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Dragon Star (A Shifter Football League Novel)

Page 10

by Aurora Reid

  “Can you tell me what happened? Give me more details?”

  As she began to recount it, the room felt like it was spinning. She sat back up to steady herself.

  “Sure, there's not much more to say. The taxi driver kidnapped me, like you know. Then there was a panther shifter waiting there, who I can only assume was hired by Jae.”

  “Of course it has to do with him...” His fists clenched.

  “Are you going to be okay? I was the one kidnapped you know. I should be the one who is pissed.”

  He flinched. “Sorry.”

  “It's fine.” She actually quite liked how protective he was. The only issue was how far he would take it. “I bought a tazer from a shifter defense store.”

  Nico noticeably snarled.

  “I know, I know, they can be...a bit...extreme, with how they view shifters. But if it wasn't for what they sold me, I wouldn't be here. I tazed them both and got away. With little scratches too.”

  She peeked over her shoulder at the small cut. Other than that and some slight bruising that would appear in the morning, she'd be fine.

  His eyes roamed over her as she lifted her shirt a little. He took a sharp inhale, his abs flexing.

  The sight shot a bolt of sexual energy right through her. Cass lost her train of thought.

  “Jae still wants you back. He's not going to stop.”

  “He's afraid to do it himself, though. Afraid of the consequences. He might want me, but he wants that gold championship ring as well.”

  “You might be right. This shows he's afraid of going at you directly after all the publicity and heat he got last time. There would be no question who did it, and with how popular you now are, all your Twitter followers would have a meltdown.”

  “Who knew how many Twitter followers and Facebook likes a person has could end up saving their life?”

  Nico huffed. He rolled his eyes. “I wish we would go back to the days of carrier pigeons. Back then, you didn't have to hear everyone's opinions you didn't care about.”

  “Carrier pigeons. Just how old are you?”

  “Old enough where this is scandalous.”

  “No, really. And I don't mind. I happen to like older men.”

  “One hundred and fifty years old. Which makes me a youngin'.”

  “So you've seen a lot. Lived a lot. Done a lot. This must seem pretty boring to you.”

  “No,” he stated immediately. “Not at all. I'd say this is the most I've been alive in a long time.”

  Cass wanted to pry more. Did he ever have a wife?

  No, that wouldn't sit right with her, prying like that.

  She instead slid back to the headboard. She brought her knees to her chest.

  “I'd do anything for my life to be a little normal. A little boring.”

  He crossed his arms like a shield over his chest. They were freakin' huge. “We'll get you safe and then you'll be watched. Personally, by me. I won't let that asshole come near you. I give you my word.”

  “Thank you. I can't ask that from you, though. You've done enough.”

  “No, I haven't nearly done enough. That's where you're wrong.”

  He crossed over to her side of the bed. The giant shifter loomed over her. Being horizontal, Cass had to realize just how big he was. This was a California King. Still it seemed like it might not be long enough.

  Wagging his finger, he said, “Come here.”

  Cass probably looked like a meek little kitten that had done wrong as she crawled closer while peering up at him with big, curious eyes.

  He took her chin, pulled her closer, and then dipped down, planting a scorching hot kiss on her lips. His tongue caressed hers in a loving twist before pulling away, leaving her breathless.

  That kiss made her want more. But she'd been out of her mind since the stressful events of the evening. She didn't trust herself, not right now.

  It’d be just like her to ruin this when stressed.

  This was new, scary territory for her. It had come at the best time, and the worst- when she’d hit rock bottom.

  “Thanks,” she said, eyes sparkling at him.

  Hopefully he wouldn't feel bad about the dismissal. It was simply the wrong time, even though her body craved more.

  “You don't need to say thank you. I'm not doing this as a favor. I'm doing this because I want to.” Not just a favor. He needed to do this it seemed.

  “Come into bed with me,” she said with a pat next to her.

  Cass rolled over.

  “It's been a long day. With a lot of room service. I'm not sure how long I'm going to make it, but I'd love to spend every minute talking to you, learning more about you. I'm sure you have a lot of stories to tell.”

  That's exactly what they did. She enjoyed staying close by him, listening to him talk about how he used to go flying with his mother and father, how they used to take trips that would span across the entire world.

  He'd had a few friends too before most of the dragons were wiped out. Or his friends killed each other in the dragon wars. They loved to go adventuring to exotic places across the globe. Cass found herself jealous.

  Jealousy was better than being terrified for her life. It was a good distraction.

  The conversation drifted on. She wanted to ask about his love life at some point. If there was someone out there that was his fated mate, Cass didn't want to impede that.

  But another kiss planted on her lips sank her back to the cushions.

  “Rest, now. You had a long night, Cass. I'll be here the entire time. Don't you worry about a thing while you're in bed with me. I'll take care of it all.”

  “Take care...of everything?” she asked.

  “Yes, everything, but don't worry about that now. Just close your eyes. There's no better guardian at your bedside than a dragon.”

  Her eyes were closed. “I'm not even tired.”

  “Quiet and kiss me again.”

