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Sinners MC

Page 64

by Bella Jewel

  I shake my head with a sigh and walk into the kitchen. I’ve got a turkey cooking in the oven. Tonight everyone is coming over for thanksgiving dinner. I’ve not had my house full of bikers yet, but I imagine it will be an interesting evening.


  I hear Addison’s loud, happy voice and look up to see her skipping – yes skipping – across the floor towards me. She’s followed by Serenity. I smile and give them a pathetic wave. It’s the best I’ve got. I’m exhausted. Addison loses her smile quickly and rushes over, placing her hands on my shoulder.

  “Look at moi lady, look at moi!”

  I roll my eyes and giggle.

  “You look exhausted,” Serenity says, narrowing her eyes. “You should have gotten us to help.”

  She places a large bowl onto the table, I’m trying to remember what I asked her to bring. I sigh and place a hand on my straining belly.

  “My bad,” I mumble. “I really didn’t think it would be that hard.”

  “Right!” Addison says, spinning around. “Spike! Get your cute ass in here right now.”

  I hear a grumble and a moment later Spike walks in, followed by Jackson and Cade. They both have their hands full of kids. Spike is holding Danny in his favorite football grip, Cade is nursing his daughter who is clawing at him to try and let her down, and Jackson has Ava by the hand. I grin at the guys, all decked out in their leathers, holding on to little kids. Cade gives Addison a playful grin and Jackson looks at Serenity – still – like he wants to eat her alive. The man is a horn dog.

  “Lookin’...errr....” Cade begins, looking at me.

  “Fat?” I offer.

  He chuckles. “I was going to say good.”

  “You were not,” I laugh.

  “What are you hollerin’ at me for?” Spike says, glaring at Addison.

  “Don’t glare at me, I’ll take you on. You need to get this gorgeous girl here and take her upstairs. I don’t care how you do it, but you need to get her relaxed. Bath her, fuck her...”

  “Addison!” Jackson says, shaking his head with a sigh.

  “Father,” Addison says, turning to him. “You of all people cannot tell me off for using sex as a muscle relaxant...”

  “Jesus,” Cade mutters. “You’re makin’ me sound like a fuckin’ bottle of bath salts right now.”

  Addison blows him a kiss. “Honey, you’re so much more than a bottle of bath salts. You do far more than relax my muscles.”

  “Addison!” Jackson yells, covering his ears. “Fuck me.”

  “That would be incest, father,” she points out.

  Spike bursts out laughing.

  “Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Jackson groans. “Are you sure you’re mine?”

  Addison feigns shock. “Daddy, how could you?”

  He grins at her and winks.

  I shake my head, trying hard not to laugh. Every day is like this when we’re all together. Everyone is happy. Everyone gets along. The guys deal with their club business but when they’re away from it, they’re really away.

  “Ciara,” Spike says, handing his son to Addison whose eyes widen. “You’re comin’ with me. Addison, considerin’ it was your amazing idea, you get the boy. He needs a bath.”

  “Ripped off!” she mumbles, taking Danny who quickly wraps his arms around her neck.

  “Enjoy the mud bath he’s going to give you,” Spike winks, reaching for me and tugging me out from behind the counter.

  He turns and pulls me from the room without another word to the guys. I begin to protest as he pulls me up the stairs.

  “Spike, you can’t pull me away, I have to put the pumpkin pie on and...”

  He spins around, halting me when he crushes his lips down over mine. All thoughts of pumpkin pie leave my mind as he deepens the kiss, consuming me with his tongue. My knees wobble and I lean into him. He supports me with an arm around my waist. By the time he pulls back, I’m panting.

  “Now,” he murmurs, staring at my lips. “Are we goin’ to keep arguin’?”

  I shake my head.


  He pulls me further up the stairs and into our bedroom. He takes me straight to the bathroom and leans over the massive spa bath we had installed three weeks ago. He turns it on and pours a glob of bubble bath in, before turning to me and gripping the hem of my shirt.

  “Off, baby.”

  I don’t hesitate. I lift my arms and let him slide the shirt off. He makes quick work of the rest of my clothes, leaving me naked and biting my lip as he lets his gaze travel over me.

