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Fighting for a Second Chance (Fighting #1)

Page 22

by Nikki Ash

  “Does she have a name?”

  “She’s yours, so you can pick the name.”

  She thinks about it and when she figures out the name she wants her entire faces lights up. “I know! I want to name her Princess!”

  “But that’s what I call you.”

  Bella pouts but thinks of another name. “Ok, how about Elsa?!”

  We both laugh. “Elsa it is!”

  “Can I bring her home with me? Why wasn’t she at my home?”

  “This is her home, Bella. Do you like this house?” Bella looks around and I do as well. The home is gorgeous. We are only standing in the foyer but even from here I can see the spacious living room and the beautiful staircase that leads to the upstairs. Off to the side is what looks like a beautiful kitchen with a separate dining room. The floors are all hardwood, and the home is empty but it’s still stunning.

  “Yes, I like this house. But why does she have to stay here? I want her with me.”

  Cooper looks at me as he answers Bella’s question. “I bought this home for all of us. I was hoping we could all live here together as a family. I didn’t know about the baby but now it’s even more perfect. I figured it would give us more room to grow as a family. It’s empty so we can furnish it together.” And then he gets down on one knee and my breath hitches. I look around realizing we aren’t alone, which makes sense because all of our friends’ cars were parked along the road when we pulled up. But now that I am looking I see that my parents and brother are also here as well as Lauren, Cooper’s mom.

  Turning my attention back to Cooper I see he is holding up a tiny box with a sparkly ring nestled inside of it.

  “Lizbeth, when we met five years ago in Miami at that club it was lust at first sight.” Everybody laughs and I can feel the tears coming. “When I walked away from you, it was the hardest thing I ever chose to do. The only thing I can think of is that everything happens for a reason and maybe it just wasn’t our time yet. Seeing you that night at my fight, I knew we were meant to be together. It took me a couple tries but I finally came around. You have been so patient with me. Even when I didn’t deserve a second chance you still gave it to me, and when I didn’t have enough trust and belief in us, you did for the both of us. When I felt weak in this relationship you held me up with your strength. You are an amazing mother to Bella and you are going to be just as amazing to this new baby. I want to spend the rest of our life reminding you why you will never regret giving me that second chance. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” is all I can say and then he is back on his feet putting the beautiful ring on my finger. I don’t know much about rings but it has one big princess cut diamond in the center with smaller clusters of diamonds around the edges, and it fits me perfectly.

  Cooper cups my chin and kisses me softly. “Thank you, baby girl. You have made me the happiest man in the world.”

  Everyone watching us takes that as their cue to come over and congratulate us. “Oh, sweetheart. I am so happy for you. A new home, an engagement, and a baby on the way, this is quite the Christmas for you. Congratulations, ” My mom says as she hugs me.

  Everybody takes turns hugging us and when Kayla gets over to me we hug extra hard. “Please tell me you have changed your mind,” I say quietly so only she can hear.

  She pulls me away but stays looking into my eyes. I already know the answer before she gives it. “No, Liz. I am still leaving tomorrow but I will visit often and I will definitely be back before the baby is here. I just need to go. Please understand that.”

  “Ok but please know I am only a phone call and a plane ride away. Does Cooper know you are quitting?”

  “Yes, I told him yesterday. He said he doesn’t need two weeks notice, so I am flying out tomorrow night.”

  We hug again and then I watch Kayla slip out the door. I look over at Bentley and see him watching her leave as well. He is showing no emotions but I know he cares. And if I am honest, I hate him a little bit right now because I believe whatever is going on with them is the reason she is leaving me.

  Cooper announces there is one more present and asks for everybody to join us in the backyard. When we walk out the backdoors Bella goes running straight to the swing-set. I don’t even think you can call it that, though. The word swing-set doesn’t even begin to do this thing justice. It is an enormous pink and purple princess castle with a rock wall, swings, a slide, and of course attached to the end is the cutest little picnic table and benches.

  “Look mommy, daddy. Santa brought me my swing set just like I asked! He must have known this was going to be our new house.”

