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Adventures in Sugarland

Page 6

by M J Marstens

  But no one’s touching it.

  I enjoy the cruel torment.

  I see Licorice has his whip ready and he commands Anise to go place her hands on the wall. When she complies, her back on full display, Licorice unleashes on the silky smooth expanse. Anise screams, but Licorice never stops. He’s certainly a master of his trade, I’ll give him that. Although Anise’s skin welts becomingly, he never breaks it.

  After twenty lashings, he stops, panting.

  Anise is sobbing, but still begging for more.

  The tincture makes her nearly immune to the pain.

  I can’t fucking wait until it wears off.

  Just then, the servant comes running back, wheeling a table with straps.

  Oh, how fun.

  I expect Licorice to strap her down, but he’s out of control. He bends her over the table, violently jerks the butt plug from her ass, and slams his cock balls deep inside her. My own dick is on fire watching them. Anise’s face is a cross between pleasure and pain. I know Licorice is hurting her, but she can’t contain her own desire.

  In seconds, she comes, and I can see the sweet wetness of it running down her legs.

  Licorice fucks her ass forever before he finally pulls out and coats her back with his cum.

  “My turn,” I growl. “Strap her down.”

  Anise scrambles to get up on the table and basically ties herself up for us.

  “Good girl,” I praise, and she smiles through her tears.

  I lean over and lick one off her cheek.

  “Hold on, gumdrop, this is going to hurt,” I warn.

  I ball my hand up into a fist and shove it into her dripping cunt.

  Her body bows against the invasion, but her pussy seems to suck me in deeper. I fist Anise deeply, loving the feel of her velvety wet folds hugging around me. I push further inside, watching her pussy envelope my wrist and some of my arm until I can go no further. Then I pummel in and out of her viciously. I can tell she’s close to coming and wonder how this could be pleasurable for her. Maybe my sweet little gumdrop is like me, and gets off to the pain.

  The thought makes my head swim and I stop my torture.

  She’s not coming any time soon and the thought makes me grin.

  I pull my fist out of her cunt and bury my face in it, instead.

  Fuck, she tastes better than anything I’ve ever tried.

  Just before she can peak, I pull back, rising over her, and thrust my dick inside of her. I fuck her hard and fast, coming before she can. Then I slip away, not letting her find her release. Licorice is hovering nearby, and again, explodes all over her body. Fuck, I want her caked in my cum, too. I jerk my dick quickly, even though I just came. It’s almost painful, but I love it and whine a little when I finally spunk all over her tits.

  We do this for hours.

  Sometimes Licorice will let her come, but I never do.

  I savor her frustration, her tears, and her begging.

  It’s the last thing I think of before I pass out in a guest room from exhaustion.



  I hear a voice calling me.


  It calls again, but I’m too tired to heed it.


  This time my eyes fly open.

  Only one person calls me this: Graham.

  The world around me is dark, so dark, and I’m discombobulated and confused. Where am I? I open my mouth to call for my brother, but something inside of me cautions me to keep quiet. I carefully look around and everything comes rushing back to me.

  Jolly Rancher.

  Lord Licorice.

  The gumdrop tincture.

  I’m still lying strapped to the table, my body cold and crusty from all the cum splashed on me hours ago. A shiver of disgust runs down my spine. Graham isn’t here. I was dreaming, only to wake up in a nightmare. I need to get out of here.

  With the gumdrop tincture out of my system, everything comes crashing in with nauseating force. Every detail, every memory, is a lurid reminder of what those men made me do. Unconsciously, I pull at the bindings holding me down and notice the left tie around my wrist seems looser than the other. I quietly twist my wrist every which way, working it until I manage to slip my hand through the loop.

  With one hand free, I struggle to get the other off, and eventually get my right hand unbound. I listen intently, not hearing anything but my ragged breaths filling the great hall. From what little I can see, I’m the only one left in the room, but I still don’t want to chance being too loud and alerting someone to my actions.

  The straps at my feet are a little stronger and take longer for me to loosen. By the time I manage to get both my feet out, my ankles are cracked and bleeding from working the rope against them, but I barely notice. I spring off the table and dash out of the great hall, through the waiting chamber, into the foyer, and out the front door.

  I don’t even stop to think that Lord Licorice might have wards in place like Mari had at the brothel. Or maybe he did, and like at the gingerbread house, my desire to escape was greater than the magic trying to keep me in. Whatever the case, I’m free. I flee into the night and never look back.

  I run and run.

  There is no path for me to follow anymore and I have no sense of direction, but I veer away from the mountains.

  If I never see another mountain or gumdrop again in my life, it will be too soon.

  Eventually, the land flattens back out and the ground becomes dry and brittle, cracking under my feet as I go. The land seems to be barren now, an open expanse with nothing in sight. I stop to get a better look. The moon is merely a peeping crescent in the sky tonight and barely sheds any light below. I spin in a slow circle. There are mountains behind me and to my left, and nothing but open expanse in front of me and to my right.

  I do one more twirl and suddenly freeze.

  There, in the distance, are two yellow oblong circles, low to the ground.

