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Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Page 40

by Giles Milton

  British Expeditionary Force (1939–40)

  Brooke, Messrs R. (Birmingham musket makers)

  Brooks, Tony

  Brown, Arthur

  Brun, Jomar

  Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

  Buckmaster, Maurice

  Burgin, Leslie: conflict with Jefferis; heads Ministry of Supply

  Burhenne, Korvettenkapitän Lothar

  Burton, Sir Richard

  Burundi (German ship)

  Cabard, Sub-Lieutenant Raymond


  Camp X (Special Training School 123, USA)

  Campbeltown, HMS: rams dock at St Nazaire; explodes

  Capone, Al

  Caravan and Trailer (magazine)

  Carroll, Madeleine

  Caxton Hall, London

  Caxton Street, London

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Chamberlain, Neville: on Hitler’s annexation of Czechoslovakia; declares war on Germany; and Jefferis’s expedition to Norway; resigns

  Channel Islands: commando raid on

  Chant, Stuart

  Chariot, Operation

  Charrot, Pilot Officer John

  Chidson, Colonel

  Churchill, Mary

  Churchill, (Sir) Winston: Jefferis meets over use of W-bomb; supports unorthodox warfare; visit to Paris; and German invasion of Norway; praises Clarke’s excavating machine; succeeds Chamberlain as Prime Minister; and prospective German invasion; approves Sticky Bomb; and arming of Auxiliary Units; supports Gubbins’s guerrilla work; attends Blacker Bombard demonstration; forms MD1 department; forms Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (SOE); ‘Toyshop’ at the Firs, Buckinghamshire; wariness of Dalton; informed of sabotage of Pessac transformers; alarm at U-boat sinkings; supports Macrae; witnesses weaponry demonstrations; supports Fairbairn against Spears; on threat of Tirpitz; on success of attack on St Nazaire; demands updates from the Firs; awards CBE to Jefferis; discusses special operations; endorses Selborne’s assessment of Gubbins; recognizes Czech government in exile; approves assassination of Heydrich; and destruction of Asopos viaduct; supports attack on Norsk Hydro; grants awards to Norwegian saboteurs of Norsk Hydro; prevents Donovan operating in Balkans; and success of Peugeot factory sabotage; appoints Gubbins head of Baker Street; Gubbins meets in Cairo; increases air support for French resistance; appoints Jefferis KBE; proposes preserving samples of all weapons produced at the Firs; and winding down of Baker Street

  clam (explosive device)

  Clarke, Ann

  Clarke, Cecil: caravan; recruited; Macrae contacts; prepares for war; develops magnetic limpet mine; studies weaponry and warfare; designs hydraulic excavating machine; Gubbins seeks help from; character and behaviour; posted to Aston House; writes guide to sabotage; invents tree spigot; training and demonstrations at Brickendonbury; plans attack on Pessac; adapts trawler Maid Honour; sees use of spigot mortar at sea; sends agents abroad; devises assassination grenade for Heydrich; experience and mental collapse in Italy; successes; transfers to the Firs; invents Aero-Switch; invents rocket-fired bridges; praised; invents bridge-laying machine (‘Great Eastern’); post-war activities; Blue Book; The Development of Weapon Potential

  Clarke, David (Cecil’s son)

  Clarke, Dorothy (Cecil’s wife)

  Clarke, John (Cecil’s son)

  Coche, Captain (French officer)

  Cockleshell Raid (Bordeaux harbour)

  Coker (skipper of Vulcan tug)

  Coleshill House, Wiltshire

  Colley, Peter

  Collins, Michael

  Combined Operations

  Commandos: formed; in St Nazaire operation; raids on French coast; failed attack on Norsk Hydro

  Copland, Major

  Costobadie, Dick

  Cournil, Bernard

  Coward, Noël

  Croft, Andrew

  Curda, Karel

  Curteis, Hugh

  Cvetkovic, Dragisa

  Czechoslovakia: Hitler occupies; agents and operations in; see also Heydrich, Reinhard

  D, Section: nature and scope

  D-Day: planning; small guerrilla units formed

  Daily, Edward

  Daladier, Edouard

  Dalton, Hugh: in charge of guerrilla warfare; visits Brickendonbury; praises success of Pessac attack; on capture of Duchessa d’Aosta; enhances Gubbins’s responsibilities; on Hambro; praises Gubbins

  Davies, Captain Jock

  Davies, Tommy

  Department of Miscellaneous Weapons’ Development

  Dockerill, Arthur

  Dodds-Parker, Douglas

  Doenitz, Admiral Karl

  Donovan, Colonel William (‘Wild Bill’)

  Drake, Sir Francis

  Drumintoul, Scotland

  Duchessa d’Aosta (Italian liner)

  Duff, Robin

  Dunderdale, Wilfred (‘Biffy’)

  Dunkirk evacuation (1940)

  Eden, Anthony

  Eisenhower, General Dwight D.

