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Lone Wolf Rising (Paranormal Romantic Thriller) (The Winters Series)

Page 12

by Jami Brumfield

  "Things could’ve been worse, but they had the support of the Convent of Saints which supported their relationship; the convent doesn't seem to have issues with the mixing of classes.” He leaned back and settled even further into the rock, while Rebecca flipped through the pages.

  "The Convent of Saints?" She was curious. Dianna mentioned these groups during her orientation but it never became an important topic of discussion.

  "They’re at war against the Authority for power. At one time the Authority held all the power but the Convent of Saints decided they were tired of the Authority and created their own council. One of their biggest arguments is on that very idea. The Convent does not believe the Authority should restrict who one marries or has relations with.”

  "But surely they weren’t the only supernatural beings that paired with someone from another species?" She continued to flip through the pages. Pictures of her entire family were in the folds and memories threatened to flood back. She pushed them down.

  "Of course, it’s just frowned upon. Apparently it’s harder to keep the different species populated as offspring are rare in most cases." He explained. “The Authority does everything in its power to keep the mixing of species from happening. The Convent believes the next evolution to supernaturals lie in the mixing of species.” He sighed, “I have only heard stories, but at one time it was said that the Authority would execute couples of mixed species. Some believe it was why the Convent was created. It became a place for those couples to seek sanctuary.”

  "That’s a very narrow way of looking at things. Heck, science believes interspecies breeding and evolution created the human being, and most likely us. I think the Convent may be right in their forward thinking."

  "The Authority would rather keep things the way they are. They can have better control this way." Sadness flitted through his amber eyes as he continued. "Even now they frown on us."

  Rebecca shook her head in confusion as she continued to leaf through the pages, "but we’re a cover."

  "Apparently, a pretty convincing cover." The sadness and shadows were gone, replaced with the carefree grin.

  "Did you get in trouble for getting me this file?" Rebecca worried her bottom lip.

  He shook his head, "no, because they’re not going to find out I took it. I plan on returning it tomorrow." He put a hand on the file to keep her from flipping more pages. “I got it last night after you told me about your parents.”

  Rebecca’s heart seized, she needed more time to look at its contents. She needed more time with her parents. "Are there details of the investigation into their deaths?"

  He nodded, "it’s not pretty." He flipped to the tab toward the back of the file. "The Authority and the Convent worked together on this case and found no supernatural involvement, but after reviewing the file I’m not so sure."

  "How so?" She asked as she flipped to the last page.

  "It all seems too convenient."

  "Where are the photos?" Rebecca looked panicked.

  "I removed them. They were too graphic; not how your parents should be remembered."

  Always the protector. In this case it was irritating. "But what if there are some clues in the photos."

  He shook his head, determination clear in his eyes. "There was nothing in the photos that will help you. Take some time with the file." He got up and left her alone. She shivered as she read through the pages.

  Everything about her parents’ deaths was there, except the photos, which, if she was being truthful, she was thankful he removed. For the most part, everything the Convent and Authority found was what her private investigator uncovered. Both of them led back to the Refuge.

  As Rebecca leafed through the pages again she came to an excommunication form. Her hands shook as she read the form filed by the Authority. It was requesting removal of Elizabeth Maria Winters from the Coven of Phoenix Witches. It was dated a month before their deaths and it was approved by Francesco.

  She looked around to make sure Lucky was not watching. When she felt it was safe she removed the page; folded it up and placed it in her hoodie pocket. Then she closed the file, took one last look at the skyline, promised her parents vengeance, and left Lucky's special place. He was waiting back at the car for her. He opened her door and closed it once he saw she was comfortable.

  He started the car quickly and asked, "Was it a mistake to give you the file?"

  She looked at him and shook her head, "no, it was a wonderful gift." Without thinking she reached over and kissed him. It was meant to be a show of gratitude, a simple kiss on the cheek to let him know it meant the world to her. Her lips never met his cheek, he turned into the kiss and their lips touched. That kiss exploded into something deeper, primal.

