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Dirty, Dark, & Dangerous: A Contemporary Romance Boxset

Page 50

by Luciani, Kristen

  My throat is tight, and all of the delicious fluttering in my belly from only moments ago has been replaced with waves of nausea. I feel like I’m going to be sick. “What about my cover? It’ll be blown.” It’s the weakest defense I have, but it’s all that comes out of my mouth as I try to process how my entire life will be in shambles within minutes.

  “None of this is ideal, but we have to take the opportunities we’re given. You’ve done everything you could have with this investigation, Ari. I know it’s been difficult, but you’ve gone above and beyond to take down the bad guys. I can’t tell you what will happen tomorrow, but we’ll figure it out. Right now, you need to keep focus on the task at hand. We need to stop Kate before she hurts anyone else.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, a lump the size of a golf ball forming in my throat.

  “We’ll talk later. Stay on Kate.” Click.

  My hand drops to my side and I lean back against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. I have to do something, but what? Do I tell Jeff to run? Do I find Eva and Damon and clue them in before anything happens? Do I find Kate and distract her until the Feds crash this beautiful wedding? Or, do I run back to the bridal suite and hide in the bathroom until this nightmare is over?

  Time out! That would be fucking pathetic. Tempting, but so very sad. No, I have to act. The problem is, there are too many things I should do and not enough time to do any of them.

  “Who the hell were you on the phone with, and why were you talking about me and Kate?”

  My eyes fly open and I gasp. “Jeff!”

  His dark eyes narrow, his face twisted into a look of disgust. “Why don’t you tell me what the fuck is really going on, Ariana?”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Who were you talking to?” I raise my voice, not giving a shit who can hear me. I look at the stricken look on Ariana’s face, the panic in her eyes, her trembling lips, and it makes my chest constrict. I knew something was wrong. This distance between us…it’s only grown larger since I opened my big fucking mouth last night. I thought maybe she just had cold feet or something, that she’d eventually come around once her family came to terms with it. But seeing her now, hearing her on the phone…it’s pretty damn clear to me she’s hiding something big.

  She darts her head around, the phone still in her hand. “Jeff, I really think we should just go outside and talk.” She tries to take my hand, but I pull away.

  “I’m fine where we are. You can tell me whatever you want right here.”

  Her large green eyes fill with tears, and despite the rage bubbling below the surface, I want to pull her into my arms and stop them from falling. But I know I can’t. I know this is over. I can see it written all over her face. I just don’t have any fucking clue why.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this—“

  “Just say it,” I growl through gritted teeth. “Is it Conlon? Are you fucking around with him?” Just saying that bastard criminal’s name makes me want to hurl all over the carpet.

  “No,” she whispers, swiping at her eyes. “Jeff, I’m an undercover agent with the FBI. I’ve been tracking Conlon for the past two years. I know about your past dealings with him, and about your plans to steal from him. I know you were in prison…”

  My heart just about stops right there. So does time. So does my ability to think. I just stare, praying I didn’t really hear anything she just said, that this is all some really bad fucking dream that’s going to end any second.

  But it doesn’t. And Ariana keeps talking. And my head is damn-near ready to explode.

  “Conlon hasn’t been working alone, Jeff. He’s not the one who got you thrown in prison.” She takes a deep breath. “We moved in on Conlon last night. He’s…he’s been working with Kate for all this time, and after we threatened him with evidence we have against him, he finally told us everything we need to bring her in. She bribed FBI officials to get you fired years ago, and she’s the reason why you went to prison. She’s been living a double life all of this time, Jeff. I’m so sorry.” She bites down on her lower lip and tries to inch closer to me.

  I swallow hard, unable to breathe. My life, everything I’d worked so hard for, everything Kate had berated me for choosing over her and Damon…I have nothing to show for it. I’d been taken, raked over the coals, and humiliated by my own fucking wife - the one who begged me to stop my quest, the one who claimed she wanted her husband back, the one who said her son needed a real man as a father. Kate…and Conlon. How the fuck did I miss that? I was the job for so long, and yet I fucking missed the biggest scam of all.