  Elsie, Aunt (Gubbins’s)

  England, USS

  Enigma machine: removed from Poland

  Epstein, Jacob: Paul Robeson (bust)

  Fairbairn, William (‘Shanghai Buster’): background; trains recruits at Arisaig; transferred to Camp X in USA; Gubbins praises; honoured by Americans; post-war activities

  Falkenhorst, General Nikolaus von

  Farrant, Ralph

  Fawcett, Colonel Percy

  Fell, Captain William

  Fernando Po

  Fildes, Paul

  Firs, the, Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire: requisitioned as HQ for Jefferis and Macrae; closed down

  First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY)

  Fleming, Ian

  Fleming, Peter: recruited; background; heads Auxiliary Units in S.E. England; in Greece

  Forman, Sergeant Jean-Pierre: leads attack on Pessac transformers

  France: Germany invades (1940); sabotage and guerrillas before D-Day; agents and saboteurs in; Allied invasion (1944)

  Franck, Louis

  Franco Signs (company)

  Frankton, Operation

  Free French Section

  Freetown, Sierra Leone

  Freshman, Operation

  Gabčik, Josef

  Galtesund (coastal steamer)

  Gano, General Stanislav

  Gardening Magazine

  Gaulle, General Charles de

  Gaynes Hall, Cambridgeshire

  Georg, Prince of Denmark

  George VI, King: on outbreak of war; visits Gubbins’s exhibition of explosive devices; praises Gubbins

  German–Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939)

  Germany: naval expansion; advance into France; overruns Low Countries; invasion threat to England; plans for occupied Britain; calls off invasion of England; bombed; see also Hitler, Adolf

  Gestapo: impressed by Heydrich assassination

  Giffard, Sir George

  Gillard, Frank

  Gocher, Ernest

  Godden (Vice-Consul in Fernando Po)

  Goodeve, Charles

  Gorgopotamos viaduct, Greece

  Gouldstone, Leslie

  Grand, Lawrence: appearance and character; Gubbins meets; and German invasion threat; at Brickendonbury

  Greece: agents and sabotage in; Operation Harling

  Grigg, Edward

  Grouse, Operation

  Gubbins, Anne Elise (Colin’s second wife)

  Gubbins, Colin: background and qualities; Joan Bright’s view of; joins Section D; compiles manuals on unorthodox warfare; inventions; and recruiting guerrillas; visit to Poland; moves to War Office at outbreak of war; in Paris; guerrilla campaign in Norway; awarded DSO; on importance of training; on German advance into France; and counter to German invasion threat; guerrilla principles; Dalton appoints Director of Operations and Training at Baker Street; Margaret Jackson on; employs women; New Year’s Eve parties; moves to Norgeby House; recruits Clarke; requisitions Brickendonbury Manor; and success of Pessa
c attack; visits the Firs; trains men in art of killing; meets Sykes and Fairbairn; forms elite strike-force; meets March-Phillips; sanctions March-Phillips’s requisitioning of Maid Honour; and March-Phillips’s expedition to West Africa; reputation; plans attack on St Nazaire; on nature of sabotage; inner circle; argues for more planes; responsibilities increased; on Hambro; marital strains; stress; and assassination of Heydrich; aims to surpass Nazis; and operations in Greece; arranges Clarke’s move to Arisaig and the Firs; favours Rheam as director of Brickendonbury Manor; on threat of Norsk Hydro plant; plans attack on Norsk Hydro; and team attacking Norsk Hydro; told of success of Norsk Hydro attack; dislikes criticism from senior officers; cooperates with Americans; on defeating Germany in France; and broadcast messages to overseas listeners; supports Ree; and sabotage of Peugeot factory; and Ree’s success in France; kept informed of fortunes of sabotage missions; succeeds Hambro as head of Baker Street; and son’s death; divorce; prepares for D-Day; praised; and successes in France; and winding down of Baker Street; awarded Légion d’Honneur by de Gaulle; maintains relations with Joan Bright and Margaret Jackson after war; post-war career; achievements; remarries (Anne Elise); retirement to Isle of Harris and death; The Art of Guerrilla Warfare; The Partisan Leaders’ Handbook

