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Lone Wolf Rising (Paranormal Romantic Thriller) (The Winters Series)

Page 23

by Jami Brumfield

  "It will be when I find their killers and have my vengeance." She told him honestly.

  "Do you really think that will give you the closure you need?" Doubt was written across his features.

  She shrugged her shoulders and took a drink of the water. "I don't know. I hope so. And I hope you’ll feel better when we avenge our fallen wolf friends as well."

  He took another drink swirling the liquid around the crystal glass. "The question is how that vengeance will change us."

  "What do you mean?" She pressed her lips together frowning, trying to understand what he was getting at.

  "I mean, once we know who killed them, what do we do with that information?"

  "Make them pay for the pain they caused us." It was a simple answer that left so many questions. What would we do? She’d never gotten past the idea of discovering who did it. She’d never thought how she’d make them pay for destroying her family, for trying to kill off her entire pack. "I don't know how; but I figure I’ll decide when we get to that point."

  "It might be something you want to think about beforehand. You may not be thinking clearly when we are in the moment." He warned as he washed out his glass. "Thank you for the drink." Rebecca simply nodded, without even looking at him.

  "Want to go for a ride and check out the rest of your land? I can saddle up two horses." He offered.

  She glanced out the window and said. "Okay." When she turned around to look at him; he was already gone, leaving her alone in the large room that was far more than she would’ve ever needed. 'How many more surprises await me as the new alpha?' She wondered as she made her way to the main entryway.

  ‘You need to start thinking of yourself as a leader. You’ll never be alone again. You’ll always have people who’ll count on you to make the right decisions - to protect them. The land and housing that you inherited aren’t just for you, but for everyone you’re now responsible for.’

  The wolf was right. Like it or not she had responsibilities.

  "Who are you?" A young girl's voice echoed behind Rebecca. She turned and saw a girl and boy. They both looked about seven or eight. Their hair was matted and dirty, their faces covered in dried dirt and blood. The girl was sucking on her thumb while holding a rag doll that looked worse then they did, if that was possible, dangling from her free hand. The boy stood with his arms crossing his chest, trying to look strong, but fear registered behind his eyes.

  "I’m Rebecca Winter. Who are you?" She tried to sound as gentle as possible as she squatted down toward the ground, making herself as tall as them.

  The girl hid behind the boy. The boy pushed his chest out further.

  "I’m not going to hurt you." She reassured them.

  Gabriel came in the house at that moment, scaring the kids and her at the same time. She held a hand up in the air and hoped he would get the idea, he did. His walk was slower as he approached them, his hands out to show he was unarmed. When he reached Rebecca’s side he squatted down next to her and offered a smile. "Hello there."

  The girl peeked around the boy and she ran to Gabriel's open arms, hugging him and crying. "It’s you, it’s really you!" She gushed. "River told me you were here. I just didn't believe him."

  "Sweet little, Willow, we thought you were lost, killed in the attack?" Gabriel smiled gently at the girl as he held her tightly in his arms.

  "I did what you told me to do, Gabe. I protected my sister." His chest rose an inch higher. Gabriel held out his other arm and the boy ran to him. The strength of his hug knocked Gabriel backwards and all three fell into a heap on the floor. River laughed. Willow was quick to join in, and Gabe held them tightly while he tried to discreetly wipe away a tear from the corner of his eye.

  Rebecca stood up. She felt like she was an intruder in their reunion. Out of place and unsure of what to do next, she waited. After a few minutes Gabriel sat both kids in his lap and turned toward her. "Rebecca this is my sister Willow and brother River." Becca knew her mouth had dropped to the floor. She looked at the three of them closely and through the dirt and grime, started to see the family resemblance. They all had the dark hair, almost raven. They shared similar eyes, not in color but in shape, almond shaped. Their smiles were brilliant despite their disheveled appearance. "Willow, River, this is Becca, our new alpha."

  Willow's eyes grew large, taking on the shape of saucers. "Did you kill our daddy?"

