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Love at First Bite Bundle

Page 9

by Kimberly Raye

  She wasn’t. She might not be as upright as Aunt Izzie, but she wasn’t like Jolene, either.

  “You’re not afraid of heights, are you?” Jake’s deep voice slid into her ear and scrambled her thoughts.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Because you’re obviously afraid of something.” He touched her trembling bottom lip, the rough pad of his finger cool against her skin. “It’s either the ride or me, sugar.”

  Or me. “It’s just a little indigestion. I ate too many ribs.” When he didn’t look convinced, she gave him a wide-eyed look. “Cross my heart.” Before he could say anything more, the ride groaned into motion.

  Jake slid one arm around her, his hand closing over one shoulder, and half turned. His free hand went to her thigh. Long, lean fingers caught the material of her skirt and pulled higher and higher, baring her knee, her thigh, until she felt his bare touch against the silky vee of her panties.

  Her breath caught.

  “Stop,” she whispered and he did. He went stock-still, his fingertips burning through the thin material, stirring little shock waves that seemed to zap her fear.

  “Is that what you really want?”

  Yes. It was there on the tip of her tongue. A complete and totally irrational response considering she’d already made up her mind to do this—to let go of her inhibitions and indulge her inner bad girl until Jake McCann rolled out of town and out of her life.

  At the same time, she’d been holding back for so long that she wasn’t sure if she could really and truly do this. No holds barred. Wild.

  “I’ve never…” She licked her lips. “That is, I don’t usually do things like this.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “It is in this situation. You’re probably used to really experienced women, and I’m not. I know all the basics, but I’m no expert. I’ve never had sex in the backseat of a car or in a department store dressing room. I’m not a member of the Mile High club. I’ve never even licked chocolate body paint off of anyone.” Her gaze locked with his. “And I’ve certainly never had sex on a carnival ride.”

  His grin was slow and easy and completely disarming. “Who said anything about sex?” His expression grew dark and serious and hungry. “This isn’t about the main event, sugar. It’s about the buildup. About stirring the excitement until you can’t take it anymore.” He leaned in and touched his lips to hers. It wasn’t really a kiss. Not really. Just the faintest press of his mouth and the unspoken promise of more. Her heart skipped its next beat and every nerve in her body buzzed in anticipation.

  Maybe it was the way he looked at her—as if he’d never seen a woman as beautiful or that he wanted as much—or maybe it was the fact that she’d never seen a man so beautiful or that she wanted so much. Maybe a little of both. But just like that her inhibitions seemed to slip away, and suddenly the only thing that mattered was that he didn’t stop touching her.

  As if he read the thoughts racing through her mind, his hand dropped to her knee again and slid up the inside of her thigh. Slow. So enticingly slow. Her breath caught.

  “I thought you were a brief man,” she breathed as his finger hooked the edge of her panties. She shifted as he tugged, and the silky fabric slid down her thighs and over her knees.

  “I lied.” His fingertips grazed her ankles as he pulled the undies free and stuffed them into his jeans pocket.

  “You don’t wear women’s underwear.”

  He grinned. “And now neither do you.”

  A twinge of embarrassment went through her as cool air ruffled under her skirt to tease her bare flesh.

  “Seriously, what are you going to do with them?”

  “The question is, what are you going to do without them?” Before she could answer, Jake’s fingers swept up the inside of her thigh and stirred a slow-burning heat that started at the tips of her toes and spread north.

  He trailed his touch up the inside of her thigh, coming close to the heat between her legs—but not too close. Just enough to stall the air in her lungs and make her want to reach down, take his hand and show him exactly where and how deep she wanted to feel him.

  She was about to do just that when the ride started to slow. Over. Finally.

  That’s what she told herself, but she didn’t feel the expected relief. Instead her body burned and her legs trembled and it was all she could do to follow Jake from the car and not jump his bones right there on the spot.

  As if he sensed her urgency, he handed off the rest of their tickets to a group of kids and headed for the parking lot.

