. This could go one of two ways and Wisha was hoping to hell he would be cooperative and just take the ticket. She approached the bike and the minute she saw him her jaw hit the pavement. Tall, blonde, tattooed, with the bluest eyes she had ever seen. His short locks didn’t seem to fit the biker persona but it fit his face, which was gorgeous with just a hint of stubble on his strong jaw. He smiled just slightly, nobody liked being pulled over.

  “ License, registration, and insurance please.” Bones was hesitant to reach into his back pocket knowing he had a side arm on the same side.

  “Ma’am ,” He told her calmly, “there’s a piece on the same side as my wallet, please don’t shoot me. All I’m getting is my driver’s license.”

  She appreciated that he told her, although she had seen the outline under his vest. She just nodded, knowing that if he had warned her this biker had no intention of going for his weapon.

  Wisha walked back to her bike with info in hand, to run registration and search for warrants. His License said MD on it. This was either a joke or he was using someone else’s identity because doctors weren’t Devil’s.

  This couldn’t possibly be right. He came back clean, not even a parking ticket. Well now it was time to see if Dr. Canfield was really this drop dead gorgeous biker.

  “So the reason I stopped you was because I saw you get a little squirrely around that last bend. Have you been drinking tonight?” Damn he was busted.

  “Yes ma’am, a little bit. See I just delivered a baby today and we were celebrating her birth. My Prez and his wife had a baby, I may have had a couple more than I should have though.”

  Well that was actually refreshing she thought, someone who admitted breaking the law. He had the sweetest smile, and after what told her she believed he really was a doctor.

  “Ok ay Dr Canfield.” Wisha started to say. He cut her off, correcting her on how to address him.

  “Bones, everyone calls me Bones.” That was certainly fitting for a doctor. She had no intentions of writing a ticket or arresting him. She hated paperwork and if he was in cuffs, it would be on her bed cuffed to the headboard.

  “I hate paperwork, and arresting you means hours of paperwork and you’ll just post bail anyway so I’ll let you off with a warning. Take care of that tail light.”

  He looked at her dumbfounded, first she wasn’t giving him a sobriety test after he’d all but admitted he was drunk, second there wasn’t anything wrong with his lights. “Ma’am, my lights are fine. Aren’t they?”

  She gave him a million dollar smile, right before she lifted her boot and put it through the plastic lens. “It’s broken, make sure you take care of that.” She just walked back to her bike and sped off into the night.

  Bones sat there for several minutes. He had just been pulled over by the redhead that had haunted him for a year and he didn’t even look at her name tag!

  “Jesus Zeke, what were you thinking ?” He said aloud. One thing he knew for certain, he had to find her. This had to be the universe’s way of telling him it was time, he needed to settle down and have a family.

  He started up the Fat Boy and took off for home, not being able to shake the image his redheaded beauty. She was little, like his Queen and curvy. Bones liked women with curves, and hers were so touchable he was going to need a cold shower. He’d had serious wood since her helmet came off and the longer she had him on the side of the road, the worse it got. Trying to ride and adjust himself was impossible so he would just suffer the few miles until he could free his cock and deal with the problem himself. He’d been doing that for a year. It wasn’t that the

  opportunity for sex hadn’t presented itself on numerous occasions, he just wasn’t interested in those women. Bones wanted his redhead, no other woman would do. Now he knew how she smelled. Jacking off tonight would be a pleasure, not just a release.

  It didn’t take long once he arrived home to be naked on his bed, cock in hand. This time it wasn’t a race to the finish. He lay with his eyes closed, sliding his hand up and down his thick, throbbing shaft. It was a slow slide as he imagined her tongue licking the vein that ran undern
eath, one of her hands on his balls rubbing ever so gently. The other between her legs fingering her wet pussy and letting him lick the juices from her fingers as she swallowed him to the hilt.

  That image was all he needed to shoot his load all over his stomach. This time cumming felt amazing, almost like she was the one touching him. Bones knew when it did happen, it would be earth shattering.

  Wisha couldn’t shake the blonde bikers face. His blue eyes danced in her head the entire shift. This was a bad thing, a very bad thing. No matter how attracted she was to him, Dr. Canfield or Bones as he told her to call him was off limits. He was an outlaw, a criminal and she was a cop.

