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Leveled (Blue Bay Crew)

Page 10

by Cathryn Fox

  Deep in the morning mist, I see figures in the fog and head toward them. I pick up speed and try not to sound breathless as I make my way toward Jamie and Scout—yeah, I kind of want to pretend I jog on a regular basis—but once again, I suddenly get that eerie feeling that I’m being watched. I turn and sense a movement in the haze behind me. My heart jumps into my throat as I quickly assess the situation. This time I don’t have a big scary dog at my side to frighten anyone away. With that thought in mind, I don’t hang around to see who is going to emerge from the mist. Instead I take off full force down the beach.

  I run, and I feel a measure of comfort when Jamie and Scout come into view. “Jamie,” I cry out and wave, trying not to look or sound as frightened as I feel. He lets Scout go, and she darts toward me. She’s running so damn fast, I try to slow myself down to get a hold of her leash but I get tangled up in it and fall face-first into the water as Scout barks and runs past me. Jamie hurries to me and drops to his knees.

  “Jesus, Kylee, are you okay?” he slicks his damp hair off his forehead, and those gorgeous green eyes of his, the color of the ocean on a clear spring morning, move over my face and body with concern. My heart thumps. It’s a little touching that he’s so concerned.

  I sputter as the cold Atlantic water races over me and chills me to the bone. “What’s going on with Scout?” I ask as I try to pull myself out of the surf.

  He looks up, glances past my shoulders, and frowns. “I don’t know. She was whining early this morning. It woke me so I thought I’d take her for a walk. She seems spooked.”

  Do I tell him I’m spooked too? I mull that over and decide against it. It’s likely just my overactive imagination. Lord knows Dad berated me enough over my “foolish musings,” and it left me self-conscious, fearful of receiving skeptical glares and disapproving scowls. God, he really did a number on me.

  “She’s probably confused being at my place and missing Summer and Sean.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  He brushes my wet hair from my face, scoops me into his arms, and carries my soaked body to dry sand. He sets me down and I spit wet sand from my mouth as he sinks to his knees in front of me, his careful gaze moving over my face, assessing me.

  Since the only thing hurt is my pride, I say, “I did that on purpose, you know. I hear an early morning mud bath is good for the skin.”

  “Oh, so you meant for this to happen?” He swallows and tries to avert his gaze, but not before I see his lips quirk at the corners.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I shout and feign anger.

  “No, not really.”

  “Not really?”

  He cups my chin, his hand so warm against my flesh. “Did anyone ever tell you how cute you look when you’re mad and full of mud?”

  “I’ll have to take a nose dive into the surf more often, then. I had no idea that’s how a girl goes about picking up a guy in Blue Bay.”

  His smile dissolves, and his muscles flex. “Kylee, I know we said one night, and we kind of blew that a few times.” He pauses and scrubs his face.

  Oh, I blew it all right. Literally and figuratively.

  “Yeah . . .” I say, wanting him to continue.

  “So I was thinking, maybe we could keep on doing what we’re doing for the rest of the summer.” He glances left, then right, like he’s making sure the coast is clear and no one can hear him.

  Sex with Jamie for a few more months.

  I feel like I’m back in grade school with my hand in the air. Ooh, pick me, pick me.

  When I don’t readily respond he comes back with, “You don’t have to answer me right away. Maybe you could give it some thought, though.”

  Thought? Nah, thoughts are overrated. “I could do that,” I say quietly, not wanting to sound too damn eager, and the corner of his mouth curls as he bends forward and places the softest, gentlest kiss on my mouth. His rough scruff rasps over my skin, and my heart takes another tumble, a warning that this could be dangerous to me in so many ways.

  “An affair with Jamie Owens, Blue Bay’s very own bad boy. How naughty,” I whisper into his mouth. “We should probably keep it quiet though. We don’t want Gram thinking we’re a couple, otherwise she’ll—”

  “Be at us to give her a great-grandbaby,” he cuts in, but there is a strange look on his face, one that has me thinking he has other reasons for keeping things quiet.

