Drawing the Devil

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Drawing the Devil Page 9

by Jon Keys

  After the final surge of pleasure washed over him, he collapsed on the bed. “Oh my God.”

  Dustin ran his hand over his chest, coating it with come that he smeared over his hard cock. He turned to Shane. “Damn, you make me so horny.”

  Dustin started flogging his dick, and the room filled with the wet sounds of him jerking off. Shane pulled Dustin’s hands off and wrapped his own around Dustin’s wet cock. “Mine.”

  Shane stroked slowly, running his hands over Dustin’s torso to recoat them. Gripping Dustin’s cock tightly, Shane slowly eased his hand up and down its hard length, teasing Dustin toward another orgasm.

  “Come on. Jerk it. I’m so fuckin’ close!”

  Shane slapped Dustin’s hands away. “Nope, it’s my turn.”

  “Please, faster. Just a little.”

  Shane slowed his movement to a crawl. “Did you say slow down?”

  “Ah, damn it. You asshole!” Dustin thrust his hips upward, trying to find some relief.

  The soft sound of Shane’s laughter surrounded Dustin. Fuck! I’m so getting even. When Shane twisted his fist around Dustin’s cockhead, it was the breaking point. Dustin’s first shot arched above his torso and landed back on his chest with a wet splat. His body twitched, and short thick strands of come drooled from Dustin’s cock to pool on his abdomen. The delicious final waves of orgasm flowed through Dustin, leaving him exhausted and contented.

  He began to lift himself upward, when Shane slid between Dustin’s legs and sucked his softening cock into his mouth. Dustin relished the warm sensation as Shane licked him clean. But soon the stimulation reached a point where the slightest touch made him feel as if he were about to fly apart, and he grabbed Shane’s head.

  “No, stop! It’s sensitive.”

  Shane came off Dustin’s flaccid member. “You good, then?”

  Dustin tugged Shane beside him and their lips met in a kiss. Dustin licked his lips, catching the faint taste of his own come layered with a taste of Shane. “Yes. Very, very good.”

  Shane’s gaze traveled down their come-drenched bodies. “I think we need another shower.”

  Dustin leaned in and licked a speck of come from Shane’s chest. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  Mitch rolled toward Darrin. “You better wash those sheets in extra-hot water.”

  “Why? I don’t wash ours that way, and they always come clean.” Darrin nudged his husband.

  “Yeah, but that’s different. And we were never that bad.”

  “Yes, we were. And no, they’re no different. We’ve just been through a lot more than they have. Didn’t you see how Dustin’s eyes lit up when Shane introduced him as his boyfriend? It’s been a long time since we were fresh in love.”

  Mitch rolled over and mashed his lips against Darrin’s, letting his hand travel over Darrin’s hairy chest as they separated. “It might not be as fresh as those two, but we are still very much in love. And I like where we are.”

  Darrin’s fingers traced Mitch’s jaw. “You know they’re going to be at it again before the night’s over.”

  Mitch crawled over the bed and lay on top of Darrin. “In about five minutes, I won’t care what they’re doing, and I don’t plan to be quiet.”

  Darrin let out a soft groan as their bodies meshed in long-practiced ease.

  Chapter Nine

  Dustin rocked back and forth on the tailgate of Shane’s pickup. Even the relatively short drive from Mitch and Darrin’s to the northern Oklahoma location of the 101 Rodeo had given him too much time to think. Now that the bull riding was about to begin, his head wasn’t in the right place. He normally would be at the arena trading insults with the other bull riders. Dustin was always keeping an eye out for anything that might give him an edge. Not today. He’d been dressed for more than an hour. Each piece of tack had been checked and double-checked; his bull rope was rosined and ready.

  The flood of adrenaline that normally had him ready to climb the walls was missing. Dread formed an icy block to replace the competitive fire that typically burned in his belly. Have I lost my nerve? It isn’t like I haven’t seen other guys get fucked up and never have the balls to climb on again. Dustin’s injury had healed; a doctor’s release was carefully stored inside the trailer. Regardless of what it said on that sheet of paper, cold apprehension looped continually through Dustin until he was frozen with anxiety.