  The question broke her heart, shattered it into a million pieces. She couldn't speak past the lump that was forming in her throat as memories of her own loss all those years ago flooded back. Becca was about their age when her parents were killed. She simply shook her head “No.”

  "No, Willow, but we plan to find out who did." Gabriel told her gently. "Why don't I get you two cleaned up so we can talk?" He looked at Rebecca, “you don't mind if I get them settled first?” His voice smooth and filled with promise; like hot cocoa on a super cold day, warming her from the inside out.

  Rebecca smiled and shook her head. "While you all get cleaned up I’ll see if there is something to make in the kitchen." She headed to the industrial-sized kitchen and opened the fridge. What am I doing? Cooking isn’t a skill set I had. I can barely boil water. But those kids looked starved and the grumbles in their stomachs showed their bodies agreed. She wished Savvy was here, she could have made them a five course meal without even blinking. Instead, they were going to have to settle for some macaroni and cheese with hamburger; as long as she could manage to heat the meat without burning it.

  While rummaging through the cabinets she also found some tea and cocoa so she decided to use the tea pot as well. Those poor kids, what they must’ve seen. It was unthinkable. So innocent and wounded. Rebecca was suddenly thankful that she and Gabriel were here together to help them. But she couldn't help wonder why they were not on the list of the deceased, or if they were, why were they labeled dead when they were obviously alive.

  ‘Because they’re not wolves.’ The wolf answered cryptically.

  As she contemplated what their discovery meant, she couldn’t help but wonder if there were others still alive, hiding out in one of the safe houses. Her thoughts were interrupted by the whistling sound of the tea pot telling her the water was hot enough. She poured four cups, filled two with cocoa and two with tea while she continued to cook dinner.

  When Willow, River, and Gabriel came downstairs, the family resemblance was even stronger. They looked and smelled clean and were excited to see hot cocoa waiting for them on the table. Gabriel smiled his thanks and pulled out some marshmallows from the top shelf in the cabinet which had them cheering. Then he set the table with four place settings. When he was sure everyone was settled in he checked on Rebecca.

  "Good, hearty meal. Thank you, they need this. Their bellies were grumbling the entire time they were getting cleaned up." He took a taste and smiled. "You’re not a bad cook." His grin warmed her and his approval made her soar into the clouds for a moment. He put some honey in his steeped peppermint tea and leaned back on the counter behind her.

  While he wasn't touching her or trying to seduce her, she could feel his eyes moving up and down the length of her. It made her feel desired and set her skin on fire everywhere he looked. His simple perusal of her body made her want his touch. Made her wonder how gentle his touch could be, if he could be gentle. The first time he kissed her it was like a full-on assault and the look he gave her afterwards, the look of distaste helped her to pull herself back together. The second time his lips claimed hers in desperation and left her breathless. He liked things rough, but could he be tender? Those thoughts and his slow study of her body caused a red blush to creep up her neck.

  Rebecca dished up the plates and they all sat down to eat.

  "Can I say grace?" River asked excited and hungry.

  "Sure" Gabriel grinned.

  "Thank you for the food, Grace!" He yelled and dug into his plate. Both Willow and River shoveled the food in faster than she’d ever seen someone eat, including Rebecc
a’s own brother who could really put it away. Their plates were clear before Gabriel and Rebecca could finish three bites, and she was happy that she decided to make extra just in case. She gave them a second helping and they dug in again, this time a little slower. They were too young to cook on the stove so they must’ve been surviving on leftovers in the fridge and food that was edible without heat.

  "If it’s alright with you I think I should stay here with them for a while." Gabriel asked after swallowing a bite of food.

  "Of course." Rebecca agreed, thinking the two vehicle idea was a good one after all. "How come they were not counted among the ..." she lowered her voice to a whisper "... deceased?"

  "Because they are not officially wolves. The change in purebreds only happens during the hormonal change of teenagers. That’s when it’s discovered if the wolf gene is recessive or dominant. If recessive they’ll never become full members of the pack."

  Rebecca nodded. Her wolf wasn’t being that cryptic at all. It made complete sense when explained scientifically; not that she was, by any means, a science expert. It was the logic that she understood.

