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Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)

Page 12

by Brenda Sparks

  He scrubbed a tired hand down his face, drawing the skin taunt. The images of the home played in his mind like a never ending reel of a horror flick. He started the engine, it purred to life as he gave it gas and cranked the wheel. With a quick U-turn, he headed home.

  He drove back to the penthouse, pondering the fate of the women from the van, wondering if they would live to see another day, hating the feeling of impotency that came with the knowledge there was nothing he could do for them at this time.

  Chapter 18

  Kat pulled on her white jeans and tucked her navy shirt into the waistband. It had been a long night. Having just completed her third show of the evening, she felt bone-sore tired. She hung her costume on the garment rack then headed for the exit.

  As she walked down the hallway with the florescent light reflecting harshly off the linoleum floor, her thoughts turned to the dark vampire waiting for her at home, sending her heartbeat into a canter. She knew she’d fallen in love with Stephan, but she wasn’t sure exactly how he felt about her. When he looked at her, she could see what she believed to be love in his eyes, but he never actually said the words. She decided to interrogate Marcus tonight when he came to escort her home from work about Stephan’s possible feelings for her. She thought about how to broach the subject as she opened the door and stepped into the alley behind Reaper’s.

  Stephan waited, leaning against the hood of Marcus’ black H3 with his arms crossed against his broad chest. His dark chestnut hair shimmered in the reflection from the light above the door. He wore a crisp white oxford shirt unbuttoned just enough to draw Kat’s gaze down toward his narrow waist where a pair of black jeans hugged his hips and accentuated his muscular thighs—as well as his other assets. Her eyes returned to his handsome face, and he flashed his sexy smile. The man was walking sex and her heart went into a full gallop at the sight of him.

  “Ready to go, Kitten?” he asked, straightening to his full height.

  “Where’s Marcus?”

  “I sent him on a little errand. He won’t be back for a while, so I’m to escort you tonight.” Stephan made his way around the H3 and opened the passenger door. He held the door for her as she heaved herself into the Hummer, helped by a push on her derrière.

  After reaching over her to buckle her seatbelt, he walked back around the vehicle with a sexy swagger Kat appreciated. Stephan jumped into the driver’s seat, and brought the engine to life.

  “I have a confession to make,” he said, glancing sideways at Kat before he pulled out of the alley. “I purposely sent Marcus away tonight, so I could have some time alone with you.”

  Kat didn’t mind hearing that particular news. “Why’s that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you are a beautiful, sexy woman and because I have a surprise for you.” He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it away from his handsome face.

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “You’ll see.” He lifted one eye brow as he glanced at her.

  Kat watched the streets whiz by. One. Two. Ten. They definitely weren’t headed home.

  “Um, Stephan, you missed the turn for the penthouse. It was back there.” Katrina turned in her seat and pointed behind them.

  “I know,” he replied cryptically, as he switched lanes and gunned the engine.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Then just sit back and enjoy the ride.” Stephan flashed his fangs in a naughty smile. He reached over and gave her hand a quick squeeze as they rode in companionable silence.

  The man beside her, so dark and mysterious, certainly knew how to keep a secret but then so too did Marcus. Maybe it was a vampire thing. Kat glanced down on the large hand resting on her leg and followed the thick arm up to the strong profile of the man beside her. His hard jawline complimented his straight nose. His eyelashes brushed a dark crescent over his cheek with each blink.

  Heat coursed through Katrina’s blood, sending warmth to her cheeks. Just looking at this man did things to her. Having his hand on her pushed her lust higher, wound her body tighter. Sometimes, like now, just sitting close in a confined space was too much.

  She needed air, needed space to cool her burning desire. Katrina pulled her gaze away from Stephan and found the button for the window. With a touch, it slid the window down sending a cool breeze over her skin.

  Kat’s curiosity rose when she noticed they headed toward the outskirts of the city. “Hey, Stephan, you never answered my question. Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. We’ll be there soon.” He squeezed her knee, sending a feeling of warmth and comfort through her body.

