Sticks & Stones, Bullets & Bones (The Devil's Apostles MC)

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Sticks & Stones, Bullets & Bones (The Devil's Apostles MC) Page 7

by Annie Buff

  “Damn Angel, you’re fucking perfect. I love you.” Was the last words she’d heard before she succumbed to sleep. Bones held her tight, relishing the feeling of holding his future wife in his arms. She would be the mother of his children, the reason his heart beat.

  Dirt On The Dirty

  Weeks had gone by; the holidays had come and gone, and now into the new year they were still working on Operation Housecleaning. Wisha had gone back to work, keeping her head down and staying as far from her former colleagues as possible. Her Captain had called her into his office to ask about the man she was dating.

  “Sir , I fail to see how my social life is anyone’s business.” The Captain sat in his chair behind a mahogany desk and proceeded to tell Wisha what kind of person she was dating and it looked bad on his department. She stood and stared, her mouth wide open by the gall of this man who was supposed to be her


  “So let me get this straight, you’re worried that my boyfriend makes your department look bad? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Wisha raised her voice loud enough for her co-workers to turn their heads and stare through the glass window at her in the office in the far corner of the squad room.

  “This is bullshit! Check him out, never once has the man even had a parking ticket! Now if we’re done here SIR, I have reports to finish up before I clock out.” Wisha stomped out of the office and as she walked passed her fellow officers she stopped and looked at them.

  “What! Anyone have anything to say ? Do it now!” All heads turned back to what they had been previously doing. She was mad and each one saw it. Everyone knew never mess with a redhead when they were pissed, and Wisha was every bit the typical redhead when she was mad.

  That night as she and Bones sat at dinner she told him about her problem with the captain. All Bones could do was shake his head. Yes there were times they were the criminals but not now and it was looking like the Captain was in need of a visit from Bones and the Devils. He wasn’t going to inform Wisha just yet. He needed to interfere but delicately so his woman understood why.

  “ So Angel, would you like to help me design a new home? I’m gonna need a new place to live since my home is public knowledge now. There’s some acreage behind club property and I was

  considering buying it and building a new house. What do you think?” Wisha loved the idea of helping him with a house. He had proposed, but since they were making love at the time she wasn’t sure if he was serious or if it had just been the heat of the moment.

  “Absolutely ! What are you thinking you want?” Bones had that million dollar smile again. When his grin stretched in that way his blue eyes sparkled. He was every bit cover model gorgeous although he didn’t know it.

  “Well Angel, it’s about to be your home too so what do you want it to look like?” That moment Wisha knew he meant his proposal, and they were officially a couple.

  Two days later during her shift, Bones strolled in to the squad room with a manilla envelope, giving her a wink and waltzing into her Captains office. The entire room went quiet hoping to hear what was being discussed. All were staring at her.

  “So Captain, I hear I make your department look bad. That’s too bad, because it’s your neighbors that I treat for free.” Captain Leland Kennedy just sat staring not quite sure what to say. Bones knew it too, so why not use it to his advantage.

  “You may not be aware of this but I am a doctor, a real one. My father is Cesar Canfield, and no matter what you think of me I am not the bad guy. Just because I wear a patch does not make me a criminal. Check me out, you won’t find anything.”

  That was about the point where the captain started to apologize. He asked him why he had come and got the shock of his life. Captain Kennedy had no clue what was going on in his department.

  “ What in the fuck are you talking about Mr. Canfield? My vice squad is doing what!” Bones shook his head, he knew this should have been done outside the department. But maybe being seen here would give the Captain some street cred.

  “Look Captain, you’ve got one dirty squad. I’m gonna leave this and take my girl to lunch, read it and if you believe me we’ll be at Handlebars. They make a great burger.” He stood and walked out heading straight to Wisha and extending a hand.

  “Ready for lunch Angel? Your

  guacamole burger is the lunch special today.” With that she smiled and joined him. The couple walked out hand in hand.

