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Steel Couples (Men of Steel Book 10)

Page 6

by Mj Fields

  I’m wet and wanton. I was ready to mount my husband on his desk, shirt or no shirt.

  Thank God for Cyrus’s interruption or I would have!

  Pregnancy hormones. I blame it on pregnancy hormones, even though I know it’s such bull.

  I need to change my panties. They’re like … a snowman in July.

  “Ha!” I laugh out loud at myself, wishing I had said that to Jase. Except, I can’t, because … Well, one, it’s totally embarrassing; and two, he’s wearing that shirt.

  Trump is messing with my life. He is, and I want to wring his … red neck.

  As if on cue, my phone rings. It’s Mimi.

  “Good morning,” I say calmly.

  “It is, and it’s going to get even better!”

  Mimi is excited, over-the-top excited, which is very un-Mimi-like.

  “Can’t get any worse,” I mumble as I hold my phone on my shoulder with my chin while I shimmy out of my panties.

  “Oh, I am so glad I get to make your day!”

  I laugh as I toss my underwear in the garbage. It’s not like I’m going to carry them around.

  “Two tickets! I am holding two tickets to Camp Clinton on election night. Me, you, girl power, Hillary, and New York City!”

  Oh dear, I think, and apparently, I think too long because she starts talking again.

  “Don’t worry about it. I just got off the phone with your husband right before I called you, and he said it was fine.” Without taking a breath so I can tell her that was not her place, she continues, “I was, like, damn right it’s fine. She is a strong, independent woman!”

  “Mimi, I have a call. I’ll call you back,” I lie, a little annoyed and not wanting to rain on her parade.

  She asked Jase? What am I, twelve?

  I stomp out of the bathroom to go grab a pair of fresh undies out of my office, and find him here, sitting on the black marble lab table, looking at his phone. He looks up when I stop in my tracks.

  “Jase …” I begin.

  “Carly,” he says, setting his phone on the lab table.

  “I had no idea Mimi was going to call you.”

  He nods, not saying anything.

  “I would have asked … I mean, told you I was going if I knew.”

  His eyes narrow a bit.


  “What?” he asks back.


  “Well …” He looks up and shakes his head slightly. “Since you’re asking, I guess—”

  “I’m not asking,” I tell him with a nod.

  “Okay, well then, I’ll let the girls know we won’t be taking them out to dinner after work, and that—”

  “Oh, how could I forget?” I clasp my hand over my eyes.

  When he chuckles, I remove my hand, looking up at him.

  “We didn’t tell them we’d take them to dinner.” I roll my eyes, and he smiles.

  “I’ll make you a deal.” He curls his finger, calling me to him.

  I know better than to get too close. He has lust and mischief in his milk chocolate eyes, and right now, I’m craving milk chocolate.

  I am more than arm’s reach from him, in the safety zone, or so I think, until he hooks his leg around me and pulls me toward him. My hands hit his chest, trying to keep some … unwanted distance. I must be strong.

  “Carly, I know what you’re thinking,” he says, reaching his hand around the back of my neck and pulling me closer.

  “Kelly Clarkston,” I say, and he chuckles right before he kisses me.

  I am lost in his taste, and smell, and want—no, need.

  His tongue doesn’t fight for control; it is given without demand. I love the way he controls our kiss, sets the pace, and gives me what he knows I want, while he takes what he needs.

  His tongue … God, his tongue is on mine, around mine. It’s just in my mouth, yet I feel it everywhere.

  With one hand, he tilts my head, while he runs the other from my bare knee up my hip until he reaches my ass.

  “Fuck, baby,” he hisses as he kneads my bare flesh. “Fuck yes.”

  He runs one long finger firmly between my leg, but never inside. Seducing, teasing, tormenting me.

  “Jase,” I moan quietly into his neck.

  “I need to fuck you,” he groans back.

  “I need to be fucked.”

  “I know, baby, I know.”

  He pulls me closer, closer, closer.

  Every nerve in my body is over-sensitized by all things Jase. His breath, a trigger. His readiness, the promise. His touch, the key to send me over the edge.

