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Forbidden Desires

Page 100

by Jenna Hartley

  Foss nips my earlobe, sucking the sting away. I arch and give him better access, which he greedily accepts. He licks a trail across my jaw and settles his lips over mine. He tastes like cinnamon and zero regrets. His movements are smooth and sure, thrusting in and dragging out on a steady rhythm. I curl my toes as liquid fire blazes up my spine.

  “Fuck, Harlyn. You’re incredible,” he pants.

  “Uh, oh, oh, yes,” is all I manage is bumble out.

  Foss’s grasp on my thigh and hip are unforgiving. Maybe he’ll leave a mark. I tremble thinking about having something to remember him by. His strokes are powerful and strong, forcing me higher up the wall with each plunge. He shifts our position so my weight rests on his lap. This angle allows him to buck deeper and harder. An orgasm of epic proportions hovers in front of me. I grind down and Foss slams in, hitting just the right spot.

  “F-fuck, yes, there. D-don’t stop.” The plea is a rasp and clangs loudly in my ears.

  His fingers wander to my clit. “Gonna come?” I nod wildly as his touch speeds up. “Thank fuck, darlin’. Me too.”

  My head rocks back and forth along the wall as he hammers into me. I dig my nails into his shoulders for a support. My sight grows hazy when tingles erupt and explode. Stars burst behind my lids, pleasure shooting off like fireworks. I think Foss is shouting something but my mind is drifting in the clouds.

  Holy. Shit.

  I’m a quivering mess as my body recovers from that intensity overload. Our panting breaths fill the space around us. We remain locked together in a slumping heap of aftershocks. When the strain becomes too much, I unlock my ankles from around him. I slowly slide down and immediately miss his thickness inside of me. Is it too soon to suggest we do that again?

  Foss drags a hand over his mused hair. “Goddamn, cowgirl. That was…”

  “Exactly what I needed,” I finish for him.

  He licks his lips. “Yeah, exactly.”

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  Shit, I’m still dizzy. That was one hell of a fuck. Almost positive my dick is signing in relief. I definitely needed that release.

  I tuck my junk away and tie off the condom. Harlyn smirks at me while removing her ruined panties. I shrug, more smug than apologetic. She should take it as a compliment that I couldn’t wait to sink inside of her. My cock twitches and I grunt.

  Down, boy.

  A cold breeze blows through the window, reminding me of the late hour. There’s no time for seconds, or thirds. The last ferry will probably be boarding soon and I’d hate to be stranded out here. I watch Harlyn smooth the tangles from her long hair and reconsider. Being trapped on the beach with a hot chick sounds more like a dream come true. I raise a brow at her.

  Harlyn giggles. “Uh-oh, someone’s thinking hard. What’s that look for?”

  I rock on my heels. “Ever imagine being stuck on a deserted island?”

  Her eyes grow wide. “Listen, this was fun and all—”

  I hold up a palm. “I’m not suggesting we vanish off the grid or anything.”

  She wipes imagery sweat off her brow. “Phew. Wasn’t sure where that question was leading.”

  “Clearly nowhere good,” I mutter. Any remaining arousal fizzles and I rub the back of my neck. “So, uh, you’re great in the sack.”

  A strangled noise comes from her throat. “Thank you? Not sure I did much.”

  “Your encouragement made all the difference.”

  “Was I too loud?”

  “Not sure that’d ever be issue.”

  Harlyn chews on her bottom lip. “Noted.”

  “Um, so,” I start again.

  She waves me off. “We’re square, cowboy. No need to drag out the awkward. We both got ours.”

  For some reason, this feels like a brush off and her words sting. That thought stops me short. What the fuck? I’ve done this song and dance a dozen times. Why would this be any different? For whatever reason, the idea of Harlyn being nothing but a memory makes my gut clench. But I nod slowly. “Right, okay. Maybe we’ll see each other again?”

  She shrugs “If I see you, I see you.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Happened tonight.”

  I scratch my chin. “Not sure I like that game.”

  Her eyes sparkle in the moonlight. “Find me if you can, cowboy.”

