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Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series)

Page 13

by Harris, Cyndi

  “Fine.” She said, falling silent before fixing her plate. I sat back down, and took in a deep breath to calm down.

  “How about I ask about the mystery girl you’ve been dating.” Cassidy asked and my heart sank. Tessa wasn’t a subject I wanted to rehash either.

  “What’s with the twenty-one questions?” I asked.

  “Well excuse me for wanting to get to know what my brother’s been up to.” Cassidy sneered playfully and I was too angry to smile.

  “Jeez, someone’s surly.” She said rolling her eyes.

  “Long story short, it didn’t work out. I don’t have time for a girlfriend anyway.” I barked.

  “Landon, don’t you think it’s time to start thinking about yourself? You’ve been doing everything for me and mom since I can remember—and I appreciate it, all of it. Moms’ sick, I get it, but stop punishing yourself for it. It’s not your fault that dad was a psycho either. What he did to you wasn’t your fault.” She said, and I couldn’t handle it. This was too much to deal with. Even my sister knew I was screwed up over my past. I couldn’t breathe, and I needed to get out of here.

  “What’d you do to my drink?” I asked.

  “I tossed it.” She said pushing my plate back over to me.

  “Why in the hell would you do that?!” I shouted.

  “Because you need to get yourself together!” she shouted back.

  “That’s not for you to decide.” I barked.

  “It is for me to decide if you refuse to take care of yourself. I’ve never seen you like this Landon, and it’s scaring me.” She said and my heart dipped.

  Was I so screwed up that I wasn’t willing to care about anything anymore? Cassidy had been right, I had never let my cracks show in front of her, and I felt horrible. I hadn’t even called her to tell her about mom. I hadn’t given her the chance to see her—especially since mom was doing so badly. I was more than a wreck, but I was so far down in the ditch I’d dug that I didn’t see a way out. Self-loathing wasn’t a thing I was used to, but I’d finally let it get the best of me.

  My cell phone rang, grabbing my attention. I hadn’t touched the thing in days. I growled as I reached for it, but Cassidy pulled it out of my grasp. I narrowed my eyes at her as I watched her answer it. She listened for a moment before hanging up.

  “That was, Tyler.” Cassidy replied.

  “I told you never to bring him up to me again.” I barked.

  “Well, today’s Danny’s birthday party. Apparently, you promised you would be there?” Cass asked, and I frowned.

  I’d totally forgotten, and Amanda had left me a message saying they’d postponed it because of everything that was going on with my mom. I was such a screw up. I hadn’t even gotten him a gift.

  “Damn it.” I cursed. “Cass, can you take me to get a gift?”

  “I’d be glad to.” She smiled brightly. “After you eat.”

  “I’ll eat at the party.” I shrugged, knowing it was a lie. Getting up from the chair, I headed to the door, not giving her a chance to answer.

  After grabbing the biggest toy in the store that I could find, we headed over to Tyler’s house. I really wasn’t up for this, but I refused to disappoint Danny. I had already been M.I.A. for the most part this year, but I’d be damned if I missed his party. Tyler had just better steer clear of me.

  Ringing the doorbell, I rubbed my temple as I adjusted my sunglasses. I knew my eyes were bloodshot red, so I threw them on. The door opened, and I was glad to see Amanda standing there. She smiled at me before pulling me in for a hug, and I stood frozen.

  “I’m glad you came.” She replied letting me go, but she still had the glowing smile planted on her face.

  “I’m not going to stay long, I just came by to wish Danny a, “Happy Birthday”, and give him this.” I said holding up the big box.

  “I’m still glad you dropped by, Landon. Oh my God, Cassidy is that you?!” Amanda said spotting my sitter.

  “In the flesh.” Cass smiled before they hugged each other.

  I walked off and headed through the house, hoping not to see Tyler. I didn’t want to have to lay him on his ass again, especially in his own house.Moving through the living room, I saw everyone outside in the backyard. Man had they gone all out for Danny. But I couldn’t blame them. Danny had been sick growing up. At a very early age, he was diagnosed with Leukemia. It was the reason I took an interest in charities that dealt with kids the most. Danny had gone through hell, and it nearly killed him.