  His knee is between us, and I can’t help rubbing against it, sending me closer, closer, closer to the edge.

  “Need inside, Carly.” He slides off the table, causing the friction to break.

  “Dammit,” I mutter.

  In an instant, he is behind me, one hand between my legs, rubbing my swollen flesh up and down, the other on the small of my back, applying just a touch of pressure.

  “Face down, ass up, baby,” he says in a thick, rich, decadent tone.

  I do as he instructs. Then I hear the sound of his zipper, and as much as I want him inside me, I want to touch him, feel him, take him in my hand, my mouth.

  I courageously turn around and stand in front of him, my nipples rubbing against my shirt, needing relief, needing his attention, him. He cocks his head to the side, and I take his hand, pressing it firmly against my breast.

  “Love these things,” he says as he gives them a squeeze.

  Our eyes are locked on one another’s, watching, wanting, anticipating, as I slowly kneel in front of him.

  I take him in my hand and grip him hard at his base. I stroke once, twice, three times, and he growls. The sound consumes me.

  I lean in and grab his ring with my teeth, tugging on it as I stroke faster.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck that cock,” he encourages.

  “Mine,” I whisper as I take his broad head in my mouth.

  “Yours,” he hisses between his teeth. “Fuck yes. Fuck. Yes.”

  I work his shaft up and down with my hand, his head with my mouth, licking around it, tugging at the ring, sucking him until my cheeks hollow.

  “I’m gonna pop in your mouth if you keep that up, Carly. And … aw … fuck!”

  He grips my hair and pulls my head back. “Need you over this table now, baby. Need inside that hot little box.”

  I pull myself up and start to turn, watching him as I do.

  God, he makes me feel beautiful.

  “Carly, you in here?”

  We both freeze when we hear Thomas’s voice.

  “I’m gonna fire his ass,” Jase hisses as he hurries to the bathroom.

  While I fix my skirt, I answer, “Morning, Thomas. I’m in the lab.”

  He walks in just as I finish fixing myself and smiles.

  “You must be excited.”

  Oh God, could he tell? How embarrassing!

  “Mimi said Jase was excited for you and is going to go with you to the Clinton camp in the city?”

  “He what?” I ask, confused.

  “Oh hell, did you not know?” Thomas scratches his head.

  Just then, Jase comes out of the bathroom, looking totally in control and not like he was just … all hard and stuff.

  “Was just about to tell her, Thomas,” he says. “But I’m not actually going, just driving her into the city and getting a suite so I will be there to bring her home when it’s done. Thank you by the way.”

  “For watching the kids?” Thomas laughs. “It is our pleasure. Your mother and I enjoy them a great deal.”

  I look at Jase, and he winks, leans in, kisses my head, and says, “See you later.” Then he saunters out.

  And yes, he has a nice ass.

  Blue … F*cking Blue!


  * * *

  To say it was a long day is an understatement.

  I was distracted … by my dick … and the thought of my wife.
  I married her because I love her and know that there is no other woman on earth I would rather spend time with, my life with, or my bed with. But, nowadays, time is scarce. My life is spent in a suit, running Steel. And my bed, well, I get a corner of it, no blankets, while my girl gets to take up ninety percent of it while she rests, because she’s growing our child. And yes, I know how fucking important that is.

  The problem is, she’s also growing tits. And that ass … fuck, I want it … bad.

  I also got married so I could spend every damn night inside her. Clearly, that’s not happening. Hell, I work with her most every day, and I can’t even get in a quickie.

  “Fuck,” I groan.

  “Everything okay, Mr. Steel?” Francis, my secretary, asks.

  I look up. Fuck no, it’s not okay. I have a conference room full of all our department heads and all I can look at is Carly. And instead of being focused on financial reports, I am praying she uncrosses her legs so I can get a glimpse of her panty-less pussy.

  “Yes.” I clear my throat and nod. “Carry on.”

  Carry on? Who the fuck says carry on? Sure as fuck not the Jase Steel I used to be, the one who would have dragged my girl out of this billion-dollar building and fucked her in some alley somewhere.