  Her fingers wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. Somehow the center console was removed, and so was the file as his lips moved against hers in a dance of need that had been building up all day. He wrapped his fingers around her waist and pulled her gently into his lap. Once she was placed comfortably in his lap he moved his lips to her neck sending tingles throughout her body. His lips wove a spell around her body and made a connection deep within.

  He was the one to pull away. He pulled her back and stared into her eyes. His own eyes were dark with passion, desire. His lips looked as swollen as hers felt. Their bodies fit perfectly together. They both focused on steadying their shallow breathing.

  "Sometimes I think you’re still a witch, Becca, one who has woven a spell of desire over me." His voice was raspy and words were hurtful.

  She slapped him and climbed back to her seat. "Take me home." Her own voice was unrecognizable.

  He nodded solemnly. The drive home was filled with silence. When they pulled in front of the house he grabbed her arm gently to keep her from leaving. "I’m sorry."

  She nodded, fearful of allowing herself to speak and betray her feelings.

  "I’ll be here tomorrow at seven to pick you, Hunter, and Savannah up for school."

  She wanted to refuse him, but the obvious need to have him around was in the form of bruises all over her body. "Okay. Thank you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  ~"The best protection any woman can have... is courage."

  ~Elizabeth Cady Stanton


  Where are you!

  Savannah punched the words angrily into her phone and tossed it on the bed. Rebecca promised to go with her today to pick out the perfect homecoming dress for the dance but that was obviously not going to happen.

  After what happened Friday night Savannah thought Rebecca would have the courtesy to at least answer her calls and texts. Nothing about Rebecca’s behavior had been normal since that night. Even their connection, that twin-sense that they both relied upon, was gone. It was like Rebecca disconnected the phone line that connected them psychically and that was unacceptable.

  Secrets were not something they kept from each other. In less than a year they would be going to college, starting a life outside of this town, creating and developing their future and Savannah planned to have her sister in that future just as Rebecca has been since day one. She was too important to Savannah to lose.

  The bright red lettering on the alarm clock by her bed read 6:28 pm; signaling the day was almost over. Rebecca had been gone since before Savannah woke up. She knew Rebecca was going to do some running with Lucky this morning, but this afternoon they planned a trip to the mall.

  Irritated, Savannah flipped open her history book and started working on the homework that was due tomorrow. History was not her subject, it was Becks'. After re-reading the same paragraph for ten minutes she slammed the book shut and decided to get some tea.

  Savannah ran down the stairs, taking note that Hunter was not in his room, either. She put the water on the stove to boil and looked out the back window hoping to find Hunter with Natalia. Grandmother's garden was in full bloom and looked beautiful in the Arizona desert. Green plants with colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes bloomed
on vines. Red berries dotted the ground in a few areas. The fruit trees were abundant with lemons, mangos, peaches, and avocados. Savannah contemplated going out and getting a peach from the tree but thought better of it, knowing how her allergies would react to walking through the backyard. It was those undesirable allergy attacks that caused her to become the household plant expert. It was also because of those allergies that she knew the pollen count was up today which had kept her in the house for most of the day.

  A shadow in her peripheral caught her attention. Savannah turned her head, expecting to see Hunter and Natalia talking on the porch, instead she saw her twin crouching around one of the shrubs. "What is she doing?" Savvy wondered out loud. Her fingers instinctively turned off the burner as she watched Rebecca sprint to the other side of the yard and head towards the side gate.

  Without thinking she decided to follow Rebecca. Savvy snuck out the door and tried to stick to the shadows as best she could. Spying was not a skill set she could list on her college application so she was not very good at it. Thankfully, Rebecca was focused on whatever she was doing. Rebecca rushed across the street and slipped into the Johnson's backyard. Savvy pursued her.