  “Changed my mind,” he murmurs. “Think I need to taste that sweet pussy.”

  I feel my cheeks heat as he steps forward, cupping my breasts in his palms. I shudder and swallow, biting my lip harder.

  “Stay right there, baby,” he rasps, slowly lowering himself down my body.

  Oh god. All I can think about is my belly and how disgusting it must look from that angle. I’m round and my breasts are huge. My ass is bigger than it usually is and I really don’t feel sexy. I can’t see how he is enjoying my body being naked, god, what if he can’t reach my pussy? What if I’m just too fat and...

  Oh god.

  During my mental babble, he’s gotten to his knees and lifted one of my legs, placing it over his shoulder. Now he’s got his mouth on me, sucking my clit deep. I lean down and take his head, curling my fingers into his hair for leverage. God, he feels so fucking good. His mouth is consuming me; his tongue is flicking hard and fast over my clit. Spike always gives it to me how I need it – rough and raw. He slides a hand up my thigh and slips two fingers into my pussy.

  “Spike,” I rasp. “Oh god.”

  The one amazing thing about pregnancy is that everything seems to feel better. I come harder and faster than I ever have before. Spike slides his fingers in and out, tilting them just enough to hit that sweet spot. His tongue rolls over my clit, creating the perfect friction. My nipples are hard and I’m struggling to stay upright. I feel pleasure rising up, causing everything to tighten.

  Then, finally, I let it all go.

  My knees buckle as I come hard, crying out Spike’s name as he sucks every, last shudder from my body. He releases me slowly, carefully placing my foot back on the floor. Then he looks up at me and slides his two fingers into his mouth. His expression is lusty and I want nothing more than to feel his cock deep inside me right now.

  He rises slowly, kissing up my body, before reaching my mouth. He kisses me softly there, but I can taste myself all over his lips. He leans down, taking my knees and scooping me up. I squeal and laugh as he gently lowers me into the water. The warm water surrounds me immediately, and I sigh in relief.

  Exactly what I need.

  He always knows exactly what I need.


  “Is Skye down?” Ciara asks, handing me a stack of plates.

  I grin at her. She looks much better now she’s spent some ‘alone’ time with Spike.

  “Yep,” I say. “Sleeping like an angel. They all are, though Danny wasn’t easy to get down.”

  “She is an angel,” she smiles. “She’s so darn cute. I hope this one is a girl. And don’t mind Danny, he has his father’s energy.”

  She rubs her very round, very swollen belly. She’s ready to go anytime now; it’s just a matter of when and where. I’m happy for Ciara and Spike, they’ve been through a lot in the past few months and they deserve this baby. I feel the swell of want in my belly as I consider talking to Cade about having another one. He’s so good with Skye, so attentive and sweet. I know he’d like another one, and so would I, I just don’t know if now is when he wants it.

  “You’re clucky!” Serenity says, snapping me from my thoughts.

  She’s just walked in the kitchen and is grinning stupidly at me.

  “Am not!”

  “Are so!”

  “Are you girls fighting again?” Janine asks, bringing in a few empty beer bottles.

  We all give her an innocent
grin. She shakes her head and walks to the fridge, pulling out a few more.

  “When did you become bar bitch?” I ask, lifting myself up and popping my bottom onto the countertop.

  “Since Muff gives me really good sex,” she fires back with a saucy smile.

  “You’re such a Muff slut,” I laugh.

  She nods. “I admit it, I am.”

  Serenity smiles and her eyes go to mine. We all know Serenity fucked my dad and Muff at the same time. I envy her. I don’t think I could ever share Cade or have anyone else touch me, but I must admit it has me curious as to what it would feel like to have two men wrapped around you.

  “We should go and join them,” I say, hopping down. “I could use a beer.”

  “I hate you right now,” Ciara says, throwing a dishtowel down and following us out.

  The guys are outside sitting around a fire they created themselves. I can’t see Cade when I go to sit down. I stare around, but it’s far too dark.

  “Where’s Cade?” I ask Spike.

  “Went to piss behind the shed,” he says, letting his eyes travel over his wife.