  Ariana moves closer still, until she’s practically on top of me. She reaches out for my arm and I yank it out of her tentative grip.

  “Don’t touch me! You’re a fucking liar!”

  She recoils and her eyes flash, even though tears streak her cheeks. “I am. And that goes for both of us, so don’t fucking accuse me of deceiving you when you did the exact same thing to me. But right now isn’t the time to point fingers. The FBI has a team in place to arrest Kate. They’re on their way.”

  “Are you kidding me? This is your plan? Destroy everyone’s life in one afternoon?”

  “Of course it wasn’t my plan. I never thought things were going to happen this way. I never thought I’d…” She chokes out a sob.

  I don’t have any right to fly off the handle like this, not when I’m as guilty as she is of lying and putting my own objectives first. And even though my plans changed…because of her…I still didn’t come clean. I’ve never been honest with her about who I really am, what I’ve done, and what I was about to do. I’m as big a fucking liar as she is. But logic evades me right now. My head spins. There’s so much shit flying at me, I don’t know which way to duck. Any which way, and I’m gonna get pelted.

  “I love you, Jeff. That’s the truth. I promise I never wanted things to end up this way.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I can’t. She hasn’t been honest about a single thing since we met.

  Neither have you…

  That goddamn voice in my head. When is it going to finally shut the fuck up?

  “You baited me. You used me!” I back away from her, raking a hand through my hair. It makes me sick to even look at the woman standing in front of me. Is it because she lied or because she’s a glaring reminder of my epic fails? I couldn’t conquer my own demons or crush my own enemies. She’s decimated the one shot I had at being whole again. I gave up on everything for her, for a life of normalcy. But everything about this screams dysfunctional. Who the hell did I think I was kidding? I should have known I’d never escape my past.

  Her eyes, still brimming with tears, narrow. “Oh, like you didn’t do the same thing to me? You’re just as much at fault here, Jeff! You may not want to believe it, but we’re exactly the same!”

  “I never would have sold you out like this. What the fuck do you think is going to happen when the FBI gets here? You think they’re going to just pat me on the back and say sorry for your shitty luck?”

  “They don’t have anything on you.” She averts her eyes, a clear indication that she knows she’s full of shit.

  “They know our plans. We were about to commit fraud. You know as well as I do that it’s a crime. They also know my associates; guys who are like brothers to me. They have their own lives, and it’s on me to protect them. They only got involved to help me bring that bastard to justice. You think the FBI is just going to give us slaps on our asses and send us on our way?”

  She lets out a deep sigh. “Look, I tried the best I could to keep you out of it. I wanted to get you out of here, so you didn’t have to—“

  “Fuck that. I’m a big boy, and I can handle myself. I don’t need you going to bat for me, not after everything else you’ve done.”

  “I’ll make sure nobody goes after your associates. I promise I will find a way to keep them out of this.”

  “I fucking loved you,” I interrupt, glaring at her. “But you’r
e no different than my lying bitch of an ex-wife. I thought you were, but I was dead fucking wrong. I can’t even look at you, Ariana. You did the same thing she did. You fed me to the goddamn wolves!”

  She grabs my wrists and I just stare at her fingers, unable to look her in the eye. She’s stripped me of everything I’ve tried to build back up since I walked out of San Pedro. It doesn’t matter that I’d already given up everything to be with her.

  Ariana’s voice rises. “Jeff, we can work through this. I’m not like Kate. I was just doing my job. I didn’t want to hurt anyone, least of all you. I’m in love with you, and I know you feel the same way about me. I should have told you the truth last night, but it was too risky.”

