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Falling Stars (Starstruck Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Krys Janae

  Alisa turned to Edward but remained silent. She wasn’t sure how much of Logan’s life he’d been exposed to but in this line of work, he could probably figure it out.

  “Now I’ve seen the news. With our kids in showbiz, it’s kind of hard to avoid it. I know Logan was seen with some other woman, and I know that they tend to embellish when it comes to that nonsense. I can, however, tell you there’s truth in the fact that my son loves you.”

  The words of wisdom spouting from Edward Rider’s mouth were appreciated, even if she stayed quiet. She did agree. She knew Logan wasn’t the type, so why was she letting this get out of control? The tabloids, the Facebook slamming, the paparazzi. Everything was spiraling out of hand.

  “Please give him a shot to figure himself out. This is the first relationship since he left the nest that he’s allowed us to actually get in on meet the girl and love her as much as we love our own son. We really do think you guys are a great match, kiddo. Logan loves you.”

  She leaned her head on his shoulder and offered a half hug to him, a humble thank you for his chat. “I know.”

  “I love you. Jana loves you. Samantha, Joseph, Katie, everyone ... they love you too.” It warmed her heart to know that Edward felt this way, and it was amazing to be part of a family who felt so strongly about her. “I know you’re a writer, and I know you’ve heard or written any and all clichés … but you are a part of our family, and we won’t forget that you turned our boy’s life around. You got him to settle down, clean himself up, and even pursue directing. I never thought that would happen, but you made it happen somehow.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Alisa shook her head.

  “He fell in love with you. That’s all it took. Look, Jana and I have been together for over thirty years. We have gone through things and learned several life-lessons the hard way. It takes time to work on a partnership. Whatever it is that has happened ... it’ll pass. Everything will work out. No matter what, though, we love you, Alisa. You always have us.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”


  It was moments like these that made her miss her own father. Edward was a wonderful man, and she loved everything about him, from his quick wit to his charm. After her chat with her father-in-law, Alisa walked back inside. It was nice to feel the cool breeze after being cooped up in the warm house, embarrassed out of her mind over dinner, but it gave her enough time to reflect on what needed to happen next. She found Logan resting on the bed when she came in, watching television. He put his show on mute when he saw her.

  “Listen ...”“About last night ...”

  “What about it?” He asked, looking up at her with a hopeful smile. His eyes were brighter than she’d seen in a great while.

  It was a little more difficult to get out into words than it had been mulling over it after she talked with Edward. He was so eager to fix things between them, but she knew Logan needed help. She started to fidget, trying to busy her shaking hands when she finally decided to let it out. “I-I’m going back to John and Alex’s place tonight.”

  “What? Why can’t you come home?” How quickly the air changed; his expression, his tone, the room. It all felt heavier, darker, and doubtful.

  She remained silent.

  “So, what, is this it? Is this how it’s going to be? You just take off your ring and leave?” He was staring intently at her, but she couldn’t bear to look at him.

  “I don’t know.” Her response came out a whisper.

  “Baby, I never see you anymore. Everywhere I turn, I see you checked in with that sonofabitch—”

  “Before I left, I hardly saw you. You were always ” She stopped before becoming overwhelmed by her own emotion. “Look, this is an issue between you and me. Just leave Evan out of this. Please.”

  “Why?” Logan’s eyes were more intense now. “He doesn’t have any trouble butting into our lives and trying to take you from me.”

  “He doesn’t have to try.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked.

  “We’re working together, Logan. The show, the movie, we’re in this together. Something I thought we were, you and I, but you’ve spent more time out with Christian and her, if you want to put it like that.”

  “Come on,” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Are you really going to compare me hanging out with my friends to you cavorting with some douchebag who clearly wants to get in your pants?”

  That was it. Alisa’s emotions had boiled over. “Are you listening to yourself right now?”

  He folded his arms and said nothing more.

  “Jesus! If I can just get this all out there. Hear me out. This life, it … I thought it was for me. The cameras, the rumors, the rush. Sometimes I miss being that writer from that one town where people don’t judge you for what designer you’re not wearing. Eating lunch without hounds wanting to take my picture. I haven’t been out to see my mom in over a year. As far as work goes, though, Ron called. We’re holding auditions in New York for some of the other principle cast members, and I’m going back out there to meet with Jenn.”

  His face did not change. “I assume you’re going with him?”


  “Wonderful.” Logan muttered.

  “No, you can’t do that to me, Logan. You can’t get mad because I’m going out on business. You left me for months. For months to go work on some movie you kept so tightly under wraps, and why? You’re off with some tramp I knew nothing about until recently, someone you’ve been sleeping with on the side? Someone … who made you turn back to a life I thought you were done with, and you get mad at me?”

