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Sinners MC

Page 60

by Bella Jewel

  She rolls her eyes. “No, you tool, for company.”

  I chuckle and tug a lock of her hair. “Well, maybe they’re all wanting to have sex and you’re ruining it for them.”

  She pouts. “Do you want me to leave, Muff?”

  “Never, princess.”

  I hear the door close, and look over to see Jaybird isn’t in the kitchen anymore. Where did she go? It’s freezing outside? Something doesn’t feel quite right, so I buck my knees and drop Serenity off my lap before getting to my feet. I smile down at her to make sure she doesn’t think I’m being an asshole. I care about her, and I know her actions are harmless, but I have to go after my lady, because I know she’s hurtin’. I’m not fuckin’ stupid.

  “We’ll be over for breakfast soon,” I say, walking towards the kitchen. “Make sure you get everyone up. Go and jump on Spike. He’s a morning person.”

  Serenity laughs and gets up off the floor, tucking her hair behind her ears. “On it.”

  She disappears out the front door, and I peer out the back door to see Jaybird disappearing into the trees wearing only a light jacket and jeans. Is she mad? I pull on a thick coat, and I head out after her. What’s going on?



  I can’t help the pang of jealousy that rises in my chest as I walk through the trees.

  I’m a jealous woman. No one said it was right.

  I felt odd in there, when Serenity was on his lap. They were happy, laughing and teasing each other. They were so comfortable together. Almost too comfortable. Suddenly I felt odd. I could just ask Muff if there’s something still there, but do I really want to know the answer? If he has something there for Serenity, or even the idea of a relationship with Serenity and Jackson, then I have a problem and I’m not sure I can deal with that problem right now.

  God, I’m being such an idiot.

  Aren’t I?

  I find a bench in the trees and I sit down, tucking my legs up. Muff and me, we’re barely even a couple. He jumped fresh out of bed with Serenity and Jackson, right into a boring old vanilla relationship with me. Maybe he wants more and he’s too scared to say so. Maybe that’s why he held back. I know the sex with me is good, sure, it’s explosive, but is it enough?

  “What the fuck, Jaybird?”

  I turn and see Muff walking towards me, hood over his head. I’m shivering, my teeth are chattering together. I didn’t realize how cold I was until I stopped thinking. Muff reaches me, and his eyes fill with worry.

  “What the fucking hell are you doin’ our here dressed like that? Shit, Janine.”

  He called me Janine. He’s mad.

  “I was just...”

  “You were just what?” he barks. “Trying to kill yourself?”

  “I’m s-s-s-sorry.”

  “Come here,” he says, his voice gruff. He leans down and scoops me into his arms.

  He turns and heads back up the path, his strides quick.

  “You’re fucking freezing,” he growls. “Silly girl.”


  “Baby, don’t even ask. I’ll only tell you you’re wrong.”

  “You d-d-d-don’t even know w-w-w-what I was g-g-g-going to ask.”

  “You’re going to ask if I care about Serenity.”


  “And I’ll tell you I don’t. I told you that last night. I know why you ran. You were hurtin’ seeing her on my lap, you were wondering if I maybe have feelings for her, or maybe I want to continue in a ménage relationship...”


  “I don’t. Do you hear me? I care about Serenity, spending the night with her and Jackson, it was hot, but that’s all it was. It was just a fun moment. It was just a night of passion. I don’t want her. I don’t wish I was the one who got her, nor do I wish to be in a relationship with them. I want you, Jaybird. More than I’ve ever wanted something in my life. I was insensitive of that inside before, I shouldn’t have let her behave that way, harmless or not.”

  My heart melts.

  “I’m s-s-s-s-sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he murmurs. “I know how it must have looked, and I’m sorry. I forget that you know what happened between us, and I forget that her behaving like that might look bad. But it’s just friendship, I swear it to you. I wouldn’t lie...not to you angel.”

