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Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series)

Page 2

by Harris, Cyndi

  “Where’s your coat, Ms. Winters?” Landon asked me.

  “It was nice earlier. I wasn’t expecting rain.” I said truthfully.

  “That’s right; you’re not from around here. So, you’re not accustomed to the weather.” Landon replied looking over at me.

  “Right.” I nodded.

  I was from New York, and usually traveled when my high powered clients needed me. When I got a call from Landon, I was surprised. He didn’t seem like the type to be looking to for love at such an early age. Most young, wealthy bachelors stayed single and sought me out in their mid-thirties. So, needless to say, Landon Brooks was a tiny mystery to me. So, I gave myself a one month limit to whip him into shape, and find him the perfect woman. If I could pull this off, I was sure that even more high powered tycoons would be tearing down my doorstep just to get a look.

  “You’re car’s starter is dead.” Landon replied gripping my attention.

  “I should’ve known not to rent it, but it was the last car they had, and I really needed to get around.” I shivered.

  “Here.” Landon replied, taking off his black pea coat, before draping it over my shoulders. I snuggled into it as the scent of his fresh body soap danced in my nostrils. Landon Brooks was definitely a good smelling guy. I watched him as he checked his watch and frowned.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked curiously. I wasn’t oblivious the fact that he was suited in a tux.

  “I have somewhere to be Ms. Winters, and I don’t want to leave you stranded here alone.” He said giving me a once over. “You’re dressed properly, would you like to attend a charity event with me?”

  “Charity event?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, although I was already leaning towards going. I was willing to go anywhere with him, just to get out of this rain.

  “I can explain it to you while we’re on our way, but I’m already late. So, what do you say?” he asked rushed.

  “Sure.” I answered, before following him back to his car.

  Sliding into the leather seat, I took in the inside of the car. He had his initials embedded on his steering wheel. As I guessed, Landon had most likely spent way more on this car, than he probably should’ve. I never could grasp what kind of joy a person could possibly feel by blowing millions of dollars on a cold piece of steel. At the end of the day, it was only a car.

  Landon slipped into the driver’s seat, and stared over at me. He waited until I snapped my seatbelt securely, before starting the car, and pulling off. His choice of music was entertaining. I would’ve never taken him for a rock lover. It was something I secretly loved as well, but that was neither here nor there. The warmth from the air vents surrounded me, and took away the chill I had been subjected to.

  Landon drove steadily, as I pulled down the sunshield. I checked myself out in the mirror and saw that I was fairly decent. The rain had dampened my hair, but not to the point of ruin. Still, I opened my purse and pulled out a comb before I began to groom myself. I saw Landon look at me from the corner of his eye, so I started a conversation.

  “So, what’s this charity that you’re dragging me off to?” I asked, primping my hair.

  “All the money donated will go to terminally ill kids.” He said, gripping the steering wheel.

  Staring over at him, I found myself totally knocked out of my seat. I half expected him to say some kind of selfish title, but for the third time tonight, Landon Brooks had surprised me. Maybe he wasn’t as shallow as the tabloids made him out to be. Heck, this was my job, trying to find out the real him. And so far, I liked what I saw—minus our first meeting.

  Arriving at our destination, Landon stopped at the valet and got out. Cameras immediately began to go off, and it was a wonder how he ignored them. Handing the young guy his keys, he then hustled to my side of the car, and opened the door. Grabbing my hand, he helped me out, and everyone began shouting. The paparazzi began rushing at us, and my heart quickened. Flashbulbs immediately began going off, blinding me, leaving me genuinely scared. I’d never been in the middle of such a frenzy.

  I felt Landon slip his arm around my waist, and I clutched him back tightly. Don’t get me wrong, I had been to many celebrity events, but I was never the center of attention. I was just the matchmaker who happened to be invited. Not that I was complaining, my company had been very prominent. Being here with Landon though, surrounded by vultures, was frightening. I didn’t know how celebrities handled it every day.

  “Landon, is this your new girlfriend?!” A reporter shouted, and Landon smiled.