  I had sat with them at the hospital through nearly everything. I didn’t want to watch my best friend lose a child. I had footed the bill for any treatment Danny needed, and was glad for it. To see him finally have a clean bill of health for his birthday was amazing.

  Danny spotted me and I was glad. He dropped his friends and ran straight over to me.

  “Uncle Landon!” he shouted as I dropped the box and knelt to him. I held him tight and smiled. I was glad to have made his day.

  “Daddy kept saying you weren’t going to come, but I knew you would because you promised.” He replied letting me go.

  “Show’s what your daddy knows, right?” I shrugged.

  “It sure does.” I heard Tyler’s voice reply behind me, so much for not running into the prick.

  “Whoa, is this for me?” Danny asked wrapping his arms around the huge box, and trying to lift it.

  “Sure is buddy, but you can open it later. Go have some fun.” I smiled as I got up.

  “Thanks. Uncle Landon!” he replied hugging my legs before running off. I smiled, before Tyler spoke to me, and washed away my tiny happiness.

  “Thanks for showing up. I really thought—”

  “Don’t assume things about me.” I snapped turning to him.

  “Landon, come on.” Tyler said in a begging tone.

  “Fuck off.” I whispered as I felt my hands turn into a fist.

  “You guys playing nice?” Cass asked stepping in between us with a huge smile.

  “Cass, oh my God! You are so enormous!” Tyler said, turning his attention away from me.

  “You say it like I’ve grown to Shaq’s size.” Cass joked.

  “It’s just been awhile. You’ve really come out of your shell.” Tyler smiled.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing.” Cass frowned.

  “Always good; you know you were pretty before you left, you’re just stunning now.” He chuckled.

  My cell phone buzzed, interrupting them and I was glad for it. Cassidy still had it, so she pulled it out before answering it.

  “Excuse me.” She said, stepping to the side as she listened to the call.

  “Landon, we need to talk.” Tyler insisted.

  “I have nothing to say to you, and whatever you have to say to me, I don’t want to hear it.” I barked. Tyler opened his mouth to speak, but Cassidy interrupted him.

  “Landon that was the hospital…mom’s—”

  By her face, I could tell it wasn’t good news. I wasn’t ready for this—I couldn’t handle it.

  “No!” I shouted at her, cutting her off before grabbing my keys.

  “Landon—” Cassidy replied trying to stop me, but I wasn’t hearing it. I tore out of there, leaving her behind.


  I checked my suitcase one more time before I closed and locked it. Sitting on my hotel bed, I sighed as I grabbed my cell phone. I wanted to call Landon again, but he hadn’t been answering my calls. I was worried sick about him, but what else could I do? When someone wanted to be left alone, the best thing to do was to give them space. No matter how much it killed you.

  How could Landon ask me to stay? How could he have not understood how hard I had worked to get my business to where it was? How could I turn down this offer that Zach had thrown at me? I understood where Landon was coming from, but at the same time, he was being selfish. This opportunity was too good to be true, and I’d be stupid not to take it. This was my dream. What I lived for. What
I’d worked hard for.

  A knock at the door jolted me out of my thoughts. I knew it had to be Gwen telling me the cab was here. She had gone to the lobby, to wait for it to arrive. I couldn’t believe my month here at Colorado Springs was up so fast. I had failed at my job for the first time since I’d started my business. Landon wasn’t living his “happily ever after”, he was miserable, and it was mostly my fault.

  Grabbing my bag, I walked to the door and opened it. Standing there was a girl I had never seen before. Frowning, I dropped my bag as I stared at her. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her.

  “Tessa,” She smiled and I frowned.

  “That’s me.” I replied.

  “Are you going somewhere?” she frowned, looking at my bags.

  “I’m leaving as a matter of fact.” I answered. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

  “Oh, sorry.” She smiled. “I’m Cassidy, Landon’s sister.”