  Gubbins, Michael (Colin’s son): killed

  Gubbins, Mouse (Colin’s sister)

  Gubbins, Nonie (Colin’s first wife)

  Gubbins, Rory (Colin’s son)

  guerrillas: recruiting; undervalued by SIS; in British counter-invasion plans (Auxiliary Units); success in Greece

  Guise, Leonard (agent W10)

  Gunnerside, Operation

  Gwyn, John

  Hales, Cecily

  Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of

  Hambro, Sir Charles

  Hamilton-Hill, Donald

  Hampton, Major

  Hamson, Denys

  Hardanger Plateau, Norway

  Harling, Operation

  Harris, Sir Arthur

  Hartley, Mr (chemist of Kay Brothers)

  Hasler, Herbert (‘Blondie’)

  Hassel, Ian

  Hauger, Monsieur

  Haugland, Knut

  Haukelid, Knut: in attack on Norsk Hydro; remains in Norway to destroy heavy water

  Hayes, Graham

  heavy water: in Norway

  Hedgehog (anti-U-boat mortar): developed; US Navy’s successful use of

  Helberg, Claus

  Henderson, Michael

  Hesketh-Prichard, Alfgar

  Heydrich, Reinhard: assassination

  Hill, Max

  Hitler, Adolf: annexes Czechoslovakia; strengthens navy; occupies Lithuania; peace efforts; advance into France (1940); and invasion of Norway; invades Low Countries; invasion threat to England; calls off invasion of England; invades Soviet Union; fury at St Nazaire raid; orders captured commandos to be shot; reaction to Heydrich assassination; and Norwegian heavy water; see also Germany

  Hoare, Sir Samuel

  Hockey, Flight Lieutenant Ron

  Holdworth, Gerry

  Holland: Germans invade

  Holland, Joe: heads MI(R); recruits Gubbins; character

  Home Guard

  Hopkins (Churchill’s bodyguard)

  Household, Geoffrey

  Hughes-Hallett, John

  Hydro (Norwegian train ferry)

  I-16 (Japanese submarine)

  Idland, Kasper

  Independent Companies: formed

  Inverailort House, Scotland

  Ironside, General William Edmund

  Ismay, General Hastings (‘Pug’)

  Italy: declares war on Britain

  Jacks, Dr L.P.

  Jackson, Margaret: replaces Joan Bright as Gubbins’s secretary; working hours; inside and confidential knowledge; and assassination of Heydrich; and planning of Norsk Hydro operation; on Sochaux; briefs Gubbins; and death of Gubbins’s son; post-war career and death

  Japan: submarines in Pacific; surrenders

  Jebb, Gladwyn

  Jedburghs (guerrilla teams)

  Jefferis, David and Jeremy (Millis–Ruth’s sons)

  Jefferis, John (Millis–Ruth’s son)

  Jefferis, Sir Millis: meets and recruits Macrae; and magnetic mine; qualities and interests; heads MI(R)c unit; develops detonator switch; moves to War Office; conflict with Burgin; sends explosives to Balkans; meets Churchill over use of W-bomb; Macrae’s view of; Churchill supports; in Norway; and supply of Gubbins’s Norway guerrillas; fined for speeding; endorses Clarke’s talents; supplies Gubbins’s Auxiliary Units; develops Sticky Bomb; temper; and Blacker Bombard; interest in caravans; marriage relations; team designated MDI; works at the Firs, Buckinghamshire; plans defeat of U-boats; working hours; invents Hedgehog anti-U-boat mortar; meets Goodeve; and Churchill’s visit to the Firs; adapts trawler Maid Honour; develops delayed fuse (L-Delay); and St Nazaire operation; relations with Macrae; production rates for weaponry; appointed CBE; Clarke joins at the Firs; senior officers appreciate; advanced equipment; develops PIAT anti-tank projector and Beehives; indifference to news of use of weaponry; on winning war; weapons shown in private exhibition; weaponry in sabotage for D-Day; praised; celebrations at war’s end; and war in Far East; appointed Chief Engineer to Indian Army; appointed KBE; How to Use Explosives

  Jefferis, Ruth (Millis’s wife)

  Jodl, General Alfred

  Johnson, Celia

  Jones, Geoffrey

  Josephine B, Operation

  Kämpfe, Major Helmut

  Kampfgeschwader 100 (German bomber squadron)

