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Dragon Star (A Shifter Football League Novel)

Page 12

by Aurora Reid

  His cell vibrated. Nico cautiously approached it. His eyes were shimmering with tears. He was overemotional. His muscles were swarming with energy, ready to fight, but inside his mind, he was vulnerable.

  This was all he had...

  His treasure.

  Had Jae stolen all he had of his past, his mother's tiara and his father's golden pocket watch as well?

  Had he taken it all?


  “You're lying,” he snarled. He picked up the cell phone and saw the image.

  Sure enough, it was a picture of his gold hoard. No one should have a picture of it. The last person who had seen it had been Cass.

  Nico was ready to drop the phone. Smash it.

  “Do you know how I got it?”

  He said nothing.

  “I got it from Cass. She led me there. She brought me one of your gloves too with your fingerprint, so it was easy to open the door.”

  “No,” Nico breathed out. His head was spinning.

  Could Jae’s dragon breath be strong enough to open the door? Nico had tested it on his own dragon fire. The tests were inconclusive.

  How did he know where he hid his treasure?

  And how did he get past his security systems?

  “She stabbed you in the back. This whole time, she’s loved me. Do you think anyone would honestly be interested in you? You’re pathetic.”

  His laughter rang throughout Nico.

  “What’s your choice?”

  Nico screamed and tossed the phone down, smashing it with his heel.

  Jae had his treasure. His dragon was roaring fire, telling him that he needed to find Jae and reclaim it. As far as he knew, Jae would still be competing in the Championship Game.

  Nico couldn't forget his teammates. The fans. Everyone who depended on him to win. Millions of people were tuning in. And he’d just disappear? They'd call him a traitor, they'd hate him forever, he'd be banished. Nico wouldn't blame them.

  He wouldn't blame them at all. Because this was the biggest game of the season, even people who didn't care about shifter football would be tuning in to tweet and post about it. It was practically a national holiday.

  Where was Cass? That was the question that came forefront to his mind.

  And that's when Nico was sure, dead sure, that Cass was his fated mate, as if he didn't know it before.

  He was going to give up all the treasure he hoarded for years. He was going to give away the MVP ring. Nico wasn't going to play the game.

  Nico was going to save Cass.

  There was not one doubt in his mind that this was the right choice.

  Sure, he'd been afraid with his treasure taken, but Jae could never understand that Cass was invaluable.

  And Nico would take advantage of that. He couldn’t turn him against her. Cass was the only reason why he was alive right now, anyway.

  Jae must've thought he would stay and play for the MVP ring, the most precious treasure that a dragon could hope for.

  He’d been palming a football while thinking. He dropped it and transformed into his dragon, which felt damn good

  Forget the game. Forget his treasure. He knew what he wanted. He wanted her.

  He was full of anxiety as he took off to discover what had happened to his fated mate.

  If he couldn't sniff her out, they were in trouble. He flapped close to the parking lot as the windshield wipers below slid from the awesome power of his wings.

  He caught her scent.

  If she weren't his, he might've never realized it. Thousands passed by that spot.

  Their connection couldn't be denied. Jae had no idea what it would be like. They were practically connected by mind. Now that he discovered her, it would be as simple as following the trail.

  He followed, his dragon beating its wings until it hurt.

  Closer now, her scent was undeniable. Her cries rattled in his head, almost knocking him off course.

  She wasn't far away. Jae hadn't put much thought into this, because he must've thought that Nico would choose the game. He spotted Cass in an open junk yard.

  Swooping down, he landed next to her. Her mouth was taped, her legs and arms were tied. Three men guarded her.

  Nico could hear the ticking of the bomb attached to her. He thrust his wings upward with a roar. The men in front of him were plenty scared. They still didn’t go running.

  They began to shift....Nico sniffed the air, testing them. His dragon was ready to have fun. Once shifted they were an alligator, a bear, and a panther. All frozen, because no one wanted to be the first to attack a dragon.

  Nico rose up on his back legs. He pressed his gullet high into the sky, his scales poking out, black with anger. As he called for his fire, his scales turned even darker. His beard unfurled like a row of spiky armor.

  He unleashed all that rage he had buried inside him. The blue tinted flame unfurled from his mouth, branching out in slow motion as he watched. The heat would've gave him some nasty burns if it weren't for his scales.

  They howled as the wall of flames crashed into them. They were taken under like a wave, and once it passed, they were nothing but ash floating past Nico.

  Cass stared straight ahead. She'd just seen three people eviscerated before her eyes.

  To help her, he transformed back to his human. Also, because he wanted to hold her in his hands.

  He unleashed her from the chair she was in, and she launched herself at his chest.

  “Nico,” she screamed, “get me out of here.” And that was exactly what he did.

  Nico transformed back to his dragon while holding Cass close to him, his bundle of love.

  The explosive ticked away as they left.

  He tried his hardest to speak to her through his dragon mind. “You’re safe now. Don’t worry. I’ve got you. Like I said I would. And I will continue to protect you.”

  She couldn’t respond. Perhaps a little of what he was saying would slip through. They were fated mates after all.

