Book Read Free


Page 4

by Bella Jewel

  We both turn with a squeak to see three young men walking down the jetty. I haven’t seen them before, and as they near, I notice they’re all handsome.

  “Oh, hi.” Mel smiles, staring up at them.

  “Haven’t seen you around here before. You new?”

  I stare at the man who has spoken. He’s extremely attractive, in the good-boy kind of way. He’s got sandy-brown hair that’s messy and unkempt, falling loosely over his forehead. His eyes look to be light, but it’s too hard to tell with the sun down and only a dim light shining over him. He’s tall and slim but clearly muscled. He’s got a friendly smile, with two dimples.

  “We’re staying there,” I say, nodding towards the house, “for part of the summer.”

  He smiles bigger. “Nice. I live six houses down. My name is Bryce, and this is Lyle and Max.”

  He nods to his friends and I take them in. Lyle is tall, blond and lean. He’s got that lanky-yet-handsome thing going for him. As if he should be an athlete. He’s got a warm smile and gentle eyes.

  Max is shorter than the other two, and stockier; he’s got a leer on his face I don’t like at all. He makes me uneasy just looking at him. He’s got dark hair, cut short, and is covered in tattoos.

  “I’m Melanie,” Mel pipes up. “And this is Aria.”

  “Nice names,” Bryce says. “How long have you been here?”

  “This is our first night,” I answer.

  His eyes slide over me and his smile gets bigger. “We’re having a party tomorrow night, down at my house. You should come down; meet some of the people who live around here. It’ll be great.”

  That sounds fun.

  “I’m in,” Melanie says before I even open my mouth to answer.

  “That’s a yes.” I laugh.

  “Awesome. I’ll give you my number and you can give me a call when you’re ready. I’ll walk down and get you.”

  He’s sweet. I like that.

  He pulls out his cell. I get mine from my pocket and type in his number as he calls it out. Then I text him with a ‘hi’ so he has mine.

  “Awesome,” he says. “If you’re up for some fun, too, we’re going water-skiing tomorrow. My dad has a boat. It’s a blast. You’ll see us on the lake. Join in, if you like.”

  “They’re busy.”

  I jerk and turn to see Blade strolling down the jetty, followed by Brody. He’s got his arms crossed, and he looks pissed. Actually, they both look pissed.

  “Sorry, bro, didn’t realize they were taken,” Bryce says, putting his hands up.

  “We’re not. These are my step-brothers,” I say loudly, pronouncing the word in a way that makes it over-obvious. Blade shoots me a look, but I brush it off with a smirk and turn back to Bryce.

  “Oh,” Bryce says. “Well, cool, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Later,” I say.

  The three boys shift past Blade and Brody, and disappear down the jetty. I stand, reaching my hand out for Mel. “Let’s go for a walk.”

  “Your mom is lookin’ for you,” Blade says.

  “I could use one,” I say, ignoring him.

  “I’m keen,” Melanie says, leaping up. She oversteps and trips, stumbling a few steps backwards. Brody’s hand lashes out quickly, wrapping around her arm and steadying her. He saves her from going over the edge. We all stare. Damn. Intense.

  “Oh,” she gasps. “Thank you.”

  He jerks his head and turns, disappearing into the darkness. Brody the mystery. Blade is staring daggers into the side of my face, but I don’t really give a damn.

  “Come on,” I say to Mel and we step past him. He lashes out, curling his finger around my upper arm and pulling me close. He leans in so his mouth is brushing my ear. There, he whispers, “Careful, Tulip. I don’t play games.”

  I pull my arm free from his.

  Neither do I.



  I’m tucked up on the outdoor swing later that night. Melanie has gone to sleep, and the guys are all watching television in the lounge. The screen door creaks open and I lift my head to see Jack walking out, beer in hand. “Mind if I join?” he asks.

  I shrug and he walks over, sitting down beside me. Jack has a presence about him that’s warm, yet so confronting. He’s strong, the kind of man you wish your dad was like because he’d wrap you in his arms and keep you safe forever. I adore Jack, but he’s not my dad, and while I’m happy for my mom I can’t replace what I lost. That doesn’t mean I don’t adore him, because I really do.

