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The Legendary Mechanic

Page 423

by <unknown>

  He secretly made up his mind. If the leader one day returned and he was able to get in contact with him, he had to convince the leader not to mess with Black Star. It would be more difficult than messing with Godora!

  On a devastated civilization planet in a certain Star Field…

  The planet’s surface was burning with endless flames and smoke, the ground shattered, the cities were destroyed, and countless were slaughtered.

  The fleet that completed its invasion retracted their artillery barrels, slowly rising above the atmosphere, leaving the almost completely destroyed planet surface civilization.

  This invading fleet was made up of three thousand battleships.

  However, not far from the planet, an enormous fleet a thousand times bigger was docked. The battleships seemed endless, as if they filled up the entire galaxy. The three thousand battleships were just a small division of this enormous fleet.

  A fleet of such a size could even fight a Star Cluster Civilization directly.

  The three thousand battleships returned to the large army with their loot, like a droplet of water entering the ocean.

  The leading disk-shaped battleship of this team deviated from the others and gradually entered deeper into the army, arriving at the center of this enormous fleet.

  At the center of the fleet was a gigantic planet-level main ship. Comparatively, the disk-shaped spaceship was like a pebble, and this gigantic main ship was like a mountain.

  A conspicuous sign was painted on the exterior armor of the main ship-a gray, hooded man.

  The disk spaceship entered the dock of the main ship, flew down the long lane, and stopped at the hangar.


  The hatch opened, and the DarkStar leader walked out. With emotionless eyes, he turned around and waved, signaling for the subordinates behind him to bring the dozens of weak captives and follow him.

  After walking for a while, they arrived before an enormous alloy gate. The giant cyclops guard beside the gate saw the dozens of the captives behind the DarkStar leader and grinned.

  “You’re quite fast. Go in, he’s waiting for you.”

  As he spoke, the alloy gate slowly opened. The DarkStar leader focused his mind, led the others, and walked in. The view before his eyes turned bright. Noises and heat waves landed right on his face.

  This was an enormous palace that was now having a party. There were countless tables filled with the delicious food and alcohol of many races, and there were people everywhere. Countless creatures from different races were gulping down the meat and drinks, roaring and laughing loudly. There were also female dancers walking through the crowd, roughly groped by people from time to time.

  The DarkStar leader even saw that there was someone in the corner hugging a dancer and bumping her against the wall, his laughing and roaring mixed into the noises.

  Chaos filled the entire room. Despite having lived there for a few years, the DarkStar leader still could not help but frown, not used to this stimulating scene.

  A drunk Beastman stumbled over. The DarkStar pressed him on the shoulder and pushed him away. He then walked to the center of the palace with large steps. At the center was a scarlet throne carved into the shape of some strange creature, like an ancient god he did not know the name of, which some Arcane Church branches prayed to.

  On the throne was a skinny, boney human-shaped creature wearing a ragged hood. Other than his face, his body was covered tightly. He was facing down, not making a single sound. The hood covered his face.

  The DarkStar leader came before the throne. Ignoring the chaotic scene around and the noises, he pointed at the dozens of captives behind him that were stunned by what they were seeing. “Your Excellency, I’ve brought the Espers.”

  Suddenly, the creature on the throne shivered, as if he had awoken from his sleep. He slowly looked up, showing his face under the hood.

  Under the hood was a vortex-like black fog, with a red flickering dot of light in the middle.

  With an unknown method, this faceless creature somehow spoke. His voice was rough and husky. “Well… done…”

  As he was speaking, he suddenly twisted his neck. The black fog under the hood suddenly disappeared, turning into the face of a hybrid human without any special features.

  The hooded man stood up and walked down from the throne and toward the dozens of captives. The DarkStar leader stepped aside.

  He stood in front of the first captive, looked right into the horrified eyes of this captive, grinned, and grabbed the neck of this captive.

  The next moment, this captive’s entire body shrunk and became dry, yet he did not die. He collapsed to the ground with his eyes opened wide, not even having the energy to speak a single word.

  “Not bad.”

  The hooded man licked his lips as if he was enjoying the taste. Then, he did the same and turned all the captives into dried shells before returning to the throne. He looked at the DarkStar leader with a satisfied expression

  “You’re good. I like you.”

  “It’s my honor to serve you.” The DarkStar lowered his head with respect. “According to our agreement, for every satisfying Esper I bring, you…”

  The hooded man waved his hand and interrupted the DarkStar leader. “I know, I will give you a new fleet. Hmm, I have some information here. Maybe you’ll be interested.”

  The hooded man shook his hand. A communicator flowed out from his palm and landed in the DarkStar leader’s hands.

  The DarkStar leader opened and looked at it. His expression instantly changed. The rumors surrounding Han Xiao were playing on it.

  “He seems to be what made you escape from the Shattered Star Ring.” The hooded man smiled faintly. “Looks like he can become a Beyond Grade A.”

  The DarkStar’s face was grave. He took a deep breath and slowly said, “Thank you for this information.”

  “You’re welcome.” The hooded man smiled and spoke in a rather friendly tone. He then waved and said, “You can leave now. Such a good environment is rare. Don’t disturb my sleep.”

