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Sinners MC

Page 50

by Bella Jewel

  Ciara is smiling at the little girl, rubbing her belly protectively. My mind goes back to the tiny baby growing in mine.

  God, what am I going to do?



  “More drugs are bein’ run, I want to know why?” I bark down the phone.

  “We’re on it boss,” Spike says. “I have a lead, I should know more today.”

  “Is it another gang?”

  Spike sighs. “Fucks me, but it’s someone with some good support, there’s too many coming in.”

  “Find out for me, and call me back.”

  “On it.”

  I hang up the phone, and turn back to the guys. Cade steps forward, giving me a questioning glance.

  “Still nothin’. You guys manage to find the guy here?”

  Cade nods towards the car, and I give them a flick of my hand. Granger and Muff open the door, pulling out a man in his late twenties, wearing holey shirts and crappy old jeans. His teeth are missing and his hair is gritty. Junkie alright. They walk the man over, and stop him in front of me. We got a lead, and came on this ride to get some information and find this man. He purchased drugs in town last weekend, and we need to know who from.

  “We ain’t gonna hurt you if you talk, so you answer our question, and you’re good to go,” I say as soon as they guys stop in front of me.

  The junkie looks up, narrowing his eyes. “You cops?”

  I turn, showing him my colors, and then I turn back. “Worse.”

  “I didn’t do nothin’ man! Nothin’!”

  “If you did nothin’, then we ain’t got nothin’ to worry about. I need to know who you got your drugs off last weekend.”

  “Don’t know.”

  I close my eyes and sigh. I’m not a violent person, I always try to avoid it, but sometimes there’s just no choice. I grip the man’s shirt, and pull him close.

  “This will go one of two ways. You tell me, I let you go. You don’t tell me, I beat the fuck out of you, and then I bury you. What’s it going to be?”

  “I know nothin’.”

  I drive my fist into his stomach, hearing his ribs crack. He bellows, and squirms in the guy’s grips.

  “I’m not joking, tell me or I find something harder than my fist to beat you with.”

  “I don’t fuckin’ know his name!” he bellows, groaning. “I just went into town, heard on the grapevine I could get some good stuff. I got it, and I left.”

  “Don’t fuckin’ lie to me,” I bellow, driving another fist into his face. He screams as blood spurts from his nose.

  “I won’t fuckin’ tell you!” he roars.

  “Cade, get my gun,” I order.

  Cade goes to my bike, pulling my gun out and bringing it over to me. I press it to the man’s head. “I’ve killed many men before; I won’t hesitate to kill someone like you. No one will even know you’re gone. You have five seconds.”

  “I don’t know!” he cries.


  “I don’t...”


  I load the gun.

  “You fuckin’ crazy...”




  “It was Hogan!” he bellows.

  I lower the gun, shaking my head. What?

  “What did you fuckin’ say?”

  “The man running the drugs, his name is Hogan.”

  “Fuck!” Cade bellows.

  “Shit,” Granger grunts.

  I stand a moment, and then turn my eyes back to the guys. “Get rid of him, make sure he doesn’t speak. I don’t want Hogan knowing I am onto him. If that fucker is still alive, then he’s playing a game with us.”

  “On it boss,” Granger says, and he and Muff drag the man off.

  I turn to Cade. “We’ve got a fuckin’ problem.”

  “No shit.”

  ~*CHAPTER 17*~


  “What else?” Hogan roars, slamming his fist into the wall.

  “That’s it. They’re very quiet. I can’t get anything else.”

  “You know if they’re suspicious on anything?”

  I shake my head. “No, they keep it quiet. I know they went on a run.”

  “Where to?”

  I don’t want to tell him where. “I-I don’t know.”

  “I bet I fuckin’ know where,” he grins. “I set it up just right.”

  Set it up?

  “What did you set up?” I rasp.

