Drawing the Devil

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Drawing the Devil Page 10

by Jon Keys


  Dustin glanced around, then dashed in and licked one of Shane’s sweaty armpits. For once, Dustin’s actions had no effect. The pain wrapped Shane so completely that no sense of pleasure could break through. But Dustin’s stunt gave him a comforting feeling. This was the Dustin he’d fallen for.

  Dustin’s eyebrows shot upward, and he smirked. “Sorry, but you were so sexy. I couldn’t resist.” He winked at Shane. “Now, let’s get you taped up.” Dustin wound the wrap tight around Shane’s torso. Within a few minutes, he was tucking the end back under another piece of wrap.

  “There, that should hold you.”

  Shane eased his shirt and costume back on. “Get me some aspirin out of the first aid stuff.”

  Dustin walked back, rustled through the drawer and then shook a couple into his palm. He walked back around to Shane and held them out. “Here.”

  Shane curled his lip slightly at the sight of Dustin’s grimy hands. “I thought you’d bring the bottle.”

  Dustin knotted his eyebrows, and his lips twisted. “Are you kidding me? You think my hands are dirty? You’ve had your tongue up my ass, for God’s sake.”

  Shane rolled his eyes and swallowed the two tablets without further discussion. Dustin handed Shane a bottle of pop, and Shane drank a swig to wash them down.

  “Okay, I need to get back. Craig can keep them entertained for only so long.”

  “Go back? What the hell do you mean?”

  Shane turned to Dustin. “There are other ignorant cowboys to rescue.”

  Shane moaned in pain as he lowered himself onto the mattress. “Shit, crawling in this little thing isn’t easy when you have busted ribs.”

  The rodeo finally ended for the day, and they’d made their way back to the trailer. The hour or so in the arena hadn’t helped. He hoped the darkness would hide the expressions of pain that escaped around his clenched jaw. Dustin hovered nearby, unsure of what to do. He’d helped Shane get out of the bullfighter outfit and eased off his shirt. Unwinding the tape had left Shane breathless from the pain. Now Dustin huddled close, wondering how to help. A careful inspection of Shane’s side made Dustin grimace at the deep purple bruise that covered most of it.

  “That looks bad. Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  Shane craned his neck to see his side, then laid back and closed his eyes. “No, it’s been worse. I’ve cracked a few ribs. If I can keep from getting hit in the side again, I’ll be fine in a few weeks.”

  Dustin stared at the bruise extending from under Shane’s arm to his waist. He reached out and felt heat rising from it. “It’s all hot too.”

  Shane opened one eye a crack as Dustin filled with worry. “You can go to the bar with your friends if you want. You don’t have to stay here and babysit me.”

  A mixture of disgust and anger filled Dustin. He swung his hand toward Shane’s side, but stopped just short of contact and dropped it back to his side. “Don’t be an asshole. I’m not used to taking care of someone else. I’m doin’ the best I can.”

  “No, I just didn’t want you to feel stuck here. I mean, we said no sleeping around, but you don’t have to sit and watch me sleep.”

  Dustin twisted his brows together. “Why wouldn’t I? I watch you sleep all the time.”

  Shane started at Dustin’s admission. “You do?”

  A trickle of guilt added to Dustin’s emotions. “Yeah, I can’t sleep sometimes. So, I watch you sleep. You relax, all the frowning goes away. It’s kinda cool.”

  Shane crinkled his eyebrows. “You just sit and watch me?”

  “Yeah…” Dustin worried. “Are you pissed at me? I know sometimes I do weird shit and don’t know it’ll piss people off.”

  “No, not pissed at all. I just don’t get it.”

  Dustin wiggled close and kissed him. “You don’t have to understand. I just like it. I’ll like it even more now when I can see you better.”

  Shane started to shake his head at Dustin, then cringed and grabbed his side. “Okay, if that’s what you want. I’m too sore to argue with you. But I’m gonna get some sleep.”

  Dustin folded his legs under his butt and leaned against the wall of the camper.