  "Being that they’re children of an alpha, it’s most likely that the gene is dominant. Alpha's simply have an extra spark." His voice grew deeper and his eyes darker on the word spark. He may not be using his lips or touch to reel her in, but he’s still fishing for his mate with every other seduction tool he had at his disposal.

  Instead of giving him gratification in knowing he was weakening her defenses she changed the subject. "What about the other compounds and safe houses? Should we check them out?"

  "Yes. It might be a good idea. I can send some rogues I trust to investigate if you’re okay with that?"


  He nodded as he swallowed more food. "I’ll have Madison, Persephone, Gabby, and Athena check them out."

  The fact that they were all female names was not lost on Rebecca. The mere mention of another girl's name on his lips made her feel... jealous. She pushed the feeling down, reminding herself that she wasn’t in the market for a mate, and wouldn’t be ready for that type of commitment for a very long time.

  After dinner he gave her a ride down to her car. Her body was aching with desire by the time they arrived. This time he didn’t hold her hand. Instead, he kept his hands in his pockets until he opened the door. And instead of the confident smooth talker she was growing fond of; he lowered his eyes to the ground and said very little.

  "So will I see you tomorrow at school?" She asked, surprising herself at the question.

  He looked up with a spark of hope in his green eyes. "We’ll see. I need to make sure my brother and sister are taken care of first." His voice got gruff when he added, "I’m sure Lucky will be there to look after you."

  Lucky, she hadn't forgotten about Lucky. She was only momentarily swept away by the physical pull that Gabriel had on her body. She felt a twinge of guilt as she nodded, and hopped into the car. He leaned down and, despite everything, she found herself hoping he would kiss her. Instead, he grinned and said goodbye before closing the door for her.

  As she drove away and watched his reflection in the rear view mirror get smaller and smaller she had to admit, she was in trouble.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  ~"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up."

  ~James A Baldwin


  "Don't worry, Becca. I’ll protect you." Gabriel's warm voice fell over her body like a silk shield while he touched his long finger to her lips. "Anyone who wants to hurt you will have to get past me first." His touch sent shivers down her body and his eyes held promise and concern.

  "She doesn't need your protection." Lucky's strong voice carried down the hall as he took long dependable strides towards them.

  For a moment, Rebecca felt guilty; caught up in the seduction that Gabriel was playing. Lucky is my choice! Lucky is my choice, she reminded herself. But even as she did she wondered who she was trying so hard to convince.

  Gabriel gave her that deadly, knowing smile and moved behind her. She put her hands up to stop Lucky from hurting Gabriel who was now running his fingers up and down her arm, causing her body to shake inside and her mind to grow fuzzy. Why was Gabriel trying to antagonize Lucky?

  Lucky watched as Gabriel touched her, his golden eyes growing dark. "I’m sorry, Becca, but I won't give you up without a fight." The warning clear in his eyes as he made a move toward Gabriel.

  "No! Lucky, I need him, too." Her voice sounded weak as she turned to block Lucky from attacking. His chest solid against her hands. Her eyes pleading with him to step back while Gabriel continued his seductive assault on her body, his hands rested possessively on her waist.

  "You need to learn, Rebecca. Nephilim are very protective of people they care about. I’m all you need to keep you safe. I’m enough to protect you. You don’t need him." Lucky cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently, so tender and sweet. She felt like she was going to melt into a puddle of hot wax right there.

  Gabriel grabbed her arms and pulled her back against his hard, ready body. "She’s my mate." His voice full of threats. "Any other man and I would’ve already killed you." He snarled the warning, her wolf melting. Her body exploding as he proved his intentions by kissing the tender spot behind the ear. Lips making an explosive trail from her ear to shoulder and back to the spot where her neck and shoulder meet. “Mine.” He said.

  “Yes.” Rebecca whispered. He nipped her gently at the intersection of the neck and shoulder. A tender, erotic nibble that was just enough to break the skin. It was the second time he tasted her blood.