  “Want to drive?” he asked her when they reached his motorcycle.

  She almost shook her head. Old habits died hard and Nikki had been denying her wild side far too long to stop just like that.

  Eight days, she reminded herself. “Why not? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to drive one of these things.”

  “This, sugar, is not a thing.” One large hand trailed over the handlebars in a loving, reverent caress that she actually felt down the length of her own spine. “It’s a one-of-a-kind with custom aluminum rims, handcrafted leather trim and an 1100cc engine. It’s sleek and fast and you’ll never see another like it.” His narrowed gaze swept her flushed face. “Are you sure you’re not too distracted?”

  “No.” His warm chuckle vibrated along her nerve endings. “But what the hell? Let’s give it a shot anyway.” She glanced at the black-and-chrome motorcycle. Her adrenaline pumped and her pulse raced.

  “After you.” He motioned for her to get on and he climbed behind her.

  She was a quick study. In five minutes they were pulling out of the gravel lot and rounding the high school. In ten they were zooming down the main farm road, headed out of town.

  Nikki tightened her grip on the handlebars and tried to ignore the awareness that gripped her. The wind whipped at her face and teased the edges of her skirt, whipping the material back and forth in a sharp motion against her thighs. Jake’s powerful legs framed hers, his chest a solid wall of muscle against her shoulder blades. One sinewy arm held her tightly around the waist while the other supported her grip on the handlebars, his fingers warm atop hers.

  “You’re doing great. A little old-ladyish for my tastes, but it’ll do.” His deep voice slid into her ears. She wouldn’t have heard him over the rush of wind, but he was close, his lips grazing her ear.

  “Gee, you really know how to sweet-talk a girl.”

  “I’ve never been much of a talker.” His lips grazed her ear again. “I usually let my actions speak for me.” His arm eased around her waist and his hand slid between her legs.

  Nikki’s breath caught, her grip faltered and the bike swerved.

  “Watch it.” He caught the handlebars with both hands, his arms on either side of her as he helped her regain her grip. “You have to keep your mind on the road.”

  “Easy for you to say.” She tightened her grip beneath his and held the bike steady. “You’ve still got your underwear on.”

  Laughter rumbled in her ears and thrummed through her senses. “Who says I’m wearing any?”

  The question made her keenly aware of the hardness pressing against her buttocks.

  “I’m sorry this is such a difficult situation for you.” His hands fell away, his palms resting on the muscular thighs that flanked hers. “But it could be worse.”

  “Oh, really? How’s that?”

  “Well…” The word was a slow, deep drawl. “I could be touching you right now, sliding my fingers into your slick flesh, plunging deep…” His tongue flicked her ear.

  Her grip on the gas faltered and the motorcycle jerked. “Maybe you should drive,” she said as his hands took control, “before we end up in the nearest ditch.”

  “What the lady wants, the lady gets.” He urged the bike even faster. The wheels ate up gravel as they flew at a steady, smooth pace that said Jake McCann was used to being in control and going fast. Very fast.

’re a really good driver,” she called out.

  “It’s all in the hands, darlin’. All in the hands.” To emphasize his point, he released his grip on one of the handlebars and let his touch fall to her bare knee. “See, some bikers like to use their thighs to control the machine, but I think a soft but steady touch at just the right spot—” his fingers splayed against her flesh and slid toward the inside of her knee “—works much better.” He caught the edge of her skirt and pushed it up. “See, motorcycles aren’t that much different from people. They’ll do just what you want if you know how to stroke them. If you want a nice, slow, leisurely ride, you keep your touch loose, not too much pressure.” His fingers made lazy circles on the inside of her thigh and a dizzying heat rushed through Nikki.

  “You want a fast, hard ride, you tighten your grip and exert more pressure.” His fingers swept higher, his touch more intense as he moved beneath the edge of her skirt and higher until he was a scant inch shy of the slick folds between her legs. “See the difference?”

