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Criminal Alliance (Texas Brothers 0f Company B Series Book 4)

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by Angi Morgan

  “Yes,” he answered his beeping cell.

  “Your ranger is in debt up to his eyeballs,” Andrew said without any greeting. “That should be enough for your purposes. But I went a little deeper, just to make sure. Back to a sealed court case when he was fifteen. Seems he had a very big bad gambler dude for a daddy.”

  “Is he still alive?”

  “Naw. Died in prison. But get why he was in the pen. The dude pulled the trigger on a Texas Ranger when a scam went south.”

  Blackmail. How convenient.

  “Send me details. Everything.”

  “Look, Reval. My boss overheard the convo. Is the date firm yet?”

  “Definitely. I’ll have details first thing in the morning. It seems I have a new knight to insert into the game.”

  “Info is on its way. Did I mention my boss is getting impatient?”

  And once again, Andrew disconnected without a proper goodbye, taking him by surprise. It didn’t matter since he was alone. Sal had backed out of the room at his earlier irritation. A few arrangements and he’d get his gambling ranger involved so deep that the success of the deal would be guaranteed.

  Chapter Eight

  One dim yellow light in the back ceiling gave the small room an eerie feel. She sat next to Wade on the unfinished floor. At least it was cool against her bare legs. She pulled the belt on the robe tight again. Thank God Wade had given her his shirt or she might be even more exposed.

  “Who has a storage closet that’s completely empty?” she asked to break the silence.

  “Reval seems to like ’em,” Wade said quietly. “I was locked in one just like this.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry. That’s where they kept you in the building that exploded.”

  “Don’t forget I nearly exploded with it.” He looped his fingers through hers, drawing her hand to his lips. “I should have said thanks as soon as I saw you again. You know...for getting me rescued.”

  “Are you really angry about me not calling you?”

  “Did behaving like a hurt kid give me away?”

  “Sort of.” She patted his thigh like they’d been together for months, not hours. “So how do we get out of here?”

  The electrical charge she associated with him filled the air as he leaned close enough to kiss her. His warm breath shifted to her neck and close to her ear. “We don’t. Remember? We want to be right where we are.”

  “Don’t we need a backup plan or something?”

  “Shh.” He placed a finger across her lips. “Your boss might be listening.”

  “I feel like we’re wasting time,” she whispered back, as close to his ear as he’d been to hers.

  “I know a lot of things we can do in the dark.”

  His whisper sent one of those delicious tingles down her spine, landing in all the right spots.

  “You already passed on that, remember?”

  “Postponed,” he breathed intimately across the top of her ear.

  One word of encouragement from him and she melted in anticipation. About to give in, she came to her senses when two unknown somebodies walked past the door. “You’re right. They may be watching us. I know surveillance and security increased since you brought the building down. Literally.”

  “To be fair, I was in no shape to destroy anything.” Wade twisted her hair around his finger, trapping her ear close to his face.

  “Never mind, you know exactly what I mean.” Breathy words escaped and a gasp of expectation as his lips passed across hers once more.

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” he said louder, leaning away from her.

  “Don’t sound so surprised.” She cut an anxious giggle short, changing it to a worried tap on his shoulder. Why am I more nervous with him than the criminal I work for?

  “I am surprised.”

  “Why? This happens when two people know each other. It’s natural.”

  He laughed so hard he began to choke, coughing into his hand like a man with asthma.

  “Why is that so funny?” she asked before she laughed with him.

  “Therese, we don’t know each other.” He shook his head, laughing more. “We have this thing—believe me, it’s an attractive thing and I like it. But I don’t know if anything about you is even real.”

  God, he was right. Wade Hamilton was absolutely right. He didn’t know her, but she’d kept tabs on him, researched him, knew a lot about him.

  Not like a stalker or anything—or at least that was what she told herself. But every once in a while she’d see where he was or what he’d been working on. He did good work. He was a good man. The one-sided relationship she’d forged was the main reason she trusted him.

  “What do you want to know?” she blurted into the darkness, unafraid of who might hear.

  “They’re probably listening,” he reminded her. “Why not pass the time another way?”

  His hand slid around her back, circling her waist, scooting her even closer to him. He didn’t have to hit her over the head with the fact that he was attracted. But her real emotions got the best of her and crept through. She wanted a genuine relationship with him. Not a one-sided almost-stalker thing.

  “There’s no telling how long we’ll be left here,” she said, trying to play it cool. A real relationship. So that involved talking and not just necking as soon as they were alone. Right?

  “To be honest, sitting in the dark next to you—practically naked like you are—isn’t that bad.” He put space between their hips. “It’s not the worst situation I’ve ever been caught in. This doesn’t make the top ten.”

  She bit back a laugh. “I don’t know what possessed me to involve you.”

  “It’s okay. Everybody panics occasionally.” He rubbed the back of his neck, then his side.

  “Not me.”

  “I’m not sure I believe you—” He slid a hand across her bare leg. “Instead of debating the ways people react to stress...why don’t we just get back to what we can do in a dark room?”