  I smile and stare over at the shed. It’s been a while since Cade and I have been alone, Skye keeps us busy and we don’t often get the chance to just be together. I disappear into the darkness, hearing the sound of Ciara’s voice as I move. She’s taunting me - using the words ‘lucky’ and ‘whore’ in some less than choice sentences. God bless her rotten heart.

  “Cade?” I ask, stepping around behind the shed.

  I see the faint glow of a cigarette light, and I smile.

  “Are you hiding behind the shed and smoking? Bad boy, Cade.”

  He chuckles deeply in the darkness and I hear his boots shuffling on the ground as he crushes out the cigarette.

  “You come for a quick fuck behind the shed, sugar?”

  “Maybe,” I say, sauntering over.

  “Oh yeah?”

  I reach him and place my hands on his chest. “Yeah.”

  He places his hands on my hips and leans in, running his nose down my neck and breathing me in.

  “Been so long since I fucked you hard and rough, sugar.”

  “It is,” I groan as his hands slide around to cup my ass.

  “Been so long since I felt this sweet ass,” he growls, nipping my earlobe.

  “Are you going to fuck me, biker, or are you going to talk us through it?”

  He chuckles again and leans down, using my ass to hold me still while he grinds his hips into my swollen, readily waiting pussy. His lips find mine and he kisses me, his mouth devouring every inch of mine. Our tongues dance together and my hands reach up to find his hair. I tug it, bringing him closer so I can kiss him harder, deeper, until we’re both panting with need.

  He reaches down and takes my skirt, hiking it up around my hips, and then he drops down in front of me. My hands disappear from his hair and I whimper at the sudden loss. He takes hold of my thighs, using his thumbs to spread my pussy and then he’s there, his mouth against my swollen flesh, his tongue flicking between my folds to find my clit.

  “Shit, Cade,” I gasp, throwing my head back. It hits the shed and makes a loud, ringing sound.

  Cade rumbles against my flesh, using his hands to shove my legs wider so he can suck deeper. I cry out his name as an orgasm so intense rips through my body, causing my knees to buckle. He rises up, wrapping his arm around my waist and holding me up. The cool air tickles my exposed flesh, causing me to shudder. Cade keeps his arm around me, while his other hand jerks his jeans down, freeing his cock.

  When he’s freed himself, he spins my body around and presses my front against the shed. His fingers snake up my skirt, tickling the flesh on my bottom. He raises his hand off and brings it down gently, slapping me just hard enough to cause a little yelp to escape my lips. Then he’s pressing his hard body against mine, his cock shoving against my entrance.

  “Ready for me baby?”

  “Oh yeah,” I mewl. “Fuck me and own it, biker.”

  “I’ll fuckin’ own it,” he grunts, driving his cock deep into my flesh.

  “Oh god,” I cry out, slapping my hand against the cool metal that I’m pressed up against.

  “Shit,” he grunts, jerking his hips and driving his cock harder and deeper.

  He fucks me so hard my body slams against the shed. His fingers go up and find my hair and he pulls my head back, his lips finding my neck. He sucks me there, sliding my flesh into his hot, waiting mouth. He bites and nibbles while is hips continue to raise me higher and higher.

  “Cade,” I scream as my orgasm rips through me, causing me to tense and pull around him.

  “Fuck,” he grunts. “Coming baby.”

  He jerks his hips a few more times and then I feel him tightening and releasing inside my body. He pulls out gently and spins me around, wrapping me in his arms. I drop my head into his neck and breathe him in – all sex and man. It’s fucking perfect.

  “Remind me to do that more often,” he murmurs against the flesh of my neck.

  “Consider it done,” I squeak.

  He runs his fingers through my hair, straightening it out.

  “No idea how we’re going to look when we get out of here, sugar, but it’s bound to be good.”

  I laugh softly; pulling my panties back and dragging my skirt back down my thighs.

  “Oh, it’ll be good. We are Cade and Addison after all.”

  He laughs and I hear the sound of his zipper, then his hands are on me again, guiding my hips so we can get out of this darkness. The minute we step around the side of the shed and I see the dull glow of the fire; I realize how close we actually were. It hits even harder when everyone starts to cheer – everyone except my father who is glaring at his hands.