  Instead of asking—it’s not like I don’t have other reasons too, one being my overbearing father—I say, “Right.” A moment of silence, then, “So an affair, huh?” I add, more to myself than Jamie.

  He angles his head, his look challenging. “Wasn’t that what you were looking for that day you shook your sweet ass at me? A good girl out for a little fun with the local troublemaker? Don’t think I didn’t know what you were up to.”

  God, I really am transparent. At least to him, anyway.

  “Can’t get anything by you, can I?”

  His smile falters for a second, but then it’s quickly back in place, showing those perfect white teeth of his. Speaking of teeth, mine are chattering like dice in a Yahtzee cup as I shiver almost uncontrollably, but the sound is muffled by Scout’s distant growls.

  “You . . . you better go get her,” I say and hug myself to create heat. “And as far as your proposition goes, I’ve had enough time to think.”

  His eyes narrow in on me. “Tell me your answer is yes.”

  “Actually,” I begin and he dips his head, his face strained. “That’s a hell yes,” I say, and his sexy grin returns. “Now go.”

  “You’ll be okay to make it back to your house?”

  “I’m a big girl,” I say though chattering teeth. “I can take care of myself.”

  “Clearly,” he says, that ridiculous sexy grin of his doing the dirtiest things to the greedy spot between my quivering legs. “Any girl who takes a cold mud bath at the crack of dawn must be tough.”

  “Tough, yeah, that’s me,” I say. I’m not.

  He tugs off his shirt, and for a minute I forget everything. My God, he has such a beautiful body. “Take your shirt off and put this on,” he says.

  My head rears back, even though I’m touched by the gesture. “You want me to undress here, on the beach?”

  “Yes, here. There is no one around to see you.”

  I look to my right, and Scout’s growls go through me. “I’m not so sure about that,” I say. “Scout is barking at someone.”

  “Or something. Don’t worry. I’ll deal with it. Right now you’re freezing and you need to get warm before you get hypothermia. The ocean water is still too cold this time of year. Even for a mud bath,” he adds, deadpan.

  “Fine,” I say gruffly and tug my shirt off. Jamie’s gaze drops to my small breasts, and my pert nipples tighten even more. Oh, what I’d do to have that hot mouth of his wrapped around them again. “See something you like?” I ask teasingly, as I tug on his shirt and breathe in his scent. I let his distinct aroma curl around me, seep into my skin, warm my shivering body.

  He smirks at me. “Yeah, I do,” he responds unapologetically, and I keep the smile from my face. How is it this man makes me feel so desired? No man has ever fixated on my small breasts before, but Jamie, well, he looks at them like they’re a prized possession, like they could win a first-place ribbon at the Blue Bay bake-off—or tits-off—if there’s such a thing.

  I’m going to fuck your tits.

  As those dirty words ping around inside my brain, I gesture with a nod. “You better go find Scout.”

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  I climb to my feet, brush wet sand from my ass, and say, “Go. I’m fine.”

  “Head back to the house. I need to grab Scout some food from Sean’s, then I’ll meet you there.”

  I nod and he places another soft kiss onto my mouth, then runs down the beach after Scout. He calls out to Scout and his voice echoes through me as I grab my wet shirt and head to higher ground. I reach the string of
cottages overlooking the ocean and walk in the sand as I pass. Most of the places are still empty this early in the season, but I see a light on inside one of the more luxurious homes. Nosy girl that I am, I try to peek into the window as I hurry past it, but slow my steps when I come to Summer’s quaint cottage. Just then Jamie and Scout emerge from the fog and I let loose a relieved breath.

  “Thank God you found her.” My gaze falls over Jamie, his naked chest to be precise, and a fine shiver moves through me. I swear to God, I really did win the man lottery with this one. Truthfully, I can’t believe he’s asking for a summer fling. I agreed, but deep down I’ll have to be careful. When I head back to Atlanta come September, I have to make sure I don’t leave my heart in Blue Bay.