  “This is the first time you’ve stepped out with anyone at an event, does this mean you’re in love?” another shouted.

  “Do you want to give them a show?” Landon whispered in my ear, and before I could answer his lips were on mines.

  His lips were soft, but his breath smelled of alcohol, mixed with mint. He’d obviously brushed his teeth before drinking. His mouth possessed mines, and it was a bit heady. I hadn’t shared a kiss with anyone in ages. As much as I wanted to shove him off, I couldn’t. I didn’t want to thoroughly embarrass my new client, but at the same time his gesture was very unnerving. He was definitely a selfish bastard, and hadn’t thought how this would make me look. I didn’t want my other potential clients to think I was going to sleep with them, before finding them their perfect match.

  Ending the kiss, Landon ushered us towards the building. Pushing our way through the crowd, we finally made it inside the lobby. I was relieved to be in from not only the freezing rain, but the hounds that were waiting outside. Landon looked down at me and obviously must’ve noted the exasperated look on my face.


  “Are you ok?” I asked Tessa.

  Noting the look on her face, I saw that she was thoroughly pissed at me about the kiss. To be honest, she should’ve been honored to be the one that I share my first public kiss with. I could already see that she was uptight. But the anger written on her face was cute. The little wrinkle over her nose was adorable. I’m sure that seeing me stare at her was making her even angrier.

  “No, how dare you?!” Tessa asked, peeved.

  “Lighten up princess, it was just a kiss.” I shrugged.

  “An unwelcome one.” She responded.

  “That’s not what your lips suggested.” I smiled smugly.

  I didn’t have time to argue with her, there was a room full of guest waiting on me. We’d have to put this conversation on hold.

  “You are so—”

  “Mr. Brooks, everyone’s waiting for you.” Naomi, my event planner replied cutting Tessa off, as she rushed over to me.

  “Sorry, my date had car trouble. Can you make sure she’s seated properly at my table?” I replied.

  “Of course.” Naomi nodded, grabbing Tessa.

  I winked at her before giving her a quick wave. Digging in my pocket, I felt my cue cards and headed inside. Everyone applauded, and I smiled. I hated the way I was greeted when I walked into a room sometimes. It was too much, especially since this event wasn’t about me. I mean, sure I organized it, and got the ball rolling, but this was for the kids. Keeping my fake smile, I sauntered through the room and headed to the front. Going up on the stage, I stood at the podium. Looking down at my cue cards, I read it in my head, before looking out at everyone.

  “Thank you all for coming out, and supporting my cause. I—” I sighed as I stopped reading my cue cards.

  I figured there was no real reason to read a fake speech that I didn’t mean, to a crowd full of assholes. Everyone here was just here to show up the next million or billionaire. Everyone wanted to prove they could donate more than the other, and the only reason I was ok with that, was because the money was still going to a good cause. There were sick kids who were going to benefit in some way from this. That was all I could ask for.

  “I’m not going to read this crap. It’s not me. So, enjoy the very expensive food you just brought, and party until your heart’s content.” I smiled, and everyone applauded as I stepped of
f the stage.

  Heading to my table, I saw Tessa sitting beside the other wealthy guests seated at my table. I wasn’t really one to sit and mingle, but what was I going to do? Sitting beside Tessa, I saw that there was already a plate waiting for me.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered for you.” Tessa replied as she ate her dish.

  Sucking in a hard breath, I looked down at my plate. Tessa had picked a good selection, but I wasn’t too fond of anyone doing things for me. Instead of making a huff, I smiled politely at her and began to eat.

  “She’s very pretty Brooks, how long have you two been dating?” Elliot Grayson asked, after the plates were cleared, and dessert was served.

  He was the head honcho over at the children’s hospital. So, impressing him had become my thing. We’d occasionally played basketball together, and invited each other to special events. If I had any other friends outside of Tyler, I guess I would’ve considered Elliot to be one. Too bad I didn’t have any.

  “Oh, we’re not—” Tessa started, but I cut her off.

