Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series)

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Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series) Page 3

by Harris, Cyndi

  “If you think so.” I shrugged. Little did she know, my heart was cold. I wasn’t one to let others in under any circumstances. “Shall we?”

  Landon pulled out my chair, and allowed me to sit, before he sat at the other side of the table. The place he picked was rather unconventional for a wealthy male of his caliber. I expected him to take us to some overly fancy restaurant that served things on a menu that I didn’t understand. Instead, he took us to his favorite family friendly eatery. The place had a great view of the mountains. I was falling in love with the scenery of this town, but I didn’t belong here.

  Where I lived, things were fast paced, and alive, all the time. It wasn’t small like this. Not that I was complaining. It was a place to settle down in, and raise a family. I was secretly happy to have this vacation away from my home. Even though I was technically working, I was going to find time to enjoy myself.

  “So far, so good.” I said to Landon, as he looked over to me.

  The guy was sex on legs, I wasn’t going to lie. He had the ability to make any girl’s heart race with just a look of his ocean blue eyes alone. Too bad there wasn’t much else after that. I was certain that it wasn’t because he lacked personality, because he didn’t. It was just the fact that he was so closed off. He wasn’t the inviting type, but when he did “let loose”; it was only what he wanted you to see. Landon Brooks was smart, arrogant, and handsome, but that was all I knew.

  I was determined to learn more. Underneath his arrogance was a heart as well. I could tell by last night. Landon’s charity meant a lot to him, and it was dedicated to terminally ill children. So, that showed me a lot, especially the fact that he was capable of caring about someone other than himself. But, I was certain of something. Landon Brooks, was trying hard to show he was a playboy, but I just didn’t know why, especially since he had hired me to find him love.

  “Meaning?” Landon asked, raising a brow at me.

  “You’ve been a gentleman thus far. You’ve opened doors, pulled out chairs, and been polite. I hope you’ll do the same tonight, on your date.” I answered.

  “Contrary to your earlier beliefs, I am a nice guy, Ms. Winters.” He responded.

  “I know.” I said quietly, looking at the menu.

  “What’s my date look like?” Landon asked curiously.

  “So, looks do matter?” I asked jokingly.

  “Just tell me.” He smiled.

  “She’s a tall, strawberry blonde, that’s sweet. A country girl” I said curtly.

  “A blonde?” he asked, as if he were pondering the things I said.

  We ordered, and our food was brought out very promptly. I had to admit, the food was among the best I’ve ever had. The conversation between me and Landon had been nothing, but light. Now, it was time to kick it up a notch.

  “So, have you ever been in a committed relationship?” I asked, taking another bite of my food.

  Landon shifted in his seat uncomfortably, so I took that as a yes. No matter what his answer was, his body language had already given him away.

  “Once.” He said curt, but at least he had been honest.

  “For how long?” I pushed, still watching him.

  Landon’s face was looking down at his plate, so he hadn’t noticed me staring. God, I was kind of wishing this wasn’t a business date, because Landon had peeked my interest a bit. But, even if this was a “date”, it would’ve only been a one night thing for me. I wasn’t open for a romance, especially with a rich playboy. I was wondering what was underneath that concealing blue suit of his. It was something that had been on my mind since the night before. The moment our bodies touched, I felt the heat between us.

  Landon was definitely different from every other client I dealt with. I was used to pompous jackasses walking into my office and spilling about their very torrid affairs. I was also used to shy guys who hadn’t had much luck in the bedroom because of it. But, I had never dealt with a playboy who shut off his emotions, and threw himself headfirst into his work. Landon was young, and could get any girl he wanted because he was overly attractive. What I didn’t get was his work ethic, as well as his attitude. He just didn’t seem like the “settle down” type.

  “Two years.” He replied.

  “What happened? Did you end it?” I pushed, trying to get a deeper story.

  “Is that important?” Landon asked, looking up to me finally.

  “Yeah,” I nodded. “It is.”

  “Have you ever been in a committed relationship, Ms. Winters?” he asked, and I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

  “Not that it matters, but yes.” I shrugged.

