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Catching Chase

Page 9

by Michelle Windsor

  He sets his helmet on the seat, then looks up at me. He’s smiling. It’s a smile so broad and so full of obvious joy that I can’t help when my cheeks rise in response. He steps closer, and begins working the buckle under my chin. “You liked it.”

  “I loved it.” I confirm, the smile on my face growing wider.

  “I knew you would.” He stretches the helmet away from my ears, then pulls it off my head. He uses one hand to smooth down locks that must have strayed from my braid, then slides it lower to cup my cheek. He kisses me. His lips warm and soft against my own, the action so tender it leaves me feeling utterly possessed.

  When he starts to pull away, I cover his hand with my own to keep him close. “Thank you, Jasper.”

  He doesn’t ask what for. He just nods, accepting my gratitude with another soft kiss before helping me off the back of the bike. It’s this moment. This very simple moment, that I know I’ve fallen in love with him. My vision swirls in a slow haze as I suck in a deep breath, and my hand claws outward for balance until it lands on his forearm.

  “Whoa.” He drops the helmet, freeing his other hand to grab my shoulder to hold me steady. “What’s wrong?”

  I blink, trying to clear the fuzz at the edges of my sight, his crinkling eyes the first thing I see as they come into focus a second later. “Nothing.” I step into him, wrapping my arms around the security of him, hoping he can’t feel how hard my heart is beating. I bury my face in the opening of his jacket, pressing my cheek against the warmth of his chest. “I just got a little dizzy.” His arms flex around me when I fuse myself more tightly against him as I try to come up with a plausible explanation. “Maybe a little motion sickness from the bike.” I’m afraid if he sees my face right now, he’ll know I’m lying, so I stay in the comfort of his arms until he eases me back.

  “You okay now?” It’s clear from the tone of his voice he’s concerned, and I want to nod my head yes, but all I can do is stare up at him as a thousand thoughts scream in my head. I am in love with him! This doesn’t happen after three days. What do I do now? Do I tell him? No, he’ll freak out. It’s been three damn days! Breathe Megan, just breathe. He draws me back into his arms when I don’t answer, his voice soft against my ear. “Just take a minute to get your feet under you.” I’m so fucked.

  I let him hold me for a minute, willing my heart rate to slow to a somewhat normal rhythm as I blow out a few long breaths, then extract myself from his arms. “I’m okay.” I smile, trying to reassure him.

  “You sure?”

  He keeps one hand anchored to my arm until I nod, forcing out a small laugh to try and hide my mortification. “Positive.” I bend down to retrieve the helmet he dropped a few moments ago, then hold it up in question. “Where should I put this?”

  He takes it, then hangs it from one of the handlebars, his eyes sweeping up and down my frame as he assesses me. He finally nods like he’s satisfied, then moves to unzip and shrug off the jacket he’s wearing. “We can keep our jackets here if you want.” I watch as he lifts the seat to reveal a hidden storage space.

  I step over and peer inside the secret compartment. “Huh, that’s handy.” I grin, mostly in relief that he seems to be buying my story. I grin even wider when he pulls a ball cap out of the space and puts it on, the bill facing backward. Jesus Christ on a cracker. I didn’t think the man could get any hotter, but bam, just like that, he went up another few degrees. I’m not sure if it’s the hat, or because we stopped, but I am actually hot now. I take the jacket off, grab my cell out of the pocket, then fold it before handing it to him. He stuffs it inside my helmet, then crams it down on top of his jacket, snapping the seat back into place.

  “Have I mentioned how much I like seeing my number on you?” His fingers trace over the 11 displayed on my chest, a sly grin lifting one corner of his mouth before he drops a kiss to my lips. “Come on.” He snatches my hand drawing me beside him as he starts to walk to a set of stairs along the fence. “I want to show you one of my favorite places.”

  I pause when we reach the top of the stairs, the view before me stealing the breath from me. “Wow.” I glance at him, my eyes wide, then shift my attention forward again. “This is so beautiful.”

