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Forbidden Desires

Page 97

by Jenna Hartley

  “For what?” Amelia’s eyes were wide and filled with an adorable innocence.

  Jesus fuck, she’s beautiful. I cupped her face with my palm and pulled her lips closer to mine, brushing my nose against hers. As much as I wanted to kiss her pretty mouth, I knew I couldn’t let this be her first kiss. There was a different type of intimacy that came with a first kiss, one I couldn’t let be wasted because we were in the heat of it all.

  No. Amelia deserved a proper first kiss, even if I had to fuck her first.

  Chapter 11


  * * *

  His eyes finally fell shut after what appeared to be the most intense orgasm I’d ever witnessed. Not that I’d witnessed any other than my own. Still, I couldn’t imagine it always being so thrilling, erratic, and pleasurable. Or maybe that was exactly how it was supposed to be.

  His breathing was heavy and slowing while I felt a need deep in my core. I was desperate for him to continue exploring me, to feel him in all the places he wanted to touch me, to feel him in all the places I’d secretly imagined him going.

  I bit my bottom lip. “Think you can do that again?” I leaned down, sliding my nose along his jaw until I reached his ear. “This time inside me?” My voice was raspy as my breath skated across his skin.

  He sucked in a breath just as another quiver shook me. Tobias’s grip was firm on my waist as I hovered over him, just inches from his cock. I could put him inside me and move the way I’d seen on those videos Trinity had shown me. I could toss my head back and moan as he stared at my tits bobbing before him.

  But even if I wanted to make that first move, he wasn’t about to let me come down on him. He just held me there, tightening and loosening his grip like he was debating something in his head.

  “Do you see that first aid kit right behind me?”

  I looked up and spotted the red box immediately. Nodding, I looked back down at him curiously. “Are you okay?”

  He gave a wolfish grin that melted my insides. “I have condoms in there.”

  My pulse quickened. “Oh.”

  Are we actually doing this? I wanted to… with him.

  I wasn’t sure why I was surprised that he wanted to sleep with me too. We were on spring break, alone, with an obvious mutual attraction that had been festering for some time. Longer for me than for him, I was certain, but it was mutual for sure. And we only had two more days before we had to return to Malibu.

  Besides, this was Tobias, a guy I’d contained my feelings for since before I had boobs. He was hot. He was single. And he’d already proven to be good with his hands.

  “This isn’t going to be weird after, right?”

  He chuckled. “No, it doesn’t have to be weird. It’s just sex, Amelia.”

  To him it might’ve been just sex, but for me, it was more.

  “But we don’t have to go further if you don’t want to.”

  I may have internally swooned. The fact that he cared about me consenting was sexy.

  I swallowed then started to lower myself to answer his question. But before I could feel him, he slapped a hand to the back side of my leg to stop me. “Wait. Scoot forward first.”

  My heart felt like it might explode as I listened and inched my way up, still straddling him as I crawled my way toward the kit. The entire time, I felt his eyes on me—all of me.

  Something warm skated across my center, and I realized it was Tobias, so close I could feel each breath hit me.

  He groaned and slid his palms around the outsides of my legs until he reached my ass. I’d already forgotten the mission I was on as I felt his breath on more of me. His mouth was so close, I felt the rumble in his chest as he palmed me from behind and pulled me closer. My stomach muscles tensed. My breathing was a staccato as I waited for whatever came next.

  Then I felt it. One swift swipe of his tongue found me, tasted me, and I fell forward, slamming my palms against the back of the truck. “Holy fuck,” I groaned. Everything inside me clenched at the sensation.

  He chuckled, the vibration of his mouth tickling me and driving me crazy. He swiped again and again, until I felt the flat of his tongue press hard against my clit. Then he sucked. Holy God, did he suck. But it wasn’t until he pushed one of his thick fingers inside me that I screamed.

  “I’m ready for you now,” he rasped, his mouth still on me. It took a second for me to understand he was talking about the condom.