  I just fucking might. But I keep my desperation silent. Her rejection rattles in my brain, I’ve already chased her plenty. My ego is bruised enough for one night.

  “The least I can do is offer you a ride back,” I say. Harlyn squints at me. I turn around and bend slightly. “Hop on.”

  “What’s this now?”

  “Giddy up, cowgirl. Take a load off.”

  Her laugh is loud and rings out down the long hallway. “Okay, but only because my feet hurt.”

  Harlyn clambers on and gets settled. I cross her ankles over my stomach and grab her calves. She’s light and easy to carry. Her grip on my shoulders feels better than I care to admit. My stride is long and even, but I add a bounce to each step. Her giggle makes me smile so I exaggerate my gait further.

  “You’re a wild bronco,” she wheezes.

  “I prefer stud.”

  Harlyn purrs. “A mighty steed. Or perhaps stallion.”

  I tighten my hold on her. “You like riding me.”

  She wraps her arms around my chest, pressing her tits into me. “I really do,” she murmurs into my ear.

  Damn, this girl is getting to me. The semi in my shorts agrees. Why didn’t I try harder to squeeze in another round? I turn my neck and our cheeks brush. “You’re feisty,” I whisper.

  She shivers and hugs me closer. “I’m not normally like this. You’re bringing it out in me.”

  Why does that make me feel like pounding my chest in victory? I can’t deny the impact of her words. “I’d like to explore this naughty side in far more detail.”

  “I bet you would.” Harlyn hums and the vibration rockets through me.

  Far too soon, we’re back in the main area and surrounded by sloppy people stumbling all about. The crowd has thinned, but there’s still a massive bunch taking up the dance floor.

  Harlyn points off to the side. “There’s Sutton.”

  I swing my gaze that way. “Who?”

  “My roommate.”

  “Ah, gotcha.” I catch sight of the chick from earlier, feeling a weird sense of peace knowing Harlyn has someone waiting around for her. She begins to struggle in my hold when I start walking toward her friend. I crouch and release her. She slowly slides off my back, making sure every part of her body makes contact with mine. I groan loudly and glare up at the starless sky. Is she teasing me on purpose?

  Harlyn winks at me. “That’s for the adventure.”

  “Why does this sound like goodbye?”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “We’ll see each other again, cowgirl.”

  “You seem so sure.”

  “Because I am.”

  She appears to ponder that. “Not sure I should get my hopes up.”

  I take out my cell and hold it up. “Give me your number. Let’s make this a definite thing. Why not hook up again if we’re both around, you know?”

  “We are very,” she taps her chin, “compatible.”

  “So much.”

  “But I like the twist of fate.”

  I scrub my hands over my face. “Woman, you’re infuriating.” Who knew I’d go to such lengths to get laid. My efforts further prove how much I enjoyed her… company.

  She toys with a lock of her dark hair. “The fun is in the chase, right?”

  “So, you’re playing hard to get?”

  She hitches her thumb in the direction we just came from. “Pretty positive I gave it up really easy.”

  I swallow a laugh. “Got me there.”

  Harlyn shrugs. “Let’s just see what happens, okay? It’s not a ploy or line or way to lead you on. Like I already told you, this r
andom hookup thing is new to me. I’d feel better if we just went our separate ways without further expectations. Then no one is disappointed if it doesn’t happen.” Well, shit. It’s hard to argue that. Because even if I want to fuck her again, there’s no guarantee. I’d hate to leave her hanging. “Okay, darlin’. Maybe I’ll be seeing you.” She give me a half smile. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “At least tell me what hotel you’re at.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Mister Persistent. I guess the sex must be worth all this trouble.”

  “Damn fucking straight. Figured I’d already made that clear. I plan to see you again.” My tone leaves zero room for argument.

  “I’m staying at The Royal.”

  My pulse kicks up at her response. Looks like luck is on my side. But Miss If-The-Stars-Align doesn’t need to know that. “Cool,” I say.

  Harlyn scoffs. “That’s all I get?”


  She begins to back away. “Okay, that’s my cue to leave.”