  “Come on, Kitten.” I teased with a smile. “There’s no need to be modest.”

  Tessa shot me a glare that would’ve killed, if it had the power to. Again, I winked at her as she turned red faced. It was obvious she was embarrassed, and that amused me.

  “Well, it’s nice to finally see you out with someone.” Elliot replied, and the comment almost made me gag. I knew where this conversation was going, and I wasn’t for it. The questions that I had no answers to weren’t something I was ready for. So escaping was my only option.

  “Tessa, would you like to dance with me?” I asked standing, and extending a hand to her. I didn’t want to give her the option to say no, because if she had, it would’ve come off rude in front of everyone. I had a feeling she didn’t want to disappoint me in front of my very wealthy guest. At least that was my hope.

  “Sure.” she smiled, but there was a glint of anger in her very beautiful emerald eyes.

  Grabbing her hand, I pulled her up, and went to the center of the dance floor with the other guests. As if on cue, a slow song came on, and everyone moved closer to each other. Tessa glared up at me, and I pulled her close. Our bodies brushed as I placed my hands on the spine of her back. Running my hands down, I stopped at her hips as I watched her cheeks heat up.

  I dipped my head lower, and I guessed she assumed I was going to kiss her, because she turned her head away. Her breathing was ragged, as I placed my cheek to hers. She was soft, against my hard body. It was nice, especially since it had been awhile since I’d been with a woman. I hadn’t had time to go out in the past few months. But, besides that, I just hadn’t been interested in opening my heart only for it to get trampled. I saw how love worked and it wasn’t for me. Having an occasional one night stand had been enough for me.

  “Relax,” I whispered in Tessa’s ear. “I’m not going to bite you—unless you want me to.”

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m not going for it.” She snapped.

  “Relax, Ms. Winters. I’m only making light of our night.” I reassured, as she finally looked at me.

  “Good, because—”

  “I get it. I’m only trying to have fun. I hate these events; everyone here is so up their own ass that it’s sickening.” I replied.

  “So, why do you come alone?” Tessa asked.

  “I truthfully don’t have any friends. I’m not the get to know me type.” I answered truthfully.

  “You’re a mystery. One minute I think you’re a jerk, and another, you surprise me.” She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “That’s the way I like it. Can I tell you a secret?” I asked and she nodded, intrigued.

  “I’m a secret agent, undercover. If my cover gets blown, I’ll be skinned alive here.” I whispered in her ear, and she chuckled. It was nice to finally hear her have an inkling of fun.

  “I won’t blow your cover, 007.” She joked, and the smile on her face was heavenly.

  “You have a beautiful smile.” I complimented.

  “Thank you, Landon, as do you.” She threw back at me.

  “So, do you have a special someone waiting for you back at—where are you from?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

  “From New York, and no.” Tessa shrugged.

  “Don’t tell me you’re just like me, Ms. Winters.” I responded.

  “Nothing like you, Landon.” She reassured.

  “Phew, for a second there, I thought I met my exact counterpart.” I teased.

  “No, I just—ok, I am a little like you. I work so hard finding other people’s match that I don’t have time to find my own. But I’m ok with that.” Tessa informed.

  “Why’s that?” I asked, curiously.

  “I’d rather not say.” She said, precariously.

  “Cryptic answer, I like that.” I smiled.

  “Ok, let me ask you some questions.” She replied as another song started.

  “Shoot.” I said, welcoming the challenge.

  “Did you hire me, just to get laid easily?” Tessa asked seriously, and I liked her straight forward attitude.

  “No, Ms. Winters. I really want to find a woman who can handle me.” I smiled.

  “Then you’ve found the right woman for the job.” She smiled back, before laying her head on my shoulder.

  Her dark hair brushed gently across my face, and I felt dread seep through my body. Sighing, I let her words sink in. I was genuinely afraid of that. If Tessa Winters was as good as her résumé made her out to be, I’d have my perfect match in under a month. I wasn’t sure if I was entirely ready for what I’d set myself up for, but I had no choice.