  I inhaled deeply and fumbled on the latch of the first aid kit, all the while trying to ignore the gentle licks he repeated against my clit. My hand found the foil, and I passed it behind me until Tobias grabbed it and turned his focus from eating me out to situating his cock.

  Moving back down his body, I watched as he slowly rolled the condom on. He sat up when he was done and flipped me onto my back like it was effortless. Then he spread my legs with his knees. My eyes grazed his shirtless body. He was a god, firm and lean, chiseled to perfection. I didn’t think guys like him existed, not in real life anyway.

  His hands moved over me, smoothing my skin, finding every dip and curve with his fingers, and brushing lightly over my nipples.

  “You must think I’m a saint for not trying to fuck you sooner, because I wanted to, Amelia. God knows I wanted to.”

  I swallowed nervously. “You did?”

  His eyes widened on mine, and he leaned in to brush my lips with his. “Yes. Maybe since before that day I changed your tire. But you crawled under my skin that day. I couldn’t figure it out then, but I think I know now.”

  “You do?”

  He nodded, and that was when I felt the tip of his shaft find my entrance. I gasped, but he didn’t push it in. Instead, he held himself there as he moved his mouth to my ear. “You remind me of a better version of myself, a version I’d forgotten. But you’re good, Amelia. And you should know, I don’t do good well.”

  My hands found his thick, firm ass. “Don’t be good for me. Not tonight.” I swallowed at what I was asking. “Tonight, I need bad.” I pulled him down until he took my initiative to sink in the rest of the way.

  I didn’t know to expect that type of pressure, like he was pulling me open from the inside, like he was working his way into something forbidden. Although I’d just granted him access, my body still wasn’t ready for him. He was so big and thick as he eased himself inside me, slowly widening me beyond what I knew I was capable of, until he couldn’t go any farther.

  He fell into my neck and groaned. “Fuck,” he cussed loudly. “You don’t even realize how good you feel, do you? This is how addictions start.” He moved his head up and looked me in my eyes. “Are you okay? You’re quiet.”

  I sucked in a breath and nodded.

  “I’ll go slow.”

  Just the softness of his words lit me up inside. I wanted to feel good for him. I also wanted him to know that although this was all new for me, he made me feel good too.

  He kept his promise as he moved against me. His thrusts were slow and deep, letting me get used to him. And I did. At some point, all the resistance my body had put up in the beginning released, and our movements became smoother, more rhythmic, until I was moving with him.

  “Tobias,” I warned once everything started quickening.

  He slowed in response before pushing deeper. I spread my legs farther to accommodate more of him, until whatever spool he’d been winding inside me gave way from the spindle, unraveling at record speed. I cried out my release, shock and bliss elevating me on a natural high I never wanted to end. Maybe it didn’t have to.

  My eyes finally opened to find him looking at me. His movements were as slow as when he’d sent me soaring, almost delicate, like he didn’t want to push me past my comfort zone. Then he was unraveling too. I could tell by the change in his movements, the hitch in his breath, and the final groan as he pushed into me one last time.

  I don’t know how much time passed as we lay there, waiting for our breaths to slow, with our gazes locked and our bodies still connected
. But I knew I didn’t want to ever forget this feeling—this desperate need to be close to another human the way I was with him, to be so intimate yet feel so safe.

  My lids were already heavy. My limbs felt like noodles. And though I couldn’t begin to imagine what tomorrow would bring, we would always have tonight.

  Chapter 12


  * * *

  “Hey, sis,” I hissed into my phone. “One sec.” I didn’t need to keep quiet. Amelia was a heavy sleeper. Even when my phone notifications had started pinging like crazy after I’d turned it on, she hadn’t moved a muscle.

  I slid out from under the covers, stealing another look at the girl who’d kept me up all night with her curiosity. Her naked shoulder was a reminder of last night—the way we fit, the way we moved, and how neither of us could get enough.

