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Page 20
With a slight laugh, Molly tumbled forward and fell into his arms. “Oh, Sam.”
He held her close. “I’m screwing this up. That wasn’t what I meant to—”
She threw her head back and covered his mouth with her fingertips. “It was perfect, Sam,” she told him. “Don’t change a thing.”
“But I didn’t—”
She shook her head. Stretching up on tiptoe, she gave him a quick kiss. “And yes, I’ll marry you.”
Two months later
“Pass me the candle,” Molly told her niece, Kelly.
Sam, Molly, and the entire Flynn clan, stood in the backyard of her parents’ home in Payne. Despite the chilly December air, Sam felt warm. He watched Kelly reach solemnly for the lit candle. Her father helped her lift it from its holder and pass it to Molly. The flame flickered, illuminating Molly’s face in a warm glow.
She was gorgeous, Sam thought, in so many ways. There were times when just looking at Molly made his chest hurt. Her spirit was beautiful. Molly must have sensed his scrutiny. She glanced at him and gave him a gentle smile that stole his breath.
She held the candle up and looked around the circle of her large family. “Okay, Sam,” she said. “This is it. You ready?”
She had no idea how ready he was. In two months, she’d be his wife. Molly and Taylor had set the wedding for Valentine’s Day. Molly had pointed out that while Sam might not know the actual date of his birthday, no one could take away the date of their anniversary.
“I’m ready,” he told her.
“Okay, Kelly.” Molly looked at her niece. “Go ahead.”
Kelly stepped into the center of the circle and reached for Sam’s hand. “Flynns,” the child said seriously, “keep promises.”
Katie joined her cousin and added her hand to Sam’s and Kelly’s. “Flynns,” she said, “look out for one another.”
Megan was next. She grinned at Sam as she joined the small group in the inner circle. “Flynns never cheat.”
One at a time, the rest of the children approached Sam and added their statements to the growing list. Flynns don’t lie. Flynns say they’re sorry. Flynns admit mistakes. Flynns are kind. Flynns accept others. Flynns stick together.
When the children were finished they went back to their places. Molly handed the candle to her sister and joined Sam in the center of the circle. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him, a broad smile full of promise and hope. “All you have to do is say yes, Sam, and you belong to the Flynns.”
Sam held her close, his heart almost impossibly full. “Yes, Molly. Absolutely yes.”
With a light laugh, she went on tiptoe to kiss him. Her lips felt cold in the frosty evening air, but warmed quickly as the hot spark of passion that always lay just beneath the surface flared to life and stole his breath.
Sam could have stood there for hours in the light of the full moon, basking in the warmth of this family that had taken him in so readily. He felt like the most blessed man alive. In two months, Molly would be his wife. They’d decided to live in Payne, where Molly would continue to work for the Sentinel, and Sam could commute a couple of times a week to Boston. He would still work with Ben, although the brothers had agreed to find a way for Sam to do less traveling.
The future looked better than it ever had to him, and Sam continued to marvel at his remarkable fortune.
Something cold and wet hit his arm with a thud. A spray of snow splattered against his cheek. Sam ended the kiss and raised his head. “What the—”
Molly started laughing.
“Aunt Molly,” Kelly said. “Cut it out. Flynns don’t kiss!”
Colleen urged her daughter toward the house. “Come on, honey,” she said, giving Molly a dry look. “Let’s go make some hot chocolate.”
“Now,” Colleen said. “Let’s leave Molly and Sam alone for a little while.”
“But why?”
“Because there are parts of the Flynn initiation ceremony that are for adults only. I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
When they were alone, Molly looked up at Sam. “It’s a little corny, I know—”
He shook his head. “It’s perfect,” he said solemnly. “It couldn’t have been more perfect.”
She studied him in the moonlight. “You belong, Sam. I hope you know that.”
Sam nodded. “You showed me. I love you, Molly.”
“Oh, good,” she said, her lips turning into a slight smile. “Because I love you, too.”
Sam grinned at her for a moment, then, in a deft move, toppled her onto a snowbank. Molly was still laughing when Sam came down on top of her. He kissed her deeply, brushing her hair away from her face. “Thanks for having me,” he told her. “Not just anybody would, you know.”
“I have it on good authority that you’re considered very eligible.”
“Not anymore. I’ve found a qualified applicant for the position of Mrs. Reed.”
“She must have the patience of a saint.”
“And the body of a goddess,” he said.
Molly laughed. “I think you need to have your eyes checked,” she told Sam.
He shook his head. “She’s perfect. I handpicked her.”
A mysterious, womanly smile lit her eyes. “That’s where you’re wrong,” she told him. “She handpicked you. Never forget that.”
“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I could never forget that. Not ever.”
ISBN: 978-1-4603-6892-3
Copyright © 2004 by Neesa Hart.
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