  “Let me guess. You tore his heart out of his chest?” Landon asked angrily. It was obvious that the question had rubbed him the wrong way. The anger was written all over his gorgeous face.

  “I didn’t mean anything by the question, Landon.” I assured, as his cell phone went off. Without hesitation, he dug in his pocket, pulled out the phone.

  “Excuse me, I need to take this.” He said urgently, answering the call, and placing the phone to his ear.

  “Hello?” Landon asked a bit panicky. “This is he.”

  As he listened, his eyes moved over to mines, and then away again. I looked away, pretending as if I weren’t listening, but for all I knew, it could’ve been a booty call. I knew it was a bit early in the afternoon, but so what? I needed to know every little detail about Landon.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Just—please—don’t do anything until I get there.” Landon replied before hanging up the phone.

  “Ms. Winters, I have to cut this lunch short. I apologize, but a pressing matter has presented itself.” He said standing up.

  “Is everything alright?” I asked, standing as well.

  Landon broke eye contact, and I again noted his body language. It left me wondering how no one else saw through his façade. He wasn’t good at hiding certain feelings. So far, he had been straight forward with me. I just hoped he kept that trend going.

  “Fine.” He replied, pulling himself together and looking at me.

  He flashed me his award winning smile, and I took it. I couldn’t really pry into his business just yet. After all, it could’ve been a work emergency. Landon did after all own his own empire. I got calls all the time when things weren’t going right at the office.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you.” I smiled. “Are you going to be done before your date tonight?”

  “I—um—I’ll keep you posted.” Landon replied, pulling out his wallet. He pulled out a huge bill and dropped it on the table.

  “Do you need a ride or anything?” he asked, looking back up at me.

  “Sure, I still don’t have a car. My assistant gave me a lift to your office earlier.” I answered, giving him way too much information.

  “Where are you staying?” he asked a bit rushed.

  “The Double Tree Inn.” I answered.

  “I know where it is. Come on, I’ll drop you off.” Landon replied heading out, and I followed. I’d given him my number, to keep in contact before he dropped me off.


  I waited outside of the cozy restaurant for my date. After handling the business from the unexpected phone call I had earlier, I had called Tessa. Even though I was emotionally and physically drained, I didn’t want her to think I wasn’t serious about this whole “dating” thing. I wasn’t going to lie, I was a bit nervous. This could’ve possibly been “the one”. The thought sounded funny, so I laughed out loud. I’m sure I must’ve looked a bit crazy because a few people turned their heads to stare at me.

  I was dressed in a gray button up, and a black loose tie. But I had on a dressy pair of slacks and expensive shoes. This was my almost casual look, I guess you could say. Looking at my watch, I saw that I was a bit early. The table had already been ready inside; all I had to do was wait for my date.

  “Landon?” I heard a voice ask behind me. The voice had a hint of a southern accent, and I dreaded turnin
g around.

  Biting the bullet, I did. I half expected to see an unkempt farm girl, but to my surprise, she was pretty. Just as Tessa had said, her hair was strawberry blonde, and she was no more than 5’8. I wasn’t one to go for blondes, but what was I going to do? I had to roll with the punches. But, if I did have a pick, I’d go with someone with dark locks, like Tessa’s. Her hair was perfect. It was something I would’ve loved to get lost in.

  “Hi.” I smiled, handing her the red rose I had brought.

  “Pretty.” She smiled back, and I saw she had a pretty smile, but it was nothing like Tessa’s. “My name’s Colby Lynn, but you can call me Colby.”

  Oh yeah, she was definitely from the south, and I didn’t have much experience with her type. This was going to be an interesting night.

  “Nice to meet you, Colby.” I replied, giving her a quick hug.

  I opened the door for her, and the hostess immediately seated us. Needless to say, all eyes were on us until we got to the private table. I was thankful that Tessa had set it up that way. With my status, being on a date with everyone watching would’ve been nerve wrecking.