  Hopping from the bed of the truck and onto the ground, I was well aware that I was buck-ass naked as I strolled to the edge of the bluff, my phone still pressed to my ear. It was so windy, I could hear the sides of the tent flapping behind me.

  “Is that a helicopter?”

  “Nah, just some wind,” I finally said. “How’s the Big Apple?”

  She sighed dramatically, which told me there must have been a change in plans that she wasn’t happy with. “It’s over.”

  “What do you mean, it’s over?”

  “We flew home yesterday but didn’t get in until past midnight. Where the hell are you?”

  “Uh…” I ran a hand through the thick nest of hair on my head, quickly debating what to tell her. I sure as hell couldn’t tell her the truth. Well, not all of it anyway. “I’m on a camping trip far, far away.”

  I could almost hear my sister roll her eyes. “Any chance you can make it back today?”

  I was genuinely confused as I thought over her question. I didn’t understand why it mattered to Trinity when I came home.

  “No can do, sis. We’ll be back tomorrow.”


  I cringed, realizing I’d said too much. And from the silence on the line, I knew my sister’s rage was rising with her curiosity. “Who are you with?”

  I hated how protective she could be. It had gotten worse after she’d found out about the adoption. She took inventory of everyone I spent time with and questioned my every step. All the more reason it was time for me to grow the fuck up and figure out my future.

  I sighed. “Just a friend, Trin.”

  “I hate that you didn’t come with us.” Her voice was quieter now, and I couldn’t stand the guilt that shot through me.

  Trinity had begged me to go to New York with our parents, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t pretend like nothing had changed.

  It wasn’t that I couldn’t forgive my parents for what they’d done. Keeping my adoption from me was admittedly selfish on their part, but they were still the ones who’d raised me, taken care of me, loved me. It wasn’t them who’d abandoned me.

  But forgiving and forgetting were two separate things. I could never forget how terrified I’d been when I found out the truth or how that hurt had cut me so deeply, I’d given myself no other option but to run from it all, to run from myself.

  For the first time since it all went down almost one year ago, I finally realized I’d only made my situation worse by escaping in the heat of the moment. It was a decision that had festered and grown to the point of—what felt like—no return.

  I was in no rush to get back to all that. When I did return home, I knew things would have to be different. I couldn’t hide anymore. I owed my future a chance. Plus, I wanted more time in Big Sur with Amelia, time I knew could never exist outside of the bubble we’d created. Big Sur was ours, but Malibu… it was theirs. I wouldn’t let Trinity take this time from me.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay, Trin? I need to go.” I pulled my phone from my ear to end the call, knowing the longer we stayed on the phone, the more guilt she would try to drive into me.

  “Tobias,” she shouted, making me cringe before I could get to the button. “You don’t understand. You need to come home today.”

  My adrenaline sped with her panic. “Why? What’s the rush?”

  “Damn it, Tobias. Why do you have to be so difficult? It was supposed to be a surprise.”

  Now I was more confused than ever. It wasn’t my birthday or anyone else’s that I knew of. “A good surprise or a bad surprise?”

  She let out a frustrated scream. “Mom and Dad met up with a sports agent in New York. His name is Aaron Wells. Ever heard of him?”

  I could feel the shift in my world the moment my sister spoke that name. Did I know Aaron Wells? I may have dropped basketball from my life, but I still spoke the language. I still followed the stats and the draft. Aaron Wells, once a point guard for the Chicago Bulls, was one of the fiercest sports agents in the game. He knew how to pick ’em young and make his players money in lasting contracts.

  “I’ve heard of him.” I tried to sound nonchalant while my nerves shot off like lightning inside me.

  “Well, he flew to Malibu to meet you. He knows your story and that you had a minor setback. He thinks you still have a shot at the NBA, Tobias. But he needs to know that you want this.”

  “I want this.” The words flew from my mouth before I could even speak. “I want this, Trin. But…” I glanced over my shoulder at my truck, where Amelia still slept. My heart twisted. “I need some time. Will he wait until tomorrow?”

