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Dear Sexy Swimmer (The Matchmaker Series)

Page 3

by Dee Ellis

  “Christ I love you.” I whisper against her mouth as I start to pull out. I shove back in when I feel her tense, her eyes shooting wide as she gapes up at me.

  “Pike? What... what... did you just... did you say...” Grunting as her breath picks up and her nipples rub against my chest, I nod and take her mouth once more.

  Twisting us so we’re lying side-by-side, I stay inside her, never wanting to leave. I hike her leg high up on my hip and pump inside her a few times. Cupping her face, I nod my head and watch her eyes.

  “I did say. Not because of how you just came on my cock and I filled your pussy. Or how I never want to stop being inside your perfect pussy. Said it because of how you make me feel. How much your words have mattered to me. How much you matter to me,” Bending into her, I slow my hips but still rock in to her tightness as I kiss her mouth and say what we both already know.

  “Maia, the past few months... you have become my everything. Our letters are better than any dating bullshit I have ever done. And we were always going to end up here. With me deep inside you telling you I love you. Because, I do, my Sexy Gem. I love you. God, so fucking much I don’t know how I didn’t come to find you before today.” Maia claws at my shoulders as I sink deeper and deeper, her eyes glittery with tears.

  “But we just met, really. How do you know... oh god!” I growl and pump hard a few times, feeling her edging her orgasm.

  “Knew before I saw you up there today how I felt. Minute I laid eyes on you I wanted to cross the room and steal you away. Bury myself inside you the same way you’ve buried yourself inside me. Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t love me.” Panic seizes me as I still inside her even though I know better. I know what she feels because the moment she saw me today I saw it on her face. Maia loves me.

  “I...,” Leaning away a little, Maia cradles my jaw in her hands to peer up at me. Her fingers stroke over my hair and down my jaw and with me inside her and her wrapped around me it feels like the most intimate gesture I have ever felt, “I do. I do love you. Think I loved you a thousand words ago. I love you, Pike.” I roar as pleasure pounds through me, twisting us again so she’s astride me.

  “Fuck me and say it again. Ride my cock while you tell me you love me.” I slap her ass as she grinds her hips and tosses her head back, moaning my name into the air.

  Maia likes to obey me, it seems. Because she plants her hands on my chest and starts to ride the hell out of my dick. I watch her chase her pleasure as she chants my name and tells me she loves me. When she rocks faster and faster, tits bouncing and hair wild, I know I won’t ever see a more beautiful sight than my woman owning my cock.

  We come together, shouting so loud I'm glad we’re alone out here. I gather her close and kiss her until we both ache from it. After, I carry her to the bathroom where I draw a bath and clean us both up. And then I eat her pussy until we need to clean up her sticky mess.

  Later we eat together—I refuse to let her put clothes on so that gets messy too—before we end up back in the shower. Maia drops to her knees and wraps her pretty mouth around my cock before I hoist her back up and empty myself inside her.

  Lying in bed together in the darkness we talk about the few things we didn’t share. Like my birthday and hers. How we both ended up here and why none of it really matters. I know what does matter.

  I love her. Love her so much I'd risk everything—Olympic gold included—to have what I have found with her. And, she loves me. Loves me enough that the risk of her losing her job seems insignificant to losing us.

  “Won’t let anyone take this from me. Let them take your job or my scholarship. Can’t take you away from me. All I care about is you. Us.” I promise as I gather her close and kiss her deep. Maia sighs into my mouth and it’s a sigh that let me knows she feels the same.

  I love Maia and she loves me.

  Nothing is going to change that.


  Dear Sexy Swimmer,

  I think you have my panties still. I still have your cum inside me. Seems like an even exchange.

  As soon as Pike reads the note I slip him at the start of class, I swear I can hear his groan. I watch as he adjusts his cock in his baggy sweats. Pike smirks and looks at me as if he has more than my panties in his pocket. He does. He totally does.