  Bones wondered if the Captain would actually show. He didn’t put much faith in it, and he had a feeling his woman was going to let him have it for interfering but it had to be done.

  “Zeke, you’re in trouble.” She told him as she sipped on her Dr Pepper. He knew she might be a little twisted up but it would be worth it to have the Captain in the loop.

  “I was expecting that Angel, but I’m not sorry. It Had to be done, and you know it.” Bones said as the waitress set his bottle of Guinness down in front of him.

  She knew he was right, but Wisha didn’t like feeling helpless. She spent too much of her childhood having that feeling.

  Wisha got her guacamole burger and Bones did his favorite, a Roman burger. That was a double burger with bacon and salami on it. He knew his arteries were probably screaming at him but today he didn’t care. This giant greasy piece of heaven on an onion roll was exactly what he wanted. Bones generally ate healthy but once in a while he needed grease. They were just about to leave when the door opened and Captain Leland Kennedy walked in. This could go one of two ways and Bones was really hoping it was the way he wanted.

  “Captain.” Wisha stood and gave him respect even though Bones was sure she didn’t mean it. She thought he was a moron who had no clue what was

  happening right under his nose. The Captain nodded and Bones motioned for him to sit.

  “From the look on your face, I’m gonna make the guess you read the file I left?” The Captain nodded grimly. “ Good, now I’m gonna tell you how were handling this shit.” Bones proceeded to tell the Captain anything that wasn’t pertinent to the club and how, with Detective Morrison, they were pulling off quite a sting. He explained Jefé as much as he could without incriminating the club and a few other things while the Captain sat staring at them. His mouth was wide open like he couldn’t believe all this was happening and he had no idea. Bones also told him why Wisha had come to him for help.

  “So you see, we aren’t the bad guys here. You’re department has some serious shit going on and if my woman is working there she’s gonna be safe. I will make damn sure of it.” That was a statement he meant and both Wisha and the Captain knew he meant it. Bones may not be the hard ass that Smoke or Renegade was but when it came to his woman he would burn that department to the ground to keep her out of harm’s way.

  Bones had decided on buying the acreage that bordered Smokes and cut a check to the real estate agent. Even in the midst of all the chaos he and Wisha had found time to design the house that would be their home. He thought being close to his brother would be ideal since he and Smoke were as close as two men could be.

  With Valentine’s Day approaching Bones asked his queen for some help. He knew she wouldn’t say no, especially when he told her why.

  “Oh my gawd Zeke! You’re really going to ask her? Holy crap of course I’ll help you! How are we doing this?”

  When he told her she just laughed. It was just like Smokes proposal. And Peyton was going to help her friend make it the best one ever.

  A Ring And A Sting

  Peyton had put together the

  Valentine’s menu and as she explained it to Smoke he just bellowed out a laugh. Bones was finally going to do it. He’d told him if he let her slip away he would always regret it, and his friend had obviously listened. It was going to be an epic party and Smoke was getting a new family member. He’d already started bugging his wife for another baby, and Peyton was adamant about waiting until Nora was at least a year old. Maybe Bones would be able to plant his seed and give him another mem
ber to Smokes family.

  The day of the party was here and Bones still hadn’t found the right ring and he was in a full blown panic. Bursting through the kitchen door at Smokes house he found who he was looking for, Peyton.

  “Queen, I am in serious need of your help! Tonight’s the night and I can’t find a ring I think works. Can you please go with me and help me?” He knew she would, but he had to ask anyway. It was a respect thing, she was his Presidents wife first and foremost which meant she

  commanded the same respect as if it were Smoke.

  Peyton just laughed as she loaded Nora into her car seat and followed him to the truck. Smoke had bought her a new Chevy Silverado when Nora was born stating his women needed to be safe. The Tank as she referred to it as was about as safe as one could get in a vehicle. Bones was certain it was bullet proof, even if he never mentioned it.