  She did as he asked. His kiss was sweet, excitement pumping through her like a break in the clouds, letting the sunshine in.

  She felt free again, able to breathe. There was no longer a cage around her. Her need to get closer, even closer to Nico, took control of her again. She wanted to reach up, pull him onto her, have all his weight press against her.

  The closer he got, the better.

  Yet, she became aware of a distant beating in the air. It sounded like a plane at first, then it got closer, sounding like strong gusts of wind heading in her direction.

  The beating got louder until she couldn't stand it. She cupped her ears and sprang from the bed. Only to have the front of the wall ripped completely off, the ceiling above crumbling with it.

  In its place, the red dragon, Jae, stuck his head through the hole. His eyes were glowing like fiery hot pokers.

  This was what she saw before she was burned alive.

  Screaming, she scrambled off the sheets…

  There was no fleeing. In a desperate move, she took the bedside light and threw it at him. It didn’t even reach.

  “You’re weak.”

  The dragon roared, its fiery breath erupting from its open mouth, spreading through the room until it all consumed her.

  Then she jumped up with a shout. Her mouth was open, but she didn't know what she was saying. The room looked fine. All of the walls were in their proper place.

  Nico had her waist in his hands and he was staring at her, trying to get her attention. Everything was dull.

  “Hey, hey,” she heard Nico saying.

  “Jae. He's here. Jae's here.” She frantically leapt for his shoulder.

  He caught her hands before she could get there.

  “Hey, listen to me. Jae's not here. It's me, Nico. You were having a bad dream. You're fine.”

  “Oh.” She took some deep breaths. She wiped a hand over her sweaty brow.

  This was embarrassing.

  “Here, have some water.” Nico got up and handed her a glass.

  “Thanks,” she said hoars
ely after taking a gulp.

  “You have nothing to be worried about. Trust me on that,” he said, sitting down, stroking her lower back.

  After putting the water down on the bedside table, she looked at him, trying her best to look confident. She imagined she failed spectacularly.

  “I’ll protect you. I promise you that. He gives dragons, and shifters, a bad name.”

  “And you give dragons a good name,” she commented. Her eyes began to twinkle.

  That had been quite the shock. For a second there, she really believed she'd been a goner.


  “But what about when you leave?”

  “I won't leave.”

  Cass laughed. “You have to leave sometime.”

  “No, I won’t. We’re on the same team, and…look, you’re not leaving my side. This is about us now. You're my mate. I couldn't leave you if I tried.”

  She was speechless.

  “I'm...your mate? What does that mean, exactly?”

  “It's kind of complicated.” He shrugged, getting defensive. “Don't worry about it right now.”

  It seemed like something she should be worried about...

  There was no fight left in her, however, as she lay back on the bed.

  Which was where she should've stayed. Except what he said couldn't stop repeating in her head, it seemed to echo throughout her entire body.

  You're my mate. We're doing this together.

  If she wasn't needing him before, she would be now. She'd never felt needier for sex in her life. Before she'd thought it was something she could live without, now it seemed more important than air.

  His well-toned body pushed closer to her. She could smell him, like exotic spice and masculine musk with a hint of burning firewood, such a tantalizing swirl that had her toes curling.

  That gold ring around his eyes, even that was getting her wet. Cass tried to ignore it, but she could ignore it no longer.

  “You can go back to sleep now,” he said. “I'm not going anywhere.”

  Instead, Cass took his hand and placed it on her breast. “What if I'm not sleepy?” She grinned at him mischievously.

  “You should get your had quite a fright...”

  “But isn't that what you're here for? To keep me safe? To take care of me?”

  She leaned closer to him and gave him just a peck. His jaw dropped.

  “Yes,” he groaned.

  “I need you right now. Like before. Can you do that again?”

  “I could do better,” he said with a devious smile.

  Better? There was better than that?

  He kissed her forehead sweetly, then swept lower, his kisses growing in ferocity as he made his way down. When he got to her collarbone, they were rough against her hot flesh. His hands swerved over her fidgeting hips, keeping them in place for him to love.

  She was shaking uncontrollably before he got to her thighs. He bit her left upper thigh, then slowly pulled her dress down. Her pussy was wet, tightening, aching for him. Her clit was throbbing.

  And he hadn't even touched her there yet.

  After inhaling, his grin doubled in size. “You are irresistible, aren't you?”

  Nico pulled down her dress all the way. She didn't wiggle at first, which wasn't right, she really did want this. But a sudden nervousness had overtaken her. In a panic, she sat on her elbows, watching as Nico's smug grin turned into an expression of focused devotion. He pulled down her thong, revealing her needy, waiting pussy.

  He breathed out, then sucked past his teeth. He lowered himself between her thighs. That sudden panic broke over her. Her muscles seized up and she thought she'd feint.

  The first lick could've had her through the roof. She found herself still on her elbows, though. “Wait,” the word shot out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “It might be a little too late for that, don't you think?” he asked, his breath still warm and making her wetter.

  What was wrong with her?

  Here was the perfect man willing to protect her. The perfect lover. Yet she was filled with panic and uncertainty.

  “Kiss me again,” she said.