  He gets back to our cabin and walks right to the room, flicking on the fire. He drops me onto the bed and promptly strips me out of my clothes and his own. Then he pulls back the covers and tucks me under. My teeth are still clattering together, and when his warm body presses against mine, he hisses but he doesn’t let go. He wraps me in his arms and he holds me.

  He just holds me.

  And I know he’s letting me know...that this is far more than we both expected it would be.

  I think I’m in love with Muff.



  “Oh god that was good,” I groan, rubbing my belly after finishing plate two of bacon and eggs.

  “Damn, I can cook,” Spike grins.

  “Knew you had to be good at something,” Ciara says, jabbing his side.

  “So, what’s on the agenda today?” Serenity asks, tucking herself onto Jackson’s lap.

  “I don’t know,” Cade mutters. “Addison is still in the fuckin’ bathroom. When she gets out, we’ll figure it out.”

  “Maybe we can go hiking?” Jackson suggests, and we all give him a horrified expression.

  “Or not,” he mutters.

  Muff comes into the room, coffee in hand. He winks at me, and I flush. We seem closer after our moment earlier, and I’m enjoying it. He does things to me. Things I’ve never experienced before.

  “There’s a real pretty view from a mountain we can drive to,” he suggests.

  “That’s a good idea,” I say.

  “Yeah, sure is,” Cade says.

  Addison appears in the room then, and I notice right away her face is pale and she doesn’t have her usual bounce.

  Without turning, Cade says, “Addi, we’re going to the mountain. You cool with that?”

  She doesn’t answer. I get to my feet. “Addi, honey, are you ok?”

  Everyone is watching her now, and Ciara is on her feet beside me. Cade turns, and his eyes fall on Addison. His face becomes concerned.

  “Sugar?” he says gently.

  “I’m...” Addison rasps, letting a tear tumble down her cheek. “I’m bleeding. It’s bad.”

  My heart falls. Cade leaps out of his chair and rushes over to her, wrapping his arms around her and crushing her to him. “Sugar, shhh.”

  “What do we do?” Jackson says, standing.

  “Get her to the hospital,” Ciara adds in a weak voice.

  Addison is crying heavily when she pulls back from Cade.

  “I don’t want to lose my baby, Cade.”

  My heart breaks when I see the expression on Cade’s face. Even worse when I look at Addison’s.

  “We’re going to be just fine baby, just fine.”

  He wraps a jacket around her shoulders and leans down, gripping his keys from the bench by the door. Jackson is by her side now too, stroking her hair.

  “I’m takin’ her to the hospital,” Cade mutters.

  We all stand.

  We’re all going, and we all know it.

  It’s just the way it is.

  All for one, and one for all.



  Jaybird is staring out the window, knees tucked to her chest. She’s worried about Addison, we all are. Her and Cade are so excited about that baby. If they lose it, after everything they’ve been through, it might just break them. They deserve that baby and everything it brings for them. I reach over, gripping Jaybird’s hand and squeezing it. She looks over at me, her eyes are worried and glassy.

  “I lost a baby once,” she whispers.

  “What?” I rasp, shaking my head.

  “Before Eb’s. I was only young. I hadn’t been wi
th...him...for long. The condom broke and I got pregnant. He was angry, he was sure back then that I was cheating on him and he didn’t believe it was his. He got angry one night and he pushed me down the stairs. I lost my baby.”

  If he wasn’t dead, I’d go and fucking gut him. Slowly. With a blunt knife.

  “Shit, Jaybird, I’m sorry,” I say, trying not to growl.

  She shrugs. “It happens, but it’s an awful feeling. Addison and Cade, they don’t deserve that kind of pain.”

  “Neither did you.”

  She turns to me. “No.”

  “They’re going to be ok, we’ve got their backs. We’ve always got their backs. We will get them through, no matter what.”

  “They’re lucky to have you guys, all of you,” she says, staring back out the window.

  “You have us now too, Jaybird.”

  I think she knows that.

  I just don’t know if she believes it.

  “I know,” she finally whispers. “And I’m so thankful for that.”

  “Addison is going to be ok, Jaybird. You just have to believe that.”