  Fuck it. Good idea. Damn good idea.

  “On second thought, can we take a break?” I ask. “Meet back here in thirty minutes?”

  “What?” Abe, our CFO, asks as he looks at me like I’m fucking insane.

  I just may be, but my balls are blue, my wife is hot, and I am worth shit right now.

  “I said thirty minutes.”

  Carly’s eyes widen. I know she knows what’s up.

  Thomas leans over and whispers something in her ear, and then they stand.

  No, no, no, no!

  “Carly, I need to see you for a moment,” I say loud enough for her to hear, even with all the papers being shuffled, chairs moving, and people whispering. I’m pretty fucking sure they’re whispering about me. Yeah, I know they think I’ve lost my damn mind, and I have. I so have.

  “It’ll have to wait, Jase. Thomas and I are needed in the lab.” Carly smiles then hurries out the door.

  Fired. He’s fired. They’re all fired.

  “What the hell is going on?” Abe asks when everyone leaves the conference room.

  I throw my hands in the air. “I need a day off, she needs a day off, we need a fucking day off.”

  Abe laughs. “Then take one.”

  “Not funny, Abe.”

  “Yeah, it is.” He pats my back before leaving the room.

  Fuck my life.

  “Heading out,” Abe says as he leans his head in my office.

  I look up and nod, then look at the time.

  It’s seven o’clock, and yes, it’s Monday. That’s the way Mondays always go around here.

  “I’m off tomorrow,” I tell him.

  “So I hear. Going to hang out with the Clintons?” Abe chuckles, and I give him the bird. “Seriously, have fun. You deserve it.”

  I roll my eyes. “Fuck off, O’Donnell.”

  “All I’m saying is, have fun with your wife. If you ever hurt her again, I will beat you down.”

  I stand up and raise my eyebrow at my oldest and dearest friend. “You sure you could handle that?”

  His eyes light up in amusement. “You’re the one who’s gone soft, not me.”

  “Soft? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  He smirks. “You’re a family man.”

  “And you’re a dick,” I tell him.

  “Still my favorite appendage. Can you say the same?”

  “Abe!” I hear his fiancée Nikki scold him from behind.

  “Who’s holding the leash these days, O’Donnell?” I whisper so she can’t hear me.

  “Not Hilary Clinton,” he whispers back.

  “You’re fired,” I tell him.

  “Yeah right.” He chuckles. “See you Wednesday.”

  “Yeah, see ya.” I nod.

  I am in the elevator when the fucking thing stops. I look up as Carly, who is looking down at her phone, looks up. Her mouth makes an O shape, and my cock goes full-on Steel.

  “Get your ass in here.”

  Her eyes travel south, yet she doesn’t move.

  I hold my hand out to stop the door from closing. “Carly …”

  “Jase, the girls are just downstairs, waiting with Abe.”

  I nod, and then, for some reason, she seems to loosen up a bit and walks on. She stands next to me as I push the button.

  “I forgot to leave a file Thomas needs for tomorrow and—” She stops when I have her pinned against the wall. “Oh God.”

  I reach down, unzip my pants, and pull myself out as I grab her shirt and attempt to unbutton it. Shit goes wrong. Need overtakes sense and buttons go flying.

  I give a fuck less.

  I yank her skirt up and line myself up against her hot, little twat.

  She moans, “We can’t.”

  “We will.”

  “We shouldn’t,” she whimpers as I push inside her.

  “We are,” I groan. “Fuck.”

  “Oh God,” she says as her head falls back against the elevator wall as mine bows to give her tits the worship they deserve.

  “Fucking beautiful,” I say as I rub my tongue piercing across them.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she pants.

  I pull her leg up and hook it around my hip as I slowly fuck my wife while she digs her nails into my shoulders.

  Her mouth is on mine as she cries out the most beautiful sound. Her pussy grips my cock like a vice. I keep fucking her, not wanting to stop.

  “Third floor,” she pants. “Jase, third floor.”