  The Johnson's were snow birds and only came down three weeks out of the year. They spent the rest of their lives in North Dakota. They had recently left town for the year and the yard was in disarray from lack of use. Savvy managed to avoid stepping on a half hidden rake with ease but tripped over the cement block that was the beginning of the back porch. Rebecca turned in her direction, something dangerous flashed in her eyes and Savannah could have sworn she heard her sister growl.

  “Whoa!” Savannah put her hands up in surrender and lost her footing. She landed unceremoniously on the ground. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever expect to be fearful of her twin, but in that moment, Savannah was scared of Rebecca.

  Rebecca turned back towards what she was doing and cursed. Whatever she was doing, Savvy had ruined it. "What the hell are you doing, Savvy?" Rebecca helped her sister up from the ground with an angry tug.

  "Following you. I know something is up and if you’re not going to tell me what it is I’ll find out for myself." Savvy placed her hands on her hips; irritation colored and burned her cheeks. "What were you doing?"

  "I thought I saw someone watching the house." Rebecca stated simply as she scanned the horizon.

  "What’re you two doing?" Hunter's raspy whisper had both of them spinning around. He and Natalia were standing behind them looking irritated with their hands crossed over their chests. Natalia nervously pushed her glasses up her nose and supported Hunter in his body language.

  "Are you following us?" Savvy asked them angrily.

  "Excuse me?" Rebecca made a shame on you gesture with her finger. "Pot, kettle?"

  Savvy rolled her eyes, she was following her, but Rebecca had given her reason to follow her. Something was different about her and Savannah was determined to discover what secret she was keeping.

  "When I see my sisters running suspiciously into a neighbor's backyard I’m going to follow them to make sure they’re alright. It's kind of my job as a brother to keep you safe." Hunter stated, irritation coloring his words.

  Rebecca and Savvy both rolled their eyes at that statement. He was their brother, and younger brothers get a pass sometimes. "We don't need you to keep us safe."

  "That’s what you think. Let's get out of the Johnson's yard before someone calls the cops." He and Natalia turned and left leaving Rebecca and Savvy no option but to follow.

  He was right and guilt made her feel a little shame at her behavior. What were they thinking? Savvy was so determined to find out what Becks was up to that she acted foolishly. "You need to tell me what is going on, sis. Your behavior is driving me crazy, and frankly, it’s scary." Savvy hissed under her breath. Hopefully, Hunter and Natalia were not within earshot. They didn’t need to worry Hunter with their sisterly drama.

  Rebecca looked down and away from Savvy. She couldn't even look her in the eyes. This only reinforced that she was hiding something from her, something big. "I told you, someone was watching the house and I decided to follow him to find out who he was." Rebecca was careful to keep her voice low, too.

  At least they agreed it was not necessary to worry Hunter with the problem. "So you thought it was a great idea to put yourself in danger by following a stranger? What were you thinking? He could have been a murderer or rapist or ..." Savvy shivered. She sounded a lot like Rebecca did the other night when Savvy left with Lucky to pick up the car. She shook her head; the idea of losing Rebecca was unthinkable. She had already lost so much. "You’re a hypocrite! You were just telling me how dangerous it was to get into a vehicle with a stranger and you are essentially doing the same thing." Savvy hissed angrily.

  "You’re being ridiculous!" Rebecca quickened her pace and it was then that Savvy noticed Rebecca was walking with a limp.

  Savannah quickened her pace and grabbed Rebecca’s arm moments before they followed Hunter and Natalia into the house. Rebecca grimaced at Savvy’s touch. She pulled up Rebecca’s sleeve and saw multiple bruises on her arms. "What happened to you?" Anger was quickly replaced with concern.

  Rebecca snatched her arm back as though Savvy had burned her. "It’s nothing, just some bruises from training." She quickly rolled down her sleeve to cover the marks.

  Rebecca’s silence and look forced Savvy to continue. "Lucky is training me in self defense. Today I learned the lesson that it’s sometimes a good idea to walk away from a fight instead of fighting someone I’d lose to."

  "He beat you up?" Savvy lost control of the voice level as it rose incrementally with each word.