  “Your mom is worried.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say softly. “I didn’t mean to go off like that.”

  “It’s understandable,” he says, leaning back and crossing his big arms. “You need to understand somethin’, though. I’m not trying to replace your dad, and those boys in there aren’t trying to replace your sister. We’re just trying to make the best family we can with what we have. I love your momma, you know that, but I know I can never replace what was lost.”

  “She’s happy, Jack. I want that for her.”

  He turns and studies me with those intense eyes. “But not yourself?”

  I flinch. “Jack,” I whisper.

  He pins me with his stare. “You lost something no one should ever have to lose, but you’re not doin’ anything wrong by being happy and letting people in.”

  “They were my family,” I say, my voice hitching. “How can I just replace them and be happy about it? How can I sit here, laughing and joking with all of you and not feel guilt over that when they’re not here? They didn’t get a choice.”

  He reaches over, gripping my jaw and leaning in closer. “You’re not doin’ anything wrong. Do you think your dad would want you to be unhappy, honey? Do you think your sister would want to see you sad? No one is replacing them, Aria. We’re just trying to create something of our own.”

  My bottom lip trembles and I turn my eyes away, unable to look at him.

  “You don’t need another dad. You don’t need brothers. But honey, everyone needs a family. You let us in and we can be that family. Not the same as the old one—never be the same as the old one—but a family all the same.”

  With that, he stands and disappears back inside. I drop my head and take a few calming breaths. He doesn’t understand; it’s not just about my dad and sister. It’s about me. If I go in there and I let them matter, then I’m letting Blade into a part of me I’ve spent a year pushing him out of. He changed something in me; I can’t risk that ruining everything for my mom.

  I push to my feet and walk through the patio door. The guys all look up at me, but I turn my eyes to my mom who is washing dishes in the kitchen. I walk in, and she looks up the moment I round the corner. Her eyes are soft and she places the towel down, stretching her hands out to me. “Baby.”

  I go into her arms, letting her hug me close. “I’m sorry for being a brat, Momma.”

  She laughs. “You could never be a brat. It’s a lot to take in. Give them a chance, Aria. We’re not trying to bring back something that’s gone. They’re Jack’s kids; we have to do our best to make them feel the way he’s made you feel.”

  She’s right about that. Damn it.


  She pulls back, smiling down at me.

  “I’m going to bed.” I say. “See you in the morning?”


  I walk out of the kitchen and through the lounge. “Night, guys,” I call.

  There’s silence, then a string of “nights.”

  Maybe Mom is right. Maybe it won’t be so bad.



  “Give me one weekend.”

  I stare at the man in front of me, and I so desperately want to give in to him.

  “Why?” I question.

  He shrugs, curling his fingers around the back of my neck. “You’re young, you’ve finished school, and you’re living it up before college. Spend a weekend with me. Let me enjoy y

  “One weekend?” I question.

  “Yeah, darlin’, one weekend.”

  “Where will we spend this weekend?”

  He grins. “Got a hotel.”

  “You own it?” I squeak.

  He throws his head back and laughs. “Shit no. I have a room. I’m only in town for a few weeks.”

  “Right,” I mutter.

  “Hey,” he says, taking my chin and tilting it up. “I’m not a perv, or a creep. You want me to take you home, I’ll do it right now.”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s not that.”

  “Then what?”

  I stare past him at the cars bustling down the busy streets. It’s nearing midnight and I’ve spent the entire time with him, still feeling as if I’ve known him a year.

  “The thing is . . .”

  I swallow.

  “Darlin’, what?”

  I look into his eyes. “I’m assuming this weekend will involve, ah, sex and that . . . well . . . shit . . .”

  He studies me, then exhales loudly. “You’re a virgin.”


  I nod.

  He looks past me, fingers still curled around my chin.

  “I want it, though.”