  I see them blink and I know they’re eyes, but of what, I haven’t a clue.

  Graham and I always thought once we made it to Sugarland, the dangers would be over. We would be welcomed into the kingdom and ushered to safety to broker a treaty. In reality, Sugarland is twice as big as The Savory Citadel and appears twice as untamed. While we don’t have a lot of predators back home, the one thing they all have in common is they’re nocturnal.

  What are the odds those eyes belong to something soft and cuddly?

  Well, I’m not sticking around to find out.

  Even though there’s a stitch in my side, I kick my feet into gear and start running once more. I foolishly look behind me and see the yellow orbs are moving.


  Too swiftly.

  Whatever it is will catch up to me in no time, and with nowhere to run or hide, I’m in deep trouble.

  A howl sounds behind me and I know the thing is nearly upon me.

  Tears streak down my face, blinding me, so I miss the shadow looming in front of me, and slam right into it.

  “HALT!” a powerful voice commands.

  Instantly, I freeze.

  I try to jerk my body back into motion, but I truly cannot move, except for breathing and blinking. Inside my head, my mind is a whirlwind of panic, though. What’s happening? If I don’t move, I’m basically a standing meal for whatever is chasing me!

  There’s a commotion behind me, a yelp, and the sickening sound of bones breaking and cracking.

  “Release,” the same powerful voice directs, and all movement flows back into my body.

  I whirl around to find the stranger right behind me. I try to peer around him to see what was chasing me, and what he did to the creature, but the man blocks my view.

  “You don’t want to see that. Come along. It looks like you could use some help.”

  I nearly snort.

  I’m a naked woman painted in two different men’s cum, running from an unknown predator of the night.

Needing some help is understating it.

  Of course, aside from seeing I’m naked, I doubt the stranger can assess the rest of the situation in the dark. I truly hesitate to go with him after what’s happened, but I do need assistance, and maybe he can help me find my stepbrother.

  “Thank you,” I whisper cautiously.

  “The name’s Chester, but everyone calls me Grandpa Nutt. Let’s get you to my cabin and cleaned up. It looks like you’ve had a rough night.”

  Now I blush.

  Maybe Chester has better night vision than me, even though he must be old to be called ‘grandpa’. I nod my head in acceptance and Chester takes my hand to lead me into the dark of the night. We walk for a bit, and eventually, a large square shape comes into view. Relief seeps through me.



  Except, how much can I really trust this man who can command you with his words alone?

  I shudder remembering his magic.

  “You can control others?” I ask him hesitantly.

  We reach the cabin, and I notice the exterior appears to be made up of some kind of lumpy material, but in the dark, I can’t distinguish it.

  Chester opens the front door but blocks me from entering.

  “Yes, but my command wasn’t for you. It was for the Praline.”


  “The animal that was chasing you. They usually run in packs, but sometimes a rogue one will wander through the plains. This one seemed rabid.”

  My abused mind struggles to keep up.

  “Come inside and get warm. I have some roasted nuts that should fill you up.”

  Food sounds divine, so I slip through the door and into Chester’s home.

  It smells cozy, that’s the best word I can describe the scents assaulting my nose.

  Chester leads me to a living room and seats me on a couch, before going over to his fireplace and stoking the flames until the fire is raging once more. I lean back weakly and promptly fall asleep.


  “Wake up, little one,” I urge, using my magic to compel the sleeping beauty on my couch awake.

  She barely stirs and I know her body must be past the point of exhaustion to not heed my power’s call. I give it one more try, and this time, she twitches to life. Her eyes pop open and widen in shock as she takes in my face looming over hers, but it’s nothing compared to the shock I feel when I gaze into the most purple eyes I’ve ever seen.

  “Who are you?” I command without thinking.

  “Anise,” she responds.

  The name doesn’t ring a bell, but fuck if those eyes don’t mean something. All my musings go out the window when she shivers. Later is soon enough for answers. First things first, Anise needs a bath. I’m not one to judge, but the girl is covered in jizz. My guess is it wasn’t consensual, or why would she have been running?

  She came from the direction of Lord Dickorice, so anything is possible.

  And, she’s wearing a collar embossed with fucking cherries.

  As I said, I’ll get my answers eventually.

  “Would you like to bathe?” I ask her gently.

  “You’re not a grandpa!” she suddenly blurts out, and I toss my head back to laugh.

  She glowers at me sullenly, and I want to kiss the glare off her pouty, full lips.

  “No, I’m not. It’s just a nickname because of the gray in my hair. I’m the oldest lord in King Kandi’s realm, after General Caramello, and my friends tease me about being a silver fox. They’re just jealous, of course, that a man who’s decades older gets more attention than them.”

  Anise giggles.

  “I can see why,” she shyly compliments, and I feel my dick give a twitch.

  I frown.

  I very rarely lose control, but this slip of girl has me envisioning all sorts of naughty things we could do together. Naughty things that are completely out of the question, considering her state of undress.

  “Come with me,” I order brusquely, and I notice her get up mechanically.

  Cursing, I release my command, not intending to compel her.

  “You’re very susceptible to my magic,” I note.