  Before she wanders off, I grab her wrist. Her lashes flutter and I get the urge to kiss her. I press my lips to her cheek. “Keep an eye out for me, cowgirl.”

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  I shift on the leather chair, trying to find a comfortable position. The knot in my stomach doubles in size. It’s impossible to relax with the constant buzzing filling the parlor. That sound is an unpleasant preparation. Soon enough, a needle is going to stab into my skin over and over.

  “Why did I let you talk me into this?” The whine in my voice makes me cringe.

  Sutton huffs loudly. “Girlfriend, this was your idea. I did all the research and found us the best tattoo joint Cancun has to offer. Several of their artists are fancy award winners.” She swats the air. “A bunch of mumbo jumbo. The gist is that we’re in very capable hands.”

  I squirm again. “It’s gonna hurt.”

  “Don’t be a wimp. You’ve been kicked in the shin by a horse before. This will be a slight tickle in comparison.”

  The brat has a point. “When’d you get so wise?”

  “It’s that fancy college education. I can almost feel the diploma in my hands.”

  Thinking about graduation is bittersweet. I rub at the sudden ache in my chest. “I don’t wanna grow up.”

  Sutton nudges my arm. “Don’t start with the Debbie Downer act. You’ve been dreaming of becoming a teacher since we were little tykes playing hopscotch. Plus, we’re still young and irresponsible.” She motions toward our bare ankles, soon to be permanently inked.

  The ominous buzzing kicks on again, and I try not to wince. “Our water lilies will look so pretty. I take back my bitching. I’m glad we’re doing this.” The sentimental value wraps around me like a warm hug.

  She smiles at me. “It’s such a great idea, isn’t it? A little piece of our college apartment will always be with us.”

  “I really love that pond. Do you think the next tenants will feed the ducks? They might starve without us around.”

  Sutton’s laugh bounces off the artfully painted walls. “Oh, please. Those babies are bordering on obese. Also, there will be more ducks and ponds in our future. Speaking of,” she leans closer, “are you going to be seeing Mystery Man this evening?”

  At the mention of Foss, my body heats up. The threat of imminent pain vanishes in a blink. “I’m not sure,” I mumble.

  “How’d you leave it?” I avoid her intense stare. “I dunno.” “Wham. Bam. Thank you, sir?” I feel my cheeks heat. “That about sums it up. I told him if we see each other, that’s great. But I didn’t want to look forward to something happening and then nothing does. That’s how this stuff usually goes, at least in my head. The guy suggests hanging out again but never calls. This way, we had fun and left it as is.”

  “And he felt the same?” “He was insistent that we meet up again. Isn’t that weird?” I glance at her from the corner of my eye. Sutton has a huge grin plastered on her face. “A man wanting to get laid without trying too hard? Um, no. That sounds fairly genius on his part.” “When you put it that way,” I mutter. “Probably should’ve handed over your number.” “Too late now.”

  “Is it?”

  I tug on my hair. “I’m leaving it up to chance.”

  Sutton snorts. “Uh, okay? It’s probably best that you’ve never had a one-night stand before. This is sounding very complicated.” “Whatever, biatch. He’s a very sexy memory and keepsake for this trip. I’ll look back on our sexcapades fondly. Or hotly. He’s a perfect cherry on top on my college cake.” “Aww, that’s almost sweet. Don’t forget the tattoos. This is the perfect way to remember our youth when we’re old and gray.” Just as she says that, two burly employees come striding over. They wear matching shirts with the shop’s logo plastered on the front. But my eyes are focusing on the ink decorating their skin. These guys could probably convince me to get a tattoo on my forehead. They’re ridiculously good-looking.

  “Hey, ladies,” the taller one says. He smiles, showing off a top row of perfectly straight teeth. “We’re ready for you.”

  “Are you?” Sutton licks her lips while blatantly checking out the other guy. His buzzed haircut shows off a dark sword stamped near his temple. He winks at her and she makes a choking noise.

  I look between them, feeling the steam rising, and fidget on my seat. Then, I concentrate on the one who spoke. “Um, hi. I think we’re, uh, good to go.”

  He lifts a pierced brow. “Yeah?”