  “Yep.” He states quietly. I shift my gaze when I realize he’s staring at me and not the view. Vertigo tickles at the edges of my brain once more as my eyes lock with his, and I wonder if I’ll ever feel like I’m on solid ground again when I’m with him. Before I can say anything, he tugs my hand and starts down the stairs. The beach isn’t long, but also not short enough to be considered a cove either. There are tall rock formations spread all along its length and along the cliff wall, some with wide arches you can see through.

  I’m not sure if it’s because it’s January, and to most locals, not prime weather for being at the beach, or because the size of the parking lot is so small, but the place is mostly deserted. I only see a few other people walking or sitting on the sand. It’s actually a really warm afternoon, the temperature is in the mid-seventies and the sky a brilliant blue, so I think we must be lucky to have the entire beach almost to ourselves.

  We reach the bottom of the stairs and step onto the damp, packed sand, birds scattering in the breeze as we walk closer to the water’s edge. I can’t stop staring at the rocky columns spread across the beach, each one a unique shape and size. “Those are the coolest things.” I point to one a bit farther down the beach that has a large open center that you can see the waves through. “I want to take my picture in that one.”

  “Yeah, this is a really popular place for the locals to come to for their prom and wedding pictures. It can get pretty crowded down here around sunset.”

  “I can see why.” I let go of his hand and break into a run, shouting to him over my shoulder as I sprint in the direction of the large arch. “Come on! I’ll race you!”

  I’m not sure what I was even thinking challenging a professional athlete to a race, because even though I’m running as hard as I can, he catches me in less than five seconds. I hear his footsteps stomping against the surf before I feel him, his arms scooping me up from behind. He locks me against his chest and then spins us in circles, my laughter loud as my arms clutch around his neck. He stops short and swings his arms out like he’s going to toss me in the surf. His amusement carries on the wind when I yelp loudly in protest, my grip tightening as I hold onto him for dear life.

  He lowers his mouth to mine, capturing it in a breathy kiss. When he pulls away, a wide smile splays across his face. “God, I love-” He pauses for less than a second, but it’s long enough for me to notice, even though he continues like it didn’t happen. “-hearing you laugh.” He presses another kiss against my lips, then sets me back on my feet. “Let’s go take some pictures before the sun sets.”

  I nod, my voice temporarily stuck in my throat, closing my fingers around his when he takes my hand as we continue our trek to the largest of the arched rock formations. “I had my first real kiss on this beach.” He says it quietly, his nose scrunching up a tiny bit as he shakes his head at the memory. “I was fifteen and had come with a group of friends after our Sophomore Social. It was a full moon that night and we thought it would be cool to take some pictures down here while we were all dressed up.” We reach the arch and he pulls me into the center of it. “I remember standing right here, feeling like the luckiest bastard in the world as she let me kiss her.” He chuckles. “Her name was Melissa. She got married last year to someone she met in college.”

  He turns, surprising me when he draws me into his arms, leaning over me until his lips are a fraction from mine. He speaks, his breath hot against my own as his words reach my ears. “Little did I know that moment would have nothing on this one.” Any coherent thought I have is obliterated the second his lips claim mine in a kiss so searing, my knees literally go weak under me. His hold on me tightens as his tongue sweeps against mine, a groan vibrating between us as we melt into one. In this moment, I don’t know where I end and wher
e he begins, and I wonder how I’ll ever walk away at the end of the weekend.

  When he finally pulls away, he drops a single kiss to the tip of my nose then releases me, a small smile tugging at his lips. “You know we’re going to have to figure out what happens after this weekend, right?”

  Can he read my freaking mind? “New York and Boston really aren’t that far away.” My fingers find the end of my braid and start fidgeting with it as another question pops into my head. “Wait, do you even live in Boston? Do you guys play all year round?”

  He lets out a loud laugh, his head falling back as it rumbles up through his chest. After a second, he looks back down at me. “You’re fucking adorable, you know that?”