  Boy, could she ever. Slow. Fast. She wasn’t sure which one she liked more. They’d both sent her spiraling toward the land of gaga. She licked her lips and tried to form an intelligent reply.

  “Yes,” she managed. “Big difference.”

  “So what’s your personal preference? Slow? Fast?”


  His chest vibrated behind her and the deep rumble of laughter filled her ears. “That’s not a choice, sugar. But I think I can help you out.” His thumb brushed the slick folds between her legs and sensation speared, hot and jagged, through her already trembling body.

  “You’re so wet.” The words were more of a groan. “So warm and wet and…” His voice faded into the buzz of wind and excitement that filled her ears.

  She tilted her head back, resting it in the curve of his shoulder as she gave over to the ecstasy beating at her sanity and let him take control—of her aching body.

  He slid a finger inside her and the air bolted from her lungs. He moved and she did, too, shifting just so, drawing him deeper, riding his fingers the way the two of them rode the powerful machine.

  He knew just how to touch her, how to push himself deep until the air lodged in her throat and her senses flooded with sensation. When she knew she couldn’t take any more, he withdrew just enough to let her catch her breath. Stroke. Plunge. Withdraw.

  He seemed to touch her everywhere, as if he used both hands instead of one. The sensation too intense. Too consuming. Of course, that was crazy. That’s what she told herself, but her eyes flicked open anyway.

  Her gaze zigzagged from one hand grip to the other. The bike held steady, screaming forward while Jake held her with both hands, teased her, drove her to the brink of the most exquisite orgasm.

  No. Her eyes snapped shut. This couldn’t be happening.

  Could it?

  Before the question plagued her, Jake slid a second finger deep inside, and just like that she came apart in his arms. Shudders vibrated through her body, skimming along her ragged senses in wave after wave of sweet, decadent sensation.

  She slumped back against him, weak and damp, her breath raspy, her heartbeat a frenzied rhythm in her chest. By the time she managed to force her eyes open again Jake had both hands firmly on the handlebars.

  As if he’d never let go in the first place. He hadn’t. He couldn’t have. They would have crashed into the nearest tree.

  Then again, maybe he’d built some special navigation controls into the bike. Sort of like the autopilot on an airplane.

  Not that she’d ever heard of such a thing, but maybe he was blazing new innovative trails in motorcycle engineering.


  That or…or what? He was some superhero with special mind control powers?

  There was no or. He’d built a tricked-out navigation system. End of story.

  Filing away the thought, she turned her attention to the real matter at hand—breathing again. She drew deep draughts of air, in and out, as Jake turned the bike around and headed back to town.

  The ride was too long and too stirring with Jake surrounding her and the bike vibrating between her legs. By the time they pulled up in front of the familiar yellow bungalows with the matching picket fence, she was more than ready for more.

  But not here.

  This place…this was her future. The first step toward her happily ever after.

  “The motel,” she blurted, because tonight wasn’t part of Nikki’s happily ever after, even if she did have a sudden unsettling vision of Jake carrying her over the threshold. “I just moved in and I’m in the middle of remodeling. Everything’s a mess. You still have a room, don’t you?”

  He stiffened, and she thought he might climb off, sweep her into his arms and head for the front door regardless of her hesitation. Her heart pounded once, twice, but then his deep voice slid into her ears. “I’ve got the room for the week.”

  “Good. Let’s go there.” Relief swept her as he kicked the bike back to life and circled back around.

  It was late and the Skull Creek Inn was dark except for the Vacancy sign that buzzed out front. He climbed off the bike, pulled her after him and headed for the stairs.

  A few seconds later, he pulled her inside his room, slammed and locked the door and hauled her flush against his body. His mouth covered hers, his lips plundering in a kiss that made her so wet she could actually feel the trickle of moisture along the inside of her thigh.

  He backed her up against the nearest wall, flat against the window. His palms flattened against the glass, his arms braced on either side. He dipped his head, his tongue claiming hers in a deep, wet kiss. Then he licked his way down the side of her neck. Her pulse jumped, thudding through her veins.