  Her brow furrows, and she nibbles on her lower lip apprehensively.

  “Is that bad?” she asks, but I know she’s seeking reassurance I won’t use it against her.

  “No,” I soothe. “My magic just likes you.”

  I throw in a wink and get a blush and another giggle in return.


  Anise is a pretty little thing, but when she smiles, she’s utterly stunning.

  “This way,” I lead, taking her upstairs.

  I show her to the bathroom and grin at her gasp of surprise.

  “What is this?” she wonders.

  “Piping,” I explain. “You push this lever up and down to draw water up from the well to fill the tub. It passes through the fire and the water becomes heated. The water should be just right, but don’t touch the pipes or else you’ll get burned.”

  Anise nods her understanding and I show her how to work the lever. Once I know she can handle everything, I leave her to bathe. Anise is wrapped tightly in the blanket I covered her in last night, so I know her nudity is not her choice. I set about trying to find her some clothes, but the best I can come up with is an old shirt.

  At least, she can wear it as a dress and cinch it down with some rope.

  Letting enough time pass until I know the water must be getting cold, I finally go back upstairs. I knock politely and hear her timid call to come in. I admit that I stumble a bit when I see Anise, wrapped in a towel, her long hair out of its braids, tumbling in wet curls down her back. Her skin a rosy pink from the bath and clean of the offensive fluids.

  She looks positively radiant, and I can’t stop my body’s reaction to her, my dick hardening at the sight of her dewy curves on display.

  I cough and turn to set down her makeshift dress.

  “This is for you to wear. I’m sorry, it’s all I have, but it’s big enough it should be like a dress. Oh, and you can tighten it with this piece of rope.”

  I hold up the length of cord, and Anise’s face pales, her knees buckling.

  I lunge forward and barely catch her in time.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She’s shaking and doesn’t answer me.

  I hesitate.

  I’ve never used my powers for ill, but I fear for Anise. I can’t help her if I don’t know what’s wrong, and I know this woman is as stubborn as she is beautiful. She will not tell me her secrets anytime soon.

  I close my eyes, warring with myself.

  “Tell me what happened last night to lead you here,” I direct before I can think better of it.

  I leave the command open so she can choose to only tell me the most pertinent details.

  Anise’s eyes widen, I can see her hurt and dismay, but she doesn’t fight my magic. Instead, she tells me everything. And when I say everything, I mean all of it.

  Her childhood, losing her parents but gaining a brother.

  Growing up in the palace.

  Going on the king’s mission.

  Getting lost.

  Mari finding her and her stepbrother.

  Living in hell for two years.


  Plumpy, Pepper, and Graham.

  Jolly and Lord Dickorice.

  The gumdrop tincture.

  All of it.

  Every last sordid, delicious detail.

  Not about Mari, Jolly, and Licorice.

  Those details were just sordid.

  Those three just made it to the top of my ‘to kill slowly and painfully’ list.

  No, I mean every want, desire, and fantasy about Plumpy and Pepper.

  And those about her stepbrother.

  When she described her first kiss with Plumpy, I wonder if he even knew.

  When she reminisced about Pepper tongue-fucking her to her first freely-chosen orgasm, did they know the gift t
hey gave her?

  When she mentions her stepbrother’s name, does he know how much she loves and wants him?

  My gut tightens, knowing how many men are already involved in her life, but damn if I don’t want to be a part of it, too. I shake my head at the sheer insanity of it. I met this girl last night. She’s a stranger to me, not even a Sugarlander, but her warmth calls out to me.

  Anise needs a champion.

  It sounds like she already has three, so what’s one more?


  “How could you!” I snap in accusation at Chester.

  He holds his hands up in regretful supplication.

  “I didn’t compel you to tell me everything, merely what happened that led you to me from the night before. You chose to tell me the rest of your story.”

  I can’t be sure since I don’t know how magic works, but I can hear the sincerity in his voice. I chew my lip, stewing. I spilled my guts to a complete stranger, and I can’t even blame his magic. Now, I just feel embarrassed, more so considering I’m standing nearly naked in front of him.

  I look down, blushing, and my eyes snag on his considerable erection.

  “You sick bastard!” I whisper hoarsely. “Does the thought of two men tying me up and using me against my will turn you on?”

  His face blanks and then fills with horror.

  “No!” he shouts vehemently. “God, no! Anise, those fuckers who hurt you are going to die by my hands for ever laying a finger on you!”

  I startle at this fervent promise, and when I look into his face, I know he’s being genuine.

  Jolly’s and Lord Licorice’s days are numbered.

  My shoulders sag in relief.

  I frown, embarrassed again.

  “Then why do you. . . you know. . .” I trail off looking down pointedly and then away.

  Chester’s guffaw fills the bathroom.

  “I’m only a man, Anise, and when you tell me about my one friend holding you spread eagle while my other friend tongue-fucks you to orgasm. . . well, that makes me hard.”

  I feel the fire heat up on my face even more.

  “And when you talk about your stepbrother watching,” Chester continues, his voice dropping an octave, “it makes me want to nut at the thought.”


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