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Torn Between- Seduced by the Billionaires

Page 12

by Emma Rose

  “So,” the doctor said glumly, his scowl an unexpected response. “We begin soon.”

  “We can begin now!” Tyler blurted, fanning the government documents in front of him. “We have all the permission we need for human trials! Soon we can start implementing the drug in stage three protocols! We’re about to score the touchdown!”

  Tyler was so excited it never dawned on him a scientist who hadn’t spent more than six months out of Russia prior to moving to Grafton, and who never seemed to leave his laboratory wouldn’t know what to do with a football metaphor.

  “There is problem, Tyler,” Dr. Sovich sighed heavily. In his heart he hated to curtail Tyler’s enthusiasm, yet he knew he had to reveal the truth.

  “The rats are showing changes, in the brain. I think the drug is causing…a…a pained head?”

  “A headache?”

  “Yes. A headache.”

  “Did the rats tell you they had a headache?”

  “No,” Dr. Sovich grumbled. “But, they also did not tell me they had a cold. I gave them the cold, gave them the cure, and now they have a headache. I want more tests.”

  Tyler couldn’t believe his ears. He had been waiting for approval ever since the patent was first entered and now that they had the ultimate go-ahead the doctor wanted to hold back. He didn’t know Dr. Sovich well enough to able to tell if this was just cold feet, or something really might be wrong. He decided to press forward and see if the doctor’s feet began to warm.

  “Scan the rats or whatever you need to do, but start working with the team in Charlottesville to prepare for human trials. I don’t want this to linger, Andrew. It can’t.”

  “I understand.” Sovich stood up, turned, and walked straight out the door, through the office, and into the elevator before another word could be said.

  Cami made her way into Tyler’s office as the rest of the staff stopped and stared while the blond phantom moved quickly and quietly past them.

  “What’s going on?” she asked with a sense of urgency.

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on, my love.” Tyler looked up from his desk and plastered on a cheery grin. “We’ve made it to the next level. We are going in for the score. We are starting human trials!”

  “Fantastic!” Cami affirmed. She thought to chide Tyler for calling her an intimate name at the office—something they both agreed was forbidden—but decided to drop it in light of Tyler’s grand announcement.

  “Call down to Coffee Carol and have them bring up coffee and donuts for everyone. Today is a day to celebrate!” Tyler danced around his office with a lightness and freedom she had never seen before. His excitement was infectious and soon she was smiling and dancing too.

  I’m always telling Maralee I’m under Eddie’s spell, she thought to herself. But, Tyler has a spell of his own.

  Jasmine looked around the office at the chatting staff and dancing CEO and smiled. All this commotion meant it was time for her to make a phone call and a little extra cash.

  “What’s happening, Miss Hill?” she asked excitedly.

  “Thank you, Jasmine.” Cami said, taking the box of donuts and walking to the accounting section.

  “Biiiiitch,” Jasmine uttered under her breath. Looking around she discovered the perfect mark standing by the copy machine with a stack of papers in his hand. “Dude, do me a favor.”

  “Yes ma’am,” the young man said before turning around. His posture changed and he smiled when he saw Jasmine’s Coffee Carol badge. “Oh, sorry. I thought you worked here.”

  “I’d kill to work here,” she said seductively. “I’m Jasmine.”

  “Aaron,” the polite young man stuck out his hand. She shook it gratefully. “I’m an intern here for the next year. I’m finishing up my business law degree and working at Dyes is part of the deal. I’m supposed to be working with legal, but all I do is office work for everyone. How can I help you?”

  “I’m always trying to get Mr. Bach to notice me, you know, takin’ care of business—as in, interested in his business. Can you tell me what the party is about so I don’t look clueless when I bump into him? Please?”

  “The new drug, it got accepted for human trials. It’s a big step. It means the drug might make it.”

  “Wow,” Jasmine nodded, bouncing up and down on her heels, anxious to get on her phone. “Thanks, Aaron. See you around.”