  Able to breathe again, Kat visibly relaxed and settled into the seat. She wasn’t sure if it was the easy tone in his voice or his soothing touch, but she trusted him. She watched the empty highway stretched out for miles before them.

  “How far out are we going?” Kat noted the digital time on the dash. “We only have a few hours before sunrise.”

  “We should be fine. Though I’m glad you are concerned about my safety.” Stephan shot her a heart melting grin. “We should be back before dawn.”

  “This car won’t provide much protection from the sun.”

  “The H3 wasn’t my first choice, but we need it to traverse the terrain.”

  Ah, a clue. “Terrain? What kind of terrain?”

  “This terrain. We’re here.” Stephan brought the vehicle to a halt.

  Katrina’s head snapped around. She’d been so wrapped up in their conversation she hadn’t noticed her surroundings. “This is Red Rock Canyon. I’ve hiked here before.”

  “Not with me.” Stephan exited the H3 and circled the car coming to rest outside Kat’s door. “Come on.” Stephan held open the passenger door and offered a hand to Kat.

  Kat looked down at her tennis shoes. “We aren’t going far, I hope. I’m not exactly dressed for hiking.”

  “You’re dressed perfectly.” Stephan raked her body with his heated gaze, obviously admiring how her shirt and jeans hugged her every contour. “Let’s go.”

  The canyon was beautiful at night. The moon cast a silvery glow on the rocks playing off the red and white stones. It created shadows that seemed to move with them as they walked. If she was by herself, Katrina might have been somewhat afraid, but with Stephan by her side she did not fear a thing.

  He grabbed her hand and led her toward an opening in the rock formation. They bent over at the waist to pass through. It was a tight squeeze and they were forced to go forward one in front of the other. Just as the walls seemed to be closing in on Katrina, they squeezed through a slit in the rock, popping out into an opening where she could stand next to him.

  Katrina wiggled her fingers in front of her face, unable to see them in the pitch of the cave. “It’s awful dark. Did you bring a flashlight?”

  Stephan cursed under his breath. “No, I didn’t think about it. Honestly, I forgot you would not be able to see.” Stephan thought for a moment. “There is a way you could see. If you drank a little of my blood, it would enhance your vision.”

  Kat turned, reached for Stephan in the darkness to thread her fingers in the material of his shirt. “Did I just hear you right? Drink your blood?”

  Stephan gathered her protectively in his arms. “I’m an ancient. My blood can enhance your senses. If you drink a little, you would be able to see just fine, and I could show you why I brought you here.”

  Her face turned up toward his, though she could not see his handsome face. “So if I take just a little of your blood I’d have superhuman sight.”

  “Among other things.” She felt him shrug.

  “Such as,” she prompted.

  “All your senses would increase, hearing, sight, smell…touch.” He ran his finger along her arm.

  “And I’d only need a little?” Curiosity to see why Stephan brought her there tempted her, but she was reluctant to drink blood. She�
�d never tasted blood before, and it wasn’t something she particularly wanted to do.

  “Yes, just a little will do.”

  Stephan held her patiently awaiting her answer. His arms tightened around her as he waited. She weighed the decision carefully, then took a deep breath before she spoke.

  “Okay, I guess.” Kat said, albeit reluctantly, when her curiosity won out. Stephan took something out of his pocket.

  “What’s that?” Kat asked.

  “The knife I always carry.”

  Kat chuckled. “That’s handy.”

  “It is a special knife, made of the finest steel and coated with titanium, the one metal that is toxic to vampires. The titanium will keep me from healing too quickly, giving you a chance to drink.”

  “I’m not sure about this.” She swallowed.

  “I’ll do a shallow cut. It will keep the blood from flowing too freely. You need only take a little.” He nicked his wrist and placed it to her lips before she could protest further.

  Kat gingerly licked at the wound. When her tongue touched his wrist she felt a jolt flow between their bodies. A shiver slid down her back, making her tremble.