  “I assume you already know who I am, and what I do. So, how old are you, and what do you do for a living?” I asked her, breaking the ice.

  “I’m twenty two, and I’m still in school. I actually graduate in a few months.” She smiled.

  “What do you study?” I asked curiously.

  “Nursing, I want to maybe be a doctor one day.” She explained.

  “Maybe?” I asked, raising a brow.

  “Well I’m pretty squeamish around blood, so I’m not too sure.” She chuckled, and I nodded with a smile.

  “What do you do for fun, Landon?” Colby asked.

  “Fun? Me?” I chuckled at the thought. “I work for fun.”

  “Oh come on.” She replied, twirling her hair around her finger. “Everyone has a hobby.”

  “I don’t have time for a hobby.” I answered, truthfully.

  “Nothing?” she asked, with her accent ever so present.

  Shaking my head, I peeked through the menu as the waitress returned. She was a blonde, and her name tag read ‘Brooke’.

  “Can I get you two, something to drink?” she asked.

  “I’ll have a red wine.” Colby insisted, and my eyes slid up to her. I wasn’t expecting to hear that, but it showed me she had expensive taste.

  “I’ll take a Mountain Dew.” I smiled brightly at the waitress.

  “Red wine, and Mountain Dew coming right up.” She smiled, giving me a wink. I tried to act like I didn’t see her as I turned my attention back to Colby.

  “Where’s your favorite place to vacation?” Colby asked, jumping back into our conversation.

  “I don’t get to vacation, unless you consider when I travel abroad for business.” I answered.

  “Oh, my gosh, you can’t be serious, Landon.” She responded.

  “Unfortunately, I am.” I sighed, as my cell phone buzzed.

  I could never go a whole day without the damn thing going off, but with my life, what did I expect?

  “Any cities that you want to visit?” She asked, grabbing my attention.

  “I’m sorry, I need to take this.” I interjected, and Colby fell silent.

  “Hello?” I asked, before hearing the voice on the other end.

  My heart sank, as I heard the news being drilled into my head. I hated being rude, but this date was going to have to be put on hold. It was a bad idea to even attempt it in the first place. On cue, the waitress came back with our drinks, and asked for our order. I of course ignored her, as I heard the very raw details of my call.

  “I’ll be there in about five minutes.” I replied, as Colby ordered a dish. Hanging up, I stared over at Colby, who was glaring at me a bit annoyed.

  “Order a dish for me; I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I assured, getting up from the table.

  “Seriously?” Colby asked, obviously appalled by my decision, but there was no way I was ignoring my responsibilities. Not for her, or any woman.

  “I’ll be back, just start without me.” I replied rushing from the table.

  I paced my hotel room for the umpteenth time as I clutched my phone. I couldn’t believe that I was nervous about Landon’s date. Not nervous that he wouldn’t succeed, but nervous that he would actually like Colby. I had set him up with any guy’s ideal sweetheart. It was something I felt he needed, the moment eight o’clock hit, I felt dread in my gut. I had never had this feeling coursing through me about any of my clients, and I didn’t like it.

  “You are totally jelly.” Gwen replied.

  She had been watching me for the past few hours, and I couldn’t blame her, but calling me jealous? That was something I couldn’t let slide.

  “Am not.” I protested, stopping in my tracks, and turning to her.

  “Yeah right, I haven’t seen you act like this since Dean dated Ruby.” Gwen pointed out, and my face paled.

  Dean had been my fiancé. We had dated senior year in high school, but before me, he had dated Ruby. Ruby had been the popular bubbly cheerleader. Yeah, it was cliché, but it was true. She was a horrid bitch that kept Dean wrapped around her finger. Dean was too nice of a guy—too sweet to be with her. Boy was I glad when he came to his senses.

  “Sorry, I’m sorry.” Gwen frowned as I sucked in a hard breath. That subject had been a raw wound for me that had yet to heal.

  “It’s fine.” I said plopping down on my bed.

  “But, just admit it. You have a crush on, Landon Brooks.” She insisted, wide-eyed.