  That much I’m sure of. I don’t want to go to college a naive virgin. Shit, no one wants that. I’m eighteen, and I’m ready. I’ve messed around with guys before, but never taken it that far. He’s a nice guy; he’s offering a weekend of fun, so why the hell wouldn’t I? I’m not that girl who swaddles her virginity in a blanket, waiting for the ‘right’ guy. There are far too many nasty endings in that department. I just want a good guy, and Mystery Guy seems like one of those.

  “You don’t know me,” he says, studying my face. “I don’t expect . . .”

  “I’m not a child. I like you, it sounds fun and I want to.”

  He purses his lips. “You sure about that?”

  I laugh softly. “It’s sweet that you want to protect my virginity more than me, but I’m about to go to college and I’d rather go slightly experienced. I don’t want to lose my virginity to some drunken asshole on a street outside a nightclub, but I also don’t want to be that girl who waits years for the right guy only to find out he’s a complete dropkick.”

  He grins. “I think I like you, Mystery Girl.”

  I can’t help but grin back. “Yeah? I think I might just like you, too.”



  I wake with a jerk and a cry.

  It takes me a moment to realize where I am, and calm my breathing. The sun is shining down over my body and I’m hot, with a light sheen of sweat coating my skin. Another dream. There’s always one. Every morning I wake to the same horror.

  I close my eyes and rub my face, pushing the awful images from my mind. I take a few steadying breaths and focus on the view surrounding me.

  The lake. A gorgeous, cloudless day. Happiness. Relaxation.

  When I’ve gotten myself together and stopped my hands from shaking, I get out of bed and plod to the bathroom to wash my face, waking myself up, before dressing in a blue tank and a pair of cut-offs. I tie my hair up in a loose ponytail and walk towards the noisy chatter coming from the kitchen. When I round the corner, I see everyone is awake. My cheeks heat. I hate being the person who comes in last. Melanie is in the process of tossing pancake batter at Ripley, which he is protecting his face from with a frying pan.

  “Morning, honey,” Jack says from his spot at the table.

  “Hey Jack.”

  “Sleep well?”

  I yawn and stretch. “God yes.”

  I avoid the eyes I can feel burning into my side and walk into the kitchen.

  “Yo, Ari, help me out here,” Ripley calls.

  “You’re on your own, buddy.” I laugh.

  I duck as Mel throws a handful of batter at Ripley. It hits the pan with a splat.

  “Kids,” Jack calls, “Nancy is going to have a fit if she comes back and sees what you’ve done to her pancake batter.”

  “Fun spoiler,” Ripley calls.

  “Truce?” Melanie says.

  “Yeah,” Ripley says, dropping the pan. “For now.”

  The moment he places it down she lunges for him, smudging a big blob of batter across his face. He yells loudly and they both skid out of the kitchen. I see Melanie has fit in just fine. I busy myself cleaning up the batter, then I call out to Jack, “Where’s Mom?”

  “Out grabbing some strawberries and cream. Said it was your favorite.”

  I smile.

  “Princess gets what Princess needs,” Blade says from his spot on the couch.

  I glare at him. “I didn’t ask her to go and get them.”

  “No, Tulip, course you didn’t.”

  My cheeks burn and my body tightens.

  “Enough,” Jack warns. “Go and find Brody. Tell him to help me get these fishing poles ready.”

  Blade stands, shooting a glare at me before disappearing out the front door.

  “You two got a problem?” Jack asks.

  I blink. “What? No.”

  “Right,” he mutters, eyeing me suspiciously.

  I turn away quickly, muttering, “I’m going to make these pancakes for Mom.”

  I busy myself pouring the hot batter down, flipping them and piling them onto plates.

  When Mom gets back, they’re all done. We slice the strawberries, grab a tub of butter and all sit around outside, loading our pancakes with strawberries and cream. Blade only has butter, the girl, and Brody just piles his eight miles high with cream. When we’re done, I turn to Melanie.

  “Water-skiing?” I ask, hopefully.

  “Hell yeah, Bryce is hot! I’m all over the water-skiing.”

  “Who’s Bryce?” Mom asks.

  “A guy we met last night. He invited us water-skiing on the lake today.”