  "No, he’s training me." Rebecca looked down, "I promise he’d never let anything bad happen to me. I know he’d defend me with his own life."

  "I don't care! This is, so not okay! I’m going to have a few words with him. Let’s get you into a salt bath immediately so we can help heal those bruises." Savannah pulled Rebecca up the stairs and started a bath. Rebecca followed her into the room and began to get undressed. The bruises seemed smaller, less noticeable in this light which was good but did little to appease Savvy’s anger at Lucky. She knew she just met the guy, but she never would’ve imagined he would hurt Becca.

  While Rebecca got into the bath Savvy went into the other room and pulled out her sister’s night clothes and robe. She also decided to erase the irritated text messages she sent to Rebecca’s phone, it was obvious she had more important things going on. No need to stress her out anymore.

  When Savvy returned the bruises were almost gone. She dropped the robe on the floor and sucked in a breath, Rebecca's neck whipped around as her eyes searched Savvy’s for a clue as to what frightened her.

  "Your bruises are almost gone." Rebecca sunk deeper into the tub, and attempted to hide the evidence. Savvy reached for her sister’s arm and only saw faint purple outlines underneath the skin. "Good lord, what’s happening to you, to me? Was I imagining things? Because now…” She shook her head, “now, there’s almost no proof that you were even injured."

  Savvy turned angry eyes on Rebecca. "Don't lie to me Rebecca Elizabeth Winters." Something shiny glimmered for a moment on Rebecca’s hand and then disappeared. It appeared and disappeared so quickly that Savvy could almost fool herself into believing it never happened, but the bruises were a different story.

  "It is a long story, sis. Can we talk about it later?" Rebecca dropped her head into her hands.

  "Really?" Savvy asked her incredulously. Did she really believe she would let this go so easily?

  "Look, they’re almost gone, they must have looked worse in the light outside. We were practicing with bamboo sticks instead of swords. It was our first training and I think I overdid it. Simple as that. Please just let it go." Rebecca sounded so sad.

  Something in the way Rebecca looked at her gave her pause. Savvy knew that look and she also knew that Rebecca was done discussing it. That didn't mean Savvy was do
ne trying to figure it out but she was going to have to figure it out on her own. "Fine. But I’m still going to have to say something to Lucky."

  Rebecca sighed, frustrated, "please don't."

  Savvy stared at Rebecca for a moment longer. She was shutting her out and Savvy was not going to let it happen. But continuing on with her while she was in lockdown would only make things worse. Savvy was going to have to bite her tongue and take matters into her own hands. She sighed deeply and left the room without saying another word.

  Chapter Twelve

  ~"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way and not starting."



  It took many miracles but Rebecca managed to get both of her siblings out of the house before seven. Six thirty seven to be exact, but despite her best efforts it was not fast enough because sitting at the end of the driveway was a shiny black and gold Escalade with a very handsome golden haired boy lounging against the passenger door waiting for them looking like he had rolled off a page of GQ. It should be illegal at how easily he looked the part of the perfect high school senior boyfriend. He wore jeans that fit just right, hugging his hips. His white t-shirt was taut across his chest and around his biceps. Rebecca rolled her eyes, sighed heavily, and plastered on a fake smile. They had to make this look good, especially since there was someone spying on them, or at least her. And after last night, her sister needed to know that everything was okay between Lucky and her.

  He opened the back door for Savannah; who was dressed in her blue, white and gold cheerleading uniform. Her glare was deadly as she met his eyes and told him thank you in her tight, irritated voice. He even managed to take her back pack and pom-poms from her with little to no effort; which probably irritated her further. Hunter ran to the other side and got in. Rebecca reached for the front door passenger handle, but was too slow. Lucky managed to maneuver himself in front of her, pom-poms and all, and opened her door as well. She slid into the passenger seat and was taken off guard when his lips kissed hers lightly before he closed the door carefully. She sunk into the leather interior that was cooler than fabric, and in Arizona, that is actually a great benefit.


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