  “I have had them chasin’ their fuckin’ tails for weeks. I am runnin’ drugs through their town, and they’re suspicious. I had a junkie set up that I knew they could track. I know that’s what they’re doing. They’re tryin’ to find him to get information. He’ll give them my name, just how I want it. While they’re away, I’m setting up their compound just fuckin’ right. By the time they get back, it will be rigged and ready. They’ll call an emergency meeting, I know how clubs work. They’ll call it through because they have just found out I’m alive. I’ll move in then. My weapons arrived today. Machine guns.”


  Oh no.

  I feel sick.

  I try to stop my hands trembling; I don’t want Hogan to see a reaction. If he does, I’m not getting out of here.

  “H-h-how can you rig their club?”

  Hogan snorts. “I put security in the trees over from the main gate, I’ll see when they arrive and call that meeting, and then I’ll show up and fuckin’ kill the lot of them. They won’t see it coming.”

  God he rigged it. He had it all worked out.

  “What happens after that?” I ask, keeping my voice steady.

  “Whoever lives, I will take and fuckin’ torture.”

  I shudder.

  “Go back and find out when that meeting is called. I want you to call it in, just in case my cameras miss it. I want perfect timing. Chances are they’ll go on lockdown. I want to know when they do. You call me as soon as they do. If you don’t...”

  “I will,” I say quickly.

  “Move, I want information as soon as you have it.”

  I nod, rushing out.

  When I get outside, I feel my breathing beginning to intensify. I call a cab, and get it straight to the compound. By the time I arrive, I see Jackson and the guys are back. There’s about thirty bikers combined, standing in the dirt talking frantically. Addison and Ciara are listening, eyes wide. Shit. Shit. I have to do this now. I have to tell Jackson. This is the moment I have wanted to avoid for so long.

  It feels like I’m walking in slow motion as I edge towards them. Jackson notices me first, and begins walking towards me. I put my hands up, and tears begin thundering down my cheeks. He stops, his eyes narrowing. Everyone turns to watch us, and I know not only am I about to tell Jackson, I’m about to tell an entire MC club that I betrayed them. My knees shake as I come to a stop. I feel sick. My entire body is shaking and I am struggling to breathe.

  “Serenity, baby, are you ok? We need to get inside. It’s dangerous right now. Hogan is alive. It’s not safe.”

  “I know,” I rasp.

  Jackson shakes his head. “What?”

  I take a breath, and I open my mouth and speak loudly. “I know Hogan is alive, and I know he’s planning an attack. The reason I know this, is because...”

  “No,” Jackson roars, shaking his head frantically. He knows even before I say it. “Fucking no.”

  “I’m his daughter,” I finish. “And he sent me here to find out information.”

  My voice breaks on the last sentence, and my knees tremble so heavily I have to use the car beside me to steady myself. The look on Jackson’s face literally tears me in two. There are so many looks that can break a person’s heart, but seeing betrayal on the face of someone you love, is heart wrenching. I hear the cocking of guns, and I see all thirty bikers, including Muff, pointing their guns at me. My legs give way, and I fall to my knees in the dirt.

  “Daddy!” Addison cries. “Don�
��t hurt her!”

  “Why the fuck not?” Jackson roars, turning to Addison. “She’s a fuckin’ spy. She’s been feeding information all this time.”

  “You can’t kill me,” I whisper.

  Jackson’s head whips around. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth!”

  “You can’t, Jackson, because I’m pregnant!”

  Everyone falls silent, a few bikers curse.

  “What?” he rasps.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  His fists clench, and rage fills his expression. “Do you think I want a bastard fucking child with a lying cunt like you? It’s probably not even mine, you’re a fuckin’ liar!”

  His words hit me like a blow to the chest. I yelp loudly, and before I can blink, Addison is in front of me, shielding my body with hers. I am rasping as I struggle to breathe, his words penetrate every shield I’ve ever put up, and they crush me in a way all the beatings and abuse in my life never has.

  “You’re not shooting her,” she screams. “If you shoot her, you shoot me. That is my baby brother or sister in there, you WILL NOT kill it.”

  Jackson stares at his daughter, his hands are trembling, his body jerking with rage. “Move, Addison. You know the club rules.”

  “You’re going to kill someone you love!”

  “She betrayed me!” he bellows.

  “I lied!” I scream. “I lied to him. I never gave him information that was correct. I lied!”