  Lucky snaked his fingers into the belt loops of her jeans and pulled her waist towards him. She was caught between Gabriel's fire and Lucky's intensity. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips and Lucky crushed his mouth to hers to silence her. Gabriel continued his assault on her neck and shoulder while his hand moved slowly up her torso, his touch setting her skin on fire. Caught up in the moment, Rebecca reached a hand around Lucky's neck and pulled him closer and her other arm snaked around Gabriel's neck pulling him closer.

  "You need to choose." Lucky's voice was raspy when he came up for a moment's worth of air before crushing his lips to hers again, taking possession.

  "Choose me.” Gabriel's voice held a hint of sadness as he whispered softly against her ear.

  Her body was on fire. Her mind confused. And her soul was tormented. It was all too much as four and two lips caressed her skin, igniting fires wherever they touched. It was too much. She felt as though she would simply break apart into a thousand pieces if they continued. Her mind screamed at her to wake up.

  "Wake Up!"

  And she did; heart racing, breathing shallow. Body on fire. Her mind in turmoil over the obvious decision she needed to make. She looked at the clock; it was at least forty-five minutes before the alarm would sound waking Savvy so she decided a cold shower was the first order of business today. She quietly slipped out of bed and jumped under the spray, avoiding the hot water. Today was a cold shower kind of day.

  The shower pounded into her body, massaging as it fell; releasing pent up tension and stress. So much was happening, and she felt for the first time in her life, alone, which was remarkable because she had so many people in her life, she couldn’t see straight. She wanted to talk to Savvy about everything only she knew she couldn't. She trusted Gabriel and Lucky to a point, but both of them, in their own way, had warned her against openly trusting anyone in this world. She wanted to turn to grandmother, but she had all but shut her out in the cold.

  'The only thing holding you back is attitude.' a mantra Savvy always quoted to her. She always said Rebecca was a ‘glass half empty’ kind of gal and Savvy was the ‘half full’ type. In Savvy’s mind, Rebecca had already lost half the battle. Savvy was right, to a point. Rebecca could get caught up in the negative aspects of their lives. She could close her eyes
right now and imagine the water falling on her shoulders was actually a torrential downpour, a metaphor of her life. But if Rebecca learned anything from Savvy or those multiple self help books she likes to read, it was that her negative thought process was helpful to an extent. At least she was wary enough to be able to recognize dangerous situations. Savvy on the other hand, would walk right into a dangerous situation and attempt to negotiate her way to a positive solution. Rebecca loved her for it.

  Her mind replayed the events of last night. Gabriel's young siblings were a surprise, but a welcomed addition to her pack of two. They also allowed her to see a softer side to Gabriel which only made choosing between him and Lucky more difficult. In the grander picture, the bloody, dirty image of those two young souls looking at her with sad, hopeful eyes made the situation they were in very real and dangerous.

  Finding revenge for her parents was going to have to wait until she got the pack situated and out of danger. It meant she was going to have to rebuild, reform, and play the politician she was nowhere near being. She knew the one person who could help her with that was avoiding her. She was going to have to suck it up and mend bridges with grandmother.

  She climbed out of the shower and began to get dressed when she caught her reflection in the mirror. A bruise of sorts pulled her eyes towards its location; the spot between her neck and shoulders, the very spot Gabriel nipped her in her dream. It almost winked at her and disappeared, leaving a silver tattoo in its place. This one was nothing like the intricate design that appeared on her hand moments after she signed in her blood loyalty to the Authority. This one was simply a round swirl. A round swirl that collapsed in on itself and refused to wipe off. She scrubbed the spot which only made the skin around the silver tattoo red.

  'Gabriel what did you do to my neck!' She screamed at him telepathically. This telepathic communication was far easier than the phone; when the person you’re directing it at actually answers you. 'GABRIEL!!!'

  'Becca?' The concern in his voice was overpowering. So was the sleepiness she heard underneath and for just a second she felt guilty for waking him up. 'Becca what’s wrong? Do you need me? Where are you?' The questions came with no breath in between. She could almost close her eyes and see him scrambling to get dressed so he could come help her.


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