  Kay Brothers (company)

  Kayser, Fredrik

  Kemp, Peter

  Kent: as prospective German invasion site

  Killiemore House, Mull

  Kinematograph Engineering Company

  Kjelstrup, Arne

  Klein, Oberscharführer Johannes

  Koehler, George

  Kubis, Jan

  L-Delay (fuse)

  Lake, Peter

  Lambe, Captain Charles

  Lammerding, General Heinz Bernard

  Lancastria (ship)

  Langley, Colonel

  Larsen, Alf

  Lassen, Anders (‘the Viking’)

  Laversuch, Victor (agent W4)

  Lawrence, T.E. (‘Lawrence of Arabia’)

  Letac, Joel

  Levick, George Murray

  Lezaky, Czechoslovakia

  Lidice, Czechoslovakia

  Likomba (German ship)

  Lindemann, Frederick: travels to Paris with Churchill; and Clarke’s excavating machine; and Blacker Bombard; as Jefferis–Churchill go-between; encourages Jefferis; visits the Firs; and German possession of heavy water; employs Tuck; and Jefferis’s development of PIAT; on quantity of weapons produced at the Firs; and Jefferis’s appointment in India

  Linge, Captain Martin

  Lippett, Richard (agent W25)


  Lloyd-Jones, ‘Boy’: visit to Poland

  Loehr, General Alexander

  LoLode (the Low Load Trailer Company)

  Lovat, Simon Christopher Fraser, 15th Lord

  Lucas, Pierre

  Luhr, Heinrich

  Luxembourg: Germans invade

  Maclean, Fitzroy

  McNaughton, General Andrew

  Macpherson, Tommy

  Macrae, Mary

  Macrae, Stuart: background; contacts Clarke; prepares for war; develops magnetic mine; works with Jefferis; and explosives in War Office building; engages assistants and experts; and payment for Clarke’s mines; joins Jefferis at MI(R)c; interest in caravans; accompanies Churchill to Paris; and Churchill’s support; funding; moves to Portland Place; and manufacture and success of Sticky Bomb; marriage relations; at the Firs, Buckinghamshire; Langley blames for Clarke’s breach of security; and Clarke’s transfer to Gubbins; criticises Time Pencil; develops clam (explosive device); hires female staff; keeps financial accounts; celebrates Jefferis’s CBE
; welcomes Clarke’s move to the Firs; and Clarke’s Aero-Switch; and waning criticisms of Jefferis; equipment; increases staff; and Jefferis’s development of PIAT; uninformed of use of weapons; on effectiveness of Hedgehog; and celebrations at war’s end; and end of MD1

  McVean, Grandpa

  Maginot Line

  magnetic mines: development

  Maid Honour (trawler)

  March-Phillipps, Gustavus (‘Gus’) Henry: heads elite strike-force; expedition to West Africa; proposed for St Nazaire operation; raids on French coast

  Marinos, Thermistocles

  Markham, Revd

  Marks, Leo

  Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of

  Marty factory, France

  Masterman, Tom

  Maynard, Daphne

  MDI (department): formed; moves to the Firs, Buckinghamshire; dissolved

  Mecke, Captain

  Memel, Lithuania

  Menzies, Stewart

  Michie, Colin

  Milton Hall, near Peterborough

  MI(R) (unit)

  MI(R)c (unit): Jefferis heads; Macrae joins; Churchill encourages; moves to Portland Place

  Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

  Monastir gap, Macedonia

  Montgomery, General Bernard Law

  Montgomery, Bob

  Montilla, Señora

  Moravec, Colonel Frantisek

  Morgan, Brigadier Harold

  Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis

  Muggeridge, Malcolm

  Munich Agreement (1938)

  Munroe effect (Charles Munroe’s theory)

  Munthe, Malcolm

  Mussolini, Benito

  Myers, Eddie: leads attack on Gorgopotamos viaduct; builds guerrilla force in Greece

  Naval Land Section

  Nelson, Frank

  Neptune, Operation

  Newman, Colonel Charles

  Newman, Eveleigh (‘Dumbo’)

  Niko, Barba (‘Uncle’)

  Norgeby House, Baker Street

  Normandy: Allied landings (1944)

  Norsk Hydro plant, Rjukan, Norway

  Norway: Germans invade; campaign and guerrillas in; sabotage acts; Shetland Bus communicates with; see also Norsk Hydro plant


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