  KA-THUNK, KA-THUNK, ka-thunk.

  Her pulse beat a mesmerizing tempo that stirred his hunger, and drew him even more than the delicious heat seeping from her body.

  Sex, he reminded himself. Jake had fed just last night. He shouldn’t be hungry yet.

  He wasn’t, he reminded himself. Not yet.

  He forced his mouth lower, to the vee of her blouse. His fingers made quick work of its buttons until he parted the material, unsnapped her bra and shoved aside the lacy cups. Then his hot mouth closed over one rose-colored nipple and a moan parted her lips.

  He teased the ripe peak with his tongue, laving and stroking. And then he sucked her in, drawing so long and deep that a shudder vibrated through her body. She was so close to the edge. Again.

  The realization hit Jake hard and fast, like a sucker punch that came from out of nowhere, and stunned him for a long moment.

  No fuckin’ way could she be gearing up for another orgasm. Not when the first had been so intense, so powerful, so draining.

  The rush of energy had been full force, like an electrical surge from the point of contact, throughout his body. He’d felt the power fill him up, and then she’d collapsed against him.

  Yet here she was ready for more. For him.

  He could feel it in the tremble of her ripe body, see it in the desperation that turned her eyes a deep, rich, vibrant gold. He heard it in the short raspiness of her breaths. He smelled it, too, the sweet, heady aroma of a sexy, aroused, hungry woman.

  His own hunger stirred again, an ache that roared to full, throbbing awareness as he suckled her. Her pulse beat echoed in his ears, exciting him all the more, making him want to take more than the sex.

  But he wouldn’t just be taking then. No, he would be giving back, forging an unbreakable bond with her. One that he wouldn’t be able to walk away from if he failed to reclaim his humanity.

  Urgency rushed through him and he suckled her harder. Her body bowed, arching into him, offering everything he desperately wanted to take.


  Her throat gleamed pale and white in the moonlight and his insides tightened. A shudder went through his body and a groan rumbled up his throat. His eyes opened and he caught his reflection in the window. Two
pinpoints of bright violet light gleamed back at him.

  Proof of his desire.

  Proof that he was anything but the man she thought him to be.

  “Jake?” His name slipped from her lips and her eyelids fluttered. Before she could fully open them, he whirled her around until she faced the glass and her sweet ass strained against the hard bulge in his pants.

  “I need to be inside of you,” he rasped, nuzzling her ear. He slid his arms around her and caught her nipples. He plucked and played until the tender tips swelled and hardened and she gasped.

  His hands fell to her thighs. His fingers bunched the fabric of her skirt until he touched bare skin. He made quick work of his own zipper, shoving the denim down his hips until his erection bobbed forward, pressing into the soft flesh of her bottom.

  Now, a voice whispered. Take her now!

  But he couldn’t…he wouldn’t…He wasn’t sure how he managed to hold back until he’d pulled a condom from his pocket, but he did.

  “I’ll help,” she offered, but he wasn’t about to take the risk. For whatever reason, Nikki pushed him to the edge when it came to control.

  But she didn’t send him spiraling over. Not yet.

  “I’ve got it.” He opened the packet, sheathed himself and pressed her back up against the wall. He flattened one palm against the wall and locked an arm around her waist to anchor her for a full upward thrust.

  The blood drummed so loudly in his ears he barely heard her gasp of pleasure, her sob for more. Her body was warm and ripe, clenching and unclenching around him even though they were both standing so perfectly still.

  For several deep, shallow breaths he just stood there, relishing the delicious energy that buzzed and whirled in her lush body. When she came apart, the energy would transfer, rushing through every point of contact, drenching his muscles, fueling his senses until he felt empowered. Alive.

  He began to move, sliding his cock deep into her warmth, only to withdraw. In. Out. Pleasure splintered his brain with each furious thrust, distracting him from the gnawing in his belly. The heat grew hotter, bolder, drawing him in until he pumped faster. Harder. Oh, man.


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