  “Keep quiet or I won’t make you come.” Pike panted earlier as he pounded into me from behind, bending me over my desk between classes.

  “Oops. Too late.” My teasing had only made him fuck me harder, his hips slamming into mine as his hands hooked at my shoulders.

  “Fucking hell, baby. Going to fill this pussy up. Make you teach class full of my cum. Make you stink of me so none of these fucks think they got a chance at this pussy.” Pike did just as he promised, coming hard and filling me up. He refused to give me back my panties before he headed off for practice and grinned as he watched his seed trickle down my leg.

  “Ms. Gamble, about next week’s assignment?” I look away from Pike as another student calls me over. I pretend not to notice him watching us closely.

  For weeks we have been playing a dangerous game. We come to school together every morning where he holds my hand as he walks me to my classroom. Between classes he drops off notes much like the letters we shared for so long.

  We share lunch in my office every day and often feed off each other for dessert. Since classes end before his practice does, I wind up watching my Sexy Swimmer in the pool for hours before we head home together.

  “Cute that you think you’re not living with me, baby.” Pike teased one morning after I mentioned needing to go to my place. Moving in together was never discussed, really. After our first night together he went and got Booker and I’ve never left since. I guess he won that non-argument.

  While we don’t flaunt our relationship because of what it could cost us both, we don’t exactly hide it. Pike is respectful even if he’s being filthy. Looking over I see him watching me as he writes a reply to the note I passed him earlier.

  We still share plenty of words but now we share everything else too. In the mornings we laugh while we do our routines and share breakfast. Our nights at home have rarely made it out of the loft bedroom.

  But when they do we spend them cuddled up watching movies or talking. We share all our words now. I explained finally what happened back home, and he’s told me how he didn’t know what a home felt like because all he has ever done is train.

  Pike tells me about how being in the water—even when it’s tiring and feels like work—centers him. I tell him that making jewelry does the same for me. It both explains our silly code names for the matchmaker service and one of a thousand things we seem to share in common.

  Being a teacher was always my safe Plan B. Making jewelry that feeds my soul and makes me feel like I’ve offered the world something lovely was never something I had the nerve to bet my life on. Seems the life I bet on—being just a wife and maybe a mother—was the losing plan after all.

  “I want you to believe in yourself the way I do, baby.” Pike said just a few nights ago after I showed him some of my work.

  “Maybe now that I know someone else does, I might be able to. What about you? You know I believe in you in or out of the water, right?” Although he loves swimming and is sickly skilled at it, I sensed through our letters and the weeks since we’d met that it doesn’t fill his soul up.

  “I do, Maia. You are what fills my soul up now. What makes me want to do something more than chase gold.” Pike is so good with his words, always sweet and supportive.

  I know whatever he’s scribbling to me now will remind me they’re also filthy and I smirk as I answer the student's questions about the first midterm quiz we have coming.

  “Got it, thanks. One more thing,” I look away from the student to smile at Pike, nodding absently as the student goes on, “You are fuckhot, Ms. Gamble. Being a senior means I can do something about it, too.” I jump a little when I feel fingertips walk up the back of my thigh.
  “Not if you want to keep breathing.” Beside me the lowest, darkest grumble I have ever heard makes me jump again. This one twists my insides up and makes my thighs quake.

  “Mind your business, Pike.” Before I can say a word to either of them the bell rings. Pike yanks me behind him as the student—who it seems Pike knows well—jumps to his feet. Students file out past us, thankfully oblivious to the exchange.

  “Ms. Gamble is my business. Clearly a fact you are aware of since you tried to put your hands on her. Can’t beat me in the water, what do you think are your chances on land, bro? Especially since this is no game. You touch her again you will find out how fucking fast I make you sink. You hearing me?” Pike is large and lean as he towers over this other swimmer. From behind his shoulder, I watch the guy smirk triumphantly.

  “Fucking faculty will cost your scholarship, golden boy. Once he’s done with you come find me; I’ll fuck you without worrying about losing shit.” I'm shoved back before I realize Pike has even moved. In the next second he swings fast and sends the other man sprawling back into the rows of seats behind him.