  “Yep.” I add extra pop to the word. Sutton nods, and we stand. I grip her hand as we follow them to a backroom.

  “I’m so excited,” she squeals. “And I totally call dibs on the hot one.”

  I roll my eyes. “They’re both gorgeous.”

  She bumps my hip. “Look at you getting frisky. I like what Cancun is doing to you.”

  I think back to last night and the exquisite orgasm courtesy of Foss. My thighs clench involuntarily. I give her an extra wide grin. “So do I.”

  Chapter 8


  * * *

  I rub the towel over my chest and toss it on the floor. The afternoon was spent on the beach playing a few intense matches of volleyball. Our opponents were tough, but Ethan and Josh weren’t backing down. We kept playing until they had to buy us a bucket of beers. My sore muscles are more than worth it. The deep tan covering my body doesn’t hurt either. Chicks back on campus are going to love it.

  That thought gives me pause and puts a hitch in my spring-break routine. I stare at the shirt in my hand while considering why. She’s just a fuck and will be long gone soon enough. I might not see her again at all. My stomach tightens, but I force the discomfort away. The direct sun must be getting to me.

  Ethan steps out of the bathroom and lifts his chin at me. “Almost ready, man?”

  “Yeah, just about.” I toss on my tee and grab the hair gel.

  “We getting fajitas first?” Josh asks and clicks off the television.

  My stomach growls on command. “Hell yes. I’m starving.”

  “We’ll need sustenance for later,” Ethan says.

  Josh rubs his hands together. “Gonna catch some serious tail tonight. I’m going to reel in the finest honey this city has to offer.”

  “Thought you did that yesterday?” I joke.

  “Why limit a good thing?” He jabs my shoulder. “Don’t pretend you’re not looking too.”

  “Yeah, Foss. Keep your lucky streak going strong,” comes from Ethan.

  I nod and slap their palms, but there’s no real enthusiasm on my end. My dick isn’t twitching. There’s no heat in my veins. Hooking up with another random doesn’t excite me. I wasn’t lying to Harlyn the other night. I’m aiming for another round with her. She’s so responsive, a total wild cat. I guarantee she can ride the hell out of a horse. Envisioning her straddling me is what gets my cock hard. If I really concentrate, I can still feel her wrapped around me.

  “You still th
inking about that chick from a few nights ago?” Josh reads my expression and sighs. “She’s just a girl, bro. There’s plenty more in the ocean.”

  Ethan strides to the door. “We’ll find you one in the foam.”

  I bite back my groan. There are designated party locations planned for each day. We’re heading to Señor Frog’s for a sexed-up version of an adult bubble bath. Just great. “Finding anyone in that chaos is nearly impossible.”

  Josh nudges me out of the room. “You just need to feel them, Foss. Fucking doesn’t involve seeing.”

  I grunt but don’t argue. For what feels like the thousandth time, I question my sanity. I’m usually up for anything and everything, just like my friends. Shit hasn’t been quite right since catching sight of that neon green bikini. I’m getting off course. This girl has me all twisted up. Maybe shoving Harlyn from my mind is for the best.

  We walk to the restaurant on the corner and get seated on the patio. After ordering a round of Coronas, I lean back and try to relax. My body is buzzing and not from the booze. I scratch at the stubble along my jaw, getting lost in the moment. A slight breeze keeps the heat from being offensive. Huge palm trees provide shade and remind me of our tropical location. Not that I need it. Even from here, I can hear the waves crashing against the shore. This is paradise. And there’s not a damn thing I can complain about.

  Josh raises his bottle. “Cheers to the vacation of a lifetime.”

  “Don’t forget tits and ass,” Ethan adds and salutes the table of girls beside us.

  I nearly spit out my beer when they all wave at us. “Dude, only you could get away with that shit.”

  “It’s a gift.” He dusts off his shoulders.

  “Lucky bastard,” I mutter.

  Ethan kicks me under the table. “All this talent would be wasted on you. Mark my word, you’ll be locked in a serious relationship by next year. Seeing you mope around after getting with that chick is proof enough. You’re ready for monogamy.”


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