  Shane drifted awake, the trailer dark now and noticeably cooler. Dustin had put a blanket over him at some point during the night. He inhaled slowly, relieved to find the pain had decreased from excruciating to only damn painful. Glancing around the tiny enclosure, he was disappointed to find Dustin gone.

  Shane gritted his teeth and pushed upward. He struggled to his elbows and looked around the trailer for a note or something. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he fought to sit upright. He shoved himself against the wall and panted as the pain crested, then began to recede. Okay, the aspirin are around here somewhere. I’ll take some and rest for a few minutes. I need to get started to the next rodeo. I’m sure Dustin’s lost interest now that I’m pretty much helpless.

  Shane began to stir, trying to use the muscles in his torso as little as possible. The door popped open, and a familiar face appeared. “Hey. Cool, you’re up. I walked down to Mickey D’s and grabbed us a few burgers. You hungry?”

  Shane’s stomach answered for him with a loud growl. “Yeah, apparently I am.”

  Shane questioned his sanity as he stared at Dustin behind the wheel of his pickup. But Dustin was right. No way could I have driven. Shane felt much better now. He had begun to believe his ribs were cracked instead of broken and bruised muscles had caused most of his pain. He unbuckled the seat belt and eased his shirt up to examine his side.

  New shades of bruising added tints of yellow and red to the massive purple coloration you never wanted to see appearing on your body. He worked his fingers down and gently pushed into his side. He hit a tender spot and sucked in his breath.


  He glanced across the pickup to find Dustin studying him closely. “Watch the road, not me.” He inhaled until the pain made him stop. “Yeah, it’s still pretty sore. I’ll probably have to wrap it again tonight.”

  Dustin’s expression dropped into a scowl. “You said that wasn’t good for it. For you.”

  “And how’s your side, Mister Bull Rider?”

  Unconsciously, Dustin dropped his hand to his ribs. “It’s fine. I can ride.”

  “Yeah, well, I have to do my job too. I’ll tape it up, take some shit for the pain and cowboy up.”

  Dustin’s fingers flexed around the wheel, his knuckles white. “Whatever. I was just thinkin’ it wouldn’t be a great idea.”

  The pain-filled day had worn on Shane, and with the battle he was having with himself over letting someone help him, it all became too much. He snapped. He twisted, pain contorting his face, and shouted, “No! It’s fucking stupid! But I have to take care of myself. No one else is going to do a damn thing for me. I’m used to it. I’ve done it my whole adult life. I keep my mouth shut and my personal life under wraps. That’s how I’ve survived in a business that hates who I am so much. It’s not fucking fair, but that’s how life is. So I’ll suck it up, take care of myself and keep my nose clean.”

  Dustin glared at Shane, his lips closed to a thin line as his eyebrows twisted together. He locked his gaze on the highway, a slight tremble in his hands. “Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Good luck, dude.”

  Chapter Ten

  Shane scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces. He knew they were here. It would help if he knew which ones were coming. Guilt nagged at him over how he’d blown up at Dustin. He hadn’t deserved it. Shane was exhausted, hurting and worried about their relationship. He was afraid at some point Dustin would realize he could do better, and the romantic interlude would be over.

  To top off the mess, Shane’s family was meeting him. That was who he was searching for. After his last trip home, he had a glimmer of hope that life might be cutting him a break. Bu
t if he introduced Dustin to his family, to his mother, who weighed everything on her biblical scales, he knew the carefully constructed reconciliation would come crashing down. Maybe Sam would keep up a front until he got what he wanted. Okay, Sara. Sara would always be at his side. Well, he hoped. She was young. She might decide he was wrong too. Oh God, why couldn’t my life be simple? He was knocked out of his wallowing when a girl jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. The enthusiastic welcome was instantly followed by a searing pain that doubled him over, spilling him and Sara to the ground.

  Shane gritted his teeth. “Hey, Sara. A little less enthusiasm would have been good.”

  A thick hand appeared in Shane’s watery vision. He followed it upward to Sam’s drawn face. “Come on, suck it up.”

  Shane let out a snort of laughter, followed with another grimace of pain. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts too much. And if it was sucked up any more, I’d be a girl.”