  “Stop talking. I don’t want to hear any more of your bullshit.” I pull my arm out of her tight grip and head back toward the reception. I need to find Damon. This is supposed to be the happiest day of his life. He’s already seen me hauled off to prison after he spent so much time taking a backseat to my work. And now he’s about to witness his own mother being arrested. I can’t let him be blindsided by this. I have to find a way to cushion this blow because if I don’t, we’ll both lose him forever. I can still hear Ariana sobbing as I rush down the dimly lit hallway, but I’m so numb inside, I don’t give a rat’s ass. I’ve always run too hot, never thinking logically, only acting on pure emotion. No exception here. I let her get under my skin, and now the FBI, her team, is on its way. Déjà fucking vu.

  And Kate. That vengeful bitch. I hope she fucking rots in the state pen.

  My fingers close on the brass handles of the reception hall, and I pull open the heavy wooden door. The party is in full swing, people smiling and dancing with no clue what’s about to go down. In minutes, it’s going to become the wedding they never in a million years forget. I scan the crowd looking for Damon. I see him standing with Eva by one of the tables, mingling with their guests. My chest tightens. He wasn’t there when I was pinched the first time. I never got to say goodbye. I always thought it was easier not seeing the look of crushing disappointment on his face when I got hauled off, but today, we don’t get that choice. I know time is running out, and I have to warn him.

  A fingertip trails down my spine, and I stiffen, slowly turning to see who has gotten close enough to touch.

  Angeline’s swollen lips curl upward. Christ, how much fucking collagen did she have injected into them, anyway? “Jeff, where have you been hiding all day? I’ve barely seen you,” she purrs. “And that’s such a shame considering how devastatingly handsome you look in that tux.”

  I force a tight smile. Surprise, I’ve been sneaking around, fucking your undercover FBI agent slash bitch of a daughter in the bridal suite. “Thank you. You look breathtaking, as usual.”

  Her smile widens and she presses herself to my chest, making sure to rub her tits as far up as she can. If she rubs much harder, I’m afraid they’re going to pop out of that dress. Maybe she should keep that trick hidden until after the FBI shows up. That kind of diversion might actually be helpful. “Come with me, I really want to show you something.”

  “Angeline, I can’t. I need to talk to Damon.”

  “What’s so urgent? It’s his day, why not let him enjoy it before you pile on any more drama?”

  I turn in Kate’s direction, rage bubbling in my veins. “Interesting choice of words from you.”

  “Well, I’ve lived through enough of those times myself. I’m trying to spare our son.” She flashes a toothy grin and raises her champagne flute into the air before chugging it down.

  I grab her by her free arm and pull her out of the reception, leaving Angeline in a champagne-induced stupor.

  “I told you it was impossible to escape me, Jeff, but color me surprised that you’ve finally come to your senses. I thought you might need a little more persuading.” Kate backs me against a wall outside of the room and runs her hand down the front of my shirt. “What’s the matter? Did your jailbait girlfriend not satisfy you earlier? Do you need me to finish the job?” She cups my dick in her hands. “Because you know I always do.”

  “You’re a fucking psychopath,” I growl. “How long has this been going on, Kate?”

  “That is not a nice thing to say, Jeff. And I’m not really sure where all this pent-up hostility is coming from.”

  “Maybe from the fact that you fucking betrayed me, Kate. That you ruined my life and my relationship with my son. That you were the one who got me arrested five years ago. And that you’ve been working with that sonofabitch Conlon all this time, conspiring against me, and letting Damon believe that I’m the only criminal in this family.”

  Her eyes narrow to slits. “I’m going to ignore most of that right now, and focus on one thing. I didn’t ruin your relationship with Damon. You did, you motherfucker. We were always a distant second to your precious work. I got tired of watching you choose your sick obsession with justice over us. And when I got the opportunity to regain control over my life, over our lives, I took it.” Kate leans close, so close, our noses practically touch. “And I don’t regret it one bit,” she sneers.

  “That’s good. Keep repeating that to yourself when they haul your ass out of here in handcuffs.”

