Forbidden Desires

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Forbidden Desires Page 131

by Jenna Hartley

  Angelone grinned, but it wasn’t the welcoming kind. He clapped his hands together. “So you are.”

  He paced a circle around Muriella, and I gritted my teeth as he appraised her, deciding what to do next. He stopped behind her and looked at me.

  “It didn’t have to come to this.” He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger.

  Muriella didn’t even flinch when that bastard tugged on her hair, but I lunged, stopping myself on a dime when he gripped her by the throat.

  “You sure that’s the route you want to go?” He smiled the smile of a man who held all the power and knew it.

  “Let’s have some fun, shall we?”

  Angelone grimaced in annoyance, and I stiffened as Vinny strode over to where Muriella was bound. Vinny. I should have known this had his fingerprints all over it.

  * * *

  A gun gleamed as he pulled it from his waistband. I fought tooth and nail not to panic when he cocked the hammer.

  “Shame she has to die, too.” Vinny tilted his head to the side and considered Muriella, running the barrel down her cheek. “So, so pretty.” He turned to me, both shoulders lifting and lowering. “But, when you don’t do what’s asked of you, there are consequences.”

  My jaw worked as I glared at Vinny. Muriella shouldn’t be here, terrorized, paying for my sins. But I’d put her here because I’d selfishly wanted a relationship with Donato, and along with him came his fucker of a brother. Overall, it had seemed like the compromise was worth it. I’d been wrong.

  “Let’s talk, shall we?” I suggested, gesturing down the hallway. “The time for that has passed,” Vinny said.

  Angelone looked unsure. And in that second, I found a glimmer of hope. He didn’t want to hurt Muriella. He had just done this to get my attention.

  Vinny was the one I needed to worry about.

  “Do you want something from me or not?” I shoved my hands into my pockets as if it made me no difference.

  “The buyer. Who is it?” Vinny demanded.

  “Let her go and then we can work something out.”

  His nostrils flared as his hand tapped the side of his gun a few times.

  Where the fuck was Donato? He was my only hope of getting his brother under control.

  Vinny’s eyes turned wild. “Kill her,” he directed Angelone.

  “I assure you that is not the way to get what you want,” I growled. “Do it.”

  The veins in Angelone’s neck bulged. No one dared tell a boss what to do.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Have you gotten soft?” Vinny turned his piece, aiming it over my shoulder. “Who would you miss more? This one? Or that one?”

  He fired without hesitation. The bullet sailed past in a blur. Vivian screamed. Something shattered.

  Time stopped.

  When it started again, it was at warp speed.

  Stone flashed in front of me, and Vinny hit the ground before I could blink. The two struggled and rolled into an end table, a lamp clattering to the floor. Stone gained the upper hand, straddling Vinny. He pinned his arm and wrestled the gun from his hand.

  I whipped my head around. My eyes made a quick survey of Vivian as I tried to still my racing heart. No blood.


  Vivian stared past me at Vinny on the floor.

  Red. Everything was fucking red. I ground my teeth to the point where I was sure there would be nothing left in my mouth but dust. “What did you just call him?”

  She recoiled at the menace in my voice. “Donato?” she said uncertainly.

  “How do you know him?” I demanded, and bright patches of red appeared on her cheeks—guilt; I’d caught her doing something she wasn’t supposed to.

  “I-I thought he could help me get through to you. I—”

  “And he told you he was Donato?” She nodded, then looked uncertain.

  “That’s not true,” Vinny said.

  “Don’t say another fucking word,” I growled at him. “Daniel? What’s going on?” Vivian asked.

  “You had no business going anywhere near them!” I exploded at her.

  “I wanted to help you,” she pleaded. “That isn’t Donato.”

  “I’ve gathered that.” Vivian knelt next to Muriella, done with my lecture.

  She’d barely loosened one bind when Angelone slung one thick arm around her neck in a stranglehold. My stomach lurched. One squeeze and she’d be gone from my life permanently.