  Todd walked up beside him and shoved on his boots. “Hey, pussy. Why aren’t you at the arena fuckin’ with people’s heads?”

  “Hey, Todd. Nice ride last weekend.”

  “Yeah, I was fuckin’ on fire. You’re gonna have to kick it in gear to catch up with me.”

  Dustin gave a lopsided grin. “Yeah, whatever. I can whip your scrawny ass without even trying.”

  Todd checked a buckle on his chaps. “That why you’re sitting out here trying to find the guts to climb back on a bull?”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Fuck you, Lewis. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  Dustin glared at his friend but said nothing.

  “Exactly, now suck it up and let’s go.”

  Dustin’s bravado evaporated. “What if something goes wrong?”

  Todd let out a bark of laughter. “It’s fuckin’ rodeo, something always goes wrong.”

  “Yeah, I know. But it’s different now.”

  Todd’s gaze bored into him and made him squirm. When he met Todd’s eyes, he looked more serious than any time Dustin could remember. But Todd’s next question shook Dustin to his core.

  “So, what’s up with you and Shane?”

  Dustin struggled to keep from panicking. Shit. What’s he heard? He stammered out, “Just friends, you know. Drinking buddies. And we were—”

  Todd seated himself beside Dustin and patted his knee. “You know, I’m not as stupid as I act. I know there’s something between you two. I’d know more, but you’ve been kinda avoiding me lately.”

  Dustin’s stomach coiled into a solid knot as he looked at his best friend. How am I supposed to tell him something I’ve been hiding since I was ten? Dustin took a deep breath.

  “Todd, I’m gay.”

  “Yeah, I know that.”

  “What do you mean you know? How did you know?”

  Todd laughed, a happy, comical sound. “Dude, you’ve been checking out my willie since I first got peach fuzz down there. How could I not know?”

  Anxiety engulfed Dustin as he recalled all the times he thought he’d stolen a secret look at his friend’s junk. “Sorry, dude.”

  “Don’t sweat it. If my wet-dream girl had been standing in front of me, I’d check her out too.”

  Dustin bumped against his friend. “Yeah, whatever. You ain’t all that.”

  Todd shoved back and punched at Dustin’s arm. “Whatever, puss. Now, you and Shane doin’ the nasty? ’Cause I hear he gives mean head to anyone who’ll drop ’em.”

  “Hey!” Dustin jumped off the tailgate and drew back to punch his friend. “Watch your goddamn mouth.”

  Todd held out his hands. “Okay, okay! I just wanted to see how serious you are about him. I haven’t heard anything. But you answered my question.”

  Dustin paused, and the anger bled out of him. “Yeah, I guess. We’re kind of…together.”

  “Like dating?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Well, do you tap it anywhere else?”

  “No! That’s not cool.”

  “Okay. Calm down, lover boy.”

  Todd studied Dustin before he started again. “You know you’re fuckin’ crazy, the way you ride bulls. You do stupid shit. Take crazy risks.”

  “I’m just having a little fun.”

  Todd shook his head. “Dude, it’s like…you want ’em to take you out.”

  Dustin started to argue but knew
what that would get him. With a helpless look, he shrugged. “I dunno. It’s not like I’ve had much to live for. I mooch off you and your family, or live in motels. My pop and granddad made it pretty clear I was worthless.”

  “Fuck them. They’re insane. And my folks love you. I mean it. They love you like a son.”

  “But they don’t know I’m…” Dustin threw his hands out, unwilling to say the word again. As if it might change Todd’s response. “When they find out, they’ll never want me to come into your house again.”

  “You fuckin’ idiot. They’re the ones who asked me. They worry about you all the time. Afraid you’re barebackin’ it and will get some nasty shit.”

  “Really? Your folks worry about me?” A part of Dustin warmed at the idea that Todd’s family had known he was gay and still cared about him.

  “Hell yes! God, you’re so fuckin’ stupid sometimes.”

  Dustin flipped off his friend. “Fuck you!”