  His blood tasted coppery, but the smell enticed her. It smelled of musk and spice, very male. She closed her lips around the wound and took a tiny sip. With the small swallow, she felt different, stronger. More alive. It was utterly addicting.

  She sensed his intense gaze on her as she closed her eyes, relishing each draw. A low rumble sounded from his chest. She felt him start to pull his wrist away, but Kat grabbed his forearm with both hands, not ready to stop drinking. She moaned against his skin, sending a tremor coursing through him.

  “That’s enough, Katrina. Stop now,” Stephan commanded, his voice low as he gently pried his wrist out of her hands. He licked the wound closed. “I can taste you on my skin. Delicious.”

  He framed her face with his hands and stepped into her. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him tightly against her. He kissed her soundly and their bodies melted together, hers soft and pliant against his larger frame. He deepened the kiss, his tongue darting between her lips. Their tongues swirled between their mouths, their breaths came harder. The world tunneled down to him. He overwhelmed her, his kiss claimed her. Lost in the sensation of lust and desire he created, only when Stephan pulled back slowly did Kat remember where they were.

  She opened her eyes, and stared into the blue depths of his. He gently turned her to face away from him, wrapping his hard arms around her.

  “What do you see?” His voice sounded thick with lust.

  Kat’s breath caught in her throat when she looked around. She could see perfectly, like having infrared vision, only in color.

  “Breathe, Kitten,” Stephan whispered in her ear.

  Kat obediently took in a deep breath, and tasted the rock and minerals of the cavern. The musky smell of damp earth filled her nostrils as she scanned the cave. Stalactites hung like chandeliers from the ceiling sparkling from the water that dripped from them. The water collected in a pool, lining the bottom of the cavern. Kat could see clearly to the bottom of the grotto where stalagmites pushed their way up. The drops of water caused ripples on the surface that made the stalagmites look as if they swayed to music.

  “It’s…” Kat struggled to find the appropriate word to complete her sentence. “ gorgeous…no stunning…” She turned in Stephan’s arms to look up at him with awe in her eyes, and whispered, “There’s no perfect word to describe it.”

  “I feel the same way about you, Kitten.” He hugged her to him, placing his chin on the top of her head. “If you like this, you should see the view from up there.” Stephan pointed to a small ledge some twenty feet above them.

  “How can you get up there?”

  A sexy smile played on his handsome face as his arms tighten around her like steel beams. Stephan’s body coiled then the next moment they flew through the air toward the ledge. Stephan put her down gently on the thin shelf. Kat clung to him, digging her nails into his biceps.

  “I’ve got you. You can relax.” Stephan ran a comforting hand softly down her back. “Look down.” Kat shook her head, squeezing her eyes tightly closed.

  “Look at me, Kat,” he commanded gently, waiting until she finally complied before continuing. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. Look down; see what it looks like from up here. Trust me. I’ve got you, Kitten.”

  The absolute truth of that statement hit Katrina like an arrow to the heart. There were many ways to take those four simple words. I’ve got you, Kitten. The words replayed in her mind, giving her courage to trust the man holding her with her safety.

  Kat carefully glanced down and the view quickly made her forget her fear of heights. As pretty as the view of the pond was from the floor of the cave, it was ten times as beautiful from up above. From this vantage point she could see the individual colors created in the bottom of the pond by the various minerals in the rocks. Yellows, reds, whites, and blues. They swirled around the stalagmites creating a mesmerizing pattern.

  “Oh Stephan,” Kat whispered.

  “If I live another six hundred years, I’ll always remember the sound of my name on your lips this night.”

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Kat breathed.

  “Beautiful is exactly what I was thinking.” Stephan tightened his arms, kissing her on her cheek.

  He feathered kisses down her neck, brushing her shirt to the side so he could continue the trail along her shoulder. He moved them back, pinning her to the wall with his body. Her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tangling his silky hair.