  “Release her.” The words were a warning, low and rough as they escaped my mouth.

  Angelone hesitated, his cold eyes uncertain.

  “She’s not protected anymore. There’s nothing he can do. Get rid of her,” Vinny choked out.

  Stone tightened his grip on Vinny’s throat. Vinny whimpered, his face red from the pressure, but I barely noticed because all my attention was on Angelone holding Vivian.

  “Do you want to die today?” I’d never taken a life, but if Angelone didn’t let Vivian and Muriella go in about point-two seconds, I was going to. With my bare hands. Slow and painful.

  “Will you cut me in on the canary?” Angelone’s only focus was me. “Haven’t you heard? The diamond’s been stolen.” I flicked my gaze

  in Vinny’s direction. No point in denying the deal anymore. Vivian and Muriella’s lives were worth more than a damned yellow rock.

  Angelone lifted one brow, metering to see if I was telling the truth. “Ask him.” I pointed my chin at Vinny.

  “You’ve had the diamond this entire time?” he growled, releasing Vivian. He stalked over to where Vinny was pinned to the floor and stood over him. Angelone squeezed his cheeks until he squealed.

  I gave Vivian a subtle nod and she resumed untying the binds that held Muriella.

  “He’s lying,” Vinny spat.

  “No, he’s not.” All eyes went behind me to Donato. Movement stopped as he commanded respect as he had from the first time I’d ever seen him. “The problem is my brother has yet to reveal where he’s hiding it.”

  Angelone looked from Donato to me to Vinny. I recognized the second he determined who was telling the truth.

  “You dared to double cross me, you rat bastard?” he rumbled, increasing the pressure on Vinny’s face. Unbelievable. These two had been working together behind our backs.

  “They don’t want you in on it,” Vinny spluttered, finding it difficult to form words with Angelone about to snap his jaw and Stone sitting on his stomach.

  “Finally some truth out of your lying ass.” Angelone snorted in disgust. “I knew better than to get involved with the likes of you. Just a wannabe king.” He raised Vinny’s head by his hair and slammed his skull on the floor.

  Vivian gasped. She and Muriella clutched one another, but they weren’t hiding in the corner. For once, I wished neither of them was so damn brave.

  I motioned toward the kitchen. Stubborn Vivian shook her head. She wouldn’t leave me. Not until she was certain this was over and I was safe. The woman had the most uncanny ability to piss me off and make me love her even more all at once.

  “He has to be dealt with,” Angelone said to Donato as he kicked at Vinny’s shoulder with the toe of his polished oxfords.

  “And he will be,” Donato assured him. “Let’s settle this other business first.”

  A V formed between Angelone’s brows. I didn’t blame the man for being wary. He was in a room full of his enemies, and he’d just been played by one of them.

  Donato stepped further into the room, surveying his surroundings. It had been a long time since he’d been here. Long before Vivian had put her mark on everything. He seemed to be absorbing my home, like it was a piece of me he didn’t have but was hungry for.

  His gaze lingered on Muriella and Vivian. I saw what I’d refused to see for all these years. My determination to keep this part of my life from him had hurt. A lot of good it had done any damn way.

  Donato pressed his lips together, looked up at the ceiling as if in deep thought, before his eyes even
tually landed on Angelone. “We’ve stayed out of one another’s way fairly well over the years, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Except for that stint I did in the penitentiary because of you two, yeah. I’d say so.” He spit directly in Vinny’s eye. “But it just got real personal.”

  Donato remained calm, despite that his adversary had disrespected his brother. “And I assure you, he will be handled.”

  Angelone shook his head. “Uh-uh. This little son of a bitch is mine.

  I don’t give a fuck whose brother he is.”

  “Will we have a clean slate if I let you in on the diamond?”

  Angelone’s nostrils flared. “You can’t offer that to me when you don’t have a fucking clue where it is.”

  “I will find out.” Donato’s smile was menacing when he glanced toward Vinny.

  “Half. I want half. Then we’ll be even,” Angelone finally said. “Leave my brother to me, and we have a deal.” Donato extended

  his right hand.