  “Yes.” The DarkStar nodded and led his subordinates. He did not care about the dozens of dried captives. The chefs would come to cook them later anyway.

  Walking out of the palace, the alloy gate slowly closed. The DarkStar looked back. Through the gap in the gate, he saw the hooded man lower his head and enter into sweet dreams in the chaotic, loud, and insane environment.

  “What a maniac.”

  The DarkStar leader clenched his fists, and a deep sense of fear flashed through his eyes.

  The people behind him had arranged for him to leave the Shattered Star Ring and join under this hooded man. This man was the master of this enormous fleet and also a horrifying Beyond Grade A Super who wanted to fuse the abilities on the Super High Risk Esper Ability Restriction Treaty together.

  Following the agreement, the DarkStar had given the hooded man Ember. He could still remember the look of disbelief and shock on Ember’s face when he realized that he had been betrayed.

  However, his resistance was futile. The hooded man had been very satisfied with the sacrifice, so he had made an agreement with the DarkStar leader-he could provide fleets for the DarkStar leader, but the DarkStar leader had to exchange them for Espers that could satisfy him.

  Therefore, the DarkStar leader stayed there temporarily. He invaded and destroyed one surface civilization after another, searching for Supers with interesting Esper abilities. After a few years, he had obtained a large number of battleships and men.

  Originally, the DarkStar leader wanted to continue building his forces. However, Han Xiao’s rocketing combat capability gave him pressure.

  Following the current pace, Black Star might really become a Beyond Grade A Super. Then, it would be useless for him to return. If there was a Beyond Grade A in the Garton Star System, no one would be able to cause any trouble. DarkStar would never have a chance to rise again.

  “I have to go back as soon as possible, othe
rwise everything will be too late.”

  The DarkStar leader made his decision. Black Star happened to be at war, so he could take advantage of that.

  Furthermore, the DarkStar leader did not dare stay there any longer. In just a few years, he had been deeply affected by the chaos there. He could not imagine what would happen if he continued to stay, whether he would become just as insane.

  This enormous fleet was a Beyond Grade A organization that was always relocating and moving. The hooded man was the leader of this organization. Among all the Beyond Grade As in the entire universe, he was the most notorious maniac!

  This place welcomed wanted criminals from every Star Field who had no way out. It was the holy land for all criminals.

  This was the… (Fallen Ark]!

  Aroshia had followed Han Xiao to the war as well. She was staying in the fleet and slacking off like Han Xiao.

  Inside a room with turned off lights, Aroshia hugged her knees, sat in a corner, and stared into the darkness in front of her blankly.

  This time, dots of light debris suddenly appeared out of thin air and formed into the bright shape of a man, lighting up the room. It was Risda.

  “It’s you.” Aroshia had no expression on her face.

  Risda’s body vibrated. He then spoke.

  “Great, if Black Star becomes a Beyond Grade A, he will be able to fight the Mechanic Empire. Our people might be saved.”

  “Oh.” Aroshia did not respond too passionately

  “But Black Star might not be willing to fight the Mechanic Empire. You and I must convince him. He’s our biggest hope,” Risda said.

  Aroshia kept silent for a while before suddenly asking, “He might die, right?”

  “Everything is possible; nothing is absolute.” Risda shook his head and avoided the topic. “Remember what I said.”

  Then, Risda disappeared, and the room returned to darkness.

  Aroshia buried her chin between her knees and stared blankly.

  Meanwhile, Lagi was still on the way there.

  Chapter 688. Leeks Coming from Everywhere! (1) |

  Half a month had passed since the battle that destroyed the hyperdrive base station. The Bloodshed Land seemed to be cautious as well, so there were no major conflicts between the two sides for the time being, just skirmishes. Purple Crystal had no new missions for Han Xiao, so he took his fleet around in standby.

  During this time, he had been studying his loot —the armed satellite fortress.

  There was a total of nine armed satellite fortresses. After the base station was destroyed, the other armed satellite fortresses had all been seized. Han Xiao had received one from Morred too, and he had taken it back for research purposes.

  The blueprints for this kind of large mechanical satellite were very valuable. This one’s model was [‘Stout Shield’ Military Satellite Fortress].

  Han Xiao had been slowly deriving its blueprint over the past half a month. While he lacked the necessary Cutting-Edge Knowledge, which made it impossible for him to get the complete blueprint, he did obtain some useful technology such as the shield generator used by the hyperdrive base station, which could also be applied to psionic shields.

  Although he could not build the full version of the armed satellite fortress, the Great Mechanic Han was able to fuse a blueprint of the shrunk version of it. While it was smaller in size, it had the same functions as the original, just not as powerful.

  The armed satellite fortress was basically strategic equipment, not a combat weapon between Supers. Han Xiao planned to turn some of the Black Star bases built on administrative planets into satellite fortresses, at least giving them a certain amount of maneuverability.

  Han also seized the special armor of Bloodshed Land’s elite soldier, Thousand Beast Soldier, which he turned into his own blueprint and made preliminary improvements.

  In the machinery modification room. Han Xiao stood in front of a row of cabinets, looking at the different types of mechanical suits inside.