  Unable to wait to get out of the building, Jasmine started dialing her phone in the elevator. She considered adding a savings account to her bank options. She didn’t know much about the pharmaceutical business, but she knew with that drug moving forward there would be plenty of money for information headed her way.

  “Hello Jasmine,” Eddie answered cheerfully.

  “Mr. Eddie, there’s something you need to know, and fast!”

  “Fast? Really? Well then, why don’t I add another hundred to your finder’s fee? And why don’t you go ahead and tell me fast.”

  “Dyes Industries is having a party today. Turns out a drug was given some sort of government approval for humans or something. Intern says the drug is going to work.” While not quite innocent, Jasmine’s inexperience with espionage encouraged her to report what she thought she heard instead of the facts. It’s a lesson she would learn soon enough.

  “The drug works? Humans? Do you mean human trials? The drug was approved for human trials?”


  “But they can already tell it’s going to work?”

  “Sounds like it,” she said confidently. A deafening uncharacteristic silence stopped the conversation in its tracks. Finally she decided to prompt a response. “Mr. Eddie? Are you there?”

  “Tristan will come by with a coffee order by two,” Eddie croaked and hung up the phone.

  Pulling out his wallet, he placed some money in an envelope and walked it over the Harold’s office. Closing his VP’s door behind him, he handed Harold the package marked “Jasmine” and sat down waiting for him to call The Spreader Bar’s weekend bartender and arrange for the payoff to proceed.

  “The Russian is lying to us,” Eddie said with a heavy sigh. Normally he liked this part of the game, but this one had gone on too long, there were too many players, and the stakes were getting mighty high.

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t take Jasmine’s word as gospel, you know?”

  “She hasn’t been wrong yet. They got approval for stage three protocols. She said they already know it works.”

  “What does Sovich say?”

  “He’s been feeding me a steady line of, ‘I don’t know yet, I don’t know yet, more tests, more tests, more tests.’ So, either he is lying to Tyler or me. And he wouldn’t lie to Tyler.”

  “Why not? He’s working with you behind Bach’s back. That’s a kind of lie, isn’t it?”

  “He isn’t working for me. He pretends to be giving me what I want to hear, but I haven’t been able to snag him in any kind of deal. That needs to change. For better or worse, Ty the Boy Scout has his respect and loyalty. I need something that trumps both of those.”


  “Love will work for Camellia, but I need something stronger than that for the good doctor.”

  “What’s stronger than love?”


  Eddie stood up, brushed his hand through his remaining hair creating his signature comb-over, walked toward the door, and turned as he opened it to look Harold in the eye.

  “Get me whatever it takes,” he hissed.


  “She’s a brick…HOUSE,” Cami’s cell rang on the Metro. It made her jump and of course had everyone around her smiling or mouthing the word “house” to each other. She thought about changing it, but she loved the way everyone laughed or cheered when it interrupted the quiet. Looking at the screen, she bit her lip.

  “Yes sir?” Cami said, her voice soft and full. She licked her lips as she talked into her phone.

  “How are you, my beautiful doe?” Eddie charmed. He knew from years
of experience that the key to a dominant/submissive relationship wasn’t to train your partner to accept you bossing them around, but make them want you to do it.

  “Fine, you handsome stag, and you?” She had felt the flush of heat that was working its way from her red face to her core building with each word. Soon she would be wrapped not only in his words, but his body as well.

  “Where’s the boy scout?”

  “Work. We had a talk. He’s got a lot going on right now and well, frankly, so do I,” she emitted a naughty giggle that was lost on no one. “So we’ve decided to cool down for a few months until we both have more of a routine.”

  “That’s convenient,” Eddie muttered with approval. If he played his cards right, when Tyler Bach dug himself out from all the rubble Eddie planned to bury him in, his woman, like the rest of his world, would be long gone. “What’s got him so busy?”

  “You own my body, not my job, sir,” Cami said with a lilt, trying to keep it light but remind Eddie that spying on Tyler was not part of their deal. “It’s the former that can’t wait to see you.”