  Angelone stared at it, his hesitation palpable. Decision made, he thrust his hand out.

  Donato squeezed. “You will come near no one in my family again.” “And you’ll stay away from mine,” he countered.

  The understanding was cemented with a firm handshake.

  “Shall we find out the location of the diamond?” Donato gestured toward Vinny.

  Stone met Donato’s gaze head on. When he was certain of Dona‐ to’s intentions, his eyes blazed as he squeezed Vinny’s throat. “If there is one mark on her, I will find you. You got me?”

  Vinny snarled an unintelligible response.

  “I didn’t hear you,” Stone said through gritted teeth. I’d never seen him come unglued, but he was close.

  “Yes,” Vinny hissed.

  Stone shoved off of him and got to his feet. “I don’t want to see this piece of shit ever again.” He stalked over to Muriella and stopped just short of touching her. “You okay?”

  She nodded, though she appeared a little dazed. I couldn’t imagine the memories this had caused to resurface. I cursed myself yet again for putting her in this position.

  “Get up,” Angelone commanded, glaring down at Vinny.

  He snapped to his feet and bolted for the door. I caught him by the arm before he made it past me.

  “This is done. You threatened my family. Violated the most sacred of pacts. I can’t let that stand.”

  “You left her. She isn’t protected.” Vinny smirked as if he’d won before he narrowed his eyes at me. “You think you can get rid of me? Get me out of the way? You’ll never be head of this family.”

  “Neither will you.”

  “Let’s go.” Donato grabbed his other arm and snapped his fingers. Three men in suits appeared from nowhere and surrounded us.

  Donato passed Vinny over to them, and they dragged him out of the room.

  “I can’t let him get away with what he did to them,” I said, low enough so that only Donato could hear.

  “You will have your retribution. For now, stay with your family.” He looked past me to Angelone. “Wait for me in the hall.”

  Angelone bristled at the command, but followed it nonetheless.

  Without the scum in my house, I could breathe a little easier.

  Vivian threw her arms around Donato, catching him off guard, though only for a moment. He embraced her, closing his eyes. I heard her whisper, “Thank you,” but I couldn’t begin to guess what for.

  “This has been a long time coming.” Donato’s eyes were misty as he released Vivian, holding her at arm’s length. She stepped back next to Muriella.

  Words that were long overdue came out of my mouth. “Vivian, Muriella, Stone, I’d like you to meet Donato Salvatore.”

  Muriella eyed Donato suspiciously. “You’re a friend of Daniel’s?” She only knew of him by name. I’d kept her more in the dark than Vivian because I’d thought it was the right thing to do. But she prob‐ ably could have used a father too.

  “Yes. It’s an honor to meet you, Muriella.”

  She extended her hand to him, and I inhaled sharply. Muriella avoided touching men with the exception of me and Stone. To see her taking the initiative was a proud moment. She was making progress. When Donato lifted her hand and kissed the back of it, Muriella didn’t flinch, graciously accepting the greeting.

  “I trust you’re all right.” He made a quick assessment for any damage that might have been done.

  She nodded. “I’m fine.”

  “It’s been an eventful night,” he said after shaking Stone’s hand. “But I do hope we can meet again soon.” Donato turned to me, and I nodded. “A word, if I may?”

  I ushered him to the foyer.

  “Donato, they were working together behind our backs. I don’t know if they were when Angelone first approached me, but—”

  “I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to them. I’ve failed you.”

  My jaw tightened. “If anyone is responsible, it’s me.”

  He wanted to disagree, it was in his eyes, but when he opened his mouth no argument came. “It’s done. Forget about this. Be with your family.”

  “If you don’t find that diamond, I’m a dead man walking.”

  He placed a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll get it back.” With two succinct slaps to my back, he disappeared out the front door.

  As it clicked closed, the gravity of the situation crashed down on me. Muriella could have been killed. Vivian…Stone…I shook my head to clear the dark thoughts. Because as much as I craved control, I didn’t have it. Never had.