  “Thousand Beast Soldier Armor, Sunil NCO Class armor and Commander Class armor, my Snake Series armors, and some standard mechanical suit blueprints… If I combine them together, I should get some high-quality, mid-level mechanical suit blueprints.”

  Han Xiao caressed his chin and pondered.

  He intended to build a special armor series for the Black Star Army to be used as the new standard equipment for the army.

  This was not an out of the blue idea but something that he had thought about for a long time.

  Due to his two astonishing feats, his fame across the entire Star Field was rocketing beyond his expectations. Initially, Han Xiao had thought that the Black Star Army would only be able to develop slowly and steadily since the players were not there, but wars were proven to have the biggest opportunities once again. The recent heated discussion about him becoming a Beyond Grade A seed made him notice that this was a great opportunity. Some development targets could now be moved forward.

  He had always wanted to improve the army from a mercenary group to an armed force like the Bloodshed Land. A set of armor belonging to his own faction was equivalent to uniform seduc… culture, which would help to increase the cohesion of the faction more effectively than a mere army symbol.

  However, most of the people who came to be mercenaries were free and loose. If he forced a business transformation, he would lose some of those who were unwilling to pledge their loyalty. After all, mercenaries were never worried about where to go next, so they would not easily pledge their loyalty to a mercenary group.

  Nonetheless, his recent achievements had made people believe that he had an extremely high chance of reaching Beyond Grade A. The upper limits of an armed force depended on the strength of the leader. The cohesion of a normal Calamity Grade organization could not even be compared with a Beyond Grade A seed organization.

  For example, the Bloodshed Land, assuming that it had grown to its present size without Tyrant, would definitely have a ton of problems. Internally, the authority would be held by several Calamity Grades, none satisfied by being on the same level as the others, thus causing internal disputes and factional conflicts. Externally, without a Beyond Grade A leader, despite being such an enormous organization, no one would be able to unite them. In the end, they would definitely go their separate ways.

  Therefore, a leader who could suppress everything within determined the upper limits of an armed force.

  Han Xiao had been in the center of attention recently, and his reputation had exceeded the normal Calamity Grade range. Through his contacts, he learned that many intelligence organizations even called him half a Beyond Grade A. Numerous organizations believed that he would become a Beyond Grade A. Those organizations were not blind; his combat record was hard proof, so no one would inexplicably underestimate him.

  As the faction leader’s position increased, the Black Star Army’s appeal transformed as well. Even mercenaries knew that following a possible Beyond Grade A would be a more promising future, so the number of people lost in the business transformation would be significantly reduced.

  Not only that, with his current position, he could even attract more new talents.

  “Because of my reputation, the Black Star Army’s influence is growing every day. This is a great opportunity to scale up.”

  Han Xiao was in a great mood. He had initially intended to develop his forces through the support from the Purple Crystal civilization, but to his surprise, his own fame seemed to have allowed him to exceed what he had planned to achieve for the organization during the update period.

  Strength was the most important!

  “This expansion is an opportunity to improve the Black Star Army. There are many goals to be accomplished. First, the business transformation. Second, the expansion of manpower. Third, the increase of the armed troops. Fourth, becoming a long-term partner of Purple Crystal… Hmm, as long as the first three are completed, the fourth goal should not be a problem.

  “Of cour
se, the most important thing is my own strength. When I’m done with these trivial problems, I have to take a period of time to get a silver legacy blueprint to complete the Class Advancement mission. After that, complete the level 200 Promotion as soon as possible. The stronger I am, the faster the army will develop.”

  Han Xiao pondered and quickly set out a list of goals.

  He did not expect to perform this well before the war, nor did he expect to spark such discussions. The way he saw it, the development plan that he had originally set was too conservative.

  This wave of discussions surrounding him was an extremely rare opportunity that he had to take.

  Dong! Dong!

  At that time, someone suddenly banged loudly on the door of the modification room.

  “Who is it?” Han Xiao regained focus and opened the door.

  Hairy, muscular abs entered his vision. Han Xiao looked up at the three-meter-tall Harmon standing outside the door.

  “Lagi’s back. He wants to see you,” Harmon said with a low and muffled voice.

  “Oh, I thought he’d throw me an excuse that the hyperdrive engine broke and drag his feet till the end of the war to return.” Han Xiao was surprised.

  Harmon scratched his hairy head and gave a long grunt, as if the muscles in his brain could not process the meaning of the sentence.

  “By the way…” Han Xiao suddenly remembered something. “How come you are the one reporting? Where’s Herlous?”

  Usually, if Sylvia was away, Herlous would be his male secretary, a more decisive, reliable adult male.

  “He asked me to lie to you that he was training,” Harmon said with a straight tone, giving off a strong vibe of the word ‘reckless’.

  “Hmm…” Han Xiao’s mouth twitched, and he did not know what to say. “Then, what is he actually doing?”

  “He’s playing cards.”

  Han Xiao was speechless.

  “Okay, got it. I’ll go to see Lagi now.”

  Han Xiao closed his door and walked for a while before recalling something. He turned to Harmon and asked, “By the way, how many years till the selection battle for your tribal chief?


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