  It was too late for his team. Too late for his Championship.

  And judging by the picture Jae sent, it would be too late for his treasure. Somehow he had broken in and taken everything Nico owned. A dragon might be the only shifter capable.

  Yet he had what was most important in his possession. For that, he was thankful.

  Nico would not let her go.


  Nico said nothing. Words were unnecessary. His arms shielded her, even though all was well. Cass closed her eyes and let the warmth, the comfort of his touch sink in. It was better than remembering the death before her.

  She felt the small muscle twitches at first, followed by his arms wrapping around her, clutching her to his chest. His shifting had begun. That part of him warped, and she was uncertain where she was for a second, but she knew where she would be: Up, high up in the sky.

  He created a cradle with his claws, a small vessel that would carry her like a chair lift to wherever he decided to bring her. The wind barely touched her from inside, but she peeked through the small slits, noticing the lights of the city shone like a field of stars below.

  A deep regret dropped her back. The Championship game would be happening right now, or it might even be over with.

  Nico had sacrificed that for her.

  Soon, she felt the rising in her gut which told her that they were descending. Then he unfurled his claws and she spilled out like a slide onto a tiled floor. The sky was all around Cass. Brushing herself off, she looked around to see the complete picture.

  It was the top of a fancy restaurant, the tables all pushed to the side, except for one iron table, which was smashed underneath the weight of the dragon.

  Nico regarded her with his charming eyes, full of steady warmth instead of the usual twisting inferno.

  He shifted back.

  It all looked so painless and, somehow, natural. There he stood in front of her, his muscled yet still plump ass on show as he turned around to search for something.

bsp; “Ah, here it is,” he said. He pulled out a pair of pants from behind a table.

  “Where have you taken me?”

  And why did he have a pair of pants tucked someplace secret in a restaurant?

  These were the types of questions that were commonly asked now, dating a shifter.

  “I was going to take you here after the game.”

  “So it’s over with,” she said, her head falling, too heavy to hold up.

  But her feet brought her over to the edge of the concrete wall that lined the rooftop. It looked out upon all of LA.

  If she wasn’t so angry at Jae, she might’ve cried for ruining Nico’s chances at the ring.

  She knew how much it meant to him.

  “I’m so, so sorry.” Her back was to Nico still.

  “I almost have my shirt on. One moment.”

  That drew a smile from her.

  “You don’t have to get all dressed up. I’ve seen you naked before.”

  He winked back. The tears were not coming anytime soon now.

  “If I’m naked, then you’re going to be naked too.”

  She turned back to hide her smile. This was not the time.

  His arms were around her and then he turned her, pulled her against his firm chest.

  “Look at me.”

  Cass didn’t hide her eyes.

  “Don’t hide those beautiful eyes from me,” he told her, with a kiss that had her grasping for more.

  Emotion spilled from her then.

  “I’m sorry, Nico. I know how much it means to you. I know what you’ve done for me, and I can’t ever repay you. You shouldn’t have come. I would’ve been fine…”

  “Don’t say that. You know I had to come.”

  His eyes sparked with fire. It used to scare her, but not any longer.

  Cass gripped his shirt, a nice looking white shirt and a tie. The man could shift into a good looking outfit as quickly as he could turn into a dragon. This was one special man.

  “He tried to turn me against you. He said that you stole my gold, that you were working with him. But I didn’t believe a word he said. I always trusted you.”

  “What?” She spun away from him. “He stole your gold?” She felt dizzy all of a sudden. “Did they take your parents’ stuff too?”

  “Yes,” he said, arms outstretched, “but that’s okay. I have what’s important right now, and he’ll pay.”

  “I could cry, but I’m tired of being so weak.” She tilted her eyes up to him. “Do you understand?”

  “Oh, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I didn’t bring you all this way and set this up for you to cry.”

  Set this up? Set what up?

  It was a romantic scene. The tables were all set with white tablecloth, violet and red roses were displayed all over the rooftop, and there were candles already lit as if awaiting their arrival.

  After he won the Championship, this was where Nico was going to celebrate with her.

  She felt even worse.

  “But your gold…your Championship…”

  Nico shook her a little to get her to listen.

  Why was he smiling? What was there to smile about?

  “Why are you so happy?”

  “He didn’t get every piece of gold.”

  Nico dropped onto one knee.

  She clasped her mouth, her body trembling, but still she didn’t want to jump to conclusions, until he brought out the case from his pocket.

  He held it up to her and unclasped it.

  “The love of my life, my fated mate, will you marry me?”

  Cass’ hand seemed frozen to her beating chest. Her heart seemed to want to run away from her too, but somehow, in a blur, she screamed and then threw herself upon him.

  Nico slipped the much-too-big ring on her finger. He hugged her as she rained down tears of joy.

  “I can’t believe it. Yes, yes, yes I’ll marry you! Oh, Nico.”

  He brushed the strands of falling hair from her eyes. “I’m sorry I made a mess of the presentation.”