  “Come near her again you won’t be able to walk let alone fucking swim.” Pike roars before I shove at him to push him from the room.

  Coming to the first open door I push him inside it and slam it after us. I flip the lock before he’s on me, ripping at my sweater and tearing at my bra. I just meant to get him away from the situation. This works too.

  “You belong to me. No one else can fucking touch you.” Pike grunts as he hoists me up, closing his mouth around my nipple. I arch into him as heat sizzles through me, nodding in agreement.

  “No one else, baby. No one.” Clawing at his shoulders, I shove at his sweats with my knees and gasp when his cock springs out to slap against my pussy. He rubs it between my folds before drawing back and spearing inside me.

  “Tell me. Tell me now.” My head bounces back against the door as he fucks me rough and fast, his teeth pulling at my nipple, his hands lifting me again and again.

  “I love you. I love you Pike.” I do, more than I ever knew I could.

  I would risk everything for him. Because, really, he has become my everything. Those words we spent so many weeks sharing made me fall long before he walked into my classroom. I would risk losing my job, my license, anything that could keep me from having him.

  “Fuck, baby. I love you. More than anything. I won’t let them take you away from me. I won’t.” Pike seems desperate as he slams into me, the door rattling from the force of his thrusts.

  “They can’t. I belong to you. Always.” Pike stills a moment as if the fog he’s lost in suddenly lifts.

  “Love you. Always. Fucking always. You and me, Maia. Always.” Nodding my head as tears sting my eyes, I smile as he bends to kiss at my lips, my eyes, lick my tears away.

  “Always.” I cry out as he thrusts once more, both of us coming.

  Pike buries his face in my neck and gathers me close, shaking as he fills me once again. I know he means his words but I also know what he would be giving up. And I don’t want to cost him anything.

  “I will go,” I whisper as I comb my fingers through his hair, “Leave school. I won’t let them take away your dreams, Pike.” Pike growls an animalistic sound that both excites and terrifies me.

  “You are my dream, baby. Us. Swimming is just something I do. Not who I am. Being yours, starting our life, building something with you, that’s who I am. Who I want to be. They can take my scholarship. I won’t let you give up your career.” I laugh and drop my lips to his, kissing his sexy, stupid mouth.

  “Mmm, I love you. Teaching was never my dream either, Pike. It’s just something I do. I can find...” I gasp as the door handle rattles right by my ass, which Pike holds in his hands.

  Pike is still inside me and someone is at the door. Fuck me. As if hearing my thoughts, Pike thrusts into me again with a smirk, slamming me against the door. Another jiggle before a booming voice asks who’s in the dean’s office makes us both stop.

  Groaning he slips out of me to tuck his dick away as I fix my clothes. Knowing it's too late to fix the damage—we smell like guilt and sex and I have cum dripping down my thighs—I sigh as we unlock the door to let the dean into his office.

  Dean Saunders is and older man, soft-spoken, and kind. Graying at the temples, he always looks like he knows what’s going on. I presume he often does. His eyes swing between the two of us and I watch as he tries to appear clueless. I can tell he has every idea what he walked in on.

  “Ms. Gamble. Mr. Paine. Why are you locked away in my office?” Pike shoots me a look before he answers for us both.

  “I got in to an altercation with another student. He made a pass at Ms. Gamble and I got upset. Ms. Gamble broke it up and brought me here.” Dean Saunders quirks a brow and I swear his mouth twitches slightly.

  “Ms. Gamble are you harmed?” I shake my head as I square my shoulders.

  “No sir. Regardless, I think it’s safe to say I can no longer continue here. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us.” Pike draws me close with an arm around my shoulders, touching his head to mine.

  “Oh. Oh. I see,” Saunders smiles a little as he rubs at his chin, “I think I understand. Does anyone else know how you feel?” His eyes regard the two of us and I know what he’s asking. Does anyone know we’re seeing one another?