  He laid a trail of kisses back to her lips. Her lips parted in an invitation he gladly accepted. Their tongues danced like lovers, lips pressed firmly together in a bruising embrace. Their scent mingled to become as one, a perfect mix of honeysuckle and spice. It was intoxicating, the combination of fragrance and touch. When their bodies began to sway, Stephan broke their kiss.

  Kat raised her hand to her kiss-swollen lips, breathing hard, and whispered, “Whoa, I’ve never been kissed like that. I felt everything, even your heartbeat.”

  “It’s my blood. It improved your sense of touch.” Stephan ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Did it ever,” Kat rasped, still trying to catch her breath.

  “I think I need a cold shower. Want to go for a dip?”

  “What? I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  Stephan smiled. “We don’t need suits.”

  “Is it safe?” She glanced down at the grotto.

  “Yes I’ve been in there lots of times. I promise, it will feel good.”

  Kat shook her head in disbelief, sending her locks tumbling over her shoulders. “Why not?”

  In the blink of her eye, she found herself on the cave floor with Stephan working at her clothes. She allowed him to undress her, enjoying the feel of his fingers as they brushed her sensitive skin. After doing away with his own clothes, Stephan picked her up in his strong arms and headed for the pool. The cool water lapped at her bottom as he held her just above the surface.

  “It’s cold,” she squealed, kicking her legs.

  Stephan tightened his grip. “It’s not cold. Your skin is just more sensitive than usual.” A mischievous grin lit his face and with a flash of movement he withdrew his support, letting her fall into the tranquil pool.

  Kat’s head broke the surface, treading water.

  “I can’t believe you did that.” She splashed him sending the cool water down his body. He watched as her appreciative gaze followed the water sluicing down his body. The evidence of his arousal thickened in response to her heated gaze. Kat gasped at his size.

  Kat was not innocent. She’d seen many of her fellow dancers naked as well as the few lovers she’d had, but never had she seen such an amazing looking body as the one she watched in the cave. Even Marcus’ toned form could not compare.

  Every muscle was defined by hard lines, this ma
n didn’t have a six pack; he had eight perfectly defined abdominals. The water lapped at his groin, drawing her eye to the long, thick erection that promised an erotic night.

  “How dare you splash me!” Stephan said, mock outrage raising his voice. “I think you deserve to be punished for that, you naughty girl.”

  The heat in his eyes told her it was time to run, though whether to run to him or from him, now that was the question. She swam away from Stephan on her back. His grin exposed his fangs as he dove in after her. A small squeak escaped Kat’s throat before she plunged into the water to swim away. Kat surfaced and turned a circle, scanning for her pursuer.

  The hair on her neck stood at attention. She sensed him near, but she couldn’t see him. Katrina started to drop back under the water when she felt a large hand snake its way up her leg. She kicked wildly, but was stilled by his strong arms. He pulled her under the water to meet him.

  Stephan glided her lean body down his own until he found her kiss-swollen lips. He kissed her fiercely, causing small bubbles to float to the surface. He wrapped his thick arms around her and kicked them to the surface using his strong legs, never breaking their kiss.

  Kat’s eyes widened in amazement. Heat flared through her body, pooled low in her core. Her body went up in flames, fire licked along her skin. Her fingers clutched at his back as she arched her hips toward him in a silent plea for relief. She wrapped her legs around his waist and allowed him to move them to the side of the pool where he set her onto the edge.

  He spread her thighs wide and drank in the view. “You are so beautiful,” he rasped just before he sank down to explore her with his mouth. He took one long lick to find her most sensitive spot and began circling the nub with sure strokes. Her overly sensitive skin helped her to reach the precipice of orgasm quickly. It built fast, and with one more flick of his tongue, he took her over the edge.

  She moaned in ecstasy when he rose above her, his muscles bunching as he stood up sending water running over his chest down and down his most manly parts. Katrina’s tongue flicked over her lips at the sight as her eyes tracked the droplets on their sinuous ride down his body. Her hand reached out to trace the water path with two fingers.


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