  Cooper holds me in his arms and nuzzles his face into my hair. We just stand like this for a while just letting it all soak in. It may have taken a little longer to get here but I wouldn’t trade our journey for anything because every step we took led us to this moment right here, right now, with our friends and family. And these people mean everything to me.



  February 14, 2015

  I am standing in the center of the octagon at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in my hometown city of Las Vegas. My eye is swollen so it’s hard to see, and I am pretty sure I have at least two fractured ribs, but it’s all worth it because at this very moment the referee has my hand up in the air announcing me the new UFC Champion. They hand me my belt and it feels damn good to know I have finally made it to where I wanted to be.

  The crowd is going crazy, and they are chanting my name. I have worked my entire life for this moment, but more importantly it signifies the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new chapter.

  “Tell us, Rage, now that you are the new UFC Middleweight Champion what’s next?”

  I knew this question was coming. There have been rumors flying and tons of speculation as to what I am going to do next. People want to know if I am going to fight to defend the title, or if I am going to retire as the champion. The UFC has offered me a healthy contract to stay on board and nobody knows what my decision is except my fiancé.

  Looking out at the crowd I see my entire world sitting in the first row closest to the octagon. Liz wasn’t thrilled about letting Bella come to the fight but our daughter is less like a princess and more like a warrior than Liz cares to admit. She loves watching these fights, and I would bet money that one day she becomes the UFC Champion in the Women’s Bantamweight Division. Liz is looking at me through shiny eyes clapping and Bella is screaming at the top of her lungs for me. I crook my fingers at them to come up here and join me.

  When they get up to me Liz gives me a soft kiss on my lips afraid to hurt me as Bella grabs the microphone.

  “My daddy is retiring,” She says clearly so everybody can hear. The crowd boos and she gets mad. She continues speaking. “That’s not nice. My mommy is having a baby and my daddy is going to work at the gym and train me to be a UFC Champion just like him.” And… the crowd goes nuts.

  I throw my head back in laughter at my crazy daughter and then take the microphone from her. “My little girl is correct. I am honored to be the new UFC Champion. I want to thank everybody who has supported me over the last fifteen years…” I go on to name my friends and family, my trainer, the gym, the UFC, and when I am finally done I walk hand in hand with my fiancé and daughter out of the octagon for the last time.

  Today isn’t just a great day because of my win; today is also my daughter’s fifth birthday. Earlier in the week we had a huge party for her. She wanted a doghouse built for her puppy and we all know whatever Bella wants, Bella gets. Sitting in the backyard in matching colors to her princess play set is a doghouse fit for a puppy princess.

  It’s also Valentines Day, so this morning when the girls woke up I made sure to have lots of chocolates and stuffed toys for them along with breakfast in bed. I bought Liz a charm bracelet that has the same boxing gloves as the one on her necklace. It also contains a heart charm with Bella’s birthstone. She cried her eyes out when I put in on, not that it surprised me. Th
e woman cries over everything these days. She is sixteen weeks pregnant and is due July eighteenth. I have been going to her doctor appointments with her and even got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby in an ultrasound. A-maz-ing. One thing I have noticed is the further along she gets the hornier she gets. I might just have to keep her knocked up the next few years.

  “Everybody ready to party?” Bentley yells as we get off the plane in Palm Beach, and everybody gives a Hell yeah. We decided there was no better way to celebrate Caleb and my win than to go to the place where Bella and I first met, Miami.

  We drop Bella off with her parents and head South. Liz is a bit upset because Kayla is in Florida but is refusing to join us. I am definitely not getting into the middle of all that drama. I am about to spend the weekend with my woman at the resort we spent together five and a half years ago. Life can’t get much better than this.

  * * *


  We get to the resort, check in, and head right to our room. Everybody wants to go out but Cooper isn’t having it, so he told them all they can go without us.

  We walk into the room that looks identical to the one from five years ago and Cooper leads me straight to the bed. He takes my shirt off and reaches behind me to take my bra off so I am lying in the center of the bed with only shorts on. Of course, those don’t stay on for long. He removes my shorts and panties and leaning over me runs his eyes down my body.

  “Like what you see?” I tease.

