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Torn Between- Seduced by the Billionaires

Page 17

by Emma Rose

  “No, we need to sit down,” Tyler droned, trying to dissuade Cami from an office dalliance he had neither time nor desire to endure. “Rachel hasn’t handled this issue with Chris well. She said he was ruining his life by getting a girl pregnant and he said she ruined his life by cheating on me and divorcing our family. Rachel’s angry, and it’s out of control. We need a plan.”

  “I have a plan,” Cami said, dropping to her knees and kissing the top of Tyler’s slacks, hoping it encouraged him to allow her to proceed.

  “Not now, sweetie,” Tyler grumbled. It might have been the fact he had never called Cami “sweetie” before and didn’t know she saw it as a patronizing put-off, or it could have been her visions of Eddie holding her by the hair and pushing himself into her face and she struggled to keep up with his thrusts, or maybe it was just the fact she hadn’t had Tyler or Eddie in weeks which built her tension to critical mass. Whatever it was, the phrase and Tyler’s pushing gesture triggered an explosion.

  “Not now? Not fucking NOW?!” Cami rose from her knees, put her hands on Tyler’s chest and pushed him backwards. His shaking visage and wide eyes were magnified by the fluorescent lighting of the office, making him look like a bobble-head. Cami grabbed him by the collar and pulled him forward.

  “Cami, wait…I…um…” Tyler stammered to get the words out, even though he had no idea what to say.

  “You fucking wait, Tyler. I’ve been waiting for weeks. Waiting for the cure to come. Waiting for your time to clear. Waiting for your fucking ex-wife to get her shit together. Waiting for Kendra Jackson’s slutty kid to push out a baby so we can see if it’s your son’s progeny or just some other guy’s pain in the ass. You fucking wait, because I’ve waited enough.”

  Tyler stood, his head swimming with momentum, and realized it wasn’t the only body part experiencing a reaction to Cami’s moody outburst. She kicked his desk hard enough to leave a shoe mark and was nearly at the door when she felt his hand on her shoulder, turning her around.

  “Tyler, don’t make me—”

  His kiss was searching, deep, and unrelenting. He forced her lips apart with his tongue, pressing her up against the wall. He stopped kissing her just long enough to reach over and lock his office door. Filled with a passion only anger and hormones can combine to create, Cami pushed back against him, her hand reaching to his midsection once more, finding him ready and willing this time.

  Tyler pushed Cami against the wall, thrusting forward to reveal his newfound desire. Her knees trembled a bit as her nether lips began to swell and fill with moisture, her body instinctively obeying her heart’s desire.

  In a move much smoother than Cami ever imagined he could make, Tyler reached down, unzipped his pants, and began to search under her skirt for the rim of her panties.

  “Thank God, you don’t wear hose,” he murmured.

  She reached out to kiss him as he fondled and prepared her body for entry, but he turned his head, allowing her to nuzzle his neck while his hands did their work. She thought she was ready until his clumsy rough entry pushed her back against the wall. She reached out for the bookshelf to regain her balance.

  Cami felt him open her core and lodge himself inside her body, moving slightly as she curved her back and used her hips to thrust against him. He filled her body and need in a way she couldn’t explain. She realized it wasn’t Eddie who caused this feeling or Tyler. The common denominator in this sensual freedom was her—her power, her passion, her willingness.

  Though she wasn’t the first to mistake Tyler’s gentle nature for weakness, she was struck by the rough thrusts that rocked in her again and again. It was a fast, pounding experience and she became lost in the power and frenzy as he took her. She knew he was pulsing too quickly for her to catch up. His thrusts, once fast and smooth, changed to halting forward presses into the center of her being—slowing and becoming more deliberate, more enveloping, and more primal.

  Cami abandoned any thought of her own climax but rode out the pleasure she was getting speared on the end of his swollen member and until her lips, still on his neck, felt his muscles tensing and readying for him to release.

  “Oh,” he gasped as air formed a whispering wind through his teeth. Cami experienced a small tremor of satisfaction feeling his seed spurt deep inside her.