  “A few hours and you shall submit to me in a way you never imagined,” Eddie crooned. The best part of a new submissive was pushing her farther than she had ever been. The fact he was holding Maralee’s past over her allowed him to take that training much faster than usual. The reality she was enjoying it made everything that much sweeter.

  “I am ready,” she gasped, breathless and so distracted she nearly fell off the platform as she exited her train.

  “Wear something easy to take off,” Eddie reminded needlessly. Cami couldn’t tell him she knew about his guest because Maralee’s communication was supposed to be private. She resigned herself to waiting it out. One thing she had certainly absorbed from this experience was that waiting is one of the best parts.

  Arriving at Maralee’s earlier than normal, Cami tried to chat and make idle conversation as they set up the yard and the fire pit. The priestess could tell something was different, but was too focused on her current batch of Alchemist Punch to give it much thought. That was until Cami went to change for the evening and emerged in a black-netted, nearly see-through lingerie wrap.

  “Goddess,” Maralee whispered, seeing her friend fill out the small, silky cloth that defined her cleavage and ended about half an inch below her cleft.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a goddess,” Cami did her very best Mae West accent and lifted a meaty nude thigh up the couch arm. “But I’m not mere mortal either!”

  “I…I…don’t really…know what to…say…”

  “Then, don’t.” Cami answered with a snap and waltzed into the kitchen to begin bringing the snacks out. “You waltz around naked every month. Is it too much to ask for us to get in on the fun?”

  “Who are you? Aren’t you the same woman who is hiding these activities from her boyfriend because she doesn’t want him to think something naughty is going on? Now that you’re Eddie’s girl you’re some kind of exhibitionist?”

  “I’m not just an exhibition, Mar. I’m the whole show.” Cami opened the wrap to flash some flesh in her friend’s direction. She longed to tell Maralee more about her experiences with, for, and underneath Eddie Dunning, but was so afraid to let the reason she was submitting out of the bag she kept quiet.

  “Break a leg,” her friend uttered under her breath.

  When the lamps were lit and the fire’s glow left the whole backyard an amber garden of lust and laughter, Cami took her place and waited for Eddie to join her. Instead of rising when she saw him, as she might at Dyes Industries, she knelt—her eyes down, her legs open, until he touched the top of her head. Looking up, she saw not one master, but two.

  “This is Patrick Ladislao.” Eddie directed her eyes to a stocky dark-haired man. He was built like a Minotaur—large head, barrel chest, tight (not quite six pack) abdomen tapered to a small waist and thin legs. His eyes were piercing ice blue, and his jet-black hair framed his face with just enough perfection to make them stand out farther.

  “Hello, Mr. Ladislao,” Cami smiled and extended her hand. The foreign man looked at it for a minute, took it, then kissed her palm and closed her fingers around it. Cami stood there with her mouth open in shock as the fire was not the only flame ignited.

  “Patrick doesn’t speak very much English,” Eddie explained. “In fact, he probably won’t talk at all. But with a body like that, my dear. I think you’ll find him quite communicative.”

  “Me? You want me to give myself to him? Is this a game? And how is it a guy named Patrick doesn’t speak English?”

  “Keep asking me questions without permission and I’ll definitely find something to put in your mouth,” Eddie chuckled, with just enough edge to let her know he didn’t like the tone. She got it.

  “I am sorry, sir,” Cami demurred, running her hand up his thigh as the stranger watched their interaction with an intense smile on his face. Cami felt Eddie rising to her touch.

  “I can’t pronounce his name,” Eddie admitted. “So I just call him Patrick. He’s works in one of our plants overseas—where US research laws have no jurisdiction. He came here from Belarus to see his old mentor. Perhaps you can help him.”

  “Help him? How on earth could I help him? Who’s his mentor? Hercules?”

  “Right idea, wrong part. Not a warrior of the body, but of the mind,” Eddie reached out letting his hands toy with Cami’s ample breasts, her erect nipples gaining both his and the other’s attention. “He was taught research by Dr. Andrew Sovich.”