  “Don’t mock me.” I pout. “I told you I don’t follow sports at all.”

  He leans over and plants a kiss on my forehead, still smiling broadly. “I know, it’s what I love about you the most.”

  I freeze. There’s that word again. It doesn’t seem to faze him in the slightest this time though, because he continues without stopping. “We only have games in the fall. And we only play in the early winter if we make the playoffs. We technically get the winter and spring off, but honestly, we never stop training.”

  He takes the braid from my fingers, I think to keep me from destroying the ends of my hair, as he continues. “I have a place in Boston, but I have a place in West Hollywood too. I usually stay here in the off season. Boston’s fucking cold in the winter!” He laughs tugging me into his arms again. “But for you I might be able to sacrifice a few cold weekends.” He brushes his lips to mine. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I’ll make sure I volunteer for any West Coast implementations this winter.” I smile back at him.

  “See? We’re already figuring things out.” He kisses me one more time, then releases me, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. “Ready for your close-up?”

  We spend the next half-hour posing for pictures in the arch, near the arch, on the beach, and wrapped in each other’s arms. The sun is just starting to set as we climb up the stairs to the parking lot, so when we reach the top, we take a few sunset pictures as well. It’s been a perfect afternoon, and I tell Jasper just that as he’s strapping my helmet on. “Thank you for a perfect California afternoon.”

  He gazes into my eyes for several long seconds before he responds, his face more serious than I’ve seen it before. “It’s been a good day.” Then he kisses me softly. “Ready to go back?”

  “Back to the real world?” I sigh, watching as he slides his helmet on.

  He flashes a cocky grin. “Well, we might be able to avoid the real world for one more night.”

  “A perfect ending to our perfect day?” I grin mischievously, more than willing for whatever he has in mind.

  He throws his leg over the bike, straddling the seat to kick up the stand before sitting down. He motions for me to climb on behind him. I use the peg to hop on behind him, then glide my hands around his waist, locking them together, holding him tight. This time, I’m not afraid when he zooms out of the parking lot onto the highway. I’m warm and content and have never felt safer in someone’s care. Too bad I have absolutely no clue that nothing is ever as perfect as it seems.

  Chapter Twelve

  I glance at my watch as I step off the bike. It’s just after six-thirty. We made good time getting back to the hotel, considering it’s a Friday night in Los Angeles and traffic is usually a nightmare. I pull my helmet off, hang it on the handlebar, then turn to help Megan off. “You dizzy this time?”

  “Oh.” Her brows jump up as she seems to consider my question. “Nope.” Her fingers find the strap under her chin as she tries to figure out the buckle. “Guess I got used to the feeling.” I chuckle when she lets out a frustrated huff, tossing her hands in the air. “I can’t get this stupid thing undone.”

  “Let me.” I release the strap in less than three seconds, and instead of being met with gratitude, she rolls her eyes.

  “Do you have to be good at everything?” She muses as I pull the helmet off her head.

  “Well, I don’t know if I have to be,” I flash her my cockiest grin, “but apparently I am.” I seal my proclamation with a loud smack of my lips against hers. “You’re not complaining are you?”

  “Not even a little bit.” She relents, smiling, watching as I store the helmet in the seat.

  I snag her hand and head toward the elevator when I’m done. “So, there’s a private event with the team that we can go to if you want.” I scrape my fingers through my hair as I rush to continue. “It’s just the players and the coaches, and some of the guys’ families will be there. We have dinner and just shoot the shit. Or you can just go hang in your room and I can meet you later?” I don’t want to throw too much at her, or freak her out putting her in a room with a bunch of people she doesn’t know. This is supposed to be casual, but because it feels like it’s more than that, I figure I’ll take a chance. I want to keep spending what time I can with her because I know that’s all going to change starting tomorrow. The elevator arrives and we step inside.

  “What time does it start?” She presses the button for her floor, then looks at me for my floor number.