  “Yeah, you’d like to. But I don’t swing that way. I like pussy too much.” Todd winked. Their eyes met, and their love for each other passed between them. Todd’s expression changed to one of sympathy. “You like this guy, don’t you.”

  “Yeah. I really do. He’s…cool.”

  “What’s scaring the shit outta you, then?”

  Dustin started to speak several times, then collapsed with a sigh. “What happens if I get hurt bad? Shane and I are just getting good.”

  Todd looked at him with his lips pursed. “You love him?”

  Dustin tensed, ready to deny it out of habit. The wave of longing for Shane crested over him, and with a whoosh of breath, the tension seeped out of him. “Yeah, I do love him. But he doesn’t get it. He thinks that damn scar makes him some kind of butt-ugly perv.”

  “What scar?”

  Dustin lifted his head to see Todd with an ornery look on his face, then shook his head. “Asshole.”

  “Look. Here’s the deal like I see it. You haven’t cared if you lived or died before. Which, by the way, pisses off your friends.”

  Fear and uncertainty washed through Dustin. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. Now you have a reason to get your shit together and not give me a goddamn ulcer before I get to twenty-five worrying about your ass. You have Shane. Are you going to wimp out when you’re this close to Finals? Or are you going to grow a pair and ride like a fuckin’ idiot, but not be one?”

  Dustin lunged at Todd and wrapped him in a massive hug. “Thanks.”

  Todd returned the hug with equal ferocity. “You little asshole. You know I’m always here to save your butt.”

  Dustin leaned back, a tear rolling down his cheek. “Thanks for the understanding shit too. I was so fuckin’ scared to tell you. I didn’t want to lose my best friend.”

  Todd punched Dustin in the arm. “Dumbass. Come on, and we’ll see if you can keep up with me today.”

  Dustin stood on the bottom pipe of the fence and smiled as Shane cut up with the barrelman for the crowd, his huge overalls and giant red handkerchief flapping in the Oklahoma wind. Dustin enjoyed the routine even further knowing Shane didn’t usually do the comedy routine. When the handsome bullfighter stuck his butt in the air and wiggled it, Dustin licked his lips in anticipation of what they’d do later.

  “You’re drooling.”

  Dustin sensed Todd standing beside him. “Yeah, like what would you know about it?”

  “Hey, there’s a hot little barrel racer that just doesn’t get how studly I am. I know what it’s like to get cock blocked.”

  Dustin chuckled, but his eyes never moved from Shane’s antics. “Whatever, you’ll be sleeping with a new piece tonight anyway.” After a bit, he realized Todd was oddly silent. He looked over and found Todd wouldn’t meet his eyes.

  “Shit. You too?”

  Todd glanced up. “How do you think I know what lovesick looks like?”

  “Oh my God. Pussy-hound Todd falls for a girl.”

  A cheer erupted from the crowd and he realized they’d turned a bull loose in the arena for the bullfighters to clown with. He’d seen the entertainment before and thought it was cool. Any bull rider with a working brain respected the bullfighters. Lord knew they’d saved Dustin’s bacon enough times. After being with Shane, his appreciation of bullfighters had grown. The fear of something happening to the man he’d fallen in love with left him with a hollowness in his gut. Fallen in love. Could anything sound so stupid and be so good?

  The show continued for several minutes. Dustin tensed as they set up the finale. Shane had talked to him about it, but he’d never seen it actually done. The bull spun and ran right at Shane. Shane stuck his fingers on his head like horns, kicked up dirt with one foot and then ran at the bull. Oh, goddamn! Dustin’s hand tightened on the fence, and he prayed there were no problems.

  At the last second, Shane swerved to the side and then launched himself at the bull. His hands landed on the bull’s hump, and Shane rocketed over the ton of angry beef without a scratch. He landed feet-first on the other side of the bull, and the crowd went nuts. Shane spun and did fist pumps in the air.

  As he circled, their eyes met, and Shane winked at him.