  “I knew you looked familiar.” I smiled remembering the pictures I saw her in, now. “How’d you find me?”

  “I have my ways. Look, I came here because I need your help.” She sighed.

  “Is Landon, alright?” I asked scarce.

  “That’s the thing, I don’t know. He left yesterday morning, and I haven’t seen him since.” She said with worry laced in her voice.

  My heart sank at the news and I took in a hard breath.

  “Did he say anything to you? Anything that would make him leave?” I asked, trying to think clearly. I didn’t want to think he was hurt or worse.

  “The hospital called to say my mother wasn’t doing too well. Landon booked on me, but I went to see her before she passed away.” She said looking away from me, as she choked back her tears.

  “Oh God, I’m sorry.” I sighed at the heartbreaking news.

  “Thanks.” She nodded. “Thing is, my mom’s been sick for a long time. Landon stopped his whole life for her and me, and I watched him suffer. I was too young to help then, but not now.” Cassidy replied.

  “He told me.” I responded.

  “See? That means he really loves you because he’s never told anyone that. I want Landon to be happy and you make him happy.” Cassidy insisted.


  “I know you two aren’t together anymore. I just—I need your help finding him. I’m scared to death that something happened to him. He hasn’t been himself, he’s been drinking and not eating…” she replied.

  “Tessa, the cab’s here.” Gwen said walking into the room, before sizing up Cassidy.

  “Gwen, this is Cassidy. She’s Landon’s baby sister.” I said, so she knew there wasn’t a problem.

  “Hi.” Gwen smiled curtly. “The cab’s here.”

  “Ok.” I nodded.

  “Seriously, if we don’t catch this, we’re not going to make the plane.” Gwen pouted.

  “I know.” I sighed.

  “So, you really are going to go?” Cassidy pouted.

  I stared at her, then at Gwen who was nodding, insisting that I say yes.

  Sitting in Gwen’s rental car, I sighed. Without much thought, I stayed and helped Cassidy search for Landon. Tyler even came out to help, even though they weren’t on speaking terms. He was overly worried about his best friend, and that was understandable. Landon’s whole life had imploded in less than a day.

  I could only think of the pain he endured in the week that passed. I knew how much he loved his mother, and to lose her the way he did—the thought was heartbreaking, but it did give me an idea. Turning on the car, I headed to Landon’s estate. It was the last place we thought to look for him. Cassidy did go back to the house to wait, just in case Landon decided to show, but I knew something she probably didn’t.

  When I got to his house, I turned off the car and jumped out. It was getting dark out, and the sun was going down fast. I headed down to the lake and prayed I was right. Sure enough, and to my surprise, Landon was standing there looking at the water. His hands were shoved into his pockets, and his back was facing me. I sent Cassidy a text saying I found him, before I hustled down the hill, and stood beside him. Looking over to him, I saw that his eyes were brimmed red, and I immediately knew he had been crying nonstop. To see him so vulnerable was tear-jerking.

  “All she wanted to do was come down here and watch the water. I couldn’t even do that for her.” He muttered.

  “She knew why you couldn’t, Landon.” I responded.

  “Yeah, I was too scared to pull my own head out of my ass.” He barked.


  “It’s true. I’m a coward. I let my fear stop me from letting my mother do the one thing she loved, and now she’s gone. She’ll never get the chance to enjoy it because of me.” He grumbled angrily.

  “Would you stop?” I demanded as I looked over to him.

  “Stop what?” he asked looking down to me frustrated.

  “Berating yourself; you loved your mother and did everything you could for her. She loved you with everything in her and I know she would hate to see you like this.” I insisted.


  “You had lunch and dinner every day with your mother. You were there for her when it mattered, and that’s what counts. You can’t blame yourself for not being able to bring her down here to the water, Landon.” I scolded as tears emerged from his eyes.

  “I’m broken, Tess.” He cried.

  “I know; we’re all broken a little. Let me fix you.” I said taking his face into my hands, and wiping his tears away. He hesitated for a minute as we stared at each other, before he dipped his head low and kissed me.