  Of all the sexy voices in the world, the owner of the one that affected her in the best way possible flirted with her. In a closet. In a dire situation where they may very well be killed. He bent his head and gave her a perfect kiss. Just enough pressure to suggest to her lips he didn’t want to stop. But he did.

  “I guess I deserve that after—”

  His lips connected again. When they both were breathing extra fast he paused. “After all the teasing?”

  “Teasing is what someone does who has no intention of following through,” she pointed out.

  Both of his strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her across his lap. “I have to say this is the most unusual date I’ve been on.”

  “Do you go on many?” She knew the answer.

  After checking the bars for her, he sat on the same stool every Friday night for hours. She’d been so tempted to meet him there and talk. Deep down she’d known it would end like this. Okay, not necessarily sitting on a concrete floor as hostages. But definitely sitting on his lap...somewhere.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of late night filing. It’s kept me busy.”

  Huh? Oh, right, they’d been talking about his dating life. She let a nail wander across his collarbone and leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

  “If we can’t really do anything or make plans, let’s get to know each other for real. Tell me one truth about yourself.”


  “Your choice. It can be anything as long as it’s the absolute truth,” she continued whispering.

  “Absolute?” he whispered back.

  “No sugarcoating or stretching to make it fit first-date parameters.”

  He tapped her just above her heart. “Okay, but you go first.”

  “I hate alarm clocks.”

  “Doesn’t count.” He shook his head. “E
verybody hates alarm clocks. Getting up in the morning isn’t my favorite thing, either.”

  “Point taken.” It had to be more intimate, something she wouldn’t share with others. It had been so long since she shared something real. “I love running. Physical training. Give me a long path with no one else around and I’m in heaven. Your turn.”

  She tapped his knee next to her, afraid to glance directly at him and see an “are you serious?” look on his face. It hadn’t been that intimate a gesture. His knee was covered with worn blue denim. Dragging her finger across his chest...that was intimate. Kissing him, sitting on his lap...intimate.

  So why did she finally feel naked and vulnerable?

  Dangerous territory.

  She needed a distraction and fingered the strong black rope braided around Wade’s left wrist, holding his watch. “I’ve always wondered about this strange watchband.”


  “You know what I mean.”

  She’d noticed it six weeks ago when he’d seen her at the FBI bust. But recognized it from when they’d first met. It wasn’t the right time or place to remind him of that meeting. He’d definitely think she was a stalker. Shoot, she was having to convince herself she wasn’t.

  “I began wearing it again full-time after my capture last year. It’s a little insurance policy. It might come in handy one day. Your turn.”

  “Oh no. It’s still round one. That is definitely the same level as my alarm clock and totally not intimate.”

  “I have a better idea. Let’s warm up a little.”

  One-handedly he unbuttoned the top two buttons of her borrowed shirt, causing her to shiver. Still sorting the emotion shooting through her, she forced herself to return to their lighthearted flirting. “So your motive is purely to get me warm?”

  “Warm is good,” he teased, winking before his lips captured hers again.

  Kissing him was a little bit of heaven.

  He behaved, keeping his hands in place, cupping her shoulder with his fingers to entice her to get closer. She tried to be careful not to sweep them up to the next level of desire—which would have been easy to do anywhere else. But he was quickly warming her inside and out. An unshaven cheek tickled a little before he abruptly brought his face away.

  The bright light flooded the room when she opened her eyes. Wade quickly helped her to her feet and tucked her close to his side before walking through the hallway to meet Rushdan.

  “Well, well, well.” Rushdan smiled. “Welcome to the dark side, Ranger Wade.” As he looked at their hands and snickered at Wade’s obvious protectiveness.

  “You came to a decision?” she asked, knowing the answer.

  He splayed his hands and shrugged.

  “Come on, Rushy, honey. If you intended to kill us, you would never have set eyes on us again.” She turned to Wade. “He’s sort of squeamish that way.”

  Wade cleared his throat, but his lips curved in the beginnings of a smile. “What do you want me to do?” he asked, dropping both his head and his voice, then covering his face with his hand.

  Rushdan might actually believe the whole pensive act. But that was all it was with Wade...just an act. He cleared his throat several times like he had after laughing himself into a coughing fit.

  “Let’s chat while Sal retrieves your first assignment.” Rushdan placed his hand on Wade’s shoulder.

  The ranger stood taller, Rushdan’s hand slid down and soon returned to his pocket. Wade continued to hold her hand. She yanked on it, hoping to remind him that Rushdan Reval was in charge. And that they wanted him to be.

  If Wade continued to tower over the little fat man, it didn’t matter what Wade might be able to do for him. When Wade didn’t react, she squeezed a little harder and thrust her shoulder into his ribs.

  “Rushdan, why not just tell us what you need us to do? Why all the drama and suspense?” she asked.

  “Oh, allow me to have a little fun, darling Therese. And you should know by now I never discuss business with witnesses. Sal will inform you of where Texas Ranger man is going and what he’ll need to do.”