  Rolling my eyes, I fell flat onto my back. The soft, yet firm hotel mattress had caught me. What Gwen was saying had resonated in my head, and I hated it. Why couldn’t this just be like any other job?

  “Not a crush.” I insisted. “But he has me interested.” I finally admit.

  Gwen squealed triumphantly, before clapping her hands. She had known me the best, because she had been my best friend since high school. We had been inseparable, and she knew just about everything there was to know about me.

  “Then why don’t you fix him up with you?!” she exclaimed.

  “Come on, he would never go for me. He’s rich, and—”

  “Totally into you, Tessa.” Gwen replied, cutting me off as she tossed a tabloid on my bed.

  It had me and Landon kissing on the cover. It was one of dozens I had seen today, and I wasn’t going to lie—the kiss was nice. Hell, it had been more than nice. Landon definitely knew how to move those soft, succulent lips of his. It was another thing that had me thinking of him all night long. Hell, it was also the reason I arranged our “late lunch”. I could’ve simply called him with the details, but I wanted to see him again.

  “Gwen, he’s not my type.” I insisted.

  “Oh, bullshit Tessa! He is gorgeous. If I had a chance, I would jump his bones, myself.” Gwen huffed.

  “I’m off the market.” I said, seriously.


  Gwen had been stopped by the ringing of my phone. Hell, it had scared me half to death. It was after midnight, and I wasn’t one to have calls at this hour. Looking at my phone, I saw Landon’s name flashing on the screen. Frowning, I immediately answered it.

  “Hello?” I asked, a bit off guard.

  “Tessa, hey—um—this is Landon.” I heard his voice say uneasily on the other end of the phone. Making out the tone of his voice, I realized his words sounded slurred. Had he just drunk dialed me?!

  “I know who you are. Is everything ok?” I asked, nervously. I hoped he wasn’t calling me to say he was having a “good time”. That was definitely something I could live without.

  “Who is it?!” Gwen whispered, giddily, still sitting on her own bed. I shooed her away, as I tried to listen intently.

  “I’m calling you because—well I don’t have any other friends. I would’ve called Tyler, but he’s at home with his wife.” He rambled a bit.

  “Landon, what’s go
ing on?” I asked, concerned.

  “I knew it!” Gwen shouted, and I shooed her away again.

  “I’m at a bar wasted. I mean, I can’t even see straight, and I don’t think it’ll be a good idea if I try to drive home.” Landon muttered.

  Drunk? Landon didn’t peg me as the type of guy to get pissy drunk. I’ve never read anything about him being out of control, so this had caught me right out of left field. One thing I was grateful for though was the fact that he called me for help, instead of jumping behind a wheel.

  “Where are you?” I asked shooting to my feet.

  “Um—the place you set the date up for me at. Err—that sentence didn’t sound right. I’m sitting at the bar, of the place where I was supposed to have my date. Yeah, that sounds better.” Landon rambled.

  “Ok, I’ll be there in fifteen. Don’t. Move.” I ordered.

  “You got it.” He replied before hanging up.

  “What’d he want? Did he tell you that his date was lame, and he wants a piece of Tessa Pie?” Gwen chuckled.

  “Not funny, Gwen.” I snapped grabbing my coat. “I need the car; I’ll be back in a bit.” I insisted before leaving.


  Making it to the restaurant, I stormed inside, and searched the place. There were only a few heads at the bar, and Landon was one of them. He was slumped over, and holding a shot glass in his hand. I rushed through the room, and made my way to him.

  “Landon?” I asked, sitting beside him.

  “You really came.” He smiled slightly looking over to me.

  I gasped as I saw the bottom of his lip had been split. Not to mention the cut on the upper right side of his eye. He had obviously been in a fight, but over what? Had the girl I set him up with had an angry lover? God, I hoped not or my job was going to be on the line.

  “Of course I came. Landon, what happened to you?” I asked, going to touch his bruise, but he caught my arm.

  “Don’t, it still hurts.” He smiled.

  “Tell me what happened.” I insisted.


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