  “You went in there like a boss, buddy!” Spike chuckles, clapping his hands. Ciara thumps him on the shoulder.

  “Don’t ever,” Jackson bites out. “Ever let me hear that shit again.”

  I flush but cover it with a snort. “President of the club and you’re scared of a little sound making?”

  “It wouldn’t matter,” he growls. “If it was anyone BUT my daughter.”

  “Sorry daddy,” I say in my best daughter voice.

  I’m not sorry though, oh no, I’ll never be sorry for fucking Cade.


  Jackson is moody; he’s been moody all night. Addison going around the corner and screaming her pleasure with Cade didn’t help. Now I’m sitting next to the king of cranky and it’s not fun. It probably has to do with the fact that we had an argument before we left home, but hey, whatever. He’s speaking to me and acting normal, but I can see how tense he is.

  “Are you going to get over your mood any time soon?” I whisper, leaning over towards him.

  “Ain’t in a mood,” he grumbles.

  “Do you need me to take you behind the shed, too?”

  He snorts. “If I wanted to fuck you, darlin’, I wouldn’t need a fuckin’ shed to do it.”

  My pussy clenches, but I pretend his words have offended me.

  “If you wanted to fuck me? Are you saying you don’t?”

  He turns those dazzling eyes towards me, and his jaw tics. “Do I fuck you morning and night, Serenity?”

  Oh...yes he certainly does.

  “Yes,” I say, staring at his lips, suddenly wanting to do what Addison and Cade just did.

  “Do I lick your sweet cunt every other day?”

  I flush and my voice trembles. “Yes.”

  “Then don’t you question if I want to fuck you or not. I always want to fuck you.”

  “Just not tonight,” I point out.

  His jaw tenses and his eyes lower to my dress, before sliding back up to my lips. “Didn’t know you wanted to be fucked.”

  “My pussy has only been giving off ‘fuck me’ vibes for the past hour, but you’re too broody to notice.”

  His mouth twitches and his eyes heat. “I apologize,” he says, his voice hu
sky and low. “I didn’t hear your pussy.”

  “Well old man,” I giggle nervously. “Get your hearing checked.”

  “Old man, eh?” he growls.

  “Yeah,” I say, grinning at him. “Old man.”

  “Yo’ Jackson,” Spike yells forcing Jackson to move his eyes off me and turn them in Spike’s direction.

  “What?” he grunts.

  “Stop eye fucking your woman and give us a game, this shit is boring.”

  “Are you five, Spike?” Jackson grins at him.

  “Don’t fuck with me, bro. Now give us somethin’ to do.”

  “You want to dance with a Santa hat again?” I tease Spike.

  He turns and winks at me. “If it means I get lucky again, then fuck yeah.”

  Ciara laughs and slaps his shoulder. “You’re such a horny man.”

  “Only for you, baby,” he winks at her, before turning back to Jackson. “So?”

  “I have one,” I say.

  “Does it involve acting out movies?” Cade says, smothering a laugh.

  “No,” I grunt.

  “What about words on our heads?” Muff grins and I can’t help but grin back.

  “No, Brian, there will be no words on our heads. It’s easy, really. We go through the alphabet and we all have to pick an actor or actress that starts with that letter, but you only get five seconds each.”

  “Easy,” Spike says, clapping his hands together. “I’ll start. A – Angelina Jolie.”

  I roll my eyes. “B – Brad Pitt.”

  “This is easy,” Ciara says. “C – Cameron Diaz.”

  “D,” Addison says. “Doc Marten.”

  “Doc Marten is a fuckin’ shoe,” Spike bellows and then bursts out laughing.

  “It is not!” Addison cries.

  “Honey, it is,” Cade says, smothering a laugh.

  “Google it!” she says, pointing to me. “Google. It.”

  “It’s a shoe,” I giggle, searching it anyway.

  “No, it’s off that movie, what’s it called?” Addison protests. “Back To The Future!”

  We all lose our shit laughing, Spike even falls off the log he’s sitting on. Addison crosses her arms and glares at us, but I can see her fighting a smile.


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