  Sara’s strong hand popped him across the shoulder. “Hey! There’s nothing wrong with being a girl. I bet I get more guys than you do!”

  Shane looked at Sam with a bemused expression. “Please, oh please, tell me our parents have not let our little sister start dating.”

  Sam jiggled the hand he still held out. “You keep sitting there and you can talk to them personally about it.”

  Shane slammed his hand into his brother’s, ground his teeth and then shoved himself off the walkway. He regained his feet. Staggered for a minute. Then focused on his siblings, one arm protectively against his ribs. “So, Mom and Dad are here?”

  “Sure, I texted you we were all coming!” said Sara.

  He patted his sister’s shoulder. “I know, I know. You and the—darn—texting. But sometimes plans change.”

  “Well it’s just the four of us. The others couldn’t get away,” said Sara.

  Shane shrugged, thinking four members of his family were more than enough. “Sounds good. Hey, I gotta get ready. I’ll see you after the bull riding.”

  “What are you talking about? Surely you ain’t gonna bullfight with busted-up ribs,” Sam said.

  Shane let out a long sigh, wondering how many people were going to tell him what he could and couldn’t do today. “I have to do it, Sam. Mesquite’s huge for me to get votes.”

  “You’re an idiot. What if one of the crazy bulls hits you again? You could get messed up permanently.”

  “Not gonna happen. You know I’m good.”

  Sam looked at his sister and motioned her away with a flip of his cap. “Go find Mom and Dad, will ya? I need to chat with our brother.”

  Sara shot him a look of defiance. Sam’s brows flicked up his forehead. His reward was a scowl that plainly said there would be paybacks, before she disappeared into the crowd. Sam turned back with a dangerous look on his face. “Look, dumbass. I don’t care what you think, but I need you alive to do this whole new-baby thing. And I’d prefer that I didn’t get the stuff from someone in a coma because they’re too stupid to stay out of the arena when they’re injured.” His brow lifted. “Don’t get me wrong. I’d do it. But I’d rather you be kinda aware of what’s going on.”

  Shane scowled back for a long minute before speaking. “So, you’d collect me like a prize bull.”

  “Yup, if that’s what it takes.”

  The edge of Shane’s mouth twitched. “Sounds kinda cold.”

  “Nah, we’d warm up the probe.”


  “I can be. Hey, look. I have an idea. Let me fill in for you, okay? No one has to know. We look a lot alike. With the makeup on, no one will know. You can get another week to nurse those ribs.”

  Shane shook his head. “No. Sorry, Sam. I have to do this. I appreciate the offer. But if I get this, I want it to be on my own. No cut corners, no shady deals, nothing like that.”

  Shane paused to get his pain under control. Once he’d managed that feat, he looked at his brother. “But if it’ll make you feel better, we can go to a sperm bank, and I’ll leave a deposit. Then you can keep your nasty electroejaculator outta my butt.”

  Sam hugged Shane.

  “Ribs. Ribs!” Shane squealed.

  Sam released him but kept his hands tight on Shane’s biceps. “Come on. I’ll help you get taped. But so help me, if you get messed up, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Fair enough.”

  They turned to leave, but Shane’s attention was captured by some commotion the next aisle over. He saw someone charging through the crowd. Dustin?

  Shane wondered where Dustin had gone. He’d left a few minutes before Sam and Sara showed up to get pop. As soon as he got Sam settled down, he headed out to make certain Dustin was all right. As he got closer, he could tell there was a commotion at their trailer. He stepped around the corner to find Dustin and a pile of his clothes.

  “Hey! Dustin! What’re you doing?”

  Dustin looked up, a heart-rending expression on his face. “Getting my shit together. Gotta find Todd for a ride, but I’ll be outta here soon.”

  Icy shock ran through Shane’s system. “What’s wrong? Why are you leaving?”

  Dustin gave Shane a hard look. “I may be not too bright. But I can tell when my time’s up. I don’t wanna be the guy who doesn’t know when he needs to get his shit and leave.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Wait, wait.” Shane grabbed Dustin’s hands. “Wait! What’s got you so pissed?”