  He takes his hands and rubs them over my belly. It’s not big yet but there’s definitely a visible bump that you can see. If you didn’t know me you might think I was just bloated but to those who know I am pregnant can tell it’s from the baby growing in me.

  “Yes, I do like what I see, very, very much.”

  “And what do you see, Mr. Cooper?”

  He continues to rub his hands over my belly then bends down to give it a kiss. “I see the most beautiful woman carrying and protecting our baby.”

  He lifts his hands up from my belly and moves them to my breasts gently palming them. “I see breasts that are getting more plump. They are preparing to one day nurse our baby.” I squirm at his touch. Pregnancy has definitely made my body more sensitive.

  He moves up to my face putting his arms on either side of my head and kisses my eyelids. “I see the most amazing brown eyes that look at our daughter and me with such love.”

  He kisses my lips softly. “I see the most kissable lips. These lips are mine.” And with that he presses his lips back to mine pushing his tongue through and sucking on my tongue. Our lips move together like they are puzzle pieces that fit together just right.

  Too quickly he pulls away and moves back down my body. “Mmm… and this sweet pussy. I am definitely looking at this.” I can feel my cheeks blush. I don’t know how after all this time this man can still make me blush but he does.

  He licks up my center from bottom to top. “I want to taste you, baby girl. I want to make you come on my face.” And who in their right mind would argue with that? Not me!

  Cooper continues to lick and suck devouring my pussy until I am at the brink of an orgasm. My legs tighten and my muscles clamp down on him and I moan loudly as my climax barrels down on me.

  He pulls his body back up mine, and places his arms on either side of my head with his fingers threading through my hair. His hard length is pushing into me as he slowly enters me. Looking into my eyes with so much love that I want to pocket it all and store it away, he says, “I am looking at my entire world. Thank you for giving me a second chance. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” And for the rest of the night Cooper makes love to me showing me why giving him a second chance was the best decision I ever made.


  Is it strange that it was harder to write this section than the entire book itself? I am going to keep it simple because I have never done this and hopefully I have more books in the future to get it just right.

  I want to say thank you to my editor and book buddy Lisa. For the last couple years she has been the person I go to for all things book related. She is probably the one person who gets my book addiction. When the idea for this book popped into my head, I brought it up to her and not once did she ever tell me I couldn’t do it. She not only encouraged my writing, but she has been by my side supporting me every step of the way. I have had an amazing time writing this book and I can’t wait to start on the next novel in this series with you!

  Thank you to my children who have been so understanding through this crazy journey. I have spent hours writing with my amazing daughter next to me writing her own book. She wants to one day be an author, and while she can’t read this book, yet; I hope she sees that she can do anything she wants in life. I promise I will cook some more dinners before starting on the next book (Ok, probably not).

  Thank you to my boyfriend; a guy who has never read a single novel in his life let alone a romance novel, but stayed up with me every single night researching facts with me as well as reading and rereading my book without once ever complaining.

  Thank you to all of the amazing authors on social media who have helped me in some way through this process. I started out as a woman who loves reading with a story in my head. So many people helped me to put it together. You have no idea the love and support authors give to each other until you witness it firsthand.

  Thank you to all the bloggers. I don’t even know how they do it. They are so overwhelmed by so many authors but they still took the time to help promote my book. Without them, many people would not even know this book exists.

  Thank you to everybody who has read my book. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for taking a chance on me. As a reader I know that when you open a book you are letting the author take you on a journey and I hope you loved the journey my characters took you on.

  Thank you to my parents. I would like to thank my dad, who has always believed in me. He was been my rock and support for so long, I don’t know what I would do without him. My mom isn’t alive today so she will never read this but she is the most important person I have to thank. She started reading to me the day I was born; she took me to used bookstores and fostered my love for reading. I grew up watching her always have a romance book in her hand, and as I got older we read books together. Even when I read the Twilight series, she read it with me!! Thank you, mom, for being my best friend.

  Coming in 2017

  Kayla and Bentley

  She has no faith in love, while he believes love conquers all. Can Bentley have enough faith in their love for the both of them? Find out in book two of the Fighting Series Fighting With Faith.

  Please visit www.facebook.comAuthorNikkiAsh for all updates.

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