  She sighs in relief when I hit the emergency stop button and continue sliding in and out of her hot, wet cunt.

  “Heaven,” I groan as my balls tighten right before I jet off inside her.

  My head is in the crook of her neck, my hand is in her hair. I am panting, she is panting, and I am ready to go again.

  “Baby, one more time,” I say.

  “No,” she whines. “I mean, I want to, but—”

  “Yeah, but,” I say, lifting my head and taking her lips as I slide out of her.

  She fumbles with her blazer. “You ripped it. I can’t fix this. We’re so busted. Jase, what were you thinking?”

  In a post-orgasmic haze, I simply shrug, take off my jacket, and hand it to her.

  “You’re kidding,” she huffs.

  I take off my shirt and pull off the tee under it. “This will have to work.”

  Her eyes narrow. She’s annoyed

  Meanwhile, I’m happy as hell I just came and know damn well part of me is running down her legs.

  I pull out my handkerchief and rub it between her sexy thighs as she puts on the shirt then throws her coat on over it. Then she steps back, lips in a thin line, and glares at me as I hit the button to continue our descent.

  When the door opens, Abe and the girls are standing outside of it.

  Kiki looks at Carly and gasps, “Mommy, ducks are bad!” Then she points to her shirt.

  “Mommy had a spill,” Carly says, completely flustered as she takes her hand and looks back at me. “We’ll see you at home, Jase.”

  I nod, then wink at Kiki. “It’s just a shirt, kiddo.”

  Kiki gives me a look, much like Carly gives me when I have pissed her off.

  I can’t help laughing as I look over at Bell. “You wanna ride with me?”

  “I gotta get my bag out of the car. Meet you outside!”

  “Sure thing, little Bell,” I say as I slowly follow all three of my girls outside.

  Before I walk out, I look at Abe and smirk. “Soft, my ass.”

  Alpha Shit


  * * *

  For the love of God! I think as I sit in the back of the car next to Kiki in her car seat.

  “Home, Mrs. Steel?” Giovanni, the driver
Jase insists I use, asks.

  “Please,” I nearly beg.

  Jase. Jase. Jase. Jase. He is all-consuming, demanding, opinionated, as “alpha” as they come, and he is … mine.

  Mimi thinks it’s horrible and I let it get to me. I shouldn’t.

  I look over at Kiki and smile.

  “Daddy’s shirt.” She points. “Yuck.”

  I laugh at my little Katherine, my mother’s namesake, which was Jase’s idea.

  She laughs back, reaching out her little hand and grabbing mine. It’s warm and soft, and it’s a part of Jase and a part of me.

  Emotions roll to nearly a boiling point as I lean over and kiss her little cherub face.

  There have been too many times in my life when I have worried about offending people, not making them feel like they have all of me and my support. The only person in my life that I feel gets me and takes me as I am one hundred percent is Jase, my husband, my best friend, the father of my children, my family.

  “Ducks are bad, Mommy?” Kiki whispers.

  “Not all ducks are bad, Kiki,” I whisper back.

  “Okay,” she says.

  “Okay,” I say back.

  After dinner, I’m exhausted. Jase and I are sitting on the couch with the girls. It’s past their bedtime, but they will be gone early tomorrow morning and I won’t see them until Wednesday afternoon.

  There are days when I wish I could cave into Jase’s suggestion and stay at home with them instead of working, but my work is important, and he knows that.

  I want to set the same example my mother set for me. That a woman can take care of herself, her family, and do it alone if they so choose. That they can make a difference. That they can achieve any dream they have and succeed at whatever they desire.

  I look over to see he is looking at me. He gives me a slow wink, as if to say everything is good, and it is. It’s so good.

  Saying goodbye to the girls for even a night is hard, but when leaving them with Momma Joe and Thomas, I know they are going to be loved and entertained. They are going to have fun.

  Jase is holding the car door open as I walk out after just one more kiss from the girls.

  He is wearing low-hung jeans with a black leather belt, and a long-sleeved black Henley. His sleeves are pushed up, exposing his ink. His hat is on backward, and he has on sneakers.


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