  Staring out of my office window, all I could think of was the night before. Being with Tessa had been nice. The rest of the night had actually been fun. I saw a side to her that I had no idea she could’ve possessed. She wasn’t the stick in the mud that I pegged her to be. She was just all business when it came to finding me love. I admired her for that because I as the same way when it came to my profession.

  “Earth to Landon, are you going to tell me about last night or what?” Tyler asked, grabbing my attention.

  “There’s nothing to tell.” I replied, turning my chair around.

  “Bull, you’re in every tabloid with a hot girl, I thought I was your best friend. Why wasn’t I the first to know?” he asked.

  “That was only, Tessa.” I said, brushing off his concern.

  “Only Tessa? Who the hell is, Tessa? Is that why you were so pressed for time last night?” Tyler asked.

  “No, Tessa’s my matchmaker. I ran into her after I left the bar. She had car trouble, and I didn’t want to leave her out in the rain late at night, so I took her with me to the charity.” I answered.

  “Landon, you do know everyone thinks she’s your new girlfriend now, right?” Tyler asked.

  “I guess.” I shrugged.

  “Dude, do you realize what this means?” Tyler asked.

  Tyler was always over thinking things. If anything, this was going to get every girl who was already interested in being with me, want me even more. I wasn’t stupid; I knew what I was doing.

  “It means you need to calm down. It’s not as serious as you’re thinking.” I reassured.

  “Landon, she’s totally smoking hot. Did you sleep with her?” Tyler asked.

  “No, I’m really trying here. Besides, I’m paying her.” I said a bit insulted, as I heard a knock on the door.

  “Come in.” I replied, and Valarie poked her head inside as she normally did throughout the day.

  “There’s a Tessa Winters out here for you.” Valarie replied, and Tyler smiled brightly.

  “I knew it.” He chuckled.

  “Shut it, Tyler. Send her in.” I responded, and Valarie nodded before disappearing.

  A moment later, Tessa sauntered into my office. She was dressed in a tan blazer, with a black shirt, and deep black skinny leg
jeans. Her dark hair was pulled up into a long ponytail, and she looked amazing.

  “Ms. Winters, this is my best friend, Tyler. Tyler, this is Tessa Winters, my matchmaker. Ms. Winters, what have I done to be graced with your presence?” I asked, leaning back in my leather chair.

  “Hi,” she replied, smiling at Tyler, before shaking his hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Tessa.” Tyler replied.

  Tyler was the polar opposite of me. He had sandy blonde hair, with brown eyes. He topped out at 5’9, and was a bit rugged. He loved to sport scruff. The biggest difference was the fact that he was a softie. I mean, not in a bad way, he just wore his heart on his sleeve. He was more open to love and that happily ever after thing, than I was.

  “I figured we could have a late lunch before your first date tonight.” Tessa insisted.

  “First date? I thought I wasn’t worthy enough to be let out my cage yet.” I smiled, raising an eyebrow.

  “You’re not the only one full of surprises, Landon. So, you game?” she smiled.

  “You’re on.” I replied.

  “Matchmaker my ass.” Tyler smiled, looking over to me.

  “Tyler, don’t you have work to do?” I insisted.

  “I guess I could leave you two alone.” He winked at me.

  “Quit it, and get out.” I insisted, jumping up from my desk and pushing him from the room.

  “Nice to meet you, Tessa!” He shouted before I shut my door.

  “So, that’s Tyler eh?” Tessa asked smiling as she folded her arms over her chest.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about him. He’s just never met any girl I’ve dealt with.” I shrugged, a bit embarrassed.

  “Dealt with?” she asked, repeating me, and I realized I used the wrong choice of words.

  “Yeah, I don’t use the word date, because I don’t date. I’m not boyfriend material. I don’t do the whole romantic spew of affection, Ms. Winters.” I said clearly.

  “I’ve heard it all before, Landon. Underneath that hard shell is definitely a soft heart. I’ll find it somewhere.” She replied.


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