  “No.” My sister’s irritation was a slap in the face. Of course he won’t wait. “Where are you, Tobias?”

  “I’m camping in Big Sur.”

  Silence passed over the line again. If my sister understood anything about me, it was my need for time alone. “I can contain him until tonight. But if you’re serious about still wanting a shot at this, then don’t mess it up over a spring fling or whatever.”

  I had to bite my tongue from defending Amelia. Maybe she was a spring fling, but she was also more. She was inspiration and excitement and home wrapped up in a gorgeous package. But that battle would have to be fought later.

  My pulse had already quickened, but now my veins felt fiery with adrenaline. “All right, I’ll head home. You better not be fucking with me, Trin.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to you. I know how much you’ve missed basketball. We all know, even though you never talk about it.”

  There’s that guilt I was trying to avoid. “I’ll start packing up. Thanks for looking out, sis.”

  “Just get your ass home.”

  I hung up and walked back to the truck, slipping inside just as Amelia’s eyes flickered open. Her cheeks reddened almost instantly, and a smile broke out on her face. There was no denying how beautiful she was. And the fact that I was the cause for that smile was all the more reason to smile back.

  But I couldn’t. Not knowing what I had to do next.

  “Hey,” she said, her voice chalky from little rest.

  “Hey.” I slipped under the covers and wrapped my arm around her naked waist. Her skin was smooth like silk and warm under the soft blankets. My hand slipped over her hips, loving the way her curves created a journey I could explore all day if I were only allowed the time.

  She looked back at me with the widest gaze, her long lashes batting down as she waited for me to speak. She smiled shyly and wiggled her way closer to me then opened the blanket to cover me too. My eyes slipped to catch a quick glimpse of what I’d become so familiar with last night.

  Once her body was pressed to mine, I let my gaze drift over her face while my fingers brushed the underside of her jaw. I loved this angle of her more than I should. The light from the morning sun rained down on her through the clear ceiling of the tent, making her eyes appear lighter than they already were. My six-three form hovered over all five-one of her. Her lips formed a slight pout, and that was where my gaze stuck.

  “Everything okay?” Her voice was soft, but I could hear the worry it carried.

  “I think so.” I tr
aced her jaw with my fingers as I spoke. “Trin called—” I paused as Amelia’s eyes narrowed, and then I cringed. “I know I said no cell phones, but I just wanted to check in quickly.”

  Her expression relaxed. “Okay, so what did Trinity have to say?”

  “There’s an agent at my house who wants to meet me. He’s kind of a big deal in the NBA world.”

  “Really?” she asked with excitement. “That’s great news. You want to meet him, right?”

  I nodded, still averting her gaze. “I do.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” Her hand slipped up my chest as she spoke, blazing a fire trail with her touch.

  I finally met her gaze, deciding right then and there to cut all the bullshit from my life. And that included hiding everything I felt. “What would you say if I asked you out?”

  “Like—on a date?”

  My cheeks heated. “Yeah, like on a date.”

  Her eyes flickered between mine, and her smile faded. My chest clenched with worry. “I don’t know, Tobias.”

  Her hesitance hurt. “It’s like that, huh? Damn.” I started to pull away, but Amelia pulled me back, her grip like a vise on my arm.

  “Stop. It’s not like that.”

  “Then what’s it like?” I frowned as I stared down at her, trying desperately not to become more frustrated than I already was. “I know last night was just sex, but I like you.”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “You do?”

  I blew out a breath. This was not going the way I’d hoped. “Yes. I mean, I think so. Don’t you like me?”

  “Yes. I like you, Tobias. But Trinity made it clear how she felt about us dating.”

  My brows pulled together. My sister was never subtle with her feelings. I’d always known Amelia was off limits, but now I was beginning to question the reasons why. “When was this?”

  “Well, we were really young, but—”

  I rolled my eyes and cut her off before she could continue. “She’ll get over it. We can talk to her.”


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