  The kiss was passionate and I couldn’t keep the cap on my emotions any longer. Being away from Landon had showed me just how much I loved him. I had gone insane today when I thought maybe he was hurt or worse. I needed to stop over thinking everything and just let go, and that was what I did. Landon wrapped his arms around my waist, and I let go. I moaned as I ran my hands through his hair as Landon reached down and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

  “I love you.” He whispered against my lips.

  “I love you, too.” I said back, and it just felt right.

  I knew he was hurting, and I wasn’t about to deny him what he craved most.


  I truly loved Landon Brooks, and nothing was going to change that. Landon kissed me harder this time as he laid me down on the cool ground. I shivered as he covered me, but I didn’t stop him. I felt butterflies flutter through my stomach as he looked at me with such adoration and love. He truly made me feel beautiful.

  “You don’t have to say it if you don’t really mean it.” He whispered, brushing my hair out of my face.

  “I love you, Landon Brooks.” I smiled.

  “Then tell me about this ring.” He said grabbing the chain around my neck, and making the diamond ring dangle over me.

  “It’s an engagement ring.” I answered truthfully.

  “So you are engaged.” He huffed, brokenhearted as he got off of me and sat up.

  “Yes and no.” I said as I sat up, and sat beside him.

  “Who is he? Is it really, Zach?” he grumbled.

  “No, I didn’t lie to you. The day you saw us together was the first time I had met him.” I answered.

  “Then who is he?” he asked, exasperated.

  “His name was Dean, and he was the only boy I’d ever loved—until you.” I answered.

  “Was?” he asked baffled, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, he died a couple years ago in a plane crash. We were engaged, and then he was just gone. Just like that. A part of me died with him, and I vowed to never fall in love again.” I sighed.

  “That’s why you kept running from me.” He whispered, trying to piece things together.

  “Yeah.” I nodded laying my head on his shoulder. “Getting close to someone like that again wasn’t really in my plans.”

  “Well, I’m sorry.” He said looki
ng at the water.

  “I’m not.” I sighed and he looked at me.

  “You just said—”

  “I was too scared to love again, Landon. And now, thanks to you, I learned how to again. Like I said, we’re all broken in some way, and I needed you in my life just as much as you needed me.” I said, placing a hand on his chest, before kissing him.

  “Your heart is racing.” I said concerned.

  “Being this close to the water scares the hell out of me.” He said truthfully.

  “Come on.” I said getting up and offering my hand to him. “Let’s go inside.”

  After going inside, I forced Landon to eat a little before we took a shower together. I had never seen him so low before, and I wasn’t going to leave him alone for a minute. It was apparent that he hadn’t been sleeping either, but he would tonight. I was going to make sure of it. After the shower, we curled up together on his big bed, and I stroked his head until he fell asleep. Landon fought it for a while, but eventually drifted off to dream land. Not too far after, I followed him.

  I was jolted out of my sleep by a loud cry. Opening my eyes, I them in confusion as I saw it was still dark out. I felt Landon shift beside me, in a violent movement. I immediately sat up as he began to struggle for air. It was obvious that he was having some sort of nightmare. One that most likely ended with him drowning. He’d warned me about them when he finally told me about his horrid past, but I’d never experienced it. Every night that we had spent together, he had seemingly slept peacefully. I guess tonight would be different. Maybe the trauma of losing his mother jilted his dreams in a bad way.

  “Dad….don’t.” he mumbled.

  “Landon…” I said scarce.

  “Slow down! Stop the car!” he shouted with another violent thrash.

  “Landon.” I screeched a bit concerned.

  Touching his shoulder I called his name again, but he jerked away from me, before springing up and grabbing me. I wanted to scream, but he caused me to fall back on the bed. In one swift moment, he was on top of me, choking me. I felt the air immediately rush from my lungs, as he stared at me. His eyes were vacant, and I knew he wasn’t seeing me, but that still didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t breathe.


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