  Before she could can turn to his cheek and steal a kiss, he pulled away, reached to his bookshelf and handed her some Kleenex to clean up the evidence. The awkward, unromantic gesture made her begin to giggle uncontrollably, which led Tyler into a few chuckles as well. They cleaned themselves up and he returned to his chair behind his desk as she bent over to pick up the folders she had originally brought in to get some work done.

  “Well, that was…” Cami began, not sure where the sentence was heading.

  “Wow.” Tyler finished her thought. “That was wow.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. “I’m sorry about the language, and what I said. I didn’t mean it. I was just…”

  “I was too,” Tyler answered. “But you’re right. This is just a season and one way or the other—victory or bankruptcy—it will end. And I know you’ll be there when it does.”

  “You bet,” she agreed, breathless, her cleft tingling and bubbling.

  “And before then,” he said with a sly smile. “I might need some more of that sexual healing.”

  Cami walked over to his desk and gave him a final, deep kiss. She flipped her skirt up as both a confirmation and invitation, and then walked out of his office into a catastrophe happening next door.

  “WHAT in the HOLY HELL are you two doing in my office?” she seethed, the blush of her sexual encounter replaced with the pure red anger of violation.

  “Oh God,” Aaron cried, dropped a notepad, and stammered some kind of explanation that was so run-together and frantic no one could understand a word of it. “I’m so sorry Miss Hill, Iwastyringtohelpherandwecameinhereandstartedlookingandonethingledtoanotherandthenwe…”

  “WHAT?” Cami looked to Jasmine for explanation or at the very least, translation. Jasmine Formosa was raised in a pressure cooker and she knew exactly what to do. She stood on Aaron’s foot hoping it was some kind of magical shut-off button that would plug the string of nonsense flowing from his mouth. It worked. In the blessed silence to follow, Jasmine took control.

  “I got a large order from somewhere in the building. It was mangled in the printer, but the stamp looked like the ones I get from your tablet in the morning. I came up here to find out if you sent the order and what it was for. But you were otherwise occupied, shall we say so I asked Aaron here if he knew anything about it.”

  Jasmine’s ability to communicate to Cami that she knew exactly what had just happened in the office next door without saying a word impressed the older woman. She nodded for the girl to continue.

  “So, we thought if we could find your tablet we could see. We didn’t open any drawers or go through any personals you might have in here. We were just looking for the tablet when you finished up…er…walked in.”

  Jasmine took her foot off of Aaron’s which allowed him to close his mouth and nod. A wicked little smile curled around Cami’s face not unlike the Grinch deciding to steal Christmas.

  “Aaron, there are some papers in Mr. Bach’s office that have been signed by now. Get them, make copies, sort the stacks, and place them in the appropriate boxes. I’ll have a lot more work for you by the end of the day. Plan to stay very late.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Aaron stumbled, falling over his feet on the way out the door. He turned to Jasmine to offer her a goodbye, but thought better of it and went to Tyler’s door instead.

  “As for you,” Cami spoke in a honey-toned voice. “You will leave this office at once. And you will remember that if I ever catch you inside the offices of Dyes Industries again you won’t have to worry about coffee, orders, or that precious iPhone you’re clutching in your hand. Because when I’m done with you, the prison cell they put you in won’t have any of those amenitie
s. Hear me?”

  “I hear you,” Jasmine said, meeting Cami’s eyes head on. Unlike Aaron, she left at her own pace, head up and eyes forward. It was only once she got in the elevator and checked the video she was recording on her iPhone that she saw she had managed to film a steno pad page with everyone’s copier code and the office door lock numbers. She laughed all the way down to the first floor. “I got you, bitch.”

  Cami did a quick check of everything in her purse and office. She picked up the steno pad Aaron dropped and put it on the corner of her desk. Looking over at the wall separating her office from Tyler’s she felt a familiar tingle between her thighs as she pondered Jasmine’s comments and realized those walls might not be a soundproof as they were supposed to be. Any question about that was answered a few moments later.

  “I’m going to lunch, Miss Hill. Susan is going to watch the reception desk for me.” Kendra Jackson sniffed as she stuck her head in Cami’s door.

  “That’s fine.” Cami nodded absent-mindedly.

  “And by the way,” Kendra’s voiced dropped three tones and came out like nails on an emery board, “my daughter is not a slut.”