  “Sounds fun.” She beams. That’s my mom; she isn’t the over-protective, crazy type, even though she had every right to be. She’s loving and nurturing, and if she’s worried she’ll tell me, but she trusts me and I love that.

  “It will be,” Mel says, rubbing her hands together. “Come and help me find my bikini.”

  We both get up and rush down the halls. Ten minutes later, my bed is covered in clothes and we’re both debating what to wear. I brought three pairs of bikinis, Mel brought four. We’re on a lake. It’s essential.

  I’m eyeing off a pair of baby blue bikinis with a gorgeous shell lining around the bust and pelvic region. Melanie is begging me to wear the red ones that I think she should wear. It’s a damned disaster.

  “Okay, I’m putting them behind my back,” I say, taking both pairs and putting them behind my back.

  “That’s cheating,” she cries. “You know which pair is which.”


  “It’s true,” she huffs, crossing her arms.

  “Allow me,” Ripley says, gliding into the room. He snatches the bikinis from my hands and throws them behind his back.

  “Are you being a peeping tom?” I question, narrowing my eyes.

  He scoffs. “Don’t flatter yourself. Now come on, pick.”

  I sigh and close my eyes, waving my finger from side to side before pointing to his left hand. He reveals the blue bikini and I laugh happily, clapping my hands.

  “You suck,” Melanie yells as I disappear towards the bathroom.

  I’m rushing down the hall, and I don’t think to knock. I swing the bathroom door open and gasp when I see Blade, wearing nothing, facing the mirror. I squeal and he looks up at me through the mirror. A slow, sexy smile spreads across his face. “Something you need, Tulip?”

  “I . . . you . . .” I stammer.

  I can’t help my eyes as they take a wander down his body, over his broad shoulders, down his narrow back and to an ass that should be illegal it’s so damned fine. He starts to turn and my cheeks burn. “Sorry,” I squeak, scurrying out before he’s fully turned around.

h my god, did you just walk in on Blade?” Ripley laughs from the end of the hall.

  “Fuck you, Ripley.”

  “Ohhhh.” He chuckles. “Are your cheeks red?”

  I flip him the bird and rush back into the room, slamming the door. Melanie has just pulled on her bikini and spins around with a squeal. “Dude, what are you doing?”

  I cross my arms. “I just walked in on Blade in the shower.”

  “Oh my god,” she squeaks. “Was he naked?”

  I nod.

  She rushes towards the door. “Ohhh, so fun. My turn.”

  I grab her arm, pulling her back. “Don’t be a turd, Mel.”

  She laughs loudly. “Did you just call me a turd?”

  “Yes.” I grin. “I did.”

  “Because I want a chance to barge in on what’s-his-face while he’s naked?”

  “Stop calling him that. He’s not that person anymore.”

  “Sad sack, get dressed. I want to go and find some sexy boy toys to play with.”

  She turns and I quickly get changed. When we’re done, we load up our towels and head out. We’ve just reached the patio when a low whistle catches our attention. We both turn to see all three brothers sitting on the patio. It’s Blade who catches my attention. He’s wearing a pair of dark swimming shorts and nothing else. He’s staring at me, his eyes intense, and his jaw tight.

  “You guys wanna join?” Mel calls out.

  “Hell to the fuckin’ yeah!” Ripley cries, leaping up.

  “Jesus,” Blade mutters.

  “Ain’t my brother,” Brody adds.

  Ripley joins us and we all turn, walking down past all the houses until we see Bryce and a group of people standing by another jetty. There are three across the whole lake. When he sees us, his eyes light up and he runs over. I notice he too is wearing only a pair of swimming shorts. He looks good. “Hey there. Didn’t know if you’d come.” He greets when he stops. “You ladies look great. Come and meet my friends.”

  We follow him down to the group of people he was standing with. He introduces them all, but there are too many for me to catch their names. I smile and wave, and Melanie giggles like a flirtatious schoolgirl. I love that about her. There’s never a time when she’s not laughing. Bryce heads over to me until our bodies are touching, side by side.


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