  Chapter 35


  * * *


  * * *


  I came to life at the sound of Daniel’s pissed off growl. He strode back into the living room, a fierce energy surrounding him.

  His eyes were trained on Muriella, who I still clung to so the fear didn’t overtake me. It had been so close. Those people—no, I wouldn’t think about what they could have done to her.

  “I’m fine,” she said with a quiet strength. Daniel assessed the damage for himself. I felt the turmoil that burned just below his surface. His struggle to contain it had me reaching for him.

  He didn’t resist, and the three of us came together in a tight hug.

  Our perfect circle.

  I laid my head on Daniel’s shoulder and closed my eyes, breathing in the scent I’d missed so very much. He pulled us closer, his fear of what could have been in his touch.

  “I’m fine,” M reassured him again. “A little warning that we had company coming would have been nice, though.” There wasn’t a trace of the fear that gripped Daniel and me in her voice.

  Not a trace of it was on her face either.

  On a long exhale, Daniel loosened his hold, but I held fast. I tilted my head up, my heart picking up pace as I studied the stress lines in his features. His cut jaw. Severe dark eyes.

  I placed a hand on his chest. He flinched, but I pretended not to notice.

  “This is why,” I deduced, a hint of relief tugging my mouth upward. His brow creased and he peeled my hand off of him.

  I remained rooted despite the rejection. Muriella banded her arms around my waist from behind. “Vivian…”

  She was the only thing keeping me on my feet. I pleaded with Daniel with my eyes. His had turned that chilly black I’d grown to hate.

  M pointed toward him, and her tone of voice changed. “It is, isn’t it? Not only did you bring these people into our safe place, you kept us in the dark.”

  Something in her had snapped. There was pure fury radiating from her.

  She stared at Daniel. “I don’t know who you are anymore.”

  With that, she marched to the front door. Stone gave us a what the hell? look before chasing after her.

  QUIET SETTLED OVER THE APARTMENT. The place echoed with a loneliness I knew Daniel felt. Muriella’s anger lingered, driving my determination to settle t
his before there was no coming back from the damage he’d done.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  Daniel wouldn’t look at me, simply turned toward the hallway as if I wasn’t there. I caught his hand, but he didn’t stop, nor did he let go, loosening his bow tie as he went down the hall with me in tow. Once we got to our bedroom, he paused, almost as if he didn’t know what to do with me.

  I took advantage, stepping in front of him. He stared over my head to whatever was behind me, still refusing to look at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I repeated, and when his eyes met mine, I saw he was livid.

  “Sorry? A hell of a lot of good that would have done us if Vinny had done something to you. And believe me, he’s more than capable.” He wasn’t shouting at me. He was pissed at himself.

  “If I’d thought for a split second I’d be putting you or Muriella in danger, I never would have gone to see Donato. It was stupid, but I was desperate. The man I met that day didn’t set well with me, but I ignored my instincts.”

  “You should have trusted them, Vivian. When warning bells go off, you run. You put yourself in danger,” he said tightly, jaw working.

  I blinked. I didn’t really care about that. He could see it on my face, and that set him off on a tirade. “I told you to let me take care of you, but no. The easy way isn’t good enough for Princess. You put yourself at risk for nothing!” he shouted, and I let him because I thought he needed to get out his frustration.

  “What the hell difference does it make to you what happens to me? ‘It’s over.’ Does that sound familiar?” I kept my voice even, but my temper had sparked.

  His eyes bulged and his grip on my hands tightened. “Vivian, you can make a walk through Central Park difficult when you want to.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Now I was getting loud. “That I know what I’m doing. That I know what’s best for you.

  And you just can’t trust me on that.”

  “Well, that’s just fucking swell that you know what you’re doing, because nobody else does. So why don’t you just fill me in? That way I don’t make anything else difficult.” It looked like he was trying not to laugh, which only infuriated me. This was not funny. He’d upended our lives, for God’s sake.


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