  It was an impossible situation. She knew he was attracted to her too, Wisha saw the way he looked at her. His eyes taking in everything he saw, but he still stayed respectful and polite. She smiled remembering how shocked he was when she put her boot through his tail light. That look was almost worth the shitty assignment of the Junction patrol.

  When they busted her back to uniform she almost quit, but decided it would give these men much too much satisfaction knowing they ran her out. She knew she wasn’t the only one that had been grabbed and groped so instead of quitting, she started investigating them. It was a group of five men that always seems to get away with everything. Word on the street was, the drugs they confiscated never made it to evidence; same story with money and guns.

  Wisha just kept her head down, avoiding the five and listening. Internal Affairs had investigated them and cleared them, but she knew they were dirty and someone had to do something. Maybe having Bones as a friend wouldn’t be such a bad thing. He might have information she could use.

  Tomorrow she was going to take a drive to the Devil’s clubhouse and hope nobody decided it was a good day to kill a cop.

  With a Little Help From the Queen

  Bones pulled the Fat Boy into the spot he always parked in at the front of the clubhouse. He had to find Peyton, she would know exactly what he needed to do. Peyton McAllister was his President‘s wife and one of Bones best friends. She was the one they all went to with their problems, and this was a damn big one.

  Even when all Hell had broken loose with her father, Peyton was always there for all of them. She had defended herself, her unborn child and Slinger, one of the brothers, when Skinny came after her. She was truly the Queen of the Devil’s.

  Bones needed her now, this was bigger than him. He had told Peyton all about his recurring dream with the beautiful redhead. She told him to keep the faith, that somewhere out there that woman was waiting for him.

  He found her in the kitchen, newborn Nora laying in a hammock type thing on the counter. “Queen, I need help.” He told her with a sigh.

  She looked him up and down, making sure he wasn’t hurt. When Peyton was thoroughly satisfied he wasn’t injured, she motioned for him talk.

  “Remember the redhead in my

  dreams?” He asked her with an air of defeat. He knew she did, she remembered everything. “I met her last night, and she’s a fucking cop! I thought for sure my ass was going to jail, but for whatever reason she told me to get taillights fixed. That was right before she put a boot to it and broke it. I’m freaking out, I want that woman more than air and she’s a cop!”

  “Zeke what happened?” Peyton demanded, “You said you were sober enough to drive! If you hadn’t met your girl I’d be kicking your ass all over the yard.”

  Bones believed her. It was still odd to hear his given name spoken aloud. Peyton used their birth names, she said it was more personal and that this was a family. He felt more of a sense of family here than he ever did at home. Nora started to fuss, looking for a bottle and uncle Zeke stepped right in. He held her close as Peyton fixed a bottle.

  “Smoke doing okay being daddy? How’s he handling the diaper duty?” Funny how her big bad biker was excelling at his fatherly duties. He hadn’t left them alone since her birth, Peyton finally sent him out on his bike for a ride. “Seriously he’s amazing, he took her out this morning and sat on his bike with her. Nero told her everything she will never need to know about his Harley.” Peyton laughed, smiling at the mental image of her husband and daughter on the bike. She took a picture of the scene as it unfolded, with every intention of having it printed out.

  “Zeke , are we expecting company today?” Peyton asked, looking out the window to the driveway.

  He shook his head. As far as he knew nobody was expected at the clubhouse. Smoke had asked for a week of privacy after Nora’s birth. Bones knew that him being here wasn’t a big deal. Slinger was around somewhere too and probably Rennie as well, considering he lived in the clubhouse addition.

  “No Queen, boss man said he wanted some time without a dozen smelly bikers all over. Why?”

  Peyton motioned to the red sports car that had just pulled up. The driver hadn’t gotten out, so the possibility of them just being lost was a consideration. As soon as Bones looked he could see the outline of a woman’s face. It looked damn similar to his cop.

  “Fuck!” seemed to be the appropriate word. It was absolutelyher. How did she find the property and why in the Hell was she here. Maybe she changed her mind about arresting him, he knew it wasn’t warrants. None of them had any, Smoke was adamant about that. If you got arrested or ticketed, the President expected you to handle your business and not bring it to his yard. They had all been arrested at one point, but nobody had ever done serious time. Renegade had done eighteen months in the State Pen and that was the longest any of them had done.