  Dustin settled into the chute, tightened his bull rope and pounded on his hand to set the rosin. As he prepared himself for the ride, Todd reappeared. Without any exchanged words, he buckled a helmet and face guard on Dustin. He’d never worn one before, but the safety gear lent Dustin an added level of comfort that helped him settle into his old routine. He moved through long-established patterns and was soon ready. Dustin adjusted his seat a few times before giving a quick nod. The gate flew open, and the long white bull exploded into the arena with Dustin clinging to his back. The bull raced the length of the arena, then snapped his body end for end and put Dustin in one of the most vicious spins he’d ever experienced.

  The world outside him and the bull became a smear of colors. Dustin’s scattered focus narrowed to needle fine. Ride this damn bull. Nothing else matters. His heart pounded in his ears as his body flooded with adrenaline. The roar of heightened sensitivity drove Dustin until he moved in perfect time to each of the bull’s maneuvers. He sensed the side flip coming, and his muscles responded with accuracy only years of experience and confidence could provide.

  With the next jump, the bull arched his back and spun, lifting his feet from the ground. As the bull hit his apex, the timer sounded, marking the end of the eight seconds. A grimly triumphant expression flashed just before the bull began to fall. Dustin sensed another disaster, and his body responded before he could wrap his head around what had happened. By the time his mind and body joined again, he lay crumpled against the arena floor with an impact that left him stunned. His eyes refocused as he saw the flailing bull headed toward him.

  Shane leapt into a dead run when he realized the bull couldn’t land on his feet. Part of his mind quivered in fear, afraid the bull would roll over Dustin. If that happened, Dustin might not survive. But the experienced bullfighter slammed the door on his fear-racked inner adolescent and got down to business. No time for fancy jumps and dives—this was Save the Cowboy 101.

  With his chest heaving, Shane covered the last few feet and snagged Dustin before he’d stopped rolling. Grabbing the edge of Dustin’s protective vest, he yanked back and slung the slender man behind him. The toss strained every muscle of his body. When he uncoiled from the herculean effort, Shane found his vision filled with the madly kicking hooves of a massive bull.

  Shane struggled to get out of range but was slammed into the ground by the impact of a massive hoof crashing into his side. A groan of pain ripped from him when he hit the hard arena floor. Shane was distantly aware when the bull moved away, and struggled to stand. As he did, a far too familiar pain shot through his midsection. He moved to talk to the barrelman and caught a glimpse of Dustin being helped out of the arena by the other bullfighter.

  “Hey, I gotta tape my ribs,” Shane yelled.

  The barrelman nodded and motioned Shane to go. “We’ll stall. Go get ’em taken care of.”

  Shane shuffled through the crowd and wondered how he was going to wrap his chest by himself. When each breath of air caused a pain to shoot through his body, Shane knew he had broken ribs. I should know what they feel like. I’ve messed up enough of them. He would work out some way to do it himself. It wouldn’t be great, but better than nothing. He rounded the final obstacle to the trailer, to discover Dustin had arrived first. Shane couldn’t believe Dustin had escaped the ride with nothing more serious than a few scrapes and a thick coating of dirt.

  “Hey. What the hell are—” Shane started.

  “Where’re the wraps? We need to get ’em strapped down before they shift.”

  Shane pointed mutely to the cooking area of the camper. The normally easily addled Dustin was focused and no-nonsense. He ripped through the contents of their kitchen and found the rolls of medical wraps. He sprinted back to Shane, his spurs whining as his feet snapped back and forth. He stopped and shot Shane a dark look.

  “Well? Get your shirt off. I can’t put this on over everything else. It won’t do any good.”

  Shane stood with his mouth open and his mind trying to reconcile with this very different Dustin. After a few seconds, Dustin let out a sigh of exasperation, slammed the wrap on the roof of the camper and started unbuttoning Shane’s shirt. Shane woke from his daze and pushed Dustin’s hands away.

  “Damn it. I can undress myself.”

  “Then do it!”

  Shane opened the last buttons and eased off his shirt until he stood bare-chested.

  “Lift your arms, unless you want me to strap ’em to your sides.”

  Shane stuck his arms into the air and grimaced in pain as his chest moved. A few seconds later, Shane had his hands interlaced behind his head. He glanced at Dustin, confused by the mischievousness playing across his face.


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