  “She was at the other end of the beach, chasing the seagulls.” A sound lodges in his throat and he grimaces as I stand there shivering “Jesus Christ, Kylee, you’re freezing,” he says, the worry in the depths of his voice wrapping around my heart and tugging tight. “You need to get out of these wet clothes. Come here.” He puts his arm around me and pulls me tight against his body. I sink into him, absorb his heat. “Let’s get you inside while I grab Scout’s food.”

  He pulls a key from his shorts and opens the door. Scout darts in ahead of us and goes wild as she sniffs and races from room to room. At first I don’t think it’s odd, considering she did the same thing when I brought her to my cottage.

  “I think she’s missing her mom and dad,” I say, but Jamie frowns. “What?” I ask.

  “Did you leave the light in the kitchen on last night?”

  A shiver of unease moves through me. Is it possible that Scout is picking up the scent of an intruder? I glance down and rack my memory. Last evening, I hightailed it out of here with Scout so fast, I don’t remember. Before I can answer, he says, “When I drove by last night, I could have sworn the lights were all off.”

  “I can’t remember, Jamie. I might have left it on. Do you think someone broke in?”

  He walks through the house and I follow him. “Nothing’s missing, so I don’t think so. You probably just forgot, and I was tired coming home.” He goes to the pantry and grabs Scout’s food, then stops. “Wait, you don’t mind if Scout stays at your place, do you?”

  I grin at him and wet my bottom lip, a vicious tease. “As long as it’s a package deal,” I say and walk up to him. His eyes go dark, full of hunger as he pulls me to him. His T-shirt is slightly damp and cold—my skin was wet when I pulled it on—but he doesn’t seem to mind as it presses against his naked chest.

  “We need to get you home and warmed up,” he murmurs into my mouth, and my legs nearly buckle at the desire I hear in his voice.

  “Any idea on how we can do that?” I ask.


  He grabs Scout’s food and I reach for her leash when she finally comes back into the front room. Jamie sets the alarm and we head outside.

  “I thought you said people here didn’t even lock their doors?”

  “Summer had some trouble a while back, so Sean asked me to install a system.”

  “Really, you installed it?” I ask and look him over. There is so much more to this man than he lets on.

  “Yeah, when I was living in New Orleans, I worked for a company called Eagle Security.”

  “Then you got into the tattoo business.”

  “It was a hobby that led to a career,” he says.

  “Why did you come back to Blue Bay?”

  He kicks a pebble and it echoes in the quiet of the morning. Scout barks at it, and I rub her head to hush her. Only problem is, I get a big wet tongue across the face when I bend.

  “Ugh, like I’m not wet enough,” I say and Jamie quirks a brow, his dirty mind clearly at work. “From falling into the water,” I say and give him a little push. He doesn’t budge. Cripes, I’d have more luck moving a tree with my pinkie than I would moving two hundred pounds of hard muscle with a shove. “So why did you come back, Jamie?” I ask, getting the conversation back on track, curious about this man. The truth is I hate how interested I am. I should rein in my curiosity, but I can’t seem to. I want to know more, what makes him tick.

  “Because my brother Sean made me. After Dad died, he called us all home to help get Dad’s construction business back in the black. We were all expected to drop whatever it was we were doing and hightail it back here.”

  “Do you always do everything that’s expected of you?” I say and grin as I toss his words back at him.

  “Apparently. The thing is, all of us guys left the first chance we could.” He frowns and looks down, but I don’t miss the demons dancing in his eyes before he blinks them away.

  “How come?” I pry, even though it’s not my business.

  He gives an easy shrug, but that’s a difficult task when you have something weighing your shoulders down, and that’s exactly what I think is going on with him. I understand his secrets don’t involve me, but the fact that he wants to keep our relationship incognito does. Why is he so afraid of anyone finding out?

  “We all had our own reasons,” he says, then a sound catches in his throat. “Dad, mostly.”

  “I know he was hard on you, but was that your reason, too?” I ask, and he goes stiff beside me.

  “I had to find myself. Figure out my life,” he mutters and scrubs his hand over his chin. The sound rasps through my body and brings on a shiver. He clearly misreads the reaction and drags me closer, warming me with his heat. I love the feel of his body next to mine, so I don’t correct him.