  Rachel Bach looked across the small café table at her ex-husband with a wry smile. Having passed the anger stage of the divorce and settled into the new reality of their former love, the two had become good confidants, if not always the best of friends.

  “Waiting to be a grandparent is one thing,” Tyler mused. “But waiting to see ‘if’ you’re the grandparent is just weird.”

  “Soon we will know. I’m prepared either way. How’s Kendra holding up?”

  “And then, just when I think I’ve got the business at the top I find out the freaking rats are going through ‘brain changes.’ How is that even possible? And Dunning has someone in his pocket. Sovich is acting squirrely. Do you think we should buy some stuff to help Kendra and the girl, even if the kid doesn’t belong to Chris?”

  Tyler had been wandering in and out of several conversations all evening. Tiring of the dizzying pace and jumble of thoughts, Rachel put her hand on top of Tyler’s.

  “What’s really wrong?” Her dulcet tones soothed him and broke open the last lock to his feelings.

  “I’m losing her, Rach. I’m losing Cami the same way I lost you.”

  Rachel cooed and grasped at his thin fingers, her manicured nails shining in the café light like diamonds under water. Strong, and ever in control, Rachel drew him into her sphere.

  “You didn’t lose me, Tyler. I left you. I left you because there was too much of me and not enough left of you. Cami Hill is smart, able, and sassy. But she’s submissive. And, so are you. Two submissive partners are bound to have some problems.” She smiled at her bondage pun, thinking it quite smooth. So smooth, in fact, Tyler didn’t even hear it.

  With one foot already through the confessional, Tyler let the rest of the story spill out. He expounded on Cami’s remoteness of late, her compassion, and her anger. He told her about the passionate exchange against the wall of his office and his worry they would have to fight every time they wanted their sex to be more than lukewarm body jostling.

  Rachel’s solution, like everything else in her new life, was a bold and unconventional thought, catching her ex-husband completely by surprise. Opening her handmade, vegan-approved pouch that only a hipster with a $200 manicure could love, she handed Tyler a business card.

  “Let her whip you into shape. She works wonders.”

  Tyler squinted at the small print beside the large logo of a riding crop. “Mistress Rebecca. Dominatrix and Life Coach?”

  “Tell her your problems and you’ll walk out of her studio a happy man.”

  “Oh Rach, I don’t know,” Tyler whined instinctively. Having Rachel boss him around the bedroom (and the rest of his life) was natural and easy. Going to a professional domme for an hour of play acting didn’t seem to hold any hope for him. “This may be the nation’s capital, but for people like me it’s a really small town. This scandal is the last thing I need.”

  “Her suite is on Dupont Circle, not Capitol Hill, the Tech Corridor, or Grafton. She’s very careful, and probably has half of Congress licking her heels anyway.”

  “I’m not sure infidelity is going to take away my problems,” Tyler continued uncomfortably.

  “It’s not infidelity. It’s therapy. Give her one hour. If you don’t like it, don’t go back. But if you really want Cami Hill, you’re going to need to find someone else to boss you around. I’m busy. Oh, and Tyler? When you see Mistress Rebecca—be sure to whine just like you did tonight. She’ll adore you.”


  “Coast = clear,” the text read on Jasmine’s phone. She crammed it into her backpack and pushed the elevator button for Dyes, shaking her head at the ridiculous message. “What a geek.”

  Moving down the dim hallway lit only by security lights, she knocked on the third unmarked door to the left. Aaron opened the accounting department’s back room door quietly and let her in, looking up and down the hall so quickly she feared he would get whiplash.

  “It’s fine. Thanks for letting me in,” she seduced. “I just had to see you again. I just wanted to show my appreciation for trying to help.”

  “Yeah.” Aaron nodded. “That was a mess. We could have both been fired. I think I really ended up on Miss Hill’s bad side.”

  “That bitch? That’s the only side she has. But if it makes you feel better,” the young woman cooed, “you definitely made it to my good side.”

  “Cool,” Aaron muttered, his growing erection robbed him of the higher order mental faculties such as speech, depth perception, and good judgment—just as Jasmine knew it would. She made her move quickly, leading the awkward boy from accounting onto the couch in the employee lounge, kissing and pulling at his clothes. The effort grew burdensome as he continuously re-buttoned everything she tried to undo.