  “It doesn’t fucking matter!” Jackson screams. “You fucking betrayed us.”

  “I had no choice,” I yell so loudly I hurt my own ears. “I was afraid. He was beating me. I had NO CHOICE. He was going to kill Ebony, and he wouldn’t have thought twice about it. She is my family. I couldn’t let anything happen to her. I had no way out. Haven’t you ever been trapped, with no way out?” I cry loudly. “Well haven’t you?”

  Jackson’s gun is in the air, pointing at me, but his hands are trembling. I get to my feet, my knees wobbling, and I walk over, standing in front of him and pressing the end of his gun to my head.

  “Do it, you fucker. Shoot me. If you are going to do it, then do it quickly. I won’t go back to him, so you’ll be doing me a favor.”

  Jackson trembles even more, and the gun rattles against my head.

  “Serenity!” Addison cries.

  “Don’t kill her, Jack’s.”

  It takes me a moment to realize who is speaking, and then I see Spike step forward. He walks over, his boots crunching in the dirt.

  “Don’t kill her.”

  “Why not?” Jackson rasps, his words thick, his eyes frantic.

  “One, because you fucking love her. Two, because we can use her to find out what Hogan is up to. Three, because I’ve seen the man in action, I’ve seen him kill in cold blood, and I can’t imagine what her life was like growing up with him. You kill her, you’ll regret it forever.”

  I close my eyes, waiting for Jackson to shoot me. When I feel his gun lower, my body slumps with relief. I might not die today, but I’ve lost the man I love. The pain in my heart is beyond anything I’ve ever felt. It burns. It hurts so badly. I open my eyes, and see Jackson panting with rage, his eyes...oh god, his eyes are glistening. I fucking broke him. I. Fucking. Broke. Him.

  “She’s got your baby inside her, you kill her, you’re killing your kid and we all know you ain’t gonna live with that,” Spike says gently.

  “Who’s to say it’s my kid,” he growls.

  “It is,” I whisper. “I might have lied, but I was never with anyone else!”

  He doesn’t even acknowledge me.

  “Get her out of my fuckin’ house, I want her gone. You take her. Cade can take her. I don’t fuckin’ care. Just get her away from me.”

  “Jackson, please,” I whisper.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he roars. “I never want to see your fucking lying face again.”

  “We need to go on lockdown,” Spike says. “She has to stay.”

  “Y-y-y-you can’t go on lockdown here,” I say.

  Spike turns to me. “Why not?”

  “Hogan...he set it all up. He knows you found the junkie. He knows you know he’s alive. He had it planned all along. He knows you’ll come back and put your club on lockdown, and he’s waiting for it. He’s got an attack planned, one so big you won’t escape. He’s got double your men, and weapons you can’t even begin to imagine. He’ll kill you all if you stay.”

  Spike nods. “You know I want to fuckin’ break you for betraying this club, but I know what that man is like, so you have my sympathy for now. I don’t trust you, none of us do right now, but if you’re tellin’ the truth, you’re savin’ the club. If you’re lyin’, we will kill you.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt anyone,” I say, my voice broken. “I never wanted this. I never wanted to be involved. He gave me no choice, but I lied to him. I gave him the wrong information to lead him away while I figured out what to do.”

  Spike nods, turning to Jackson. “Put your hate aside, we need to find a safe location.”

  Jackson is refusing to look at me. “The hills. There’s a warehouse. It’s secret, we can keep it surrounded and have watchers on at all times.”

  “We ride now.”

  “No, we can’t ride,” Jackson says, his voice empty. “We ride, they find us. We have to go subtly.”

  “Any suggestions?” Spike says.

  “The truck. We make out like we’re goin’ into lockdown because I have no doubt Hogan has people watching us. We leave the bikes out front, we close all the windows and we make it like everyone is inside. We get the big truck, and we shove every fucker into the back and drive out the back road. Someone might see, but they shouldn’t get suspicious.”

  “Right, it’s a plan. Serenity, turn around,” Spike says.


  “I’m checkin’ you for wires.”