  “You mean where we’re going.” She pointed to Wade and then herself. “I go where he goes. What do we need to do? And by when?”

  “Today, my darling Therese.”

  “So it’s last-minute, not well planned and no big deal if it goes wrong.” She tapped one finger on the back of Wade’s hand, hoping he got the message to let her go.

  No luck. He squeezed her hand but didn’t release it.

  Finding and stopping the terrorists—her real assignment—was probably the most important thing she’d ever done. But keeping Wade alive ran a close second.

  “Darling, this will be so easy for your boyfriend. It seems he has a very sordid past. At least in his youth. It’s admirable that he turned his occupation around to work for him. Using his instinct and certain...skills.” Her undercover employer stared again at their hands, fingers laced together.

  “Do us all a favor, Rushdan, and stop talking in riddles. We already know Wade has a gambling problem.”

  “Yes, but do you know about his father?”

  “Those records are sealed,” Wade said, squeezing her hand tighter.

  It was his cover. He didn’t have to give her any sign. Had she worried about his ability to act before? Wade was a statue, stiff and unmoving. His eyes were hard like he wanted to rip Rushdan’s head off.

  “Dear, dear lover boy,” Rushdan continued. “Everything can be found if you know how to look.”

  “I haven’t run a game in years. I wouldn’t know where to begin,” Wade told him.

  “Game?” she asked, trying to keep up.

  “That’s the beauty of today. It’s waiting for you. All put together...just waiting.” Rushdan clapped his hands together with excitement. “Give yourself credit. You know your way around a track. Who to look for. Where to look. This will be second nature for you.”

  “What’s Rushdan talking about?” she asked, playing her part. “What records were sealed?”

  “Mine. My childhood and teen years were filled by feeding my dad’s gambling addiction.” Wade rubbed his forehead with his free hand. “That is, until we were caught.”

  “You were in jail?” She heard the amazement in her voice. Not disappointment...more like wonder.

  Why would she feel a kinship with him? They barely knew each other. Wait. They didn’t know each other at all. And this was a perfect example. He was cute and had been helpful. And somehow she felt closer knowing he had more flaws than just following a hunch and jumping into situations.

  Rushdan practically giggled like a girl. “Tell her all of it. Knock all the stars from her eyes.”

  It wouldn’t help. She knew what Rushdan attempted to do. Crime boss Reval wouldn’t ever make her his, no matter what she thought of Wade or what he shared from his past. She tucked herself closer into her ranger’s side, more comfortable there by the minute.

  She’d assumed Wade was an honorable man because of his occupation. But no modern Texas Ranger had been accused of something like this. They were the keepers of law.

  “You look betrayed, my darling. Did you think you were the first to lead this one—” he gestured as if dusting Wade’s chest “—off the righteous path?”

  Rushdan laughed, dabbing at the corner of his eyes as if tearing up.

  “Aw, that’s sweet. You were a delinquent, Wade.” She rested her head on his arm. “How perfect. Where were you—”

  “You’ve got more skills than I gave you credit,” Wade said, finally dropping her hand, circling her waist instead. He hid the surprise of his past being revealed or kept a poker face for another reason.

  Oh, Lord. She’d fallen for the fake background his partner had created. She should have known immediately that this man wouldn’t have had a gambler for a father.r />
  “That’s enough reminiscing about sordid youths,” Rushdan commanded. “We need this done quickly. Sal will give you the instructions and will be there to capture it all on video.”

  “Blackmail?” she asked.

  “Insurance policy,” Rushdan answered sharply.

  “And Sal has all the details? Details that I had nothing to do with.” She faced Rushdan straight on, keeping Wade’s hand plastered across her stomach. “When are you going to accept me back?”

  “If you weren’t back, my darling, you wouldn’t be in my building.” Rushdan’s voice held a menacing threat as he swept the bottom of her chin with his pointer finger. “Perk up, Ranger Wade. This should be old hat for you if you remember the racetrack. You do, don’t you?”

  Wade shrugged. She didn’t know if that meant no, yes, or a big fat he-had-no-clue.

  Rushdan sped up his short-legged steps and grabbed her upper arm as he began to pass, spinning her to face him. “This money is important, Therese. Don’t screw it up.” His anger literally spit through the gap in his front teeth.

  Chapter Nine

  Wade caught Therese as her “boss” thrust her away. Sal tried to grab her, but Wade stepped between them, blocking his reach. A leather bag hit the top of his boots.

  “Everything’s inside. Cash, names, bets and payoffs.” Sal didn’t appear happy at the change of events. “Take the back exit.” He glared at Wade before taking a long stare down Therese’s robe. “You aren’t decent enough for the front.”

  He drew his arm back ready to throw a punch but stopped himself. Therese stared at his chest, which quickly rose and fell as she tugged a little to get him headed in the right direction. He’d almost lost it from the disgusting look Reval’s right-hand man had sent toward Therese.

  Dressed like they’d gotten thrown out of a cheap hotel—no money of their own or phones—they watched Sal draw the door closed. “Remember we’re watching the whole thing,” Sal said through the thick steel.


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