  She blinks fast. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  I allow myself a genuine smile. “Your buddy Conlon sold you out. Told the Feds everything, pinned it all on you. You’re evidently the mastermind behind all of his heists. Well done. I didn’t see that coming, Kate. You shocked the shit out of me.”

  Kate’s jaw drops to the floor and she stumbles backward, tripping over her dress.

  “There’s nowhere to go, Kate. You know how this works. They’ll find you, and they’re gonna throw you into a two by two cell at Rikers with all the other degenerate bitches who thought they could outsmart everyone.”

  Her eyes blaze, and she fumbles with her bag. “Maybe you weren’t smart enough to get away, Jeff, but I’m not going down that easily.”

  I fold my arms across my chest and smirk. “Not surprising. You never did before.”

  Kate’s mouth stretches into a thin line and she pulls a small handgun out of her bag. She points it toward a back exit leading out to the beach. “Move.”

  I eye the gun in her hand. Smooth and steady. Would she pull the trigger? A woman with nothing to lose? I gamble, hoping to buy myself some time. “Fuck you, Kate. I’m not going anywhere. And I sure as hell don’t believe you’re gonna pull the trigger. You don’t want to add a murder rap to your sentence and have to wear that jumpsuit any longer than you need to. Orange ain’t your color.”

  We’re outside of the reception area, but still in the open hallway. Anyone could walk out here and find her pointing a gun at me. Mother of the groom threatening father of the groom with a loaded weapon. People already know we’re divorced, so this is kind of anti-climactic. But Kate always did like drama. And today, she’ll have her fill, I’m sure.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  “You’ll do exactly what I say, Jeff.” Kate’s voice ices my insides. My mouth drops open when I see Jeff backed against the wall and Kate’s outstretched hand holding a gun. Jesus, I always knew that bitch was crazy. Someone must have tipped her off, but I have no idea how since Conlon is in custody.

  My chest is so tight, drawing in a deep breath is near-impossible at this point. I bite down on my lower lip. The agents should be here any second, but I can’t take a chance that she’ll pull that trigger. There are too many people around, and Jeff…he may hate me, but dammit, I’m still crazy about him, and I sure as hell don’t want to see him lying on a slab in some morgue.

  I tiptoe around the corner, creeping toward them, trying desperately not to trip over my dress. Now she’s talking, her voice is heated, and that goddamn gun is all over the place. Jeff doesn’t even acknowledge me as he eggs her on. Is he fucking insane? He thinks this reverse psychology bullshit will work on a head case like Kate?

  “Maybe if you weren’
t such a shitty husband, I wouldn’t have felt as compelled to get your ass thrown in prison!”

  “I don’t know, Kate. If I was such a shitty husband, why didn’t you just kill me back then? Why drag this out? What the hell do you have to prove?”

  Keep her talking, Jeff. Distract her so I can get the fucking gun.

  “Oh, that’s simple. I just wanted to prove I was better than you at your own game.” Her hand drops to her side and she leans closer to him. “And guess what? I am.”

  The second those words leave her mouth, I launch a powerful side elbow to her temple and push her chest against the wall, my free hand closing around her wrist. She tries to wiggle free, but my grip is too tight. I slam her hand against the wall to loosen her fingers from the gun. “Drop it, Kate. Don’t make this any worse for yourself.”

  “Fuck you, you little twat. You think he’s in love with you because he fucked you? Think again. He has one true love. There’s no room for anything or anyone else.”

  “Shut up,” I growl, my pulse threatening to explode out of my neck. I press my fingers into her wrist until the gun falls to the floor. Jeff kicks it away and shoots a death glare in my direction. I’d like to think it’s directed at Kate, but it’s very possible that he likes her better than me at this moment.

  Loud, pounding feet and guns cocking are what I hear next. Agents swarm the perimeter, dressed in their standard FBI issue navy blue windbreakers. There’s no explaining this one away. Kate tries to pull away from me, but I keep my fingers pressed into her wrist. I don’t look like I have much power, but I have technique, thanks to all of my training down in Quantico.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Kate shrieks.


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