  She nods, and rubs her legs. “She looked so scared, I felt helpless.”

  “Of course she was scared, but she will be ok...we’re gonna make sure that one way or another, she’s ok.”

  “Did you ever want kids, Muff?” she asks, turning to stare at me again.

  I shrug, focusing on the road. “I never really thought about it.”

  “And when you think about it?”

  I nod. “Sure, I’d love kids. I adore Eb’s and she’s not even mine. I can’t imagine how it feels to have something...something that loves you so unconditionally.”

  “It’s the purest love there is,” she whispers.

  “Yeah, baby, I think you’re right about that.”

  We’re silent a long moment, the only sound the hum of the engine.

  “What about you, Jaybird? You want more.”

  She turns and stares at me. Even though I’m focused on the road, I can see her expression is soft.

  “With you, I’d have a million more.”

  Aw shit.

  She’s fuckin’ killin me.

  Chapter 6

  A Christmas Miracle!


  “How’s she holding up?” Ciara asks when Cade comes out of the hospital. We’re all sitting outside, trying to keep out of everyone’s way.

  “They’re not sure yet,” he whispers, lighting up a cigarette. “She’s bleeding bad.”

  “We’re here, buddy,” Spike says, clapping his shoulder. “We’re not goin’ anywhere.”

  “I know,” Cade says, nodding. “Thanks.”

  “Does she need anything? Can we go and get her something?” I say, standing and placing a hand on Cade’s shoulder.

  I don’t really know these guys that well, but I do know they’re all very close and they would die for each other. They’re family, and they will go to the ends of the earth to make sure the man by their side is happy. Cade smiles down at me, though it’s weak and drained. “Maybe some clothes? I only have the winter stuff, and it’s quite warm in there. She needs something from home.”

  “Muff and I will go get some stuff,” I say, nodding.

  “Thanks, J.”

  Muff stands, patting Cade on the back. “Call if you need anything else, otherwise we’ll be back soon.”

  We head back to Muff’s truck and get in, making our way back to Jackson’s house where most of Addi’s clothes are. I’ve been staying with Jackson, but I know soon I’ll have to find a place of my own. He’s been kind enough to keep Eb’s and I there. It works well now, though. I need some fresh clothes. It’s a lot warmer down here and I think we’re all feeling it.

  When we arrive at Jackson’s house, we pull up into the drive and get out, walking up the path. We stop half way up when Muff shoves a hand across my chest, halting me. I open my mouth to ask what he’s stopping for, but I see the note stuck to the door. It’s obviously placed, and it’s messy. There are big black letters on it, so someone has made an effort to make it and put it there.

  Muff walks closer, and his eyes scan the entire yard. It could just be a note from a delivery man? Right? He reaches forward and clutches the note, staring down at it. His back goes rigid and his hands begin to shake, he spins around, glaring into the darkness, as if waiting for someone to just pop out. He stares for a long moment and my chest begins to seize, then he spins on me. “You got a problem, Janine?”


  I shake my head, confused.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  “I said do you have a fucking problem you’re not telling me about?”

  I shake my head, still stumped. “Muff, what are you talking about?”

  He thrusts the note at me, and I catch it in my hands. I peer down at it, and I shiver. Oh. No.

  You’re husband owes us. He’s dead. Now you owe us. Three days, Janine. Watch your back.

  I tremble, and crush the note in my fist. I know there were debts to clear up, and I’ve been trying to get on top of them, but I didn’t realize it was so bad. Ok, that’s a lie, I knew the people after the money would come looking eventually. I didn’t want to involve Muff, I just wanted a nice Christmas with my new family, before having to deal with what lays ahead.

  “Now, I ask you again, is there something you want to tell me?” Muff barks.

  I drop my head, and my eyes well with tears. “He had a lot of debts, I’ve been trying to deal with them...”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Muff says, softer this time. He lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him.

  “I just wanted to have a nice Christmas. After, I was going to sort it out.”

  “You haven’t got that kind of money, Jaybird.”