  “How is this any different, Lis? Evan walks right into your life. At first you tell me you worry about working with him, about how you despise him and his attitude. Then he kissed you—”

  “No. This is nowhere near on even ground right now.” Alisa folded her arms.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know what, yeah! He fucking kissed me. At first I wanted to make some dumb excuse about how it was for work, for the show that you dragged me into, by the way—but I don’t know, he just kissed me. That’s all! I didn’t jump into bed with him—I didn’t fuck him, because I love you. I’m married to you. When I tried to talk to you about your moods, your problems, you know what you did? You shrugged me off. You acted like buying me a ring, or a dress or a phone or a fucking car would make it all go away, but it didn’t. Stop trying to make this about just you because if you want to talk about marriage, it’s a partnership. Believe me, I’ve gone through this shit before. This isn’t some sort of movie where it all plays out okay in the end. I don’t even know how it’s supposed to end.”

  Something in her words stuck because he was petrified. They were standing across from one another. His gaze fell to the floor. He may have been crying, but Alisa couldn’t tell. This was the crossroads she was dreading, but she felt damned no matter which road she took. Not to mention, after numerous times of taking the path that lead to the same place, wasn’t it time to change?

  After a beat, he spoke up. “It’s supposed to end with you and me, Lis. Together.”

  “Logan. Sweetheart. I’m not some Hollywood girl who is easily distracted by shiny things. You knew that when you married me. I’m small-town. Something everyone in this goddamned industry is dying to tell me every single day, and you know what – I am okay with that. I’m okay with being small-town. I didn’t need all of the glitz and glamour. I just wanted to be with you. Apparently I wasn’t fully aware of the price I’d be paying to get that.”

  “You have me. What more do you want?”

  “You have Kirsten now, Logan. I have family I need to be with, a movie to film, and a show to work on but at this immediate moment, I think I just … I need to get away from this for a while.”

  “From this?”

  “From us.”

  The ring was with her the whole time. She never left the house without it, even though she tried to h
ide it in her jewelry box at Alex and John’s. She placed it on the end table and picked up a box of her belongings. Everything started moving slowly, unlike the previous fights. Alisa had already been through one dark and terrible marriage, and even though this started out wonderfully, it had taken an unexpected turn for the worst.

  “So that’s it? It’s just like that—you are leaving me? Are you going to go find your sunset to ride off into with that bastard?”

  “His name is Evan, and no. I’m not like you. You know, I just can’t do this again. I can’t handle broken promises, empty ones at that. Before I can move on from this, I need to know you are serious about getting help. I did what I could before, but it isn’t working now. I wanted to be the dutiful wife, the wife who loved you, who waited for you to come home … and you still chose to go back to that. I need to hear it from you that you’re serious about helping yourself.”

  Logan shifted his eyes away from her. His lips parted to speak, but no words came out.

  Her lips trembling, she let a stray tear fall from her eye before grabbing her stuff. “Goodbye, Logan.”

  “Alisa, please don’t do this, don’t go—I’ll … I’ll go get help! Don’t leave--”

  By the time he attempted to make yet another empty promise, she’d shut the front door on her way out. The trek to her car was like walking the long corridor to her own execution. Alisa tossed her things into the backseat and climbed in the driver’s side. She closed it quickly and locked herself in. She didn’t leave her driveway, and Logan hadn’t come out either. On one hand, a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. On the other, she felt the onslaught of emotions take over, and she was in tears yet again. This time though, her tears were filled with worry and uncertainty. On top of that, she worried about Edward and Jana. She didn’t want to lose them as family. She loved them both.

  She’d been sitting in her car bawling for at least five minutes when she heard her phone buzzing from inside her purse. Part of her wanted to ignore it; it was probably the studio or her editor nagging her for some reason or another. No, something told Alisa to answer this call. When she saw that it was John calling, she accepted it.

  “John. Hi…”

  “Sweetie, something’s happened.”

  “This is a really bad time.” Alisa clamped the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she started her car.

  “It’s about Ray. You need to come down here. Now.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I came as soon as I got the call. What’s going on?” Alisa grasped David’s hands as he rose to greet her. Alex and John were there as well.

  Everyone looked so troubled; glassy-eyed and silently panicking in the hospital waiting room. It wasn’t until David explained the news that her legs gave way. He caught her before she fell, but she felt instantly lightheaded.

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s on a lot of medication. Doctor’s said we can’t see him until they come out to get us.” David’s voice was calm, despite the two shimmering streams dripping down his cheeks. His worried face made Alisa’s heart drop.

  “The kids?”

  “Dawn has them. She and Jean are going to watch them until Alex and I leave here tonight.”

  “Did anyone call Ron?”

  “Dawn already took care of that.”

  “And what about the—”

  “Sweetie, shhh …” Alex stood up to comfort her.

  Alisa hadn’t realized it, but she was shaking badly. There was so much for her mind to take in. Her heart was aching, even worse than the pain of walking away from her husband. Ray was one of her best friends, someone who had stayed by her side no matter what issues came about. He was there when she needed a place to stay, a person to talk to …

  “You can see him now.”

  David nodded at her to take this round. He had already been in there for a while before she arrived. Alex and John stayed with him in the waiting room.

  Taking the doctor’s lead, Alisa followed him towards Ray’s room.