  The driver in the red sports car had gotten out and was looking around. Bones was drooling through the window. Blue denim jeans that hugged her ass and a pale pink sweater that dipped just low enough to tease. Combine all that with the knee high boots and he was done for. He went to meet her in the yard. If this was some kind of trouble, Smoke would have his ass for bringing it here. He still had Nora in his arms when he opened the door and took the porch steps to the gravel driveway.

  “Morning officer, something I can do you for?” Wisha tried not to smile, but he looked so damn perfect holding that baby. “Dr. Canfield. Yours?” She asked referring to the infant he kept cradled in his arms.

  “No ma’am, this is Nora. She’s my President’s daughter and soon to be my God daughter, she’s the reason I had a few too many. And you haven’t answered my question. Why are you here? Am I getting arrested?”

  That time she did smile, he thought she came to arrest him. Wisha had no reason to even think about arresting him. She needed his help, and deep down she knew she needed him. Nothing was scarier than knowing this outlaw biker was already under her skin.

  “Can we talk? I need help and I think you and your friends here are the only ones who can help me.” Wisha proceeded to explain everything that had been going on in her department and how she wound up back in uniform.

  “I suspected something wasn’t right way before they all got handsy with me, but after I filed the complaint, that’s when I got busted back to street duty. I almost quit. Please, I’m begging here. I really need your help.”

  Well wasn’t this ironic, the cop asking the biker for help. He knew without a doubt he would help her, but just getting to listen to her half begging was kind of nice.

  “Did you say your name was Wisha? Damn I thought my parents were on dope when I got named.” He gave her a smile to melt any female, she knew he did it on purpose. His teeth were shiny white even though she’d seen the cigarettes in his shirt pocket, and they were perfectly straight. His dentist must make a fortune off him.

  “Yes , Wisha Montgomery, my given name is Alissa and when I was born my older sister couldn’t say it, so she said Wisha. My whole life I was called Wisha so when I was 18 I made it legal.” About that time he heard the front door open and his Queen bounding down the steps, this was about to get interesting.

  “Hi, I’m Peyton McAllister. This is my home and if you’re here for anything other than asking him out we’re gonna have a problem.” She sa
id matter of fact, Peyton loved her idiots and no cop was going to make waves, even if she was Zeke’s dream girl.

  Wisha extended a hand and started explaining. The more she said the more irritated Peyton was. Men were getting away with sexual harassment in the local police department, and they were stealing a number of different things without repercussions.

  “ Come on in and have some coffee,” Peyton offered, “my husband is on his way. You’ll have to explain it to him and let him call Temple to talk to the rest of my idiots.”

  Wisha gave her a look, one Peyton knew meant she didn’t understand. She could tell her some, but not all so she started with the idiots and told her about meeting Smoke and the trials they had and about Nora. Bones still had her, she assumed he was on diaper duty. When he appeared in the kitchen with one neatly folded up, she knew she was right.

  “ Queen,” Bones reported on Nora’s condition, “she’s dry and powdered. A little fussy so I think it may be time for another bottle. You make it and I’ll feed her?”

  She took her daughter, Bones had company so she told them to go sit on the porch and wait for Smoke. It gave him the opportunity to ask her questions. There were things Bones had to know. “Are you married?”

  She shook her head. She hadn’t even had a date in a year. No one had struck her fancy in longer than that. The fact she was an alpha female didn’t bode well in the dating department anyway. The men she attracted were doormats and what Wisha needed was one exactly like the man in front of her.

  “ So, no husband, no boyfriend. That’s a good thing.” There came that toothy smile again. He was staring at her, taking in everything. Her big green eyes, tiny nose, full, plump, kissable lips. She had the prettiest heart shaped face he had ever seen.

  “Good for who?” She asked him, “Certainly not me. Do you have any idea how shitty Saturday nights at home are?”

  He did, but hopefully he was about to change her view on them. “Well Miss Montgomery, after we explain your situation to my President I would like to take you out. Maybe make your Saturday night one to remember?”


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