  “No sir. Matt Hayes accused us of something and I would not stand for it. He’s not wrong, Mr. Saunders,” Pike kisses my temple and brings me closer, “But I won’t let anyone talk to her the way he was.” Knowing my position here is over—and truly not caring—I twist into him in a show of support.

  “You do realize what this means for both of you?” Pike nods as he wraps both his arms around me.

  “Yes, sir, I do. I will accept whatever punishment you think is necessary for me pursuing Ms. Gamble. I met her before the semester started so neither of us realized the situation.” I nod as well as I prepare to speak my piece.

  Finding what I had found with Pike forced me to realize I didn’t need to worry about Plan B. I could do something that fed my soul the same way he did. Everything that had happened, including my heartbreak back home had brought me here.

  A matchmaking service had reminded me Plan A—to fall in love and find happily ever after—was the plan I was meant to live out.

  “While I totally appreciate being given a chance to teach here, I realize now I was never meant to teach. Just to be here when I was.” I share a look with Pike who nods and gives me a squeeze.

  “I understand. Mr. Paine, your talent is very much respected and revered here. Being as it seems your relationship started before school and you’re both adults, nothing needs to be said about this. Your scholarship won’t be affected.” I launch myself at Dean Saunders to give him a grateful hug but Pike yanks me back with a growl.

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate your understanding our situation. If I need to be punished for the altercation, I will accept that.” Pike and the Dean share a look before we head from the office.

  Pike is wound tight as he leads me away, keeping me close to his side. I feel relief mingle with fear, unsure about his mood. Rushing down the halls past my office and out to the grounds, he says nothing.

  “Pike! He is going to let you finish school!” I frown as he leads me to his truck and tears the door open.

  I am lifted up and set inside before he’s peeling away from the lot. When he speeds towards his place, I'm still clueless. Parking in front of the adorable cabin I’ve started to consider home, Pike yanks me over the console and I gasp to find his cock out.

  “You’re officially mine. Get on my cock.” I laugh and then moan when he yanks me down and drives up at the same time.

  As he fills me and draws me close it begins to make sense. For weeks we thought we had to be so careful. Or at least, I did. We stole moments between classes and hid away out here to be together. Now that we no longer have to fear the costs of us being togeth
er, we both seem flooded with the reality of this thing

  It’s official and real and feels so Goddamn good I would have taken whatever punishment we might have been given.

  Moaning as he shoves as deep as he can, I let him claim my mouth and all the rest of me. Not sure how he manages it but he carries me up to the house still seated deep inside me.

  Stumbling through the door, he makes it to the rug in front of the fireplace before he stops. Kneeling, he makes quick work of getting us both naked before he spreads me out.

  “Goddamn are you really mine?” Pike traces all my dips and curves with his strong hands, leaving me shuddering.

  “I'm all yours.” Sobering as he kneels between my legs, he kisses me softly.

  “I love you so much, my Sexy Gem. Don’t want you somewhere that doesn’t fill your heart up. Stay here with me. Make your jewelry. Make me come. Make me babies. Make me a husband and a daddy.” A sound bursts past my lips as he lifts my left hand to kiss my ring finger.

  “Pike?” This man. He never says what I expect and my eyes burn with tears as he smirks down at me.

  “Maia. Marry me. Be my wife. Swimming is not my dream, baby. You are. But I will finish school and win gold so I can take care of you for the rest of our lives. I love you more than anything.” I nod through my tears as I reach for him.

  I fell a little more in love with my Sexy Swimmer with every letter we sent. With every word, really.

  Pike helped to restore my faith in myself and I know without a doubt that I love him. And I know, looking up into his eyes, that he truly loves me too. We found love between the pages of letters that we poured our souls into.

  Signing up for a matchmaking service was just to ease my loneliness. To give Pike a chance to share himself with someone who didn’t care if he never got gold. Our letters were the start of something so special words on paper could never contain it.


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