  It took all of ten minutes for Peyton to find a ring fitting of Wisha. A two carat square cut diamond in platinum with a matching band and a band for him even though the chances of it ever being worn were slim. Smoke wore his on their anniversary when they went out,

  otherwise it sat in his drawer collecting dust. She however never took hers off, it was the most important piece of jewelry she had. The symbol of their love and eternal commitment to one another.

  Smoke and Bones along with slinger kept up the façade of buying and selling with Jace, now that the captain was in the loop it made things much easier. Jace had even been invited to the BBQ, but that was because Smoke actually liked him. Jace seemed to fit, same way his

  Prospect did. Maybe one day Smoke would make the offer, he would make a good Devil.

  Peyton had gifts for all of her idiots, a patch for their cut with a heart for Valentine’s and a pitchfork running through it. Perfect for a Devil’s cut and exactly what her idiots would appreciate. As her family gathered around the picnic tables outside she felt a sense of pride. These men wereher family and she loved every one of them. Smoke stood like usual at the head of the table and addressed them with Nora in his arms.

  “ Thanks for being here tonight, Peyton and I really appreciate the sense of family. This is something I never thought would happen, us being as close as we all are. Remember how fucked up the Devil’s were when Pops died? Look at us now, most of this is owed to my wife. Amazing what a good woman can do. Bones found his woman too, he’s about to have his whole world turned inside out. You wanna do this now man?” Bones nodded and stood.

  “Smoke’ s right, I found my Angel and she’s already started to turn my world upside down but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Wisha I fucking love you and want to wake up next to you for however long we have on this planet.” That’s when he stepped out from behind the bench and kneeled in front of her holding a red plush box in his hand.

  Wisha gasped, knowing what was happening and trying to fight back the tears. He had asked already, but asking in front of the entire MC meant something. It was his declaration to everyone that she was his choice and nobody better come between them.

  “I will lov e you until the day I die Angel, please marry me? Make me an honest man, love me forever Wisha.” With tears streaming down her cheeks she choked out a yes as he slid the ring on her finger. Bones and Wisha were officially engaged and she knew this was a forever thing. He really would love her until he died.

  The BBQ and party went on late into the night, with congratulatory hugs, shots of Jameson and good natured ribbing. Bones had almost forgotten about her Valentine’s present, with as much beer as he’d had. Slinger came up and reminded him.

  “ Shit! Man I forgot with everything else going, I’ll get her just give me two minutes and then bring it.” Wisha was with Peyton playing with Nora when Bones walked up. The sight of her holding a baby kicked his clock into overdrive. He wanted a baby with her, and seeing her holding Nora made it that much more.

  “ Angel, I bought you a Valentine’s present, come here and see.” Even the Queen was curious, he hadn’t said anything about it and she knew him well enough to know this was no small gift. Slinger pushed the hot pink and black Harley Sportster 48 out from behind the shed and Wisha squealed loud enough to be heard in town. Bones remembered her saying something about wanting one but it wasn’t in her budget. Well now she had one and could ride along side of him.

  The look on her face told everything she couldn’t say, he had done good. Bones wasn’t the typical male in a lot of ways. Yeah he was still a guy and didn’t always put the toilet seat down and would just drop his pants on a dare, but he had a memory for important things. Her wanting a bike was important so he made It happen.

  That night they didn’t make love, Bones just held the woman he loved close to him. He’d probably had enough to drink that nothing would have worked without one of those blue pills and he hated the thought of that so he just held her. Bones could have given it to her but she seemed content to be cuddled and he would always oblige her. Now if he woke in the night and things were in working order then that would be different, and in the morning he planned on giving her some breakfast in bed and not the food kind of breakfast.

  The next morning Smoke had everyone out of bed at dawn. He wanted to ride and that meant they all were riding including Wisha on her brand new bike. He had a babysitter for Nora on call so when he decided a ride was in order he made the call and she had no problem coming to spend the day with Nora. Smoke let Bones sleep in a little longer than the rest of them, figuring he was having a little morning delight with his woman. Smoke and Peyton had their share of morning sex and he would have shot anyone who disturbed that.