  Why did she feel so weak?

  Nico obliged eagerly. He gave her some fluttering kisses.

  When he was through, she was panting, swaying her hips, trying to rub against the long bar of his hard cock.

  He dove down between her thighs again. This time, he caged them there. Then he licked with a single long swipe. The tip of his tongue caressed her clit for a few extra seconds, teasing her playfully.

  “Do you want me to wait now?”

  She quickly shook her head no.

  Cass had been afraid, which had nothing to do with Nico. She hoped he knew that. It had to do with her.

  She didn’t trust herself. She didn't think herself strong enough to survive this. Or good enough to love or be loved. Cass was a virgin for a long time in her life, avoiding any type of close connection with a man, because that could lead to her being hurt.

  She might try to project a strong exterior, but the truth was, inside, Cass never thought herself good enough.

  Either she was starting to believe, or Nico's kissing had distracted her for long enough.

  When he licked, flicked, and swirled his tongue around her pussy, that was all that mattered—those beautiful motions, that amazing way that he wrote upon her skin, leaving notes that she would remember forever.

  Cass would get nothing out of life until she would thrust herself upon it openly, without worrying about the consequences.

  And that's exactly what she did that night. With a lot of help from Nico.

  His tongue reached inside her, pushing her thighs wider. His tongue fucked her, stroking inside her, building that fire until it erupted, the bridge of his nose still rubbing against her clit.

  Never, did he let go of her.


  “Come for me, beautiful. Come,” he called out, his lips slippery with her juices, his tongue flashing over her clit...

  Just as she was thrusting off her elbows, he put two fingers inside her and rubbed.

  “Oh My God!”

  She sucked in, every muscle clenching, then releasing all at once as her orgasm struck. Steamrolled, her screams dropped to a whisper as she lay flat, pulse racing, body singing.

  He kissed her thighs jumping with excitement.

  There was no way she was going to sleep very long tonight. Now she was far too excited.

  Nico licked his lips. Heat rushed to her cheeks.

  He crawled up beside her.

  “Now, what did you interrupt me to tell me?”

  She was so happy she could cry.

  “Nothing. I was just feeling...a little self-conscious. A little undeserving.”

  “Undeserving? You've done so much for yourself.”

  “Not when it comes to romance. Or falling in love.”

  Nico kissed her ear. Her leg kicked. She’d thought it useless. “Don't worry, I'll take care of that.”

  “It sounds like you're going to be taking care of a lot of things for me,” Cass remarked, then looked over her shoulder at Nico's extremely obvious hard on. “Now let me take care of something for you.”

  Feeling more capable than ever, she dropped down to please her mate.


  The kaleidoscope of New York City lights flashed by him. Nico didn't usually like this city...there were far too many people for his liking.

  Tonight, he wasn't that offended.

  A swarm of people under the skyscrapers didn't make him feel claustrophobic like before.

  That's what months of being with Cass had done to him. He knew if he didn't meet her, he'd be looking at the mass with distain.

  He'd opened up a lot.

  The fans were back on his side. But that’s not what really mattered. Nico loved the game. The cheering, the booing, that was secondary now. He was merely doing what he loved.

  Now he hoped
he'd be able to do what he really loved tonight.

  Yeah, it was a bit childish, but he was horny. Cass and Nico had been away for a whole three days. They'd been together every day for a while. Being away from her, he missed her, and he didn't know a better way to cure that than a passionate fuck.

  My, she'd turned his life upside down. That curvy girl, riding him, bucking on the end of him, her hips shaking and her eyes rolling in the back of her head as she screamed out how much she loved him…

  If he wasn't careful, he was going to bust in his pants like a young dragon.

  "Sir, we'll be there in a minute," the driver said over the intercom.

  Nico pressed the talk button. "Thank you."

  Just the sight of her could get him rock hard.

  He was still into her as much as the first day they met. Actually, even more.

  Nico leaned back, closed his eyes, and let out a long breath as he thought about being inside her again.

  She was going to be speaking on National News Tonight. It was almost a year since she spoke the first time.

  He'd better watch out, or she might become more popular than him. He laughed at the thought; it wasn't a bad one.

  "We're here, sir," the taxi driver said.

  "One minute please." Or several. He didn't know how long it would take to clear his head.

  He was crazy about this girl.

  It seemed that Jae had forgotten about her. Once he knew that Nico had claimed her, he didn't dare start another war. They would be meeting at the Championship Game anyway, he was sure, where they’d fight for the MVP ring.

  Knowing how dragons were, there were many bets on who would get it. The red or the silver dragon. This was going to be one hell of a game.

  He headed out of the limo and into the news building. The top floor was where he’d meet his mate.

  He found her beside the camera lights, looking stunning, like a classic movie star. She had the glamour and the class of one.

  "You look stunning, Cassandra," he said.

  "Oh, Cassandra. You're using Cassandra. That must mean you're serious today," she said. The girl patting her with last minute makeup scurried away.

  Cass came to greet him with a big hug.

  She squeezed his junk. "Or it means you want something."

  "I'm sure you're my fated mate. It's like you can read my mind."


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