  I close my eyes, and tears leak out as I lift my arms and turn. Spike walks up, pressing his hands all over me. I feel so ashamed, so sick to my stomach.

  “She’s clean.”

  “Cuff her,” Jackson orders.

  I turn shaking my head. “Please, don’t.”

  “Cuff her,” he says again, not meeting my gaze. “Now.”

  I stretch my hands out, and I see Muff walking over with cuffs. He gives me a sympathetic look, before snapping them on.

  “Sorry Serenity.”

  “Fuck you, Muff,” I bark.

  He looks shocked. “What?”

  “I said fuck you,” I scream and then turn to them all. “Fuck you all! I never hurt a single one of you. I was always nice. Always kind. I fucked up, but what would you do when the only family you have is being threatened? He would have killed a child! A child! What did you want me to do? You think I’m proud to be the daughter of such a pig? You think I don’t want to kill myself often because of my father? Do you think he hasn’t made sure I know what he is, with numerous beatings? You don’t know. None of you know. I did what I had to, and even then I lied to protect you bunch of fucking assholes, and when it came down to it, not one of you wants to help,” I turn to Muff, shaking. “You fucked me, you fucking asshole. You saw a side to me no one has ever seen. I let you take a level of innocence from me. You shared me with Jackson and you still stood there holding that gun to my head. Fuck you all!”

  Muff looks hurt. “Serenity...”

  “Go to fucking hell.”

  “Enough,” Jackson growls. “You speak to my men like that again, I’ll fuckin’ tie you up and lock you down until you’re fuckin’ insane.”

  I glare at him. “Go ahead, Jackson. It won’t matter to me.”

  I’m so hurt. My entire body is rattling with pain. Spike takes my shoulder and gently leads me inside.

  “Get Janine,” I rasp, glaring at Jackson. “The least you can do is make sure that after all this, she doesn’t get hurt.”

  I put my head down then, and I let them lead me inside.

  I want to die.

bsp; ~*CHAPTER 18*~


  The truck is hot, and bouncy. I’m stuck, head down, in a group of thirty, in a truck that’s not really big enough for us all. Janine and Ebony are squashed up beside me; Muff went and got both of them as soon as I asked. Cade and Spike are driving, and Jackson is standing at the back of the truck, staring down at all of us cramped in like a bunch of prisoners. His eyes haven’t fallen on me once.

  Not once.

  I’m shaking, and my stomach is turning violently. I’m not sure if it’s the sticky heat in the back here, or if it’s because of everything that went down. Maybe it’s a combination of both. Either way, I’m about to lose anything I ate this morning. I would say something, but what’s the point? Jackson hates me. No, that doesn’t even cover it; he despises me and no doubt wishes I would burn alive in front of him.

  My stomach turns again.

  I begin rubbing it frantically with my cuffed hands, and sweat starts to pour heavily down my head. Janine looks over to me and her eyes narrow. “Honey, are you ok?”

  I shake my head, feeling bile rise up in my throat. Janine shoves and pushes until she manages to get to her feet. “You need to stop.”

  “Can’t,” Jackson grunts.

  “She’s going to be sick, she’s pregnant you asshole. She’s dehydrated, and tied up like a fucking dog. You need to stop.”

  Jackson’s eyes turn to me, and I begin to gag. I try to hold it back, but there’s no stopping it. My head drops, my mouth opens, and I throw up all down the front of my shirt. Tears stream down my face from a mix of shame and the horrible aching feeling in my stomach. I hear Jackson thump the window, as the bikers start to groan.

  “Stop the truck.”

  The truck comes to a stop, and a moment later the back swings open. The bikers move aside, but they know they can’t get out until the area has been checked. I slip out of the tiny gap in the back, and the moment the fresh air hits my face, I gasp. I look around; we’re on a dirt track, surrounded by thick, lush trees.

  “No one around, open it up,” Spike says. “We ain’t bein’ followed, and we’ll hear a car from a mile or so away.”

  Cade opens the back of the truck, and everyone scrambles out. Addison rushes over to me, but I slap her hands away, just wanting to be left alone. I walk towards the trees.


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