  Alisa felt like she was walking through a funhouse; first through the hall of mirrors and then that tunnel with the spinning walls. Though she may have maintained her composure on the outside, her insides were twirling, making her sick to her stomach. The possibilities of what could unfold once she reached Ray’s room were more than she could handle. Focusing only on the white coat in front of her, she imagined a calm, white room, void of much else but light and cool air. It was an exercise Evie had taught her when she became overwhelmed.

  Once they reached the room, she took a deep breath and crossed the threshold when the doctor opened the door. He gestured for her to walk in first, and he followed behind her.

  “Mr. Day, we have someone here to see you.”

  Seeing Ray on his hospital bed wearing nothing but his blue hospital gown, accessorized with tubes and monitors, made Alisa gasp. His skin was already somewhat fair, but the anemic lighting and the medication lightened his complexion even further.

  “I’ll leave you to speak with him. Please page me if you need anything.” The doctor excused himself with a polite nod and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

  Alisa watched the doctor walk away then turned back to see her friend. Part of her hoped that when she turned around it would be some wild figment of her imagination; it would be a dream, and her friend was miraculously healed, dancing, singing or teasing her like he always did. Alas, it was reality.

  She pulled a chair over to the side of his bed but remained standing. She looked down at him with such pity and empathy in her eyes, they were glistening with tears. Her lip quivered, and he must have noticed because he instinctively reached up to take her hand.

  “Hey, kid.” Ray offered a weak smile. “What are you doing here?”

  Her eyes pulled together, “What do you mean?”

  Ray coughed gently, “Aren’t you supposed to be heading back to New York or something? What are you still doing here?”

  Yes. Ron had called her to tell her she’d be leaving soon, but her entire world stopped when she heard he was in the hospital. “It can wait. I belong here with you right now.”

  “Oh, please don’t get all sentimental on me. I’m not dying … yet.”

  Though she was crying her eyes out, she managed to laugh. Ray could always get her to laugh. “Stop that right now.”

  Ray coughed again, though this time it caused him to groan in pain, and he weakly reached up to grasp his side.

  “I hate to see you like this,” she confessed, squeezing his hand tightly.

  He chuckled, “I hate to see me like this, and believe me it feels about as bad as I look. Probably worse.”

  “You look fine. Cut it out.”

  “Well, whatever they gave me is pretty damn killer. Remind me to stock up on this when I leave.”

  “Save your strength.”

  “Hey, I’m not as fragile as you think. You know they told me to go to the light, and I said hell no and flipped a U-turn because I wasn’t going out like that.” Ray remained sassy, even in his hospital bed. Alisa expected no less.

  It was a reflex to cry. He started to, and she continued to. Alisa had shed so many tears in the last few months. It was exhausting, but this couldn’t be helped. The situation was so unexpected, and the pain was immense.

  “I thought I was going to die, Lis. I thought that was it. I thought I would never get to see David again. The kids …”

  She held his hand tightly as she stood by his side. Her free hand reached up and brushed the hair from his sweaty forehead. Alisa was shaking again, but their grasp on one another steadied their unease. There was a silent exchange as they looked at one another, one miserable and desperate, the other worried and pitiful. So much had happened in the last few months, but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back, as they say. Alisa was so worn out by the events of her life as of late. Now was not the time to think only of herself. Her friend recently had a brush with death.

little ones; Abigail and Brendan?”

  “They’re safe. Dawn has them now.”

  His eyes fluttered shut, and he let a few tears fall down his cheeks. “I didn’t think I’d ever get to hold them again.”

  Her heart broke watching him cry. “You’re going to be fine, sweetie. I promise. The doctors said you’ll be back up in no time. You just need to relax, okay?”

  “I can’t relax, Alisa.”

  “You have to.”

  “If I relax, nothing will get done. The studio, we have a lot going. The show, the movie, and all of the--” There was immense panic on his face.

  “Shhh—hey! Hey … Ray … I am here to help you with whatever you need. You’re not the only one who works there, babe. Okay? Please …” She cooed, her voice gentle to soothe his anxious mind. “It’s your heart that needs to rest. Please, Ray, you can’t … I can’t lose you.”

  Ray was looking at her with wide eyes. He found himself gripping tightly to her wrist as he realized he had overreacted to the situation. With a gulp, he released her at once. “My heart.”

  Alisa assumed it was only a side-effect of the medication. She’d been in no pain while in his grasp, but when she looked into his eyes, she could see the stress and the heartbreak and emotion from his words. She gently pushed her friend back onto the bed until he was relaxed, and the two let out a deep breath. “Your heart, sweetie. So much work…stress…caffeine…”

  He stubbornly scoffed with a classic Ray Day eye roll.

  “I’m serious. You need to slow down. Not only are you overworked, but from what I was told, your heart needs the rest.”

  “If I’m in here any longer they’re going to find more things wrong with me…”

  “Your heart is important, babe. You need to settle down and take care of yourself, okay?” Alisa spoke as comfortingly as she could, offering a smile through her bloodshot eyes from all of the crying. “We’ll deal with anything else later. And you’re going to kick its ass because you’re Ray Day.”

  Once the dust settled, they pondered in a silent exchange. Alisa understood where he was coming from, and Ray was glad that someone, other than his husband, knew what he’d been going through.


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