  Dustin pulled loose and wiped his arm across his face. “Look. I saw you, okay? I get it. He’s a good-looking dude. I’m just a skinny kid.”

  Confusion and panic flooded Shane. “What the hell are you talking about? What guy?”

  “Over by the chutes, you were talkin’ to him. I went to get us something to drink and saw you in a lip lock with him when I came back. I get that I’m a lot to deal with. I’ll just grab the rest of my shit and—”

  Shane grabbed Dustin’s face and pinned it between his hands. Dustin’s dark blue eyes darted like minnows in a shallow pool. His gaze was everywhere but at Shane. “Dustin. Look at me.”

  Dustin’s eyes slowed their frantic motions. They came to a pause and then slowly met Shane’s stare. Shane watched Dustin until he was certain he was listening. “A guy about my height, a little skinnier, same hair?”

  Dustin’s Adam’s apple jumped as he swallowed, then he gave a slight nod.

  “And you’ve been getting all pissed off since—right?”

  Dustin gulped again. “Yeah, well. It all looked pretty cozy. It was a pretty hot kiss.”

  Shane ran his thumbs over Dustin’s lashes and the almost imperceptible moisture clinging to them. “First, ick! That was my brother, Sam, and there was no kiss. My family came to see me. Sara, my sister, was probably there too. Tall, gangly teenager.”

  Dustin shrugged, but some of the tension bled out of his body. “Really? No shittin’ me.”

  “Really. No shitting you.” Shane released Dustin.

  A look of concern flashed on Dustin’s face. “Do you need me to leave? You know, keep us secret?”

  Shane let out a long sigh. “I’ve been trying to figure that out all day too. For the first time in a long time, my family and I are getting along. Partly because Sam asked for a favor and I said I would help, partly because Sara’s on my side and tells our parents how wrong they are all the time.” He admired his sister’s tenacity. If I were as strong as her, this wouldn’t even be a question.

  When Shane saw the hurt expression on Dustin’s face, the whole issue became very black and white. Regardless of how tense his relationship with his family had gotten, they’d never thrown him out. They’d always said they loved him. But Dustin wasn’t that fortunate, and now Shane had considered asking him to hide their relationship. Shane was ashamed of himself.

  “No, I don’t want you to leave or a
nything. I’d like for you to come meet my family. I think they’ll like you.” A sudden thought stopped Shane. “Ah, there is one thing.”

  Dustin nodded, looking like he was bracing himself. “Yeah?”

  “My mom’s really religious. Like bible-up-her-butt religious.”

  Dustin nodded.

  “Could you keep the cussin’ down to a minimum, like none?”

  Dustin let out the breath he’d been holding in a gust. “Sure. Well, I’ll try.”

  “If you don’t, you’re going to get ‘the look’ at best, and fire-and-brimstone preaching at worst.”

  “Believe me, I’ve gotten the fire and brimstone enough times. But I’ll try really hard to be good.”

  Shane pulled the slender cowboy against him, pressed his lips against his hair and whispered, “You already are good. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Dustin hugged him tight, and pain shot through Shane. He winced as the agony of his ribs filled him.

  Dustin recoiled back, concern written across his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, my ribs haven’t miraculously healed. What’d you think was wrong?”

  “Oh shoot. What can I do to help?”

  “Help me get ready to go out. Sam was going to tape me up, but I’d just as soon you do it. If you’re wrapping my ribs, you’ll be careful. ’Cause you know I’ll get even.”

  “Okay, no problem. I’ve been taped back together plenty. And I’ll be careful. It seems like one or the other of us is banged up all the time. I don’t want you thumping me sometime later.”

  “That’d be great. Then, afterwards, you can meet the Reeses. We’re a fun bunch.”

  Dustin stared at Shane, cocked his eyebrow and then set to work without comment.

  Dustin sat quietly in the pickup outside his parents’ hotel, hoping this wasn’t a mistake. Once Shane had made the decision, he’d seemed at peace with it. But Dustin knew what a storm of emotions the whole gay issue could stir up. It had kept his life ripped to shreds for years.


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