  “I want to thank you,” she whispered in his ear, her hips rubbing against the unavoidable bulge in the front of his Dockers. “I want to be with you.”

  “Um…I…like the idea…but I live with my parents now…” Aaron murmured through the pleasure-pain of his arousal. “Do you have an apartment?”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes, bit her lip, and tried again. “Now, Aaron. I want to be with you right now. On this couch.”

  “Oh. I don’t think that’s a very good…”

  Jasmine stopped his protest with a kiss and pushed him down on the ugly, brown microfiber. “Do you think we are the first people to fuck on this couch?”

  Her use of profanity, coupled with her forward nature, short-circuited what little defenses the young man had left. Lifting her dress, she straddled him, cursing his button-fly slacks as she fished for his penis in the dark room. She gave it some quick strokes to ensure its cooperation, spreading his pre-cum around the head to compensate for her own lack of passion.

  “I don’t…well…I’m a…okay. I’m a virgin. Okay?”

  “I’m not.” Jasmine ended that debate in a hurry. Rising on her thighs, reminding herself she needed to hit the gym more, she rubbed his shaft back and forth on her slit, stopping to tickle her clit with it for a moment. Against her brain’s better advice, her body began to lubricate and prepare itself for the inevitable.

  “Don’t we need a condom?” He burst upward, nearly driving himself into her before she was ready.

  “Birth control pills,” she lied, reminding herself that along with the gym, she should stop by a clinic and get some of those. Out of words, and arguments, Aaron leaned back and decided to enjoy the moment.

  He was so caught up in the silky sensation of her body wrapped around his member, he didn’t notice how easily he slipped inside her or how well she moved her hips in ocean-like waves to culminate his passion. For her part, she found he wasn’t a bad lay for a scrawny nerd with no prior experience. His shaft was thin but he had a larger head that was stretching and pushing at her insides while she rocked on top of him.
She loved the way her inner folds grasped at his cock, the friction pulsing inside her, back and forth. Closing her eyes, she imagined Antonio, the guy two apartments down with his broad chest and deep brown eyes.

  In her head, Antonio had picked her up in the lobby and carried her to his bed where he positioned her atop him, spearing her with a mythic cock. Antonio leaned forward as she rode him, biting and licking her nipples as a pleasure exploded throughout her body. The warmth of his sex stabbing into her raised the heat of her body past any known human temperature and he pounded against her channel walls, holding and biting her again.

  Since Jasmine was unaware she had reached up and was pinching her own nipples as she rode out this fantasy atop Aaron, it was a good bet he didn’t notice it either. While the ghost of Antonio pushed at her, his balls slapping up and against her beautiful brown skin, his darkness digging into her lighter tan, Aaron tried to signal in some way that he was about to explode into a million pieces. He raised his hand slightly, but Jasmine’s arched back, closed eyes, and rooftop gaze prohibited his notification.

  Antonio stopped biting her aroused nipples just long enough to kiss her and run his hand down her spine. Lifting her hips in rhythmic bliss he began to push her hard, reaching deep and carrying her up into the heavens where he…

  “AUGHHHHHH,” a loud gurgle emerged from Aaron’s throat.

  Antonio shattered like glass then disappeared, leaving Jasmine hanging on the high wire as Aaron’s cum rolled out of her and back onto the couch. She thought of choking him, then her frustration abated just long enough to remind her that she had other reasons for being there.

  “Don’t move,” she cautioned Aaron as she lifted herself off the intern and stood up, wiping herself with her hand, then wiping her hand on the couch. “It’s very important that you lie there for at least five minutes. Bad things happen to guys if they move around right after they ejaculate. Just stay put a few minutes. I’ll go get us a towel.”

  Naïve and satisfied, Aaron believed her nonsense, and put his head back down on the couch, allowing the feelings of joy and peace to wash over him. Jasmine ran to the outer offices and made a beeline for Tyler’s room. Using the code she filmed off the pad on Cami’s desk, she quickly gained entrance. It took her a minute to let her eyes adjust to the bright lights she turned on and she looked around, hoping the folder wasn’t in a safe she’d need help getting open.


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