  “I would have found a way,” I whisper.

  He sighs loudly, and gruffly. “You’re in danger, do you understand that?”

  “Ebony!” I suddenly screech.

  Muff grips my shoulders. “Let’s ring your mom, make sure they’re ok. Most people like that won’t touch a child. It’s you they’ll come after.”

  I reach into my purse, fumbling with my phone and pulling it out. My heart is thudding and I feel sick. My vision blurs as I attempt to press my mom’s number. Muff takes the phone from my trembling fingers and finds the number for me then hands it back. I press it to my ear, feeling my stomach twist as it rings. Please answer, please answer.

  “Janine, honey, she’s fine,” My mom laughs, without even a hello.

  My body slumps and relief floods me. “I-I-I was just checking up on her, I miss her.”

  “She’s sleeping, she had a great day.”

  “I’m glad,” I whisper.

  “Is everything ok, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, sure, I just wanted to check in. Addison has come down for the hospital, she’s bleeding.”

  “Oh no, that’s awful. Is it the baby?”

  “We think so.”

  My mom sighs with regret. “Give her my best.”

  “Ok mum, I’ll go now, just wanted to check in.”

  “We’re all ok here.”

  “I love you.”

  “You too, honey.”

  I hang up the phone and lift my eyes to Muff. He’s watching me, letting his expression scan my face. I give him a little nod to let him know everything is ok. I’m trying to hide the fear in my expression but it’s hard. I’m worried.

  “What do I do?”

  “Leave it with me, I’ll get the guys on it. Do you know who is chasing the money?”

  “I have a fair idea,” I say, wrapping my arms around myself and rubbing.

  “We’ll get the details. Let’s get Addison’s stuff, and get out of here. It’s not safe right now.”

  I nod, and we both go inside the house. Muff goes first, finding Jackson’s gun and checking the house before letting me collect Addison’s things. I manage to change and pack a small bag for her, before Muff t
ells me it’s time to leave, that it’s not safe to hang around here until he knows more.

  He leads me out to the car, watching every tree, every bush, every movement as he walks. My chest tightens and fear swells in it. I hate that I’ve been put in this situation. I hate that because of my dead husband, that Muff is also in this situation. It’s not what I wanted, I never wanted to put anyone in danger.

  The entire ride to the hospital is quiet. I know he’s angry and a little hurt that I didn’t tell him, but I honestly didn’t think there was a reason to. I thought I was sorting it out. I guess I wasn’t. Maybe I was naïve, but I thought I had a little more time, I thought I could work it out and find a way to deal with it before it spiraled out of control.

  As soon as we arrive at the hospital we see all the guys and girls outside still, sitting, waiting, supporting their friends inside. We get out of the car, and Muff walks over to Jackson, leaning in close and whispering something into his ear. Jackson looks over to me and then down to the note Muff hands him. Soon, Spike is joining in and they’re all talking. Jackson pulls out a phone and walks off into the darkness.

  “What’s happening?” Ciara asks, walking over to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Are you ok, J?”

  I nod, swallowing. I guess I should tell her, they’ll all find out soon anyway. “There...there was a note on the door when we got home.”

  She shakes her head, confused. “A note?”

  “Is everything ok?” Serenity asks, joining us.

  “J said there was a note on the door when they got home,” Ciara tells her.

  Serenity’s eyes widen. “A note?”

  “It was from someone who is chasing money from me...there are debts outstanding and I’m meant to be paying them.”

  Serenity’s eyes widen. “Why didn’t you tell me, J? I would have helped.”

  “I thought I had it covered,” I whisper, feeling my eyes burn.

  “What did the note say?” Ciara asks, squeezing my shoulders.

  “It basically threatened me and said I had three days.”

  “We’ll sort it,” Serenity says, trying to give me a comforting expression. “It’s going to be ok.”

  “I hate him,” I whisper. “I hate him for leaving me in this position.”

  “It is kind of my fault you’re in this position,” Serenity sighs, rubbing my back.


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