  She braced herself against his chest, hugging him tightly. “I’m glad you decided to do it now. I wouldn’t want to wait to be engaged.”

  “You make me so happy.”

  Nico beamed at her as she took his hand and led him over to the table.

  “Were we going to have a meal here?”

  “Yes. Not until after the game, which must be wrapping up now.”

  “You would’ve won, you know that?”

  “It doesn’t matter now.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I won something more important. I can’t win everything.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you.” She pursed her lips. And he took the bait, kissing her.

  “What are we going to do?”

  Nico peered down at the twisting piece of metal that was going to be their table for two. “Let’s not worry now,” his attitude seemed to say.

  They shouldn’t let others ruin a moment like this.

  “We need to celebrate. Since it seems our dinner date has been canceled, maybe you could take me somewhere else? Somewhere, romantic, where we could be alone?”

  Her finger played at his chest, stroking it, and Nico bit back a wicked smile.

  “Yes, I believe I can find something.” He held out his hand.

  Cass took it.

  “The fastest way to go is up. Come with me,” he said after stripping down, handing his clothes to Cass since he’d need them later.

  And then she was bracing herself for the exhilarating yet magical thrill of being lifted off the ground, taken by a dragon.

  They were back in a hotel suite. Top floor, the best room, because everyone knew Nico.

  He told her that they might have to leave by the time the night was through. Someone might leak that he’d arrived, then the press would be swarming the hotel.

  But for now, they were alone, and it was peaceful, like a pre-honeymoon.

  Cass had her tray of truffles again.

  This was the good life.

  Was she being spoiled? Hell yeah she was. Did she deserve it? Hell yeah she did. She wouldn’t apologize.

  “I don’t mind this.”

  “I had a nice dinner planned for us. I mind it.”

  “But you’ve got to admit this is good too. Here I can eat and sleep in bed.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “I hope you’re not a bed eater?”

  “I know you are,” she said, and laughed. “Your tongue goes places that I’ve never had a tongue before.”

  After that, she thought she would be the one turning red, instead it was Nico. That got her even more excited.

  “It’s like I wasn’t even kidnapped again today. Can we stay at a five-star hotel every time I’m kidnapped?”

  Nico stiffened at the edge of the bed. He wore only his pants. His muscles were like a carefully sculpted work of art. Cass loved to watch the segments tighten and relax.

  “You’ll not be kidnapped again. We’ll talk about that later.”

  “You’re not worried about your gold?” she asked.

  “It’s strange. I would normally be freaking out. But I’m ready to move on, I think. I’m okay with starting something new with you. It’s about time.”

  She pushed the food tray away.

  Cass crawled over to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him on the back of his head.

  This was comfort. This was paradise.

  “Why are you not afraid? Not worried?”

  There was a worry gnawing deep inside her, even with the engagement. It was like the world was still collapsing around them, despite them being happy in their little space.

  Jae would be back. He wouldn’t stop.

  Nico’s eyes shut slightly, like he was a happy monk in a meditative stance. “I guess once you live as long as me, you understand when real love comes along. When you don’t have to force it. Life moves like a flowing stream, it will find its way if you give it a path, if you don’t try to stop it. And my love for yo
u is like that. I opened myself up, and it came rushing into my life. Now I’m swimming in my love for you, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  That convinced her not to worry. With that little worry in her gut gone, in came the need to be even closer to Nico, her fiancé, her fated mate.

  “There’ something…”

  But he never got a chance to finish.

  She turned him around with a strength she didn’t even know she had. Beware a woman who is horny! Her power is unbelievable!

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  The next second, she had her lips on him, her hands groping his muscled chest.

  Nico didn’t need much convincing. He was ready.

  She was wet and willing and begging by the time he threw his belt off. Cass spread her legs and let him inside. He was hard, thrusting to her deepest, filling her core with his awesome cock.

  Nico seemed more ravishing than she expected. After all, Cass was the one who had initiated. But maybe the dragon was willing and waiting this whole time…

  It certainly seemed like it as he pummeled into her and exposed her breasts, ripping them free from her bra. Watching her pleasure mount, he twisted her nipples into taut peaks.

  She was so sensitive. This wasn’t going to last very long. Cass already wanted to submit.

  “You’re mine. I…I…want to…”

  “What?” she screamed out, as he continued sliding that thick cock in and out.

  So deep. So filling. He was bringing her higher. She was nearing her peak when she completely forgot that he wanted something.

  Then she heard it, but she was so in tune with him, that she didn’t even realize what she was agreeing to.

  Or maybe she did, maybe she just trusted Nico enough.

  “I’m Turning you,” he said.

  “Yes,” she screamed.

  “Hold me tightly, don’t let go, it might hurt a little.”

  Nico dug in. He squeezed her against him, all while pounding her with long stroke after stroke. Rubbing against her, calling out her orgasm, he set her off and it was like an explosion of light.

  That’s when he bit her. On her upper shoulder, near her neck. His teeth were sharper somehow. It only sent Cass soaring into an even bigger orgasm.

  “Fuck,” she screamed, then she stopped kicking.


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