  “And that happened in New Orleans? You found yourself there?”

  He turns to me, and his steely eyes lock on mine. “I’m not sure it’s happened yet, Kylee.”

  We go quiet for a long time, both lost in our own thoughts as we listen to the savage surf lap against the sandy shore. I break the quiet and say, “Well, if I grew up here, I’d never leave. Everything here just seems so much more . . . simple.”

  “Lots of reasons to leave, and lots of reasons to come back.” His hair falls forward as he angles his head my way. “Blue Bay is in my soul, and we can all kid ourselves by saying we only came back because Sean made us, but this place sort of grips you . . .” He pauses and makes a fist. “ . . . By the balls and holds you here.”

  “Poetic,” I say and nudge him, and while I sound like I’m kidding, I’m not. Underneath the tattoos and scars there is a whole other side of Jamie. “It is beautiful here.”

  “Yeah, beautiful,” he says, and I feel a flush move into my cheeks when I realize he’s talking about me.

  We reach my place and I open the door. “So you don’t think there was anyone on the beach?”

  He brushes my wet hair from my face, his dark gaze locked on mine. “No, why?” he asks.

  For a minute I think about telling him I thought I saw someone, but I’m not really sure if I did. I think maybe I’ve watched too many horror movies and my imagination got carried away in the fog. Dad always scolded me for it, but would Jamie? I don’t think he would.

  “Oh, just wondering.”

  “What’s going on, Kylee?”

  I hesitate for a long moment, but I’m comfortable with this man, and everything in me tells me he wouldn’t laugh or make fun of me. “I don’t know. I thought I saw someone, I guess.”

  His eyes narrow, concern on his face. “All I saw were seagulls,” he says, but I hear a hint of worry lacing his voice. “Want me to go back and check?”

  I appreciate the gesture so much my heart warms, and it puts me at ease. “No, I’m sure it’s just my imagination getting the better of me.” He hesitates for a second, and I squeeze his arm. “Seriously, it’s fine.”

  “Okay, why don’t you get rinsed off while I take care of Scout?”

  “After you take care of Scout, why don’t you build a fire, then meet me in the shower? I think I have sand packed in places I can’t reach.”

  Jamie laughs and I can’t help but laugh with him. “Now there’s an offer a guy ca
n’t refuse. Should I bring my jackhammer?”

  Needy girl that I’m becoming—compliments of Jamie Owens—I reach down and cup his cock through his running shorts. It grows in my hand and he jerks his hips forward. “If by jackhammer, you mean your cock, then yes.”

  He reaches behind me, slaps my ass, and says, “Go. I’ll take care of Scout, make a fire, and meet you in the shower. Don’t start without me.”

  With my ass stinging from his slap, I hurry down the hall, stripping off my wet clothes as I go, and head straight for the shower. Dog food fills the bowl in the other room, and the sound of paper crinkling reaches my ears as I stop to look at myself in the mirror. I nearly scream at the horrific image staring back. My hair sticking out in all direction, and I have mud all over my face. Jamie found this attractive? Then again, he could be tarred and feathered and wearing a burlap bag and I’d find him attractive—because I like who he is. Could Jamie feel the same about me? Is he attracted to me for more than my face and body? Do I dare hope? I shake my head to clear it. What would that matter anyway? His life is here and I’m leaving in a few short months.

  For God’s sake, get it together, Kylee.

  I turn the water on and hop in the warm spray. It feels glorious against my cold body, but once again my thoughts stray.

  I’m not the kind of guy a girl brings home to Daddy.

  Why would he say that? He’s perfect in so many ways. Then again, I can’t imagine ever bringing him home. He’s not the “type” of guy my dad would want me with. I scoff. No doubt he’d do a full background check and dig up as much dirt on the guy as possible. I’d never want to put Jamie, or any man, through that. Sometimes, I swear to God, my father keeps a trace on me and tracks my every movement. I suck in a quick breath. Maybe someone is watching me here in Blue Bay. Maybe Dad did send one of his secret informants here to make sure I ride the straight and narrow.


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