  Cami leaned back, pulling her breasts from Eddie’s grasp for just a moment, crossing her arms, and shaking her head to pronounce she was not going to fall for this intrusion into her work space.

  “Won’t help him? That’s okay,” Eddie laughed, reaching out to her and drawing her to his body, kissing her deeply as the drums began to rise through the speakers and all eyes looked for Maralee to appear before them. “Don’t worry though. He’s still gonna give you everything you deserve.”

  Before she could inquire exactly what that might mean, an enrobed Maralee stepped into the circle and the chanting began. By the time Diana was raised, praised, and released, Eddie had picked the perfect spot for their ménage a trios. Taking her by the hand, he walked her to a clearing beside a flowering white oleander that had been decked out with a mat and pillows.

  Cami felt Patrick put his arm around her, in an odd way it seemed, then realized what was going to happen seconds before the strong man lifted her off the ground to carry her to their place in the moonlight. She thought to protest, but he didn’t seem to struggle under the weight and she felt beautiful in his arms. He placed her on the mat as Eddie slid a pillow underneath her head.

  “I feel so spoiled.” Cami cooed as Eddie kissed her, reaching down and removing the wrap that barely covered her anyway.

  “You’ll get your chance to repay, my dear,” Eddie smiled, sitting back as his friend put a meaty hand on Cami’s chin and guided her to face him. She kissed him willingly, wantingly; aware her devotion to another man was giving Eddie the pleasure of a lifetime. Patrick let his tongue run down her neck, and soon began sucking her breast, pulling and biting at her erect nipple that seemed to have a direct connection to her clit, rising out of its hood throbbing for attention. He motioned for Eddie to suck her other breast.

  Leaning her head back, Cami was awash in the sensation of her boobs being rhythmically sucked, pulled, and kneaded—one man on each, their mouths bedeviling her. Her hips began to pump in the empty air, her need overwhelming as her raw tits sent shock waves through her system.

  “Please,” Cami gasped, unable to breathe, her heart pounding with the meter set out by the back and forth sucking. She turned to the stranger, imploring him with her eyes—her hips flailing wildly. “Please fuck me.”

  Mr. Ladislao might not have known much English, but he sure got that message. Reaching down, he put his large hand on the top of her wet mound, pressing her to the ground and open
ing her legs wider. He positioned himself between her legs and opened her labia with his hands roughly and quickly. Eddie continued to suck her breast, biting and pulling it, while twisting and pinching her other one with his fingers. Before she could react to Eddie’s sharp teeth, she felt the battering ram of Patrick bluntly opening her body, filling her completely.

  His member was like the rest of his body—large in the head, tapering down to a more manageable shaft. He surged inside her, gurgling his pleasure as his balls slapped against her. He grabbed her hips and lifted them, the width of his head opening and closing her channel, stretching her in the most luscious ways. He pulled out, creating a pounding, stinging vacuum in her core that needed his return.

  “Nooo,” she protested as he appeared to be standing. He grabbed her hips again and with his super human strength lifted her by the hips and turned her until she was on her knees. Eddie slid underneath her raised body and when Ladislao lowered her, she understood her place in the middle of the three.

  Leaning down on her elbows, Cami took Eddie’s hard cock in her mouth while lifting her bottom to give Patrick a better vantage point to enter her pussy from behind. The wide head split her again and she groaned with Eddie’s member in her mouth—the vibration driving him wild. Reaching around, Patrick’s hand found her swollen and throbbing clit. He flicked and pulled at it while he thrust deep into her. Eddie filled her mouth and kept her motion flowing as her head bobbed up and down on him, his hand in her hair.

  The sensation of all those hands, mouths, cocks filling and touching her soon overwhelmed her to the point of mental short circuit. She wasn’t an individual, but a member of this pulsing, thriving, penetrating, fucking beast. They moved together without thought, word or direction, just riding the wave of lust until its conclusion. She couldn’t tell who came first. All three simultaneously seemed to explode at the same time. Eddie filling her mouth with his seed as she jolted and jerked on the end of Patrick’s spewing cock filling her insides.


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