  “I’ll walk you to your room.” I tug her up against me, my arm moving around her shoulders, my fingers toying with her braid. “It starts at seven.”

  She twists, pulling her phone out of her back pocket to glance at the time, then looks up at me. “Is it dressy?”

  “Nope, you can show up like that if you want. Everyone is usually pretty casual.” I let go of her braid as the elevator stops and the door slides open. We step out and head to her room. I release her as she unlocks the door and then step in behind her.

  She shrugs the jacket off, then turns to me. “Do you want me to go? Or are you just being polite?”

  I take the jacket from her hands and place it on the closest surface then draw her into my arms. “Do you really even need to ask that?” I smooth one hand over her cheek to lift her face to mine. “The next couple days are going to be all football, so I’d like to spend as much time with you tonight as I can.”

  “Okay, then I’ll go.” She offers me a hesitant smile, her shoulder lifting. “I mean, I want to go. I really do. I just don’t want to intrude or make things weird for you.”

  “It won’t be weird at all.” I drop a kiss against her forehead as I release her. “And you’re definitely not intruding.” I sit down on the bed and watch as she walks to the closet and starts rifling through the clothes she has hanging there. “Just be warned that some of the guys will razz the hell out of you. But also know that it’s about me, and has nothing to do with you at all.”

  She yanks her t-shirt over her head, revealing a sheer black bra underneath that leaves nothing to the imagination, then flashes me a flirty grin, one brow lifting suggestively. “Then you’ll just have to do everything you can to make it up to me later if they do.” She tosses the shirt playfully at my head, then pulls a black shirt off one of the hangers, sliding it over her torso before I can get up and take advantage of her.

  “With pleasure.” I wink as she walks into the bathroom. I raise my voice so she can hear me as I continue talking. “So, tomorrow and Sunday, things start to get really crazy. I don’t know how much time I’ll actually get to spend with you.”

  She leans her head out the door, her fingers pulling apart the braid in her hair. “I can keep myself busy. I’m a big girl.”

  “Okay, I just don’t want you to think I’m blowing you off.” She disappears from view as she moves from the doorway. “I’ve got a light practice tomorrow, then more press in the afternoon, and my family will be arriving at the hotel. We watch the NFC championship game in a private room tomorrow night, and then we’ve got the game on Sunday, so I’ll be totally off grid as I prep for that.”

  She steps out of the bathroom, her hair loose now, flowing in waves down her back, and her lips shiny with gloss. “I’ll be fine Jasper. Really.” She
toes off her sneakers, then pads over to me. “Do you need to go back to your room to change or anything?”

  She moves between my legs and threads her fingers in my hair and begins brushing my locks . I’m sure they’re a mess between the ball cap and the helmet. I close my eyes and hum. “That feels really good.” I snake my arms around her waist and lean my head against her chest. It’s strange how such a simple act of affection can trigger self-realization. And what I realize in that instant, is that I would be content to stay right here, anywhere with her, forever. And the thought of not being able to see her over the next couple of days causes a ripple of pain in my chest I didn’t see coming. Never has anything or anyone been more important than football to me. And that thought sends a whole other feeling surging through my body; fear. I slide my hands to her hips, my grip tightening as I push her away to stand up.

  “Oh!” Her fingers slide off my head and her hands plant on my chest, alarm in her voice. “What’s wrong?”

  I stare down, her deep blue irises wide with concern as a frown wrinkles the space between her eyes. Her lips are plump, and shiny, and of course, the lower one is caught between her teeth. And even with a dusting of powder, I can still see the light freckles that are scattered over her nose and cheekbones. She’s beautiful. But more than that, it’s how she sees me. She sees me, and only me, for who I am, and not what I am or what I do. And holy fuck, the next thought causes my heart to gallop. Doug would get a fucking kick out of this. He’s always joking about how no one is ever going to catch Chase, on or off the field. Well, catching Chase may be completely off the table now, because I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen for her.


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