  The ride was exhilarating with the crisp morning air and the incredible sunrise they all were seeing as they went down the old state highway. Bones was out in front with his fiancée per Smokes orders. He had been not just a brother to Smoke but a best friend and confidant, so leading this ride was earned. Rory, Smokes Prospect took Bones’ usual spot and the rest fell in line. While Smoke had fixed up his old Softail for Peyton she preferred to ride with him. Smoke didn’t mind one bit, anytime his wife had her arms around him he was happy. Funny how all them could be reduced to putty just by the love of a good woman.

  They had taken Smokes favorite route, stopping at a café that Peyton loved for lunch. Being out in public none of them had any concerns about anything

  happening. They should have though, because not even a mile down the road after lunch a SUV came up on them and started firing. A dozen bikes went off the road in different directions looking for any sort of cover they could find.

  A second SUV came upon them and had successfully split them up, half on each side of the road and Bones knew it had to be the cops.

  “Fuckers! I’m gonna gut them all!” He screamed and all the brothers understood his anger. Aside from being shot at, they had split him from Wisha. She was on the opposite side of the highway with no possibility of getting to Bones. Slinger was next to her and gave Bones a look, one Bones silently understood. His brother was there to make sure his woman would be okay. Slinger was her protection. He had done the same for Peyton when she was pregnant with Nora. The Ink man was a new person these days, he didn’t think with his dick anymore. He truly wanted to be a good man.

  Smoke situated Peyton behind a cluster of trees and handed her his fortyfive and several loaded mags, knowing she wouldn’t sit idly by during a firefight. Then he headed toward Bones.

  The bullets flew in both directions and Wisha held her own, working side by side with Slinger. This wasn’t the first time they’d had each other’s back, Bones knew this but not being able to get to her was killing him. Rory crawled up next to Smoke and Bones.

  “ Prez I have an idea. Can one of you text Wisha, tell her when she sees my signal to run this way. Bring Slinger too. The others will have ample time if this works right.” Bones didn’t care what happened as long as his woman was back where she belonged, next to him. Rory slinked back to his bike and started fumbling through the saddle bags. Smoke saw him
smile and knew he found what he was looking for.

  All everyone heard was “ fire in the hole” as Rory threw the first grenade. It rolled and made its target. Under the front of the second SUV, the one blocking their getaway. Within five seconds the black suburban exploded into a ball of fire, glass blew in every direction and that’s when they ran, his signal had come through loud and clear.

  Wisha fell into Bones arms and he kissed her forehead and pushed her behind him. They weren’t safe yet, there was still one more vehicle to deal with but whoever was in that one decided the fight was over and burned rubber down the road. Bones wanted desperately to go after them but Smoke said no.

  “She needs you and none of us are hurt bad. This fight is over today. Let’s go home.” Smoke was mistaken, one of them was hurt. Slinger had a through and through on his left arm. It wasn’t bad but enough he couldn’t ride so Peyton rode his bike with him on the back and thankfully they weren’t far from home. A tampon on each side of his wound kept the bleeding to a minimum so Bones could tend to his patient when they arrived back at the clubhouse.

  “Fuck I’m damn tired of getting shot! This shit burns like a bitch!” Slinger was mad but he did his job. He kept Wisha safe and that’s what was important. He knew it, same way he had known that taking that knife in the gut was how he was going to keep his queen safe from her maniac father. He did what was expected of him and he did it without hesitation.

  Bones was another matter altogether. He didn’t want to sit around and wait, he wanted blood and he had every intention of spilling some. Jace had reported to Smoke that two of his department had not shown up to work. That meant they got two out of the five. That left three to contend with and both